So, Zig Forums

So, Zig Forums.
I've been thinking…

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Wouldn't a bottle of bug spray be a better choice there?


New Zealand made a tank from a Caterpillar D8 and some Bren guns, with a good amount of time (and money) you can surpass the killdozer and actually have a decent armoured vehicle.

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Yes, but homemade armor is never going to stand up against modern anti-tank armaments.
You'd be better off armoring only to the point of invulnerability against small arms, and then focusing as much as possible on off road maneuverability and speed.

Oh yeah it's never gonna have the same defence as a proper armoured vehicle, but having a movable bunker is pretty useful in riot/small skirmishes during a civil war etc.

The killdozer was created to knock down some buildings with full intention for the driver to die in it, and it failed its objective anyways. It's something to use as a neat reference, but it shouldn't be looked up to for a effective guerrilla vehicle. The Bob Semple is more of a realistic view, but it was created back when slow moving boxes with a spattering of lmgs could actually be effective. You have a whole giant assortment of nades and other portable explosives or light arms CIAniggers would have access to, and remember, only reason that didn't work against the killdozer is because it had no openings period. The dude sealed himself in. One riot control tier tear gas grenade could fuck the crew of a modern Bob Semple up. Even if the enemy doesn't have access to light arms for some reason, it's simply too slow and could be fucked up easily en-route to wherever. Vehicles like this aren't practical in the modern era, you're far better off giving the weaponry to some infantrymen who can hide in buildings and ambush and run away and such.

Is it legal for a civilian to acquire a bulldozer? How hard would it be to mod it for a SHTF scenario? Is it even convenient?


Great minds think alike.

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So basically what the kurds do?

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I can feel a "special" connection.

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There aren't nearly enough of these. I've been thinking about different kinds of improvised armored vehicles and I thought there should be a remote-controlled suicide vehicle of sorts, loaded with either tons of explosives or some kind of saboteur gear, like a giant plasma cutter that can burn through a barricade or another vehicle. It may be able to kill a tank, but I think it fits better in here than the anti-tank warfare thread because it needs to be customized and up-armored to some extent, and because it may have other uses. An otherwise normal vehicle with similar armament would likely be destroyed before getting close enough to do whatever it's supposed to do. There should be more improv vehicle types than just IFVs and ghetto tanks. Out of all the improv vehicles I've ever seen, from Kurdish rigs to Mexican narco tanks to hobbyist armored cars, none of them have ever done anything except that.

See the benefit of an excavator-based weapons platform is that it has a big killy bit on a long arm that can reach around corners and hills. So if you attach a camera and a BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT to the arm, you can wreck shit from over the hill with a very small surface area. And just like an excavator can change heads at will, you could also change weapons at will.


Stabilizer legs.
Next problem.

Ammo feeding

Probably belt-fed. You could put both an autocannon and a melee weapon of some sort on the crane arm, and missile launchers on the main hull safely behind cover. This is starting to sound like a cheapo artillery piece.

Is there any situation where this makes sense? Because I like it.

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Two posibilities: No and fuck no.

Let me know how that works out for you

But would a big ass aircraft carrier tank be viable with just plain tarmac as a runway? Probably nowhere on Earth, but maybe on a desert planet where viable areas for airports are few and far between.
Though if you've already put your military in space, you've probably gotten good enough with VTOL that you don't need a runway anymore.

No. Even if there was some freak accident that destroyed all landing gear and this was a post-apocalyptic world where the facilities to make more landing gear didn't exist there are thousands of more effective uses for that water than landing shit. Comparative advantage M8.

What if it's not a desert world but a beach world? Plenty of water and plenty of sand but little stable ground to build runways. Everyone would live near the shore so maybe non aquatic landing gear just doesn't exist.

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If we already got the GAU-8 then we got the feed device as well.

If you're gonna improvise the vehicle, you may as well improvise the explosives and use a nitrogen-based bomb. Fertilizer allegedly does the trick with a bit of starter and an electrical current, not that I'd ever do this FBI.

The pro of using it in a desert is not shifting sand blocking the runway in the short term, the con is that it would evaporate while also filling with sand leading to a muddy pit that must be cleaned and refilled longer term.
Basically you would still be better off just sweeping a normal runway / mobile runway in the long term.

What makes the water fresh?

I'm guessing reverse osmosis with the external water pressure pushing it through the membrane.

