Best home defense weapon?

So boys, I'm interested in getting a home defense weapon. I cannot legally aquire a handgun for about 3 more years. I can buy anything else though. I'll be getting my own place soon and want to be set for worst case scenario.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dog, niggas be scared of dogs.

Get a pepper spray. You can blind the dindu and then beat him to death with whatever is at hand

My girlfriend has a pure bread poodle that she's training to be a guard dog. Don't underestimate poodles, non-show ones can be vicious and are exceptionally easy to train.

i thought poodles were borderline retarded, but hey if it works it works.

Poodles were used as hunting dogs before they were used as upper class accessories.

Pump action shotgun, get some 00 buck for it. They usually run in the low 200s so they're very affordable. When you get bored you can put stupid things in the shells and it will probably run fine no matter how you abuse it.

Get a boyfriend.

Imagine being killed by bread-shaped like a poodle in a robber
or being killed by a poodle

Imagine being killed by a poodle-shaped loaf bursting out of a mugger like a fucking Xeno. Or being killed by a poodle.

poodles are consistently ranked as second to only border collies in intelligence

Strelok just get a rifle and a pump shotgun. You can pick up pump shotguns at the pawn shop in decent condition for $150-$250, even some H&R chinese shit is better than nothing. I personally use:
I grab whichever I need for a given situation. The pistols and shotgun are mainly just for fighting my way to a rifle.

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.30-30 Levergun. Can find them cheap as fuck if you're in durr country, more powerful than an AK, no need for magazines, but ammo is kinda expensive.

Get a miniature wooden bat.

Attached: Pennsylvania school district arms teachers with mini baseball bats.webm (640x360, 1.04M)

Maverick 88 ($200) + $100 worth of ammo (buckshot, your choice of any size between #4 and #000; get enough premium ammo to fill your gun + some premium ammo to practice with + a bunch of the cheapest ammo you can find) + $25 on a bore snake and CLP + $50 for a sling and sling mount. $375 total, and you'll have something far more effective than a pistol, and arguably as effective as an AR/AK for home defense.

Another decent option would be a pistol-caliber carbine that takes Glock mags, and then plan on getting a Glock in 3 years. Ammo is cheap, pc carbines are fun as hell and easy to shoot, and when you get your handgun you'll already have ammo and mags for it.

Pump action 12 loaded with buckshot of some vaiety, I prefer #4 but do your research and come to your own conclusions. Hi-point carbine in 9mm or .40 S&W would also be cheap and usable at a similar budget. If budget is no issue just get an AR-15 or something.

There are over-penetration issues with that, so you have to make sure you have your AR loaded with the right ammo.

Is 12 cal. shotguns still useful if you can't use buckshot and only slugs? (the canon is rifled, so I still can buy buckshot, but it's useless)

Sadly, a maverick 88 cost 500 euros here. And only rifled, so no buck shot.

Unless you live on a large property or atleast have very solid (stone or similar) walls then no. But if you can still get buck shot you should be able to blast that in the rifled barrel just fine, just don't expect a tight group at farther distances but for indoor distances there shouldn't be too noticeable of a spread.

Here's an article I found on this

Basically shooting down a hallway or across the bedroom should be fine just don't try to shoot a hostage taker using a human shield.

I sleep with one next to me on the bedside table.

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I really want this stupid fudd meme to fucking die.

OP don't listen to these retards, find a good AR or AK and use hollowpoints.

You're giving my ptsd flashbacks to my childhood.

It's got better muzzle energy than 7.62x39, so it's true in that regard. It might not retain that energy as well due to being roundnose, but that's not the same as being less powerful. That being said it's a retarded suggestion for HD, because there are so many better options available.

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Slugs can be effective for defense, yes.

Eh, I't just a cheap, available option I came up with. Can find it in every state for cheap, even in cucked shitholes like commiefornia, basically immune to AWB panic buying nonsense for the time being as well. OP, if you're still reading this, by all means get something like an AR or AK, maybe a PCC if you can find someone to sell ammo to you.

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Hey op you could get a fishing bat. They are quite light in the most part and im quite sure they are legal

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Get yourself a post-Soviet doctor. Pros:
1. It's free.
2. He knows a thousand ways to make anyone cry like a bitch.
Cons: he'll drink all the ethanol in 10 km radius.
I'm not even kidding, it's a fantastic weapon.

