There is nothing wrong with this tank and if you say otherwise you should be shot. The Japanese had excellent potential and would have won if their tanks had coaxial machine guns like everyone else.
Jap Tank Appreciating thread
You ought to be expatriated, and shunned.
No, they got the short end of the stick at tank development since the Navy got the lion’s share of resources on R&D. Then they blew all of it on Midway.
i could say that the silhoutte on the tank is fucking pretty large because of very tall turret. Plus there is only a dozen or so of them made so they’re rather useless in the grand scale of things
Shame on you leaf, i hope the day of the rake takes you first
Oh my fuck, that was an abhorrent post. My grammar is fucking everywhere
Brb snackbaring myself
I don't see anything wrong with this thread tbh. Just contribute. It has potential.
If the Ha-go were used during the Spanish Civil War it'd have been a wrap.
There already is a tank thread you quadruple nigger.
how many autism do you have?
Yes and people in it hate jap tanks.
Because a small amount of streloks don’t like what you post I’ve read the entire tank thread and don’t recall any mention of hate for jap tanks other than some discussion over that amphibious one you think that necessitates an entire new thread which will not generate enough discussion to warrant an entire thread?
Except for the fact that it had garbage armor protection.
The one and absolute only time armor doesn't matter is when you have a practically limitless supply of tanks and crew. Japan had none, therefore this tank is garbage.
Against China? Yeah it'd have been l33t.
Against real armies? Not so much.
A nip pushing another nip sitting in a wheelbarrow with a Type 99 would have been effective against the Chinese.
The Japanese knocked the shit out of China so badly with just cocks and bayonets that they still bitch about it today.
It's not really an impressive feat to defeat the Chinese. But I will agree that the butthurt is always worth it.
Tiger Tanks were shit.
t. buttblasted burger
It's kind of true, they would have been better off making a mechanically reliable Panther with a 88mm gun and a non-autistic running gear. Of course they would have been even better off if they developed the Panzer III/IV even before the war and just mass produce that.
Regardless of whether the tanks themselves were effective they were a logistics nightmare, with each one being made individually and having almost no parts commonality.
The problem was that they theoretically didn't stop working once the moment they left the factory. They were one of the finest pieces of machinery during the entire war. Allied tanks broke down way more than the average German tank would. With the exception of course of the early rushed Panther prototypes which had indeed transmission fires and other problems.
If you look at the statistics, German tanks performed excellent. No other allied tank came even close.
The Panther and the Tiger tank is often castigated because it had a low serviceability rate. According to ‘Panzertruppen vol2’, p110 the German rates peaked in June ’43 at 89% and then collapsed. The average for the second half of 1943 was 44%.
Not much difference between 44% and 35%. Did the other German tanks also suffer from mechanical problems or were there other factors at play?
In reality, the low rates were mainly caused by the heavy fighting and lack of maintenance.
Speer in his memoir (Inside the Third Reich) mentions Hitler's obsession with numbers of new Tigers and Panthers. The pressure to increase the production of tanks left little room to manufacture the replacement parts in sufficient numbers for servicing and repairing the already deployed tanks, the timely delivery of spare parts to the front units was also difficult and often neglected.
Therefore, considering all these factors, the German tank worked like a charm. No one could ever ask anything more of these machines. Under constant battle, harsh weather, terrain and practically zero maintenance, they worked endlessly and absolutely annihilated any armored opponent at absurd for the time ranges. Even the overrated IS-2 tank with the stupidly thick armor protection was taken out from 1 thousand meters by these German "unreliable tanks".
Despite all the talk of tigers having super thick armor, they were actually pretty poorly armored for their massive weight. The M4's front hull was just 4mm's thinner than a tigers when accounting for slope. Of course, the tank was produced in such small numbers due to it being so complex that it was insignificant in the strategic scale to begin with in the first place. And no, they were not fun to repair. In order to replace a panther's final drive and transmission, you would have to rip the entire front crew compartment out of the top. VS on an M4 you just had to undo some bolts. Padding your stats with how bad the Russians were at war also isn't going to cut it because some really sub par tanks like the panzer 3 with the short 50mm gun traded positively against T34s in Barbarossa and I don't think anyone will try to argue which vehicle of the two was more impressive. but I will argue that the ausf L and J with the long 50mm is superior to a T34/76 with the two man turret German armor like the Panther never did as well in the western front as they did in the eastern front. In fact they were actually pretty bad outside of a few isolated incidents. This is mostly because the most important thing that a tank can do besides start when you hit the ignition switch is be able to see and shoot first. The M4 had a stabilizer and low power periscope sight that allowed it to identify targets in a turret down position. The panther had no such thing and relied on the commander to do all the spotting and slew the gunner on target. This is how a handful of heavily outnumbered and outgunned M4s with 75mm guns trashed a division of panthers at Arracourt.
War Thunder/World of Tanks kiddies ruined 4/k/ and they'll ruin 8/k/ given a chance.
What's with Greek tankfags being such gargantuan panzerautists? And I don't mean just in Zig Forums. Vast majority of stratokavlous I've met IRL are spazing fangirls of WW2 German tanks.
To be fair it's not restricted to the Greeks. Most normie "WW2 buffs" are wehraboos to a greater or lesser degree.
I just like tanks user. And German tanks are objectively the most aesthetic ones. I also hate the abundant lies people spew about them.
Are you implying there's anything wrong with having a hard-on for army, weapons and genocide?
What's wrong with knowing stuff about the superior army of that war?
Knowing stuff is not only fine but encouraged. Putting all 3rd Reich materiel on a pedestal because "muh Germanz are da best engineers" as many normies are wont to do is severely autistic, however. German tonks are definitely A E S T H E T I C, but you can acknowledge that while also acknowledging the issues they suffered from.
Nobody has mentioned Finns once though?
Big think
99.9% of the problems was German engineering being well German (and the unique blend of severe ocd and autism that brings), otherwise they where perfectly fine machines that kicked everyone else's ass with ease.
If you ran the designs by an American or Russian to clean em of the crippling autism before it hit the factory they would've been indisputably perfect.
Took the whole rest of the world to stop the axis, of which Germany was the only one worth a damn in it.
You are correct, Germans have a tendency of making things that are very high quality but with an autistic level of over-engineering that makes them more complex and expensive. That's exactly what I was referring to really, wehraboos can acknowledge the high quality engineering part of the tanks but are ignorant of the caveat placed upon that, and the real logistical issues German autism brings with it.
Just terribly built, and designed, and so autistic that even the Germans couldn't keep them running. Then again the Germans couldn't figure out basic logistics in WW2, so I'd say that the 'muh Tootonic ehfishunshee' meme is being pushed a bit too hard - at least for ww2 tonks.
So Hitler really was a massive autist, and this picture is spot on:
>tfw I do love GuP and started playing WoT a few weeks ago. The later is surprisingly fun if you don't think much of it.
Maybe 1939-mid 1941 that would be true but the quality started to degrade very quickly outside of a handful of elite/experienced units.
There's nothing wrong with either well WoT is P2W and grind heavy as long as you don't think they'll actually teach you anything about the time period.
WoT is actually getting rid of the option to pay gold for premium consumables and ammo next update. Which is kinda nice. Tier 8 premium power creep is still cancer and I hate what they did to my conqueror and artillery though.
What's a good resource for learning the subtleties of tonks and tonk warfare?
Honestly I don't even play WoT that often anymore. But wargaming's historian Nicholas Morran has his own (((youtube))) channel where he posts his armor lectures (he was actually on C-span a few months ago) and videos where he climbs inside tanks and talks about them from a tanker's perspective along with reading the crew manuals. He even got wargaming to reprint the Dr. Honeycutt books which is the real meat on learning about American tank development. Most of his videos are on the game's offical (((youtube))) channel too. The warships channel also has some good documentary content aswell. And of course he posts blogs on strange things he finds while going through the national archives that are interesting, but not enough to make a video on usually.
i guess the average anglo brain is pumped so full of jew semen that they'll never be able to think logically again
why do anglos always make the most idiotic, embarrassing and uninformed posts on internet forums?
>fight against nearly the entirety of the world and the (((banks)))
>only allies some insular dwarf gooks, that were miraculously even more autistic than themselves, two continents away and Italy
No need to reply to foreigners fam, they're too retarded. One day they are mad that Hitler lost and the next day they act smug about how they defeated the Germans.
Literal monkey-tier IQ I'm telling ya
And Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania (granted Romania is a bit of a complicated case where it wasn't particularly willing to join up but it was a full participant once it did), a bunch of puppet states and some degree of close cooperation with Spain. I suppose also Finland depending how you count it. Terrible cooperation and coordination between the Axis powers is actually a major flaw of the German war strategy and using their troops as mere cannon fodder worse yet letting them know that was the case contributed heavily to some strategically important defeats on the Eastern Front most notably the encirclement of the 6th Army.
As for Italy it's true their land forces were generally less than adequate though they fought rather well under German officers and select Italian officers who weren't retarded but the RM was quite important in tying down the RN for years in the Med leading to the disastrous British Empire losses in the Pacific as well as hurting the war effort in the Atlantic. Given that the only reasonable way to push the UK out of the war was to starve it out and threaten the Empire these are rather important contributions. Obviously you will ignore all of this and continue with your 'I've played War Thunder and now I know everything' wheraboo shite, seriously you bloody Greeks are edging out the Leafs for worst flag on Zig Forums.
Oh wait, I forgot a leaf was the OP. I retract this last sentence.
You forgot
I'm not sure why I keep telling myself that burgers are a competent people. No intelligent life form would live alongside niggers and side with the Jewish vermin.
Your country hired a videogame developer to manage your money.
Kraut, when the machines WORKED they kicked ass.
The problem is most German machines broke down before they could even get into combat because of stupidly complex and therefor delicate machines.
Your people over engineer things rather than overbuild them, now when you don't you get things like the MG-42 an excellent weapon that was both copied and directly used to this day.
>when it actually drives not very often it doesn’t preform too bad
In the first place, why the hell did they build 100 hulls for a prototype tank? And it wasn't even a promising prototype, but one with an overcomplicated drive system that offered no benefits at that point. I mean, yes, maybe it would have been great if they ironed out all the problems even before the war. After all, one of the reasons early Panthers broke down so often was that they didn't have enough gear cutters, so they had to make a less reliable transmission for it.
It was probably a not so subtle bid by Porsche to force adoption of the tank ("Well too bad the prototype has problems but we're already producing them.").
Basically this they were so sure their design would win they started mass producing them before they even got told that their design failed. It was cheaper to just turn them out into the field than to try to redesign them into tigers.
Didn't you spend the war cowering on your island pissing your pants until superior burgers came?
Did Porsche design any German tanks? I thought Henschel and MAN did pretty much all the successful ones.
You're forgetting the part of the war where Col. Sam 'Apple Pie' Hunt, of the US 101st Airborne, personally landed on top of Hitlers volcano doom fortress and knocked him out with a single one liner and punch to the chin. He then escaped with a collection of children rescued from the underground bio-weapons lab and spent the rest of his life staring into middle distance with a bald eagle resting on his shoulder.
there's no valor in picking a fight you're bound to lose and calling foul when every deal you blow is reflected back tenfold
at least show some self-awareness of your dialectic inconsistency, heinrich
which one of these guys is your father?
They broke down because lacking correct raw materials, so cheap substitutes were used. stop being a dumb uneducated ignorant amerimutt.
your country hired the globalist jewish banking mafia to manage your money
Thank you for all your efforts, Lesser Turkey.
Salty about killing your brothers so that you could lose your empire and become a Pakistani colony?
Your country is still paying reparations and has become an extension of the middle east
checkmate, muhammad
You're welcome, Mohammed
No really I mean it, a single Turk Greek does more for Canadian reputation than a dozen good leaf posters.
Really your reputation would be saved if you all just admitted 1812 was a terrible idea and that you'd all be about idaho in terms of rights if not for your baseless love for Britain of all things.
You do realize us burgers were the aggressors in that right? If we just let well enough alone the Canucks would have likely joined up with us instead cucking out, and we'd be saved from countless shitposts today.
I am well aware, I am saying it was a terrible idea for them to resist burger anschluss. If they had just accepted their rightful place within the union we might have even kept the other land that was rightfully ours which we won in the mexican american war.
I mean it at least spared us of about a decade or 2 of >56%
That was the case for basically every country you twit.
This Hitler and his generals were fairly decent to say the least.
Once again for the second time I've said it and the third time total I've seen it, it took basically the whole world to stop the Nazis.
With that said though should've listened to Speer more/standardized shit STAT.
Shouldn't have allied with the Japs.
Shouldn't have split forces when going to get oil just to take a whizz in Stalin's cheerios at Stalingrad.
