>In college for 3 more years Information Systems degree
>Don't have enough money to purchase a gun when I return home for the holidays Not even some surplus Polish Makarovs I saw online for less than $200
How fucked am I and other people out there who want to purchase guns but won't be able to for a few years for whatever reason? Should I just accept the fact that when SHTF I'm gonna be among the first to die? Should I bank on bolt-action rifles still being available and not being prohibitively expensive because they're the only thing you can still legally purchase in the future? Should I try escaping to Switzerland after college?
How Fucked Am I?
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So you're in the US, right? Get a part time job. Hell, work two weeks and quit. You'll get enough cash in pocket to buy that Makarov or some sort of Rock Island snubby and some ammo. Fuck the student housing rules just keep it hidden; I've gotten away with that for three years. How many people have fucking weed in their dorms and never get caught? Unlike weed, guns don't stink. Don't give them any other reason to search your room either.
The decline is still going to take a few years more. Your semester is almost over. You can wait until this summer to work if you have to, they won't be able to move on guns that quickly.
How fucked you are depends on where the university is. Most college towns are populated with the naïve, useful idiot virtue-signaller variety of leftist, which are too docile to be truly dangerous. If you're in the middle of a vibrant urban hellscape sustained by gibs it's of course another matter.
Getting an apartment of your own with roommates is generally cheaper than on-campus so I'm assuming you're either on scholarship, getting financial aid from your parents, locked in to staying on-campus for a set period of time, or some other restriction.
Then get a summer job and save up nigger, and budget yourself. If you're still living under your parent's roof, and they're the ones feeding you, you effectively have zero living expenses. Don't squander that opportunity like a nigger and blow your income on useless shit, but set a limit for yourself. Stick 50% of your paycheck in savings, because you won't be able to save nearly that proportion in the future and you'll be glad you started putting resources to one side early.
I can understand being a Swissboo I'm one myself if we're being honest, but you shouldn't count on being able to escape to toblerone-militia land. The Swiss take becoming a citizen very seriously and you'll need a legitimate reason to emigrate beyond sperging out over how sexy the K31 is.
The difference is RAs and the like can be forgiving of weed in the right circumstances (legally and school policy wise they can throw the book at you if they want, but often times they won't because they're sympathetic to degeneracy because LOL ITS DA COLLAGE EXPERIENCE). You get caught with a weapon on the other hand and they'll not only throw the book at you, they'll do everything in their power to make your life a living hell because they're good liberals and this is the prime opportunity for them to virtue-signal. Potheads keep weed in their dorms because they're r-selected vermin who don't know how to think ahead and don't consider the consequences of their actions. You're not a degenerate pothead, so don't act like one and think hard about the risks of what you're doing.
Just make your own.
This is probably the best option. My summer breaks are only one month with my college but I know a local business back home I used to work for that'll take me for that month if I ask. Can probably work up the money to get the gun and get some extra magazines and ammo just before returning to school and just keep it hidden in my bedroom.
Blog Post: My mother is one of those people who went full libtard after the Trump election. Just today she told me how she finds issue with the concept of gender these days. She'd probably have a spaz attack and kick me out if she even knew what Zig Forums was. The IS degree is to make a lot of money and get as far away from her as possible.
Thanks, Zig Forums
Rifles would go first the Left can't acknowledge there's a handgun problem unless they admit that basically all gang violence is done with handguns. So honestly my advice is work a job during the summer. Do it full time and go buy yourself an AR.
Don't. Your mom likely checks your room. If she finds a gun you hid, that you never told them you put there. She will freak especially since you said sent went full TDS and end up calling the cops on you or something. Is your father uncucked?
Dude, my college part-time job netted me $450 every two weeks. Talk to student employment and save.
Work in a factory then, even part time I am pulling at least 900 bucks a paycheck
The greatest power authority has is its ability to convince you it has power. RA's don't do shit they don't have to, and that includes room searches. No reason to search the room, no search is done.
What sort of fucky school only has one month off for summer?
They want to screw you over, we never used Makarov pistol
My RA took me shooting
Fair enough, you're correct. However, the driving point I was making was that, unlike drugs or some shit, there is a 0.00% chance that you'll be given leniency of any sort if you're caught with a gun. Yes, it's extremely unlikely that you'll get caught if you're being careful. But all it takes is one dumbass move on your part to risk you entire higher education, which if nothing else you've probably invested a good amount in right now.
Hey, so did mine Having an on-campus range is nice, but that's the exception and not the rule. RAs are uni students, and the average uni student is a leftist through and through.
I know she (currently) respects my privacy enough. There's some objectionable things in my room that aren't hidden particularly well that she'd easily find if she did search my room. If I hid a gun it'd probably be safe, especially because I'd actually take the time to hide that well.
Mine provides the option to take less off time to finish your degree slightly faster, which I took for previously mentioned reasons. Graduating at holiday season 2020/2021 as opposed to April/May 2021 appeals to me.
Donate plasma muhfugga. It's how i bought my first handgun while going to College
I'm a incoming freshman college fag in Texas. I probably get to live at home because my parents left for china cause much economic opportunity and caring for my elders. Unfortunately I live in city but there's a Creek back to the old house I live in. Any good idea where to hide things? Creek is too shallow I was thinking maybe under the foundation cause I need to fix this shitty house anyways but not sure if dogs can sniff it out literally 8ft under?
No. a gun isn't nearly stinky enough for any animal to smell it out after a few weeks of being under. that said, i wouldn't bury a gun. if you're just trying to hide it from your parents, just put it in the vents.
My parents are cool with any funs stuff I own short of a nuke
If parents are cool, why hide it?
I live in a democratic part of Texas where it'll be the first place for confiscation there.
Then be the first opening return fire.
As the Pole says. When it's time for you to bury your guns, it's time for you to dig them up. It won't be any good to you hidden unless you think the laws leading to confiscation will be overturned shortly or something and you're just looking to preserve it.
Additionally, and I'd hope this goes without saying. Make sure when you bury it that you put it in a container. Guns are no good to you if there's dirt and worms in the internals.
This user is completely right. I was an RA in college and had a friend who I later found out had a firearm in the dorm the whole year. He never got caught cuz he was quiet about it. I knew loads of people who smoked pot in their dorm rooms and never got busted. Most RAs are either like I was and don’t give a shit or they’re too busy putting up posters for fags and feminism. I would still not recommend keeping a gun in a dorm.
There was a dude in the dorm a year before I was an RA who got kicked out of the dorm and ROTC because he had airsoft guns in his dorm and was showing them off to girls while saying he’d fight their boyfriends. He was (literally) a dumb nigger.
Also, move off-campus with friends if at all possible.
Don’t buy a POS surp handgun just cuz it’s cheaper. Get a LEO trade in Glock or Sig off aimsurplus and call it a day.
Also, just be chipper and discreet with your RAs, the lib ones are usually about as smart as the average bird. Just don’t do anything to trigger them or be edgy and you should be fine.
You could also do something like ROTC/ Corps of Cadets because they do allow CC there (at least in A and M it's kinda one of those turn a blind eye things I think).
You got a source on that? I did Army ROTC for a year couldn't continue for reasons and I'm almost certain that wasn't the case. They even started putting red tape around the barrel tips of the dummy rifles we used in mock exercises so as not to "worry" the public.
Negative, A and M is literally a military school. That won't fly elsewhere.
I was ROTC and there most certainly was not a cut out for us.
bullshit. I was in the AMU corps and they were nofuns. though they also couldnt search padlocked containers during inspection so you could definitely hide one
Normally i would a agree, but Maks, Toks, surplus CZs (if you can find em) and the like are some of the highest quality shit out there for very modest prices. I'd sooner trust a mak and cheese than a piece of shit memefield XD.
I learned about these Polish Maks through a friend who bought one and I got to shoot about 30 rounds from it. No issues with it and it's one of the cheapest options so I thought it'd make for a good purchase.
There is absolutely nothing wrong functionally with a mak. It will outlast any of the turkshit imported "American made" guns the big boy companies put out these day.
There are however two things to keep in mind with em. 9x18 will be harder to source and the the grips look like a dick.
I own a Mak, and while it is a solid little gun, I can't actually recommend it as a first gun.
Mags are like $20-25 and ammo ain't that common. Also, only like 8 rounds capacity.
Also, Mr Pasta, do you really think a Glock 19 gen 3 that saw minor wear while sitting in a donut-eater's holster for 5 years is "POS surp"? Pls, rest in spaghetti.
Mak > Springfield any day.
However, mak over police trade in Glock or Beretta is where it gets dicey. Lots of places still have Italian LEO 92s at very good prices.
Fuck you, i never noticed that, now I can't unsee.
The 19 i can understand, but not the brick shithouse. It's a fuckhuge gun with little going for it when compared with any other service handgun.
I don't think OP cares about CC so much as just having a solid gun. The Beretta is accurate and easy to maintain. Also shoots 9x19mm. I wouldn't want to carry one, but for a stash or HD gun, they aight.
Hmm.. I assume y'all all white? The former friend I had there was a nyguen who was there. His grandather ran a hanoi hilton sooo…
Does the current Texas house bill allow for CC at A and M?? Texas state says it's only if you have your own safe or some bullshittery.
Never hurts if they catch you offguard somehow.
Have a friend who has more than one gun.
Whats he gonna do, tape shotguns to his ar15s and double-wield them while using his tongue to work the pistol in his mouth?
People like those are able to army small militias. All you need is are the most basic connections. Don't be a sperg and they will let you join their small little rightwing deathsquad.
I've met many gun owners who are planning on being stingy bastards when SHTF. "Should have stocked up" is their favorite catch phrase. Yeah, you should try and stock up beforehand and not be a lazy git depending on handouts, but some people are going to be caught with their pants down. They'll need guns too, and I'd rather give two dozen underprepared allies their own guns than sit on more guns than I can shoot and make myself an enemy of the cause.
not actually a makarov. It's just what fuds call a P64 because it fires 9x18.
Depends on what kind of unprepared they are.
I won't give a complete noguns a gun because i don't want a bullet in my ass when they fuck up. but i wouldn't mind handing a gun to someone who didn't have any ammo for whatever meme machine they bought and didn't stock up for.
The latter is generally what I mean. I know some nogunz that have the spirit and interest but not the funz because of age, finances, or lame types of felonies. They're not retards, and I could teach them the basic manual of arms pretty quickly. There are also a lot of people who only have Fudd-tier guns not for any political reason but because it's what they like.
Grats you got a new one
I've got probably a semester and a half really until I finish with my IT/databases + cs minor degree, I have a surplus Mauser 48 (under 50 rds) with the surplus ammo (thanks gunshow oldfags), .22 plinker I got from my grand-dad (couple hundred rds), and a 100 year old revolver from an extinct company which fires .38 special that I have at least one box for. I'm a poorfag unless I can land something this summer else until I finish up. How screwed am I?
Not as screwed as I am. I've got a P226 and 250 rounds and one mags cause my parrents are idiots and loose mags. That and a Cz455 with 2000 rounds.
Have a video as condolences
You both have some time. Worst-case scenario, you've got until the midterm elections if the Dems pull a majority (not impossible but not likely imo). If they do get in you still have time before they actually pass anything (if they pass anything). However, keep in mind that whether they win or not prices are going to go way up right before the election because of retard panic buying, so you want to buy either a few months before or a few months after November. Get part or full-time jobs in the summer, don't blow your money on stupid shit, and wait for sales to get what you want.
Or better yet, convince my father cause he's a fudd
He never got to use guns except once in Childhood so he's trying to be a flailing autist
Would Early September/August be good?