Attached: free_healthcare.webm (320x240, 5.56M)

That's insane, $220 would be overpriced

How much is a Benelli M2 over there?

About 1200
and yes spaghetti friend I am saving up to buy italian product

I thought it'd be more than the 1500 pizza coupons it goes for here

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Cross bow if you know how to use it and if you can shell out the cash. Too poor, think it’s unreliable or just think it’s too slow then get a war axe or a royal kukri. If you have an actual pair of balls use a metal dragon dildo welded to a chain, attach said chain to a sturdy wooden stick and use it as a flail.


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Except it is, you fucking retard.
30-30 winchester:
170 gr (11 g) FP 2,227 ft/s (679 m/s) 1,873 ft⋅lbf (2,539 J)

10.0 g (154 gr) SP 641.3 m/s (2,104 ft/s) 2,056 J (1,516 ft⋅lbf)
8.0 g (123 gr) FMJ 738.0 m/s (2,421 ft/s) 2,179 J

30-30 winchester is a whole 100fps faster with a 20gr heaver projectile.

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If you're in a situation where you cannot obtain a gun, then police-grade pepper spray combined with a camping hatchet is probably going to be the best ranged + psychological deterrent. When wielding the hatchet from afar, angle it above (and at angle) to show the profile and that you're a mean mother fucker. To use range (avoid lethal hatchet), the police-grade spray is what saves you.

Ensure that your spray is not the tiny piss stream that is hard to hit. You want a large canister that has enough co2 to propel it far, and you want a mist, not fog, as the latter prevents you from moving in if needed with the hatchet (in-case of multiple intruders). A good option, that I found is: 'Sabre' brand, "Model # M-120L, Police magnum". It has a 8" cone @ about 10 foot and utilizes CS tear gas (in addition to the Capsicum and dye).

Remember to shake.

Also, Large poodles have the same sized mandible-opening and teeth as any other dog; bit-force and tenacity, that I don't know, but don't knock it faggots, they're better than nothing, if that's your preferred family breed, and as stated before, they're smart, and nigs don't like dogs. Shave the fucker to make it look 'alien' to enhance the PSYOP.

I would advise, if they are visible unarmed, to wield the hatchet (brandish it like a madman), and if they advance, use the spray. If multiple advancing, use both, because you WILL lose your life if you don't.

Stay safe.

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Poodles are awesome and anyone shitting on them has never cared for one or even played with one. And so what if hipster faggots care more about the form of their hypoallergenic and water resistant hair than the function of it? They are generally good dogs and I would not fuck with one if trained as a guard. And OG gundogs, can't get much more Zig Forums than a dog bred to help on a hunt.

What did they do to the child? For a second I thought they were cutting out his tongue.

First off get a cricket bat as the easiest to acquire defensive weapon. They're heavier than the average baseball bat, and the choice between the wide section and the narrow section is useful when you want the option between causing bruises and pain and causing fractures and deep tissue damage. Once you've got that look at the layout of your house, the cricket bat can work with cramped conditions but it will be less useful as you're unlikely to get a full swing (jabbing with it can still keep an attacker at a distance though). For cramped conditions seriously consider a Gladius, blunted if you'd prefer to have the police pick up a live criminal rather than a corpse, and if you don't want blood everywhere. If you have a lot of room then seriously consider getting a hand piston squirt gun (can be picked up on the cheap almost anywhere) and filling it with a mix of chilli powder, pepper spray, maybe something more toxic (if you distil and crystallise bleach at home a powder made from the crystals is a good place to start - n.b. DO NOT INHALE FOR ANY REASON. Also under the right/wrong circumstances the salts this produces can be kind of explosive, be gentle with them), spray that mix at an intruder from as far away as possible and laugh as he's hit with discomfort, pain, respiratory distress, and much much worse. Maybe wear a respirator, or at least one of those fabric/paper face masks, oh and some goggles, safety comes first after all and you do not want this shit anywhere near your eyes or mouth/nose. Also be sure to clean up thoroughly afterwards, it's not a good idea to have that shit sitting on an area you intend to spend time in.

Or just get a shotgun or something, if you're boring, free man.

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You don't actually give a fuck about the facts. You just want your dipshit opinions validated. