Japan activates first marine division since disarmarment

Archives archive.is/VPjeh

Will we see Manchuria retaken? Reactivated Yamato class? Or dank new pocky flavored crayons?

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Please tell me that this time they have a high command to coördinate their navy and army.

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Can't wait for new boatsluts battleships :^)

I'm not sure how jpop land has it's units structured. They fall under the ground self defense force, which I assume fall under the JSDF alongside the Naval and Air defense forces


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So how would they be outfitted differently than the current JGSDF? Like the Howa Type 89 doesn't sem like it'd be a good rifle for a marine unit.

Based nips

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How long until the populace demands that they be un-armed for their protection.

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Very nice


how the hell are they going to fill it out enough to be useful? i thought the nips were having a recruiting problem as it is.

When the money transfer from a certain (((hungarian))) reaches Amnesty International in Japan.


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Forcibly draft NEETs, otaku, and draft weebs.

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By using Sam as a poster child.

How wasn’t this mass murder not caught yet?

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Military sponsored coupons for brothels and propaganda. That ought to get neets up 'n going. Failure to use that coupon results in some manner of severe punishment.

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You're gonna cry again when you get Pearl Harbored.

They know China is coming out on top very time soon and if they don't get ahead and bend the knee early on, they will make them pay forever as is normal in Asian culture.

Japan and Korea are gonna develop their military, possibly WMDs.
And then they will go full neutral and kick the US out for China, that way China has to let them alone or lose face.

It's already largely the case for S.Korea which has more joint Russian/Korean weapon programs than North Korea does, as a very good example of courting of proxy alliance. S.K. has a win win relationship with Russia, China main ally, so they can have them act as a middle man in case of China/SK frictions.

Japan is going full isolation again as it is largely planning to default on it's debt sooner or later (which we all know is a casus belli for the (((U.S.))) ).

Neither japan nor South Korea has any reason to attack the US.Pearl Harbor was the result of an empire being baited by a nation that sought to go to war. Neither Japan nor South Korea desires war. Speaking as an individual, I do not desire war, Americans are sick of war. Only the two faced traitors that the average retard votes into office want war. Either for Israel as is the case with Republicans or for “abloo bloo, think of the chilluns :^(. But it’s really for Israel.” like the Democrats. I know you get a hard on at the though of the United States bathed in nuclear fire, Pierre. But that just isn’t in the cards. it would be a massive improvement, but I don’t really feel like dying any time soon.

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I think you're forgetting which country got fucked harder in WW2, Strelok.

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France was a mistake

implying weebs wouldn't willing go to die for the hinomaru

Some form of anime series based around Marine activities.

Yeah because no country has ever pushed back against it's foreign colonial administration.
t. France.

For each South Cuckrean and each Japanese that hate Chinese (that have never done anything to them in the last 100 years), you can find 5 that hate their american overlords.
That's what 60 years of US military occupation brought for.
You're mistaking apparent docility for loyalty.

And then you wonder why the entire world hates you.

Have a bonus, a vid featuring the only high readiness unit of South Korea non equipped with domestic made gear, before you go back to self-fellating and don't question the asian backstabby ways.

The incompetence of the American forces and how they are perceived overseas in no way makes your fantasies of getting gangraped by conquering chinks any more valid.


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Sure beats dying for precious Israel

What's wrong with it?

See this is why I'm glad that soon enough everyone in Frogistan will be raped to death by mudslimes.

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So tell me, what are the downsides to nuking France flat?

Think of all the FAMAS rifles you'd be destroying. Also French girls are qt if you can fuck the stupid out of them.

Are Frogs worse than Jews? I am starting to think that they are. Ever since the French revolution, nothing good has come from that nation(obviously a generalization, but on a national scale, it's true)

The French Revolution is the cause of everything wrong with the world today.

So they're basically proto-burgers. The original cattle. I'm getting the feeling that they were better off Frankish.

Where do you think you are? It'd be worth it for the happening breads alone.

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Sir, may I remind you America became a thing in 1776 while the First French Republic didn't come about til 1792

Burgers didn't really become true burgers until post civil war though.

I don't need to be a burger to know that Nipland is shit in war and always have been.

