Brownells Retro Rifles

Hey guys…..

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Oh shit that's some sexy right there.

It might happen in our future rebellion against our Red Chinese overlords

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Do kiwis get access to new AR's?

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But do they jam like the originals?

They come with retro aluminum magazines so yeah eventually they would.

So if I use new mags I'll be fine then?

The AR-10s only work with aluminum mags, so they're completely fucked.

Am I retarded or are those just AR-10s

Look at the charging handle. Look at the forward assist (or lack thereof). Look at the lack of fencing on the receiver. Look at the muzzle devices. If you can't see the difference between early-generation ARs and the modern variants you really should just gas yourself.

So basically I would be better off just buying an old school stock and carry grip sight for my ar. Fuck mattel plastic anyways, guess I know why my dad would bitch about it so much now.

Okay shut your bitch ass up and pay attention.
The retro AR-15s are functionally fine - they can take any 5.56 AR mag. You're dumb for thinking they can't and probably shouldn't own a gun in the first place.
The real problem comes with the retarded purists and competition shooters behind them locking you into the 1:12 twist rate that restricts you to shitass 55gr plinking ammunition, especially in the midget model. That's fucking stupid, terrible for accuracy, and why we switched to 1:7 for heavier bullets that we never actually switched to because we can't have nice things and is the new standard. 1:9 is better but fuck perfection you get what you're told to want.
The AR-10s are made to use shitty aluminum mags with shitty flimsy feedlips because of the original magwell design, because fuck your wallet and buy my magazines.

Also enjoy those shitty three-prong flash-hiders that fall apart when you look at them, you faggot.

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So what your saying is I shouldn't throw my dosh away on this. Gotcha.

Do they have mass spectrometers in the magwell or something?

Pic related


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Two factors - the original magwell has a 90 degree angle towards the front, so it can only use straight magazines. Brownell's decided to pattern it specifically around the DPMS 20 round magazines because nobody likes those.
Second problem is aluminum is flimsy and feed lips are thin as fuck, so shoving a magazine into the gun as well as running hundreds of rounds worth of the bolt across them will deform them. Shit mags and a lack of lubrication kills the AR platform, so choosing a magazine with shit longevity is a bad business decision. Unless they push out straight polymer mags that don't suck it's a bad gun.

They're not worth getting unless you're in it for the novelty. You can get better ones for the price. If you're dropping that much money on an AR you should be custom building it either way.

The AR-10's are nice if you want one for a collection. 601 or E1? Easily built from original or repro parts. SP1? Originals can be found all over in the same price range. A1? Same as the SP1, you can find originals all day long in the same price range as those repros. Shit, Nodak is making nearly ALL the parts for Brownell's, so you could just go through Nokdak for parts and do a "retro" build. The E2 is a bit different, since it's NFA, but both Brownell's and Troy had to be fucking retarded and just offer them in 1-12, rather than offer up a separate line with 1-9 or 1-7 for the crowd that wants the "retro" factor, but wants to shoot modern loads.

i dont care about the very specific autism on things like the magwell or the 1-12, im just glad i can get the parts easier to make a gau5-ish clone without having to pay troy.

What's wrong with Troy?

Only douchebags are named Troy.

Shame there's no A2. It's the ultimate aesthetic for me.

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they have a general trend of hiring glow in the dark feds and leos with bad track records. it came to light that they hired one of the snipers from ruby ridge then stood by him and said there was nothing wrong in the murder of vicky weaver.

Cool, I hope they make them with the original pattern magazines so I can finally get more for my original Sudanese AR10…


They felt really cheap and plastic-like in person. Everything seemed really brittle and ready to break if you dropped it. Plus they cost an assload. Visit Grinell Iowa if you want to take a look at the examples.

t. Iowafag

That is how I feel about all ARs. I know most of them won't, but picking one up I just can't shake the feeling.

I do wonder if they used the proper stock material or just molded shit-tier plastic to the same dimensions for cost reasons. I haven't handled one yet to tell.

Dude, NoDak has been making retro parts for years, which is who Brownell's is getting the majority of their parts from.

Not enough of a demand from them, not yet anyways.

That's too bad. It always struck me as a nice balance between retro and having the important design improvements.

They do exist. I saw a stag arms one for 700 at a big box store. Even then there's still the A2 classic made by DPMS

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Anyone have any experience with Model 1 Sales uppers? Are they good, or cheap bullshit?

You can do some neat stuff with them

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Thomas A. Swift's ELECTRIFIED! Rifle

They should produce ar-180s, and the hollywood muzzle device.

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bruh, A2 clones are super easy to find

I wonder if i can use those with a Cat D…

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