This has occurred before, call me when there are confirmed shoot downs of US jets by the Russians.
Thanks Zognald
Likely a flyby. Would it shock you to learn Russian planes fly toward the US coastline quite regularly?
Welcome to most Syria threads
Israel dropped 20 missiles on an suspected Iranian Airbase.
analysts are suggesting a larger US or French airstrike is coming at some point.
analysts can kiss my ass, they're just hoping we get pulled into this shit
What "analysts"?
Wew lads, someone tried to boil the frog too quickly.
they are
the various groups that have "strat" in the name somewhere lol
Yeah I'm still surprised why I keep seeing people taking tweets with no source seriously. Like come on.
That's the secret user. It's always happening.
It's starting to sound like Israel tried to false-flag a missile strike from the US Navy on SAA and Russian forces.
Think tanks?
You can't spell "analysts" without "anal", etc.
Why would Russia shoot down third party planes, Schlomo? :^)
There will be saber rattling then nothing done as usual.
what the fuck the media even named them.
Well after another "assad gas attack" it would be quite possible for USA to retaliate.
There was multiple attacks on T-2 (Deir Ez-Zor) and T-4 airbase, T-4 (Homs) was lightly damage (Iranians positions were targeted one report says 12 casualties).
Both bombing occurred while the bases were under militants night attacks.
An Israeli sub fired cruise missiles at T-2. All were intercepted by SAA air defense.
Two Israeli F-15 also fired 8 PGM from Lebanon airspace at T-4, 5 were intercepted by SAA air defense, 2 hit shelters and did minimal damage 1 hit an building of some kind doing (mostly Iranian) casualties.
So yeah big strike: nothing to show for it.
Except something people have been warning for decades: anyone thinking NATO stand-off weaponry can go through a modern Russian style AD net without major saturation is fucking deluded.
Some analysts are saying that Israel and USA are pushing very hard on Russia to lauch "the big war". Do you think it's gonna stay in the limit of hybrid mercenary wars or is it gonna escalated to world war before the end of the year?
You don't need an analyst to see that, user. If Hilary would have won the US election we'd probably be declaring war right about now, if not jumping headfirst into another proxy war.
That's exactly what I think, but I always think about the 1984's kind of war described, and this continuous hybrid war that actually never explode in anything bigger.
Even though they NEED a huge disaster to make the transition to the "New Age", so that's retarded.
i give it more time, 5 years.
ZOG in Poland will probably try and false flag or provoke Russia because
At best it'll end with Poland being nuked, USA writing off the soldiers stationed here as "necessary sacrifices" Or they'll just all be fortunately somewhere else.
Actually, I read somewhere that Poland is highly likely to become the center of europe. And that the turkroach are gonna be wiped out.
This is probably the case. There's so many thumbs in Syria's pie right now, just add another name to the list of meddlers looking to declare what good boys they are. I'd hazard a guess Hezbollah wouldn't appreciate this move too much and recommence attacks on Israel's borders.
What was the outcome of this anyway? With so many misinformation, misdirection, propaganda and disinformation around has Iran struck back since then?
Why are (((they))) blaming on USA? USA or Russia don't want the global war.
Some Serbian newspaper wrote recently that we're rebuilding third reich.
If only. (^:
To become a serious player in Europe, we'd need a purge of everyone who works in government and was 18 years or older by 1989, then we'd need the famous Israeli Schrodinger nukes, and afterwards create a solid Alliance with Finland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuannia and Austria to have military strength that can match Russian as well as economic power comparable to Germany
Bro, have you ever read anything related to US diplomacy since 3/4 years? Skripal affair? False flag chemical weapons?
They're blaming it on the USA because we didn't immediately do it ourselves. The EU/Israel don't know what a modern battlefield will look like and think the US will do all the work, so they don't care about consequences.
You're exactly correct. Carrier groups are basically Floating Fortresses, fuckhueg semi-mobile bases that are purpose-built to be highly efficient and expensive.
I would be very pleased with this turn of events.
It's almost guarantee for the Ukrainian war to go on the offensive again this summer, they should have reconstituted most of their motor pool by then, last ditch effort to stop North Stream 2 , World Cup is hosted in Russia, etc…
What's funny is that the Ukrainian war isn't frozen at all, it's a full on position war with soldiers dying every day and thousands of shells being fired all across the frontlines with often probing action and attacks here and there.
There is barely a ceasefire at all.
Yet somehow people thinks anything has been resolved…
Yeah, that's funny how there is reports every week (if not every day) or 100th of break of cease fire with mortar shell. The war have actually never ended.
Not USA but jews. Jews wanted WWIII to happen and USA is the scapegoat.
Of course it must have been resolved. The news stopped running headlines about it, after all.
Is the antichrist jewish?
They've been doing it for decades, look up the gulf of Tonkin false flag
YOUR headlines maybe, but I follow some weekly report of the situation in Ukraine/Dombass (but it's not in english), and no, the hybrid war never ended. It's continuous.
The last one I got my eyes one, from 1 april to 7 april, report 101 violation of ceasefire, 1402 ammunitions used.
Our strelok friend up there is right, saying that the war will "officially" resumes soon.
The point is that Jews are trying to get Slav Goys and Anglo Goys to kill each other.
Yeah, nah. It's fucking nothing.
Witch one I need a laugh?
Bravo Trump.
Why does he come off as incredibly woman-like in those tweets? If someone just handed me the tweets and asked me to guess the gender of the poster, I'd say, with confidence, that they were made by a woman, with moderate-to-left political views.
Put me in the alliance
Because he's not writing his own tweets, like he's not writing his own speeches.
Bravo in what? The chemical attack was a false flag attack. The russian intelligence said one week ago (03/25) that a false flag chemical attack was in preparation.
Moreover, the white helmets, that are the one who took the pictures and did the report are proven to be UK agents, and actually a part of the terrorists.
That's no news. But well, I guess that the shilling program on Zig Forums is doing its job well.
I'm sure he was being sarcastic.
Just realized that the bottom tweet doesn't belong in that image. Oh well.
It sounds overly emotional, not something you'd expect from a leader. It makes him look hot header and irrational. When he's out saying that a collection of countries have a "big price to pay", it makes it look all the more like we're in another Cold War.
I'm just waiting for an Israeli F-15 to be shot down by Syrian/Russian aircraft, preferably while wasting one or more of the latest Raytheon muhssiles on a set of 40 year old soviet Flares.
It'll never happen but a man can dream
Well change mostly nothing other than give Syria and Russia an excuse to target outside their zone and focus on Israel airfield. War will reach Israel either way since there is no intention of letting them have the Golan. Will have to see if the US is willing to step up for them, and in some measures they will, and see what Russia decide to do. Of course there is also Iran and Hezbollah ready to fight, and taking for true some twitter they are already moving up. And lastly Turkey that took really bad Israel and US propping up the Kurds.
Shit is incredible but I hope it will not escalate outside of the ME.
That sort of over-emotional writing comes into play any time a politician wants to get an emotional rise out of an audience.
Try to press as many buttons in as short a text as possible.
"I know the American people don't want war but look at how many women, children and puppies the evil monster dictator X has personally gassed and butchered in atrocities with mindless cruelty."
Replace "X" with the bad-guy of the day it can be re-used with minimal changes every time they want to go to war.
There was an Israeli F16 shot down in February.
I need to find the exact link on my phone.
It was shot down by SAM though.
I just want to see the reaction when some barely maintained MiG 23 manages to gun down an F-15I(or better yet, an F-35) equipped with 6 gorillion shekels worth of armaments, bonus points if the Israeli plane fired a missile at the Syrian plane and missed.
Also found this on twitter, seems to be heading towards the mediterranean from what I've heard.
At that point you might as well get Croatia and Slovenia to the game too, and then build fleets and forge an alliance with Japan. Fuck, just reform the Axis, but without Germany and Italy.
The countries listed are the bare minimum to secure independence from German and Russian influence without requiring USA to back it.
What can a simple man do when his nation is being used to hammer others into place for Jewish slavery? What can anyone do? I can't escape from this place.
Just go to a gas station and pick up a weapon.
Listen to the pole. Even if you're not actively overthrowing the ones in power yet, simply owning and training with the means to do so gets you much closer to that than many of our brothers in homeland are able to.
meatspace is where its at, get training and finding people in your area that arent feds.
How many cruise missiles can one expect to be launched by the greatest golem and can the Syrian+Russian air defenses handle them?
Can (((they))) be expected to accidentally residential areas in Damascus and elsewhere?
WW3 finally?
Well it's happening.
that shit is fucking bueno
He sounds like a 16-year-old girl.
inb4 2^16th-dimensional-chess spouting idiots
This guy
Truly a puzzle, there Zognald.
Somebody pass me
is this real life
Is this retard fucking serious?
I'm sure if I'd get angry or feel second-hand embarrassed if I was Pution.
*I'm not sure
Is he having a mental breakdown, or what? At this point he really doesn't make any sense at all.
The man's firmly placed his foot in his mouth.
Well I for one did feel secondhand embarrasment reading those.
I'm thinking about enrolling in a local Hungarian language course. This is a result of reading about Hungarian history and developing an affinity for Hungary and Hungarians. I figured my wife would make it easy as she is Finnish but she said Finnish is rather different to Hungarian despite being in the same linguistic group. Am I being retarded?
I'm reasonably intelligent but not a genius. I've studied a little bit of German and French in the past, not that it helps.
I don't think Hungarian would ever help me in my job physicist nor do I intend to live there, this is purely out of a fondness for Hungary. Eh?
Not sure about your line of work, but they sure make damned fine mathematicians over there.
Sage for offtopic.
is this just fantasy
He has no idea what he's doing so he's falling back on his previously-successful strategy of "make antagonistic social media posts". However, because he has no idea what's going on, the posts turn out completely incoherent instead.
He's sort of like Ainz Ooal Gown, except without an author guiding the blundering incompetence into a good conclusion, and his worshipers' cries of "Sasuga 4d-chess-sama" are just pathetic.
Why are gooks so keen on math?
If he keeps it up, then people will really see him as nothing more than a barking dog. A retarded barking dog.
It's even worse now, the mods of Zig Forums also elevated Orbán to the level of a living saint.
I really am glad to hear that. After all, our history and culture are our shield and armour against the world. It's a pity that we don't have a sword now.
Indeed, it's like if I asked a Polish person to help me learn Italian, because both of those are Indo-European languages. Interestingly, Finnish and Hungarian do sound very similar at first, because the general intonation of words and sentences is nearly the same. When I suddenly hear Finnish speech at first I think I hear Hungarian and I just didn't understand it because I didn't pay enough attention. Then I listen more closely, and it makes no sense whatsoever to me. Both the grammar and the words themselves are quite different. E.g. the only word I understood while watching Talvisota was hand greande, as it is kézigránát in Hungarian and käsikranaatti in Finnish. But even kézi and käsi sound quite different, although both of them stem from the same source. If you take a look just at the sounds of the two languages, you will see that Hungarian has a lot more consonants, while Finnish has more vowels. In other words, we'd have a hard time correctly pronouncing a random text from the other language, even if our intonation was spot on.
Worry not, I know literal Afgani people who managed to learn decent Hungarian, so our language isn't that hard. You'll just have to figure out its logic. What might cause you quite a lot of problems is that in Hungarian you have to pronounce every sound and syllable quite clearly and yet in a fluid manner. Think of how Japanese sounds when Japanese people speak, and think of what happens when an average English speaker tries to pronounce a random Japanese word.
Quite a few of them are jewish, although I'm not sure if it proves or disproves anything. E.g. you could argue that our language is so good it makes jews good at mathematics.
What do we do with the Ukrainians though?
What about Königsberg though?
That enclave doesn't feel right.
Thanks Hungary, I've always been fond of your posts.
I'm quite impressed with the way Japan turned Manchuria into one gigantic company that worked the locals to death. Might as well re-develop that model, and also apply it to Romania, Serbia and Albania too.
Any time.