Well it was the shitty dark and edgy remake, then. Same difference.

16 inches and 5.56.
Enjoy your 200 meters of actual effectiveness (as in you will kill/stop what you hit). Past certain velocity, the round is shit, doesn't fragment nor yawns.

They also made the proto-EU via the continental system.

At first, I considered your proposition stupid, but now that I think about it, a lot of people I talk to aren't as trusting of the United States Exacerbated by the Trump administration and his campaign promises regarding defence spending, as they were during the war on terror years.

There was a national poll released by the Cabinet office maybe a month or two back, and in it was a section in which those who polled were asked which field is Japan headed towards the wrong direction, and 35.3% of people answered "Gov. Spending", while 30.3% answered "Defence". I can't say that its true for the entirety of the 10~20s in Japan, but there is a growing awareness among military aged men that peace may not be everlasting, or that America will help Japan out in the case of a minor scuffle over some islands.

With those people I've discussed the defence issue with, at least a few of them said they would be willing to put their lives on the line. To join, or considering to join the JSDF maybe forty, thirty years ago would have been met with a cold shoulder from the greater public, while some elements would go as far as to giveyou a hard time for being a war-mongering baby killer. At least today, especially with the efforts made by the JSDF during the two large earthquakes, they're welcomed and appreciated. Don't quote me on this, I'm going off quotes I vaguely remember hearing from my distant relatives who had served in the 70's

I'm not sure if we'll be recreating Pearl Harbour anytime soon, but you are right, Japan has been maturing as a nation, and are wary of China while also becoming slightly skeptical of US capabilities and promises.

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We have a traitorous bastard in office right now, who probably wants to avoid war or fighting, shown by how he isn't doing anything about the immigration problem other than making hollow threats. Every nation also needs their own defense force, otherwise you ended up cucked like france.

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They'll re-run Gate Probably in a marathon on TV Tokyo with adverts for the JSDF playing throughout.

This is simply incorrect. If it weren't for the events leading to Pearl Harbor and the Pacific Theater, China would be a province of Japan right now.

If their goal is to defend outlying islands (which are mostly jungle/tropical) how would a rifle chambered in 5.56 NATO actually fare? Especially considering how it fared in Vietnam.

Its performance in Vietnam had nothing to do with the round itself and everything to do with the Army jewing out and using stashes of surplus ball powder instead of the stick powder for which the rifle was designed. Them not issuing any cleaning kits and telling all the grunts that the rifle cleaned itself didn't help either.


They're doing drills for taking back small islands. I get the feeling that ground forces won't need more than 200m of effective range.

Put the good soldiers into the marines, refill the regular army(cannon fodder) with NEETs and single women over 30.

Would've been a huge improvement, and maybe there'd be some more of chinese culture preserved

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5.56 has its problems but the performance in Vietnam was dependent far more on USAA retardation than it was on the environment. Yes, the environment would still have caused problems even if the army was competent in its procurement and such, but the effect would have been far less.

And right before him you had one that pastime was making coups into his countries de facto allied with the US.
And right before him you had one that pastime was invading other countries under false pretense.
And before that you had one that pastime involved meddling into internal affairs almost always disastrously.
And before that…

The US cannot be trusted.
Since the end of the Cold War every US politician has been on a mission to destroy the US influence and hegemony by being pants on head retards.

If you think that SK and Japan are rearming to be buddy buddy with you, you're fucking deluded.
They're doing it because they know you're a country of lunatics that cannot be trusted and might tomorrow attack them because they don't take in enough niggers or you didn't do that very stupid thing an insane minority in the US senate wanted.

Everyone knows what China fucking want: control of the China sea = free access to the rest of the world resources.
Nobody knows what the US wants, except going by their track record they're probably gonna be retards about it.

Everyone know what to do with China. Tell them to go fuck themselves… but give them what they want anyway because control of the China sea isn't a major strategic interest for any of the parties involved besides China (and Vietnam, but they've already made their bed with Russia a long time ago)…

No one knows what to do to deal with the US.

Which one is most scary?
Which one do you need to prepare a fucking military contingency for?

I think the fucking chinks are the ones that cant be trusted m8. They sail their fishing trawlers into other countries waters to kill everything in the sea, rip everyone off and never work a single honest day in their insectoid lives, have no culture to speak of and every place they conquer turns into a horrible shithole filled with mass starvation and disease while they exploit the resources of the land, poisoning it to wasteland.

Meanwhile countries that were conquered by the US become economic powers and big players on the world stage with very high standards of living and high tech jobs and an autonomous government out of our Christian values of goodwill.

This pretty much confirms you are an asshurt chinaman being payed pennies to post here with a French proxy.

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The answer is deceptively simple: Whatever priceless israel tells them they want through AIPAC
biggest riddle is what is polish-speaking zionist occupational government's endgame

What the US wants is simple: a monocultural world in which every country but "Isrull" is like America (and yes, that includes demographics).

It's really that simple.

What China wants doesn't end at the South China Sea, it only starts at it. Their main goal is to regain dominance in the East by negating Japanese influence over Asia (and to a certain extent, Korea, but they'll snap in a mere breeze tbh) along with her US handlers. The ChiCom needs China to be a major player in finance, diplomacy, and military, to show that the communist party is the legitimate, God sent government of China, or else they face an existential crisis given that they are now only communist in name. They're already trying to gain living space and resources for its already overpopulated shithole by moving to places like Australia and Canada and buying farms, houses, ports, and everything necessary to keep a country running, while also ripping off the Africans for their mines, rail and ports.

What the US and her handlers in Tel Aviv wants is a single, monolithic market. That means no difference, no nationalism, no race, just a single grey blob to sell Soylent to.

They're both equally bad, but I'd rather see the two punch it out and see them both get knocked out

What's the original?

she says that traps are gay and they hang her for speaking the truth.

No they don't. You do that and 99% of the time it backfires (last in date: Mali).

China comes in say "I want this, how much do you want for it" and pay the niggers in charge the bribes they ask (while ripping them off by getting natural resources way cheaper than market prices) and stop doing so the minute they can't turn a profit.
It is because they don't give a fuck about who's in charge that they end up besties with people THE US PUT IN PLACE in Africa.
The biggest Chinese outposts in Africa are currently Djibouti, RDC and Mali, all places the US took from us (extremely bloodily in RDC via the Rwandese affair).
You do the coups, they rip the profits. Because your politicians are retards, because there is always that one bleeding heart or christier than thou in Congress to make a rant about, how shocking, nigger in charge N°248 loot, kill and rape people, to get more twatter followers.
So the US put sanctions, pressure, sometimes judges, on nigger N°248 without caring that nigger N°248 is a guy the CIA put in charge 5 years ago and the US de facto are backstabbing him.
Nigger N°248 is still in charge, but now he need money since the US judges froze his loot. China come in with a simple offer. Not a good one, not a fair one, a SIMPLE one: "we take that shit, you get that much money and we don't give a fuck if you eat babies." Nigger N°248 is now a happy Chinese Empire mid-level manager. The CIA prepares a coup to put in charge nigger N°257 (and then all China has to do is tell N°257 of their simple arrangement with N°248. And N°257 takes the same deal. Because the US policies cannot be trusted. China can be trusted 100% when they say they don't give a fuck about nigger on nigger violence).

Retarded politicians that have 0 investment in the actual fucking interests of the US as a country + the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing, that's US foreign policy in a nutshell.
How is stating that Vietnam by allying itself with Russia has put itself out of any serious trouble with China (AKA the exact same shit South Korea is attempting) disdainious? It's the main reason why China didn't won the "war"! The Russians were largely handling Vietnamese logistics and massing troops their troops to the borders with China in case the "punishing expedition" the chinks had said they were doing turned to be a real invasion. Had Vietnam been alone there would have been no reason for the PLA to not simply send as many division as available and overrun them. They couldn't do that because Russia was openly threatening them with invasion.

I didn't elaborate because Vietnam is not part of the Asian allies of the US last time I checked, they're totally on China side if SHTF.

Yes they have some issues, but the idea that they would back the US against China is outright laughable, simply because that shit works both ways. Russia would back China and so Vietnam would have to back China too, not out of love but out of necessity.