If they had even said to Porsche "take that shitty drive train out and put a proper one in or you go to the gas chambers" it could've MAYBE been salvaged, but they didn't even do that.
It broke down because it was a bad system you idiot, when it was built they hadn't got to the stage of the war where shit was absolutely fucked and had to use Russian tier metals to build tanks.
And if we didn't go full retard with declaring war they would have welcomed burger anschluss willingly is what I'm saying. Letting them burn Washington gave them a false sense of ego and caused them to become less attracted to us.
His generals were good. Hitler wasn't completely shit he still wasn't great but wasn't bad, but he suffered from a massive case of Dunning-Kruger and believed himself to be a master tactician when he really wasn't.
Would we still be le 56% do you think? I kind of doubt it because it would have soured relations with Britain considerably to the point that we just might have stayed out of WW1, and thus stayed out of WW2 preventing us to be in the rough spot we are in now. However, these soured relations with Britain may have caused them to get more involved on the southern side during the Civil War, and that way the CSA may have won or at least pushed us to the point of saying "fuck it keep your niggers I guess". Dunno but it is nice to think about.
Public schooling strikes again!
And their leadership failed them horrifically.
Yeah because the English leadership did so well after the war.
I have a fucking high-pass American English Proficiency qualification and for the past 10 minutes I've been reading his post over and over and over again, trying to find what's wrong with him using "because" and I can't for the life off me find anything wrong with it. Explain yourself right now, user.
He made the assumption I was of the opinion that WW1 veterans ruined the advancement of arms and tactics when my actual argument is that Adolf is an idiot.
Irrelevant. Everyone was shit, the point was that Germany let their good generals have their actions dictated by a greater idiot than anyone else had at the time.
Nah, Hitler generally listened to guys like Gerd von Rundstedt instead of actual strategic geniuses like Erich von Manstein.
Then why did you bring up WW1 or him serving in the military if you weren't implying that shithead?
I was being facetious you faggot.
I called him a retard for getting a ball shot off in a war where you stood in a trench that's deeper than you are tall, it's not my fault your aspergers got in the way of it.
I think we broke the leaf
I was saying the burger I quoted was autistic for saying WWI consisted of standing in “trenches deeper than you are tall.” Because that’s a retarded statement that could only be uttered, with any hit of seriousness, by someone who’s only knowledge of WWI is that it occurred, or a sub 80 IQ nog.
Porsche competed for the heavy planned before the Tiger (the VK 30.01 (P)), for the contract that would become the Tiger with the VK 45.01 (P) and for the Königstiger contract with the VK 45.02 (P).
All used either gasoline-electric or diesel-electric drivetrains.
None of these were adapted but old man Porsche remaind on good terms with Hitler and managed to get him sold on the Maus despite Speer trying to kill the project repeatedly.
A tank does not exist in a vacuum, and the tigers were fuel guzzling, part destroying, heavy, and unrecoverable messes.
They broke down because they were too heavy and used strange systems like interleaved suspension that were hard to build at the factory and harder to install in the field.
It's all about doing well with what you have, Germany, claiming that everything would have been better "if we just had more X" is retarded bullshit. Of course everything would have been fine if you had more fuel, and steel, and aluminium, and men, and factories, and transport facilities. If you pretend that you have everything then you're always going to fail, and look like an inbred downs syndromey autist every time.
Especially considering that the germs were actually pretty good at working with what they had in other areas. The MP-43/StG-44, for instance, was stamped almost exclusively out of mild steel (with lots of reinforcement ribs bent in to make up for it) in order to save the limited supply of chrome-moly alloys for other projects. Kvetching about budget and materials doesn't mean shit.
Exactly, even fucking China could win a war if they had everything they needed and wanted. To put it in a different context, living in a penthouse when you pay for everything out of the trust fund and shares your father gave you isn't impressive. Living in a penthouse on the profits gained after you built your business from nothing after paying off the debts your father left you is impressive.
Also, this thread is great because you get to see Limeys and Krauts pointing at each other shouting "You're autistic!" "No, YOU'RE Autistic!" when they're both autistic to basically the same degree.
Did you really think Britain was going to send first tier officers to advise a fifth tier resistance movement? There was a war on Greece, the competent men were needed in places that mattered.
Oh yes, every schoolboy learns about the … thing that Greece did after they joined the war. That very important … thing that was definitely vital to … something or other.
Even worse,
Good job Göring.