Strike last. Fuck my life. I meant July/Aug
BRB getting chlorox for double post
July you're probably good. August you might be seeing some price rises, but mostly in complete ARs and AR lower receivers as childkilling assault rifles are the prime target for bans and thus the things that people panicbuy the most.
Thanks. What about 80%? I've got a mini lathe at home.
I honestly haven't looked that much (mostly basing this off of what I saw pre-2016 election and I wasn't looking at 80% prices then), but looking at prices and stock now I'd say they'd still be affected but not as much.
Thanks for the info.
Some day I'll become a doctor so I can keep Streloks from dying.
If you have a friend that has a jig then by all means go for it but the price of an 80% with a jig comes to about the same price or more (depending on sales going on or not) than most regular lowers (aero precision for one) and that's not counting on if you want to finish the inside parts you cut out or if the lower you bought is completely raw unfinished aluminium. Honestly they're only good if you want less of a paper trail leading to you an AR or if the 21 age restriction comes to your world.
Sure it's .38 special and not .38 S&W? Have you fired it? You're at a WWII level of kit, but that's not as screwed as some people. At least the Mauser has penetration and range even if it doesn't have rate of fire. If you watch much footage of the Balkan wars you'll see guys carrying bolt actions for backup/ranged work.
What make/model? You'll need one of those vertical slides and vice that bolt onto the cross slide.
Or, you know, do it in the drill press or with a jig and router like the rest of the yahoos.
Mak owner here, also with anti-fun parents (although not as bad as yours, dad is just a fudd). Moved to Texas for freedom and work, just did an LTC class with my Makarov last weekend.
Do not buy a "Polish Makarov". That refers to the P64, which is not a Makarov, will be harder to find mags for, and has the most incredibly awful trigger you'll find. You want a genuine Makarov, ideally East German (best quality), Russian (good midpoint), or Bulgarian (most available). If you go Russian and end up with a new-ish manufacture made-for-export IJ-70, expect the adjustable sights to be fucking awful and take lots of fiddling with. Once you have it sighted in, you might want to just loctite them into place. Have a professional do this. You can also get rear sight replacements but depending on the gun, you might need a gunsmith to drill out the retaining pin on the rear sight - some people have knocked theirs out with a punch, I bought a punch and bent it after an hour of trying to get the pin out. The aftermarket sights also look kinda awful, they ruin the aesthetic of the gun.
Now, you'll need to work out priorities here. Firstly, are you mostly worried about grabbers and an AWB? Are you going to get a concealed carry permit at some point? Or are you what I used to be, a slavaboo that wants in on some comblock guns before it all dries up?
If the first, prioritize getting an AR and stockpiling a decent number of mags. The AR platform is cheap, incredibly versatile, uses one of the most common cartridges in the US, and has shitloads of aftermarket support. I know, I know. It's not rad like an AK or sexy like a SIG SG5XX. It's cliche and boring. It shits where it eats, like some filthy currynigger. I'm looking at buying one, even though I don't even really want one. But at the end of the day, it's still a good gun, and I don't see anyone making fucking desktop milling machines so people can pump out AK lowers. And if you want an AK, drop those dreams until you're out of college because shit's fucking expensive until you're
If the second, look into getting a modern 9mm. I don't know much about the pistol world, honestly. I heard good things about the Ruger Security 9, and the price point is excellent. Other Zig Forumsommandos can offer better commentary there than I can.
If you're an irredeemable slavaboo, well, just get the Makarov. It's not a great concealed carry gun, it's heavy as fuck and only holds 8+1. The ammo is sorta rare but you can order it online. It's kind of anemic. Mags are expensive and hard to find. Recoil is surprisingly sharp, since it's a simple, direct blowback. The heel mag release is absolute trash, although you can get some Israeli aftermarket grip that hooks it to a button on the side.
But I fell in love with mine. You can field strip it in seconds, it's simple to clean, it's got a wonderful heft to it, it looks good, the fixed barrel makes it quite accurate once you're good with it. Parts are cheaper than you'd think and you can do most replacements yourself with a few minutes on youtube or makarov.com. Mine was was my second non-fudd gun after my SKS and my first ever handgun, and I just sort of fell in love. It is the definitive slav pistol, and despite its drawbacks in the face of modern handgun technology, there's a reason that it's been in use for 60+ years and is still used today.
There's another alternative that, while not as iconic, could satisfy your inner slavaboo. The Tokarev. 7.62x25 is even harder to find than 9x18, but Zavasta has you covered - they make Tok clones in 9mm. You've got a standardized cartridge in a time-tested, rugged, easy-to-strip design, and although mags will be even harder to find, the gun itself is a flat $200. I've heard good things about them, but do your research first.
As for finances, does your college's IT department hire student workers? If so, apply immediately. Mine gave me solid professional experience that resulted in later helpdesk jobs, which led to my current junior sysadmin job, and I'm being eyed for an infosec team. If not, look for odd jobs and side work. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty with some good old-fashioned manual labor. The money will add up, as long as you have the self-control to not spend it. If you have a car and do buy a gun, leave it in the car, well-hidden. The spare tire compartment is a good place. Keep it in a locked box, you can snag a cheap Plano pistol case for like $10 from walmart and a lock for $5. Or move off-campus and learn to live lean when it comes to food, you'll save a shitload down the road because colleges jew you hard in the dorms and on meal plans.
Also, what state? If you're near me, I'd be more than willing to help a fellow Zig Forumsommando.
Oh yeah, it is .38 S&W. To the best of my knowledge, it's a Hopkins & Allen Arms revolver, similar to pic related but with a longer barrel, cleaner, and worse hammer shape (You can't even thumb it without partially depressing the particularly heavy trigger first). Picked it up as a mystery gun at my local gunshow for $100. When it comes to the mauser, I've gotten pretty good at cycling. The .22 is what I THINK is an 87A? The left side of the receiver is gilled.
You got ripped off, user.
Yeah probably, it was a while ago and I'm still nowhere near book-o-knowledge. What should I have paid for it?
You shouldn't have bought it. The only reason people sell them is because they were suckered into buying it themselves based on speculative perceived value, in either use or resale.
The only purpose they serve past shooting someone that's immobile and unaware is to learn how to better save your money.
I will take that advice The mauser which i bought years ago cost me 400 though it actually is quality I'm sorry
damn man.
Show me your GunBroker listings, old man.
I saw it as legitimately useful but if there's a fight to be had..
A SHITTY burner gun…
If the dude has fun shooting it and didn't let his children starve to do so, there is literally nothing wrong with the purchase. even if it's not worth anything monetarily.
"shitty" is relative. provided it's still timed right, i'd trust it over a high point or a Jimenez.
It's a suicide special with no value. Ammunition is expensive and scarce, the parts are fragile, and that user got suckered into giving a man money for a piece of trash he probably spent months trying to get rid of.
I can have fun kicking a can down the road, that doesn't justify spending $500 on it.
The difference is that one 9x19 round is more likely to kill or incapacitate while you rack the slide rather than the .38 pop-gun's modern anemic rounds tickling the guy trying to kill you.
Stop talking out your ass bud. H&A guns are made out of actual steel instead of your Zamak pot metal that you're probably used to. It's not being worth anything has more to do with there being a gajillion of them instead of some inherent flaw of the firearm.
you can find the shit everywhere for less than 40 cents a round. it's not .22lr cheap but i'd hardly call it expensive and scarce.
except he didn't pay 500 dollars to do it, nor is shooting anything like kicking a can.
lol. stick to the tacticool corner with your fellow neckbeards, You clearly don't know shit from fuck. It's almost a carbon copy ballistically of standard pressure .38 special. Which is why the British adopted it as the .38/200 cartridge.
You can't be serious.