"Countries have interests, not friendship" used to be a British maxim back when they were ruling the planet.
You shouldn't trust China, China will do everything they can to thwart the US in Asia because their strategic interests directly clashes with US policies, but you certainly shouldn't trust Korea or Japan out of some misguided self-righteous idea that being used as cheap labor for decades so you could grow fat and lazy should have earned you some kind of devotion.

Even if objectively those countries did well under the US empire.

Indigenous hate colons, even if said colons drastically improved their way of life and weren't even close of being harsh rulers by the local standards.
It was true for the gooks under Japan. It was true for the poos under the British. It was true for the sandniggers under the french.

Don't think it will be any different.

Any move like that will probably coincide with an immediate strategic shift from China-Russia and Japan-US-India to quite likely China-Japan to Indian-Russia. After all, the only way to success is the brilliant EU like proto-state with France and Germany at the helm! sage for offtopic and making the leaf and bruces look good
Props if you get the monty reference poofter.

Unfortunately, I believe the pajeets get the better end of the deal.
Let me "enlighten" you to the difference between Chinese government and the Chinese populace

>Mongolia was part of China during the (((yuan))) dynasty LOL and thus part of china.
>Russian far east was part of (((Yuan))) dynasty and muh whitey kicked the asians out and thus, part of china.
By that definition they should claim Moscova, Kiev, and Finland as well.

>Russia is cool nation that hasn't invaded us yet. Russian far east is our (((homeland))) LOL

Not possible, nobody wants a united korea cause that means they've got NK nukes and SK high tech. It means that they won't get fucked by China/Japan/Russia

Last time I checked the one who forced japan to open ports was the US. Having a bunch of foreigners dictate terms and threaten you kinda leaves a mental note in the back of your head.

China doesn't give a fuck about who's leading the country. Literally when Sudan split the CCP told em to fuck off and just keep giving them that rich oil.
Vietnam is unfortunately Finland 2.0.

What the french annon says. You're retarded if you don't look out for your own countries' interest and ONLY your own countries.

Tends to happen when a midget starts lobbing missiles over your territory

The original is just blank

I wish that was true because it would be simple, but it's not.
That's were the real insanity starts. I'm certain no fucking one in the Israeli government asked the US to set a string of coups all across the middle east.
Israel had been dealing with Assad's Syria for nearly half a century very successfully on their own. And they'd been doing so by properly applying divide to conquer tactics and cautiously negotiating win-win deals with their Arab neighbors to the the point, that besides vociferation, no state in the middle east had an actual anti-Israeli policy besides Iran (which was completely isolated).

It's a case of a bunch of people in the corridors of Washington that are more catholic than the Pope (More Zionist than the elders really) and have decided that all of this shit was for the greater good of Israel (or the good of KSA? Or both? Or they really thought this was the "democratic domino effect" Bush admin was speaking off? Or because the CIA was bored? No-one can tell.) but it's extremely dubious Israel intel agencies were really consulted on the matter, because they're actually competent and the whole thing, very predictably, backfired so hard they're back to the pre-1967 situation, with an united enemies groups that is Tunisia/Libya/Egypt on one side, Lebanon/Syria/Iraq/Iran/Afghanistan and even possibly Turkey on the other all of which are backed by China and Russia.
The result of the US engineered "Arab Spring" is a fucking nightmare for Israel and the Israeli gov and Intel agencies knows full well they live on the edge they would have never took that much risks for so little to gain (or they wouldn't be jews…).

That's also the reason why it such a mess, it's a half-policy taken by people with half-power that half-though about it and more like stumbled through it.
Which is what the US, and largely "the west" (the fact that UK and France have turned into 100% yes men is the most telling sign. France opposed the US going into Iraq because of how retarded it was remember? Today France is ready to bomb Syria first) foreign policy is since the end of the cold war. Some sort of deriving massive ship, a pack of lions lead by donkeys, a hundred different voices and a thousand different music players cacophony.
That's why fucking third worlders like Russia, China or fucking Iran are "winning" and anyone with half a sense are distancing themselves from it (Japan, SK, hell even fucking Taiwan is making signs they might be ok with some sort of reconciliation deal with China under conditions!).
Because they have clear, readable, logical and reliable policies.
No one like them. But everyone understand them.


Danger is greatest when underestimating your opponent.

Taiwan deal w/ conditions last I check are impossible until it becomes easy to raise living standards in Tibet. Which is quite hard. One of them was that the GDP per capita meet/exceed taiwan…. Which is just as hard.

strelok no
don't fuck the boats

Why only one?

Yeah but that's more because the Chinese are the worst warriors in the world excluding Africa and I think the Africans could give the Chinese a run for their money.

I generally don't like the French, but you're an exception. Are you a republican, or monarchist? Meaning, do you think the Revolution was a mistake or an overall good thing?

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You don't need to be a monarchist to realise that the French Revolution was the worst mistake humanity has ever made.

You need an emu to correct you, truly we live in dark times. The frog revolution was responsible for introducing democracy en masse to Europe and making it a much less taboo thing, leading to the monarchy/democracy divide that set the stage for WWI. French revolutionaries were also the intellectual progeny to Marx, the English Romanticists, and a good many other leftist "philosophers," so you can pin communism on that too. Even if that wasn't the case Lenin was only able to get back into Russia because the Germans let him pass through their borders, something they only did because of war with Russia. So even if Marx had gone on to write his idiocy without the FR happening, without WWI and the revolution in Russia he'd just be some obscure armchair intellectual and his ideas wouldn't have become so ubiquitous. WWI was also responsible for WWII and the immense kikery that followed it. Both WWI and WWII are what paved the way for Wilson and FDR to establish their interventionist foreign policy and set the stage for the neocons to rise to power. That interventionist policy combined with influence from the commies is what caused the goddamn hippies to appear. All of this is just scratching the surface of what the FR caused, and you should be ashamed for even suggesting that it was a net positive.

You're the one making suggestions here. Did I ever say that the FR was a good thing, and that monarchism was bad? No, I did not.
>tfw countrymen are idiots
>tfw yuropoors are annoying faggots, each a different flavor of faggotry and autism
>the underworld Anglos are just autists
… — …

Generally, if you speak to most people at least most Americans anyway, they will tell you that the FR was the result of tyranny, and although bloody, ended up in France becoming a republic but they never learned that it didn't end there, of course, which is why they believe this.
I should not have written "meaning", because that isn't what I meant at all, but that post was made very early in the morning where I live, so I was tired. Lame excuse, but it is what it is.
What I really meant was "And". That came out because most people I know are republicans meaning they believe in the republican form of government, and most of them believe the FR was a good thing overall.

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And for the Spenglerian, it all is just business as usual. Western civilization will either fall in the next few centuries; or ethical socialism will mature enough to solve the everyday problems of living in a urbanized world, and Caesarism will rule this civilization's ahistorical days.

Almost a false dilemma. What this guy said. Just because the American Revolution was an overall beneficial spergout and the European monarchies were getting (((progressively corrupt))) doesn't mean that the (((French Revolution))) was morally warranted and non detrimental to humanity because it shared republican principles with similar less kiked revolts.

Monarchism vs republicanism is an almost as irrelevant division as the modern democratic two-party politics. The only polarization that matters in modern politics is egalitarianism vs the truth and natural order.

All problems our republic faces were caused by one man who didn't let a crisis go to waste and used it to destroy the Constitution in the interwar. Well that and the unconstituional17th Amendment.

Even if this was a problem, it would be a problem with 5.8 as well due to both being low weight high speed cartridges.


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We all have to start somewhere, Samurai.

Not even close

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You're right, Italy was.

It will be ghost in the shell SAC instead. Japan will revive the sea monks division.

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You are like a little babby


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Glad you guys have finally caught up.

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Iceland should take over france, they have superior standards and culture.

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That doesn't really narrow it down much. By those standards pretty much anywhere that isn't India, China, or African/Middle Eastern would be an improvement.

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The last pic is like weird imitation of both Shinkawa and Ashley Wood

Iceland is the only country that punished the bankers for 2008.

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True, the Icelanders deserve something for that.

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Let's move there and live in our btr

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You know what else was a mistake?
>ketchup on pasta

Time to put my dad's blonde blue eyed genes to good use and hope not all of my kids end up hazel-eyed shit-haired mongreloids like me.

But if you’re hazel eyed you have the power to check dubs like patrick bateman

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