Is forced impregnation of female enemy combatants a good way to break them?

Is forced impregnation of female enemy combatants a good way to break them?

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I would opt for forced sterilization instead, impregnation risks the child growing against your team.

They are females, most of them will break even from a few firefights. A few of them are too crazy to be broken.

Not only that, but if the enemy belongs to an inferior race, then you just improved the genetics of their population. If you keep the children, then you damage your own population's genetics.

I don't know. You tell me.

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Liberals reproduce by brainwashing children, first by sheltering them from the world, then by inculcating their ideology. Liberalism isn't genetic. If it was, their abortion rates would have extincted the ideology by now.

I think it would be safe to impregnate a liberal woman multiple times and raise a conservative progeny simply by exposing the children to reality and letting them develop normally. Kids can only be liberal if they are denied all contact with the real world, otherwise they develop normal.

In fact I think it would be possible to convert a liberal woman simply by having lots of sex with her, and treating her as a woman should be treated - exposing her to reality in other words.

They all fucking want it, liberal women can't stand their cuck liberal boyfriends, they're all gagging for conservative cock.

I think you've read abit too much doujins strelok.

Men can't get pregant, you can fantasize about fucking >her all you won't but "her" dick isn't going to grow a uterus any time soon

Birth control is widespread.

Despite all the evidences pointing at the OP that he's a faggot, the real answer says otherwise since OP was carrying the implication that he'll fertilize the the t h i c c antifa chick on the right.
Also, its not a trap since no homosexuals could reproduce the same curves as a woman could.

By the way, mods pls delet dis thread

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No prisoners are to be taken - ever. Kill them all, every last one of them. Don't let any one of them get sight of their friends and family ever again. May they all end up drowning in the endless river of Styx that awaits them. Their children, their wives, their loved ones, even the dirt they walked on shall perish.
Genocide is all that awaits them.

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Cutting off the supply of tampons is enough to break female combatants.
The're smaller, weaker, lack ability to plan, spacial awareness and often the ability to properly use maps
Having women in the army is a great way to have a useless force that bleeds from their cunts, get raped or pregnant (sometimes both)

Listen to this man. His people are the living incarnation of his wisdom.

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All you'd be doing is making your prisoners even more of a burden to keep around. Interrogate and execute. If you want to rape you don't have to grasp for straws to try and justify it just settle for being an overt war criminal.


Look up r/K selection theory and brian development. Leftism has a large genetic component.

>all these faggots have 30 rounders but I gotta crash drift my way to real America or whip out the Dewalt drill

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Which of them are women and which are men? I can't tell, except for the one on the right.


That's why you kill all male offspring.

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It's a war crime only if you lose the war.

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Great way to spread STDs and raise morale issues in your unit. Not worth it.

What's wrong with just shooting them?

I mean, I know it must be hard for you to think of anything except rape, Tyrone, when you see women dangled in front of you, but for fuck's sake do you have to make a thread about it? I know your first thought on anything is basically "muh dik", but personally when I think of war, the first fluid that comes to my mind is blood, not vagina juice.


In many armies rape was is? punishable by death as it should be.

That’s for rape of humans, strelok. Commies aren’t people.

Solid point, but beastiality should be grounds for severe, possibly capital punishment, too.

That theory explains widely divergent species, not a social groups.

Different brain development is related to being exposed to reality. Real world exposure causes growth in amygdala, which mediates threat response.

It's not genetic.

they should be euthanized, not killed

I agree but raping animals is just as degenerate and should also be punishable by public execution

wow, look at this sentimental pussy

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>not just raping and killing them
>not enacting your exhentai-esque guro fantasies irl
commit sudoku

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>touching 3dpd with anything other than a bullet
>enacting your exhentai-esque guro fantasies with 3dpd

Does he have offset BUIS on his rifle? With no optic to justify it?

Suffer not a communist to live.


Seriously if you want to rape just say so no judgement zone.

If you wanna fuck a leftist and get a buffet of STDs, go for it. We'll have to shoot you from a safe distance when we find out, though.

If you want to be a stupid stubborn bitch just say it.

Are you the argie, or the hapa? Because if you're the hapa, you shouldn't spread your filthy genes anyway, let alone with a lower life form, and if you're the argie, your pearly-white skin is literally too good to be wasted on anything other than a pure, white Argentinian woman.

Oh, either your ID changed, or I'm actually talking to both of you.

I don't think the argie is as autistic as the hapa so I think it's hapa.

You're a fucking dumbass it IS genetic.

Japan needs to be nuked more.

If I'm remembering/interpreting another thread correctly the Argie is also a hapa; but he's half Anglo and half something else.

fuck them till they break and ask for more?
thats acutally my fetish

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Not worth a risk.

In a way I guess so. What is she going to do if she's forced to keep the pregnancy and kept from suiciding? Murder the baby? Murder you then explain to the child how she killed the father?

Besides if (((psychology))) isn't really a pseudoscience, there already is some data to suggest that women, bipolar as ever, have a preference for foreigners from the outgroup of society while at the same time a preference for other females from the ingroup of gender, if that makes sense. What that means is their loyalty is with whatever group keeps them safe while bunching up into harems.

Self-sage for misogyny.

You're not checking for oil idiot a good portion of STDs you can't see.

This is fucking Zig Forums
We do not fuck women
We fuck our raifus

Yeah, I know what thread you're talking about the one that got derailed into Anglo-bashing right from the start, right?. But I think you're mixing two different asiaflags, actually. One being the autistic (non-argie) hapa who mentions he's half white every other post he makes and the other being the pinoy hapa in the Duterte thread I think.