Brits already did it.

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Also this.

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40 keks

The fresh water comes from rain water. Because it's less dense than salt water it floats on top of the salt water. The sand and rock and soil provide a framework to prevent it from spreading out and defusing with the sea water.
It's a good survival tool to know since it means you can dig a well on pretty much any island and find fresh and relatively clean drinking water.

Huh, interdasting

One problem with that is the fact that its manned. Pic #1 shows the manned parts which are completely removable with modern control systems. It is quite literally 80% to 90% of the volume being raised, and considering it likely includes armor, a lot of the mass as well.
Another thing I think is a flaw is the design of the lifting arm, and the stabilizers, as well as the fact that it should be based on a tracked vehicle to take advantage of more ambush positions. But the point is that without that extra mass, it wouldn't need a fucking HET truck to raise it up, could do it with a much lighter vehicle.

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Why not hoist a guy wearing sky-colored camo from a really thin line on a crane, and have him snipe people with a gun painted a similar color? What could possibly go wrong?

Syria is a gift that keeps on giving

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Reminds me of a 19th Century drawing of prehistoric animals hunting in their natural habitat.

(And pretty much anyone else)
Stop thinking so hard. nailed it.
Even as I hate the fucking cartels, I will never stop shilling the (modern) Monstruo concept as the most effective all terrain guerrilla vehicle. The Zetas used ISIS tier tactics before ISIS was even a thing. The Z-Gulf Cartel Split brought one of the largest cartel offensives EVER, culminating in the Battle for Mier City, where Monstruos were deployed for the first time ever (even before Camargo) and proved that, indeed, cartels DO have RPGs and DO know how to use them (the 1st Monstruo got whacked by an RPG).
The new, more fast and lean Monstruo is the main warhorse for both the Gulf Cartel and the Northeastern Cartel (Zetas).

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't monstros essentially a generic term for hillbilly armored commercial trucks, SUVs, pickups, and vans? Have the cartels developed any special heavy weapons to mount on them? Also are the RPGs domestic manufacture or smuggled in?

That thing on a tracked chassis sound like the perfect recon vehicle too. It already has what is basically a mast with sensors, you could put even better sensors and designators on it. Send them forward along a few IFVs for backup, and they can both call in artillery or engage the enemy on their own. And put a machine gun on that thing too, so they can play sniper to further confuse the enemy.

Strelok, I think this idea might be retarded

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That's pretty much done here although its still manned. I like tracks because they neatly solve the shock absorber problem, so instead of needing ten minutes to set up a

Only remaining problem is the crane . Deciduous tree line is about 15m height, but conifers often go 30m high, how will you fit a crane big enough to fire from behind the treelines?

I think the solution is a drone connected by umbilical to the ground vehicle. That way it can stay aloft for hours without running out of power, because its not running off a battery. The umbilical has a slim form factor and is less likely to be spotted, not to mention the advantage of not carrying a ton of steel in the crane mechanism. It's also a lot faster to raise and lower it, which aids reloading.

See image: Drone can raise 30kg, and a Kornet is only 28kg.

But there are heavier lift drones…

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The first Monstruos were similar to the armored trucks used by ISIS: large, heavy and imposing. Not too long after the first one got destroyed, smaller versions began to appear.
The thing about them is that they are not made in one, specific workshop like the ISIS main workshop
Instead they work like contractors. X Cartel Boss wants a new vehicle for his enforcers, so he goes with some guy that offers this kind of services. The issue here is that you pretty much get what you pay. Shaddy workshops give you monstruos with mild steel plates as "armor", others at least use Hardox. The more expensive ones use the same materials as the VIP protection vehicles used by legitimate businessmen and crooked politicians.
It depends. The Tamaulipas School of IAVs prefers closed vehicles with trapdoors on the roof and gun ports on the sides, their priority is stealth and protection. Firepower is provided by a semiauto .50 rifle. Some vehicles are an exception to this rule and are more similar to…
The Sinaloa/Chihuahua School, which is more akin to the traditional technicals, yet the gun pintle is at the middle of the truck load bed, surrounded by an armoured box (disguised by wooden planks).
About the RPGs, I'm not exactly sure, but I can bet they came from Guatemala and other countries beyond the southern border.

Picrel first armed motor vehicle. Prior to it, horse drawn carriages with Maxim guns were used by both sides in the Russian civil war.

