Zig Forums eternally BTFO

Zig Forums eternally BTFO

This is my favorite video of his. I really enjoy his speaking style, for some reason.

Attached: The Chad Harrell 4.png (1920x1080 1.31 MB, 4.12M)

Paul Harrel is great. Wish he was on Full30.

22 lr is just as powerful as a 30-06

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The man's damned articulate. I could listen to him for hours just reading a phonebook.

And what is this speech imediment he keeps talking about? The closest thing I've noticed is this thing where he sometimes sounds like he's trying to hide a regional accent or something, and then he catches himself.

You wanna know the easiest way to find out if a guy knows fuck all on what he's talking about? Ask him about 9mm.

This is a terrible thread.

Attached: Stop being a faggot.png (353x390, 224.01K)

It's the Shatner-esque pauses.

Oh thank god.

I like Paul, but sometimes he runs out of things to say and regurgitates "common sense" nonsense.

I don't know about you guys but I've been seeing more Zig Forumsunts type out better thought out and less "this is absolute truth" type of posts on "what gun/ammo/someshit do I get" type of threads ever since people started recognizing and watching Paul.

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I can't wait until boomers leave the internet.

And the only existing picture of a blown-up Trapdoor Springfield is in the possession of a boomer who admitted to using gun show reloads, so even that doesn't help me.

Attached: ban old timers from the internet.png (1021x893, 1.12M)

Those are fudd myths, and we talk about them all the time.

Imagine the sheer amount of asshurt this guy must have had to make this video.

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I dunno man, modern smokeless loads can be a bit much for the antique guns, there are smokeless loads that are appropriate for a trapdoor.

Paul is a bretty cool guy

Is he jewish or just part nig?

That looks like a combination of corrosion on the threads and hydrogen embrittlement from having black powder residue in the threads for over a century. Of course, it's hard to tell what exactly happened since bubba doesn't show any pictures of the casing or the breech block (though I doubt he would be able to dismantle it like he did if the breech block was significantly damaged).

All firearms have their limits. I wouldn't load a 100+ year old original as hot as a modern reproduction, and I wouldn't load a modern Springfield repro as hot as, say, a Ruger No. 1. Were the Fudds saying you couldn't use smokeless in a Springfield at all? I'd say that's malarkey. I wouldn't hot rod it, but I've seen successful and safe smokeless loads in every breech loading black powder firearm produced. If it were truly unsafe there would be a lot more explosions.

Jewish, but he's a wild west Jew who mostly keeps his nose out of other people's business as far as I know. I've worked with a few different guys out west who came from Jewish families, some of them were a bit money hungry and degenerate, but for most part weren't as bad as New York or Israeli Jews.

How do you know that? I mean apart from your jewdar reading. Do you have broofs?

I'm with dubsman here, what are you basing this on? He looks like a goy to me, nothing really obvious like curled hair or the nose. He's also named Paul, which is a New Testament name.

He looks a lot like internet daddy to me. Jordon Peterson

I agree with your assessment, and that's the thing - every old post involving a Springfield blowing up is either missing half the equation or has some sort of sketchy shit involved where someone failed along the line.
One discussion involved a rifle with a new production barrel giving way and banana peeling from the receiver(with no damage to the receiver or breechblock). Others involved secondhand shit from the range where they saw holes blown into the ceiling from a kaboom, or that they know a guy who knows a guy related to a guy who does work on guns who heard from a customer that his cousin blew up a gun that looked like a pristine Trapdoor Springfield with Remington 405gr out of the box.
It's either this kind of shit or terrible reloads, but even then I read what a guy did on off-hand suggestion; he loaded a portion of the case with smokeless powder and filled the rest with black powder which is the most retarded thing I've ever heard of and fired it almost regularly out of his Trapdoor Springfield while it seized falling block and rolling block actions belonging to his friends. It wasn't until he got into actual loading that he realized how stupid it was.

There it goes again!
But yeah, it's mainly the "Don't use smokeless or jacketed ammunition" thing that started my investigation. I wanted to see pictures, because it's so obvious, right? Should be all over the internet, even past examples, but there's next to nothing.
Apparently someone did a legitimate torture test where they went from mild loadings all the way to Bullseye and only with an overcharge did they pop it. All that's scattered to the winds because of pre-archive internet failing us again, however.

If I recall with jacketed ammunition with blackpowder is the barrel isn't hard nickel-steel and is made for softer lead bullets. Also something to do with BP fouling getting stuck beneath copper fouling.

