Funniest documentary ever?

I had to share this shit. Bunch of YAY-HOO gun slingers trying to make a buck as mercenaries in Kabul breaking every gun rule in the book while hiding behind false bravado and testosterone. I was in stitches!

• Barrel swiping the driver multiple times w/live ammo
• Shooting the earth down then screaming GOGOGOGOGO like some B action flick usually reserved for MST3K.
• Driving down a road with more potholes than asphalt with a pistol between your legs and finger on the trigger
• Not knowing how to do simple shit like strap your armor on, probably because you don't want to ask and risk sounding like a fool
• Some Jack Bauer wannabe running his own prison (with a full bar) because he doesn't want his private platoon of 10,000 mujahideen to kill everyone (supposedly also had AIDS and gave it to many innocents before dying in Mexico or some shit)
• Pretend "Chinese" doctor Straya creeping on (likely underage) slave-whores claiming he can fix their problem areas.
• Same fake-ass creepy 'doctor' joking about picking up suicide bomber pieces as if there is an actual investigation going on
• Chilling by the second IED before it blows
• Being asked how many firefights he's been in, thinks a LONG time about it, sighing, then saying "probably two" (wtf?)
• People generally driving and acting like Hanna Barbera Wacky Races.

I don't know if my sides will return from orbit any time soon

• Calling a martini henry a "musket"
• Using your primary rifle as a blunt object to hit a bus
• Open-mouth gay kiss from SF reervist AIDS-infected Jack Idema
• Journo asking the dumbest questions throughout

Is this some kind of 'combat tourism' industry? Giving divorced dads and FOBbits a chance to shoot at something.

Pretty standard mercs.
Anyone thinking mercenaries are anything else than this only knows the Hollywood version.

Most of them have never seen the military, those that have have been kicked out, with a few legit vet here and there (but waaaayyyy higher compared to were they were, they're also the only ones making real money in this) to keep the whole thing to go 100% Lord of the Flies.

Fucking lost it.
Tell me more, Mr. John Doe.
Holy shit that's pathetic.
This fucking guy.
things that are useless, for 100.
Yeah, nah. She won't.
This guy is by far my favorite.
The two fags shown at 45:30 are cute. The one on the left says to the one on the right "Do you want to go to bed?" or "Should we go to bed?". Obviously fags.

Why do I get the feeling I could take a semi-competent militia and have a better fighting force than these retards?

This sounds like a good side gig for groups looking to get experience. I hear the pay is shit though.

fuck that looks like a good vacation
how do you get in

I think you need to be an actual experienced special forces vet to make all that much money doing that kind of work. Then again if you were using it for training/a holiday you could probably get the company to cover your flights and it would cost less than other options, they'd probably cover ammo and fuel as well.

$350 a day or some shit

For experienced former SF in a company with a big contract, yes. Smaller cowboy outfits probably don't even see half of that and cover their own expenses.

Damn, I though you wouldn't get hired without military experience. Could you possibly join them and get trained by the vets?

Holy shit OP where did you find this Im laughing like Im an autismo in public.

doing research on Detroit anti-gang cops (who are 1000 times more professional and probably get paid less)

What is this meme

That's less than $30/hr.

That's my idea. Though if its this easy to get start a PMC, it would be a good way to train militiamen, especially if their wprk is seasonal or they are fresh out of school.

Attached: failed apuicide.jpg (1346x1048, 63.13K)

Do they feed you and so forth or does all of that come out of that paycheck?

Dumbest outfit ever? More like most effiecent. Think how much the owner is probably raking in by visiting the local sechuan rat meatery and testosterone therapy clinic for employees. It’s the combat equivalent of landscapers picking up Mexicans outside 7/11.



the memes make themselves

Attached: Screenshot_20180412-180232_YouTube.jpg (876x720, 212.93K)

You can definitely join, but you won't get trained or well payed.
You're there to be an adequate meat shield to the people in charge that are raking it in.

No-one that is ex-military serious security private contractor is going in Iraq or Afghanistan unless they already do spooky things (and aren't actual mercs, just deniable US soldiers) or are contracted directly for a very specific task (typically not dangerous) by the US.
The other who do, do so for 6 figures paycheck and recruit bumbblefucks like you or the guys in OP video with a half decent wage incentive equal to what you could earn doing any hard working jobs without getting yourself shot at or blown up to bits.

There are enough pipelines, rigs, mines, refinery, etc… in shitty countries that need proper security to intimidate the local criminals that provide much better paychecks, perks and benefits with a near 0% of actual risks of getting killed to get to enjoy them, for anyone with a proper military resume.

He looks like the 56% face with a fake beard and sunglasses

This is the definition of try-hard middle-aged men who want to be Rambo and shoot some towel heads. That homunculus James Yeager would be a perfect fit with these fags. These guys can't handle some niggers in detroit with glocks, much less fanatic Islamic fighters.

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where is serious discussions?

Holy shit! He does look like Asperger…

Attached: Assburger.webm (480x360, 3.44M)

This thread is relevant, and we've already got a PDF thread, so I wanna ask:

What are some recommended and Zig Forums approved documentaries?

He has some resemblance to Ron Perlman too.

Post more cuties like that please.

Go back to fucking monkeys, Brazil

Why so hateful?

Attached: goblina.png (459x353, 112.94K)


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"This is what winning look like" documents how fucked Afghanistan really is.
"Unsere Mütter, Unsere Väter" is a German Docu-Drama about some Germans in WWII.

Brazil, of all places, posts this meme….
How could you possibly lack this much self-awareness?

When one of two kids with the Downs calls the other "retarded", the fact that it comes out of his mouth out of all people doesn't make it any less true. Self-awareness doesn't really come into this.

I can't fathom the depths of delusion you must have to think the US is as bad as Brazil. Take your meds, man….

I don't. But that, too, is irrelevant. Just add IQ scores to the previous example and make the speaker's score lower than the other kid's.

I hate to say it, but the monkey is right.
A quadruple amputee calling a triple amputee "disabled" would still be correct.

Highly recommended.

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This is funny, but true. These are a bunch of old men having mid-life crisis, their wifes cheating on them, their daughters fucking around, and their sons won't even talk to them(These are all generalizations of course). Pathetic, failed males attempting to make up for what they perceive as their lack of a accomplishments or successful life.

May he without autism cast the first stone, weeb.

Also, not to mention how they have A/C, food, and internet. They're treating it like a vacation lmoa.

Here's another one on niggerland.

That is not a doc. It's a great show but that is like the equivalent of calling Band of brothers a doc.

by the way it's English name is "Generation war" It's on netflix :^)

I really can't think of a single documentary that isn't full of misinformation.

Attached: Unsere.webm (854x480, 7.64M)

It has documentary elements, and is based off the experiences of real people (as the official after-show interviews show), but the overarking story is made up.

I agree. There were no good nazis.
All nazis were evil and died thankfully by the millions. That movie is pro nazi propaganda.

Just like the Romans, the clock is ticking down.

Attached: HAPPENING.webm (1280x720, 4.99M)

Would I have to fight for our ""greatest ally"" first?
How much experience would one need for this?


Devalued currency? Check
Open borders? Check
Bread and circuses? Check

Check, and only going to get worse from here on out
Before you get started yes I bloody well am salty.

Guess it's time again to urge everyone to read Decline of the West from Spengler. It's not a theory of everything, and he leaves behind many question marks, but his observations on how history works are remarkably accurate. Indeed, his words seem to be prophetic at times.

Wait. Are you salty about Americans, Romans or both?

To answer on his behalf, salty about pretty much everyone.