Those were basically the first technicals, called something similar tachanka.

Wait what? I thought it worked, he caused millions in damage, specifically to people who fucked him over.

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I'm curious as well. Killdozer is cool shit but I must admit I got most of my info on it from that normie "badass of the week" website

Tachanka reached its peak during the Russian civil war, it wasn't invented then.

So let me see if I understand the concept.

Those were the first models, and they aren't used anymore for obvious reasons.
Just get a Chevy double cabin pick up, weld some armor plates and pray for the best. Some cartel workshops even place armor plates on the engine.

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Tethered drones would be great for peaking over cover, but I think in this application a crane is superior, as you could put a whole Kornet-D system on it along with a machine gun (or even an automatic grenade launcher) and still apply some armour. A drone would be loud, and it would need a constant supply of power, meanwhile the crane could stay in one place for days without any problem.

Are there any sources about its first deployment?

What suprises me is just how little R&D the cartels use to design better weapons. They haven't put any money towards developing things like autocannons or arty that could dramatically increase their power.

Killdozer guy still had a bunch more targets on his list. The dozer itself was already pushing its weight limits with all the armor, then a track gets caught on the lip of a basement and some roof falls onto it and that was that. Imagine how something of its likeliness would do in environments with uneven terrain, or god forbid, mud.

It's not even that involved, they have the monetary means to purchase military hardware. They could purchase some serious Cold War-era Soviet or Chinese hardware.

It's almost like the cartels are operated by violence-prone degenerates who have exhausted every legitimate opportunity in life so completely that the only way they can make a living is to do shoddy chemistry in basements, instead of a competently-run business.

Why not a camera recon pod on a (very) lightweight mast, and vertical launch ATGM fired from the vehicle rather than the mast?

Making vertical launch systems for small missiles is extremely difficult because you need a lot of force to rotate a missile and have to cram the engine into a very small space. The hole where the propellant gases exit the missile will also cause more aerodynamic problems on a small missile than on a large one. The missile will also have to "know" what target to acquire shortly after launch, which is going to be a lot more difficult to set up with a vertical launch than with a horizontal one.
The sensor array on the mast will also emit heat, which will make it incredibly easy to spot on a thermal sensor.
Lastly: you are complicating an already complex issue, which adds cost to an already costly solution.

No, but it probably predates the crimean war. Horse drawn carts with heavy arms attached aren't a new invention, the only difference between that and a tachanka is actually firing on the move.

It's certainly possible, Tor missile system does something like that.

Although a much better idea would be use something like the AMOS turret for the same purpose. Use a tiny ass drone to spot and paint a laser dot on enemy armor, launch a guided mortar shell at it, 160mm caliber.

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The leadership is actually pretty smart. When mary jane became legal in a bunch of states, it pretty much killed their profits there, so a lot of them have switched over to other drugs like opiates and meth- a drug that has always been primarily been produced in America.

I sure hope you aren't suggesting inertial guidance.

The Rh-202 on the Marder 1 is beltfed

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That's West German though isn't it? They had a similar idea for defending the Fulda Gap at least

they're all """technically""" belt-fed. not nearly the same thing as an external belt going up a crane arm in the style of a hmg or something.

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So… I've been thinking…

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Dude… Weed legalization was only a blimp on their radar. Cocaine is the real deal, and this has been said by them. Even crystal meth profits can't compare with cocaine. Also, poppy can be grown almost anywhere here. Sinaloa is the main producer, and guess which cartel is the one with the deepest pockets.
And this is only the profit they get by drug sales. Kidnappings, extortion, money laundering… The list is long. Cartels are powerful because they know that putting all your eggs in one basket is a recipe for disaster. Yes, they started with weed, but now weed is just one of their many sources of income.

The lower echelons are the violent degenerates. Except by the Zetas. Even the leaders engaged in cannibalistic activities. Yes, just like the Bandits and Mercs in Misery eating Snorks. But, you know, human flesh tastes just like pork, that's why catholic priests taught the aztecs how to cook pork.

All of them except 3 are fine.
Pic is the modern (and almost standardized) version of the Monstruo. For all it's crudeness, it has proven to be effective, so much that some police corporations have made their own versions.

Attached: BmblNUyIAAA9X07.jpg (600x450, 46.66K)

Oh, BTW, Monstruos can throw caltrops on the fly too.