Nobody who's relegating themselves to black powder should not use jacketed projectiles, I agree. That leads to all sorts of problems in the long run.
However when talking barrel wear with jacketed projectiles - you're talking thousands of rounds fired in succession before the copper wears down the steel in any meaningful way. The barrel's not made of butter and it will not warp before your eyes only because it does not have added protection. The barrels may have been made with softer bullets in mind, but they are very much retard-proof due to the clients involved in their production.

Should use*

I'd still rather not add unnecessary wear to my guns, especially if they're older like my 71/84. If I recall the brits found metfords to burn out after 5k rounds. Its like redlining a car, why do it when you're gonna have to fix it at a later point.

Using a copper jacketed round in a steel barrel is not akin to redlining a car - redlining a car is more what I'm looking for in that someone's using stupidly hot commercial ammunition in an antique as a form of proofing or testing.

My original conundrum was finding any examples of a Trapdoor Springfield, untampered with and in average shooting condition, that have been blown up through either standard use or abuse through +P roundsbecause let's face it, .45-70 pressures have been consistent with its black powder loadings until theoretically stronger guns were made and gave way to overpressure rounds.
The only thing I can find that's even close to relevant are people tampering with the rifle, otherwise firing an already unsafe rifle without prior inspection, or people citing the Marlin 1895 Guide Gun exploding. The only cases of someone proverbially "redlining" a Trapdoor Springfield includes a set of articles lost to the internet and an account of someone essentially loading pipebombs through faulty advice.

Also - the Lee Metford is your standard? Really?
The rifling was already near-nonexistent, of course early cordite would wreak havoc on it. You can do your thing, but don't cherrypick to justify you saying everyone should do the same.

Tangentially related to the topic, what about the Peabody / Martini action?
It's basically just the pin and the surface where the breech block rests against the receiver that holds the whole thing together during firing, right? Even so, it was successfully adapted to fire smokeless .303 without much difficulty.

Would modern metallurgy and reinforcement of a few select components be sufficient for a newly manufactured action to handle modern rifle loads?

Attached: martini animated.gif (640x480, 147.92K)

Whatever Tony Shaloob is?

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Lebanese? Not likely.

My guess is Italian/English/Polish

Given the design was adapted to modern smokeless shotshells its not beyond the imagination for other adaptions.

I consider the use of jacketed bullets in shallow rifled mild steel BP guns as a redline, even Trapdoors have the problem of having their bores wore out by it there is an industry dedicated to relining the barrels. Metford rifling has been used in smokeless guns with quite some success, Arisakas in particular, its the fact the Lee-Metford's barrel was made for lead and BP and not the cordite and jacketed round the bongs threw into them rather hastily.

Anyway, I took a look and can't really find anything on trapdoors failing aside from H&R made ones being trash from the factory, i.e the lock failing to stay shut on firing.

You're certain that is the cause rather than people firing black powder rounds through it and not cleaning it for decades? Your average gun owner won't put one thousand rounds downrage in his life, let alone enough through a Trapdoor Springfield to wear down the rifling.

Right. It's all speculation, just like with Spanish Mausers supposedly blowing up when the only examples provided are with dangerous reloads.

The Spanish Mauser thing is someone confusing them with those dangerously converted Chilean ones, picture related, not to mention most of them will fail a No-go gauge.yes a spanish mauser grenaded due to a heavy loaded .308.
Very certain its from jacketed rounds for I've seen a Swiss Vetterli with a bore mirror shiny from someone casually using FMJ's instead of a paper patched lead bullet. If I recall the Italians made a FMJ with a driving band on theirs due to how shallow and soft the barrel was.

Attached: Chilean 308 conversion.jpg (598x217, 26.49K)

That along with, albeit moreso, the small ring-large ring argument. No evidence of that apart from a lone FR-7 that was blown up by Pakistani-loaded 7.62 NATO "surplus" as the rest of them merely have the locking lugs set back/the receiver stretched with overpressure ammunition.

I'm sorry, but what? Where did they source that ammunition, or were they a "skilled reloader" that converted it to centerfire and used modern 10mm diameter FMJ without actually slugging the bore for proper diameter?

Oh he slugged the bore and ran the modern bullet through a sizing die. He honestly didn't think there would be a problem using a FMJ in that gun. And yeah it was a centerfire conversion. I should have bought it because he was selling it as a kit for parts.

The Martini is a robust action. The Turks had a model that was reinforced and chambered in 8mm quite successfully. I've seen several examples in .375 rimmed NE.

Attached: The Chad Harrell 5.png (1471x1079, 423.96K)

I don't get what's wrong with that pic

For starters, it looks like the chamber was reamed out with a rusty spoon, not to mention that is some non existent fucking soldering keeping it all together.