Do you not realize that there are different kinds of rounds and that the colorful boxes aren't just for decoration? The traditional and expected loading of a cartridge is not equal to what is sold to you.
Companies today are well aware that surviving .38 S&W revolvers are in poor condition and underload them so that, should someone manage to fire a poorly-timed revolver and cause injury, they are not liable.
You are a fucking idiot.
Sometimes it doesn't always fire when just semi auto, but it always fires correctly if I cock the hammer. It's still fun to plink with, so it works for me until I can get or make C:
Protip retard, ALL .38 S&W solid frame guns can handle the 13,000 CUP pressure. Being old has fucking nothing to do with it. Unless the firearm has a fracture in the frame somewhere it's safe to fire. Your gun being timed is entirely on you, moron. because a badly timed revolver won't fire fucking anything do you even know what timing on a wheel gun is? it has nothing to do with structural strength.
Even buffalo bore makes a 300 ft.lb cartridge that's within the 13,000 limit
Nigger you didn't even read what I typed, how are you going to give people advice on this board?
You made the claim his gun was unsafe to fire SAAMI spec loads because it was old. This is a patently false claim for any fucking gun. then you made the asinine claim ammo manufacturers download ammo because they're somehow responsible for your gun being out of time.
I don't know what form of down syndrome you suffer from, but i honestly wish your mother put some better thought in her life decisons.
No I didn't.
They are not. They do this to avoid any possible amount of liability(which ammunition and gun companies face often), the same reason there are .45-70 loadings purpose-made for stronger and more modern rifles than the Trapdoor Springfield or 1886 Winchester with printed warnings.
Your average box of .38 S&W is underpowered for the sake of faggots like you that don't know the muzzle of a gun from your asshole.
This is because Black powder has a completely different pressure curve you dumb nigger. The H&A was built from the ground up for 13,000 CUP smokeless
They're downloaded for the black powder top breaks, chucklefuck.
Now you're just being a dumbass out of spite.
.45-70 rounds loaded to SAAMI pressures are similar to black powder equivalents(Because there is no black powder loading data). The round is not downloaded, there are overpressure rounds. The pressure curve is irrelevant.
And now you're saying that .38 S&W IS downloaded, but now you're saying black powder top breaks are the reason - even though they are sufficiently proofed for the pressure output of the smokeless powder rounds, of course excusing the hundred years of dryfiring and sitting in a lakebed.
So I ask again - show me your Gunbroker listings you soggy old fuck. I want to see all the rotted out six shooters you're trying to foist onto people.
I never said the loads for 45-70 weren't. Just that they specify what rifles they're safe in because of black powder guns. dipshit.
Some of it is, like the Fiochi stuff, others are not like buffalo bore (Which even says on their labling "safe for all solid frame guns") You made the claim that his H&A is incapable of firing SAAMI spec loads. not that there wasn't black powder top breaks that's explode if you loaded them on the hot side,
because the 650ish FPS loads are made specifically for the top brakes numbnuts.
once again, your noguns is showing. Dryfiring is only a problem with rimfires because the firing pin will smack the chamber where the rim of the cartridge would otherwise be. Centerfire firearms are 100 percent safe to dryfire. unless you're implying his firearm was dry fired enough to somehow throw off the timing from wear, again, that's nothing to do with the manufacturer. it's on you to replace the hand or the mainspring.
This would make it unsafe to fire anything.
I'll ask it again. why are you such a retard?
No I didn't you cousin-fucking backwoods hick.
They're made to cover their ass because people fire old and broken guns you idiot.
It has everything to do with the manufacturer who puts out cheap shit that's meant to be pressed to someone's back or belly.
Iver Johnson, H&R, H&A, all those fucking guns are made for short term or minimal usage and will not stand the test of time if used normally.
Go get your eyeballs fucked out you old faggot I don't give a shit anymore.
You won't find gently used gen3 g19s in OPs price range. Better option would be a zastava m88 in 9mm, keltec PF9 or hipoint. Both are cambered in common rounds.