How much does it cost to build crude monstros similar to that pic? Militias here are experimenting with AR500 but its an expensive and slow process. They've been trying to bring down the cost by armoring only the cab and engine. Is that how cartels do it or do the do the whole body? How do they armor the drive train?

I can get behind that. Is a 160mm mortar round as effective as a purpose built ATGM against MBT class armour though?

So then what distinguishes this from your garden-variety technical?

Kornet is 152mm and it can penetrate any MBT turret from any angle. The toughest turret is Abrams with 1200mm steel-equivalent armor, and Kornet penetrates 1300mm steel equivalent.

RPG-28 is 125mm and it can penetrate any MBT hull from any angle. Most well armored MBT hull is Chally with 900mm steel equivalent hull armor, and RPG-28 has 1000mm steel-equivalent penetration.

M72 is 66mm and it can penetrate the roof of any tank. The toughest roof armor is T-80 with 100mm RHA equivalent, and yet the M72 LAW penetrates 300mm rolled homogenous steel equivalent.

tl;dr a 60mm mortar shell could do it as long as it's a HEAT shell and it hits the roof.

160mm could probably do it from concussive force alone. 152mm mortar used to unseat a KV-2 turret in WWII, a 160mm is much larger than the caliber makes it seem.

Your garden variety technical isn't armored and is designed for fast coordinated attacks. These are essentially make shift APCs. Part of the reason I asked if these cartelfags had done some R&D into new weapons is to figure out if they are making the jump from APC to IFV yet. These are a very good base to make nigger-rigged IFVs.

That article is fucking interesting.
Pic. related is hilarious

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Huh. I have an idea. What would happen if you show IS tankers Girls Und Panzer?

instead of murdering in the name of Jihad they murder for someone talking shit about their waifu?

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Honestly I don't know, but I guess they're relatively expensive. Most of their vehicles actually lack any kind of armor, Monstruos are used mostly to spearhead raids, to patrol the turf, and to protect the boss entourage. On large scale squads only a few vehicles are Monstruos.
Indeed. The Tamaulipas Style only has armor on the cabin and the engine. Armoring the whole vehicle a la Syrian Militias is too expensive and adds lots of weight. And most imporantly: it makes the vehicle too obvious. I mean, most Monstruos have the armor inside, they even leave the glass on the doors to disguise the plates. Try to roll on the streets with a truck like pic related though.
They don't. Tires and the drive train lack any armor, and this is their main weak point.

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Tank autism makes no distinctions.

So, ignoring weight, what about having multiple hardened plates sandwiched with high aggregate concrete?

Good luck hitting anything without ring laser gyros or something. You don't have GPS if your missile is too fast.


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It worked for the Killdozer, although I thought the primary benefit and intent of the design was that you could get away with mild steel. Also, shit's stupid heavy.

What about GLONASS? Also, not all GPS recievers shut off, only ones approved for US domestic consumption IIRC. Also, internal guidance like the V2 could work. You could even make a manually guided varient for AA against drones, transport planes, and slow bombers. Amatuer high powered rocketry is very underrated as a combat resorce for guerillas.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. Still though, active defenses are where it's at.

Add a giant metal plate that is all but bullet proof and attach it to the front scoop. Then drill a fuck ton of holes in it wide enough for a barrel and sights. Hen have the tractor drive forward both protecting the soldiers behind the plate and having constant gun fire from said soldiers. Then mass produce the plate with a rig to attach it as if it were a standard part on a tractor and given them to farmers for 1776 hours.

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Just like, why not?

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Putting aside how fucking huge that drone would have to be whereabouts were you planning on bombing with that? Would you be carpet bombing the area with 50-100MT nukes, or would each cluster bomb drop bomblets at that yield?



I was thinking of using it on Turkey so we can see if they truly are roaches

and to answer your question, on whether I would be as autistic to cluster bomb an area with 100 megaton nukes, the answer is quite obviously yes

Poor man's fulda gap defence system

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i think your forgetting that armored vehicles, and vehicles in general are ill suited for attack vehicles themselves unless on open terrain against other vehicles
the usefulness in vehicles to the average soldier is as a support vehicle, ie transport, mobile bullet sponge, protection against oposition vehicles of a lighter variant

underrated post

That would not be possible with nuclear shit we will just have to wait the anti-matter production rate to reach levels we can make our dreams come true.