But now that you mention it, the argie might have had commented on his genetic makeup, too, but I'm pretty sure he said part Anglo/ 56er/ whatever, part [whatever race that lives down there]. I'm pretty sure the other part wasn't asian.

Now, assuming the posts were made by two different posters, and it wasn't just a case of the argie's ID changing because he's phoneposting or leeching WiFi off of random cafes or whatever, if I were to venture a guess, I'd say was the hapa, and the other two could have possibly been the argie.
For one thing, he's also known to sperg out on /a/ on occasion, and his post shamelessly promoting sex with 3dpd was duly capped to exert pressure on him/ discredit him/ bring shame on him and his family on /a/ if need be.

Shit, forgot to sage.

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You didn't think this well enough, Japbro

I did not know there was serious antifa booty. I wouldn't hesitate to wrap up, and fuck the shit out of that. To counter maneuver OP, why would us chads worry about any rape? We don't. Unworthy woman fuck off go slut somewhere else. Once woman sees how bad their men lost they'll betray them in a heart beat, or should i say pussy throb?

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The leaf speaks truth for once.

Although in war you kill first and -rape later if your not Chad enough.

This isn't an argument you leftist faggot, and even if it was you wouldn't be saying anything new disproving it's genetic.
Remember "niggers gonna nig"? the same applies to everyone.

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You take that back you fucking disgusting mullato nigger faggot kike, uneducated piece of shit, you're an embarrassment to your race whatever it is. Pick up a fucking book on genetics, besides leftists are the only ones using birth control and abortion don't you think they'd be extinct if it was genetic you fucking idiot tranny.

That applies to races troglodyte, liberal isn't a race, fucking kill yourself

every Fucking day some nigger ruins your dayu


I was only pretending to commit war crimes

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It ain't a crime if it's against chinks, niggers and/or kikes

Wasn't rape of nanking half-made up and quarter done by chinks in stolen uniforms?

Literally the epitome of "It's okay when WE do it!"

the father or grandfather of the recently arrested south Korean feminist cult president was involved in providing comfort women to the Chinese and Japanese soldiers, its how they made their millions, pimping their own women.

koreans really are jews

You need your head checked.

I'm too much of a romantic faggot to ever do something like that, so I'm gonna say no.


LEL she used a stapler and some fabric to tighten the pants around her ass. What a slut lmao

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Thank you for your autism Norway, I almost almost felt that antifa might only be 99.999999999% terrible.

What's not romantic about impregnating enemy combatants?

War is always expensive Strelok.
Sell the women off as slaves and profit off their bodies.
Use said profits to buy more weapons, ammo, equipment, people, etc.

That's love blooming on the battlefield, rape and forced impregnation is something different.

Why aren't his magazines upside down in his pocket?

Because he's a fat antifa LARPER who doesn't train with his weapon.

Otacon go away, you didn’t even fucking know sniperwolf, it wasn’t love, you’re just a weeb and attracted to anything with tits. She didn’t even know you existed.

That was a low blow, Snake.

I see you have yet to witness Comrade Blubber and Skeletor's unique method for reloading. They are quite effective along with their tactical shades and bright red bandanas, allowing them to only see only what is directly in front of them so they can focus solely on that; Comrade Loafers behind Comrade Blubber has mastered this technique of battle and uses his MInd Eye to see, allowing him to conceal most of his face to intimidate any possible fascists around him

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Can we make a meme out of this somehow or is that pol territory?

No need to have sex when you should win the war, then you can choose anybody.

Actually, we're all brothers and sisters now once the US falls. Russia-India alliance likely to force a Chinese-Japanese one. If tenuous at best

You do realize at some point you will most likely have to bend over for the chinks in a rebellion later righttt?

Only the western world cares about war crimes. To the victor the spoils.


Not them specifically, but recording it and sending it to their friends/families/spouses/fellow soldiers is a good way to break them. Doubly so if you send them vids of the child's birth and taking it away from the mother. This is also a quick way to get labeled a war criminal and have any foreign assistance pull out for not sharing the pussy.

Blood from previously virgin pussy getting smashed, right?

That already happens when your soldiers fuck the local whores.

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Have you looked at them? Niggers have more in common a lot of the time.

Sounds like the plot to a really great hentai.

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Just station a fat, sweaty, ugly, faceless man with a fat dick to do the raping/impregnating to accomplish the squad's goals of sending the vids to her family/friends. If he gets SuperAIDs, he's a dime a dozen over in Japan.

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The fact so many Nips get off to guro and NTR is proof they have shit taste in porn.

Only a portion of leftists actually get abortions. Most of them are hard-wired to keep the kid, or they would normally get an abortion but they jump on the chance when they find some richfag or armyfag that knocked them up so they can leech gibs off of them instead.

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Uniform threads have always been Zig Forums territory.


It's not a war crime if she's cute and you're gentle

It's not rape if you're gentle.

It's nice rape

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Trying to claim leftists are salvageable makes you a leftist.
Race is just a collection of genetic traits dipshit, you can have familial genetic traits that differ from the rest of the race they belong to to the point that they are distinct while not being of a different race.

Leftists have a defective brain that ignores simple fact, this has been shown over and over again to the point that saying they don't have some kind of genetic similarity is like trying to argue against the sky being blue.

Hell using firearm stats I can point this out.

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You realize that the only thing keeping these bums from collapsing to the ground is the tight pants right?

(((Coincidentally))) the majority of NTR artists are Korean immigrants.

You have a keen eye.

Shut the fuck up you fucking moron you have not the slightest clue what you are talking about.