Also gprgot to mention that OP could also save $150 more and have access to gen3 g22s and S&W M&Ps and 5906s. I went with the latter when I was in OP's shoes.
You clearly did you inbred donkey fuck. otherwise you wouldn't have opened your trap in the fucking firstplace.
There you go with the "guns can't shoot after a certain age" retardation again. And the gun being broken is again, entirely on you, you stupid fuck. you can't shoot ANYTHING safely if the fucking chambers don't align with the barrel.
Ammo manufacturer you stupid nigger. But aside from that, The Iver Johnsons, H&Rs etc are 100 perfuckingcent capable of shooting anything within the 13,000 .38 S&W spec provided they're not the top breaks/black powder guns that have a reduced ceiling, which we're not even fucking talking about right now or they're inoperable in the first fucking place which is irrelevant because NOTHING is safe to shoot in them.
Go back to school you downie washout, don't open your fly if you don't understand where your dick is going.
The Ivers Johnson, H&A, and H&R handguns had long production runs. The early firearms were made for black powder, however both companies adapted their designs to run smokeless loads which will have been full power. As it is .38 S&W and .32 S&W are both severely downloaded by the majority of ammunition manufacturers. Those revolvers produced specifically for smokeless will be perfectly safe when running full power ammunition. The earlier BP designs are not designed for the stronger smokeless loads, and in the Ivers Johnson breaktops you will find them shoot loose in a very short order. This is especially true for the First Model which used a much weaker top latch design than the subsequent models being meant solely for black powder use. I did see an example that the owner had used .32 ACP in a breaktop example which quickly ruined the lockup. I was surprised the cylinder did not burst. Note that .32 ACP brass can be used to load for these revolvers quite readily, however, he had apparently misunderstood and was running factory .32 ACP out of it.
The main problems suffered by these cheap revolvers are thus: people running smokeless loads through blackpowder models that weren't designed for them, wear on the cylinder hand, and the fact these cheap guns were often used by poor idiots who didn't bother to do any maintenance work. The finishes were also of poor quality compared to contemporary revolvers made by Colt and S&W.
Once again, your nostrikerfire is showing.
if you can't afford a gun, you don't have a life worth defending anyway.
Thanks. Samefag here. Crosspost from QTDDTOT.
Anyone have experience the CMP? Especially when you can only join the state associations? I'm eyeing TSRA
SAAMI lists pressures for 45-70 at 28000 purely because of repro trapdoor actions, with various loading books calling the 28kpsi the "modern load" and anything north of that "strong action only" as according to my copies of ADI powders and RCBS loading books.
However, old coots on leverguns.com and some other loading books recommend a pressure ceiling for marlin 1895s as 40kpsi. New 1886s can go 50kpsi and turn the 45-70 into an unholy monster of a levergun cartridge.
Christ, imagine the kick from that as well as a modernized 45-90WCF.
45-90 brought up to it's full potential in a modern gun apparently reaches 2100fps with a 400gr slug easily. 45-70 with 400gr slugs has a hard limit of around 1900fps. Pic related would be your face when you touch off one full power 45-90.
Christ, I'm gonna get ride of that 1892 I got and nab one of those fancy winchester made 1886's. I wanna see what a brass bullet will do to a plate.
Can you use a safety deposit box in a bank to store guns?
Ask your bank, not Zig Forums. Policies tend to differ from one institution to another.
My 475gr/1500fps loads from my marlin make a 200mm x 10mm AR500 plate do half a flip when you smack it at 150m. A 45-90 to the same target would eitger blow clean holes or make it do fucking gymnastics!
come to Ireland we have lee enfields and gay rights
: (
You can larp as secession era soldier/cowboy and open carry any ball and cap weapon provided it's unloaded (you can have a loaded cyllinder for quickswap concealed) and even have a therapy to attempt to remove sodomy from you. IIRC the only european country where you can at least try to cure faggotry.
You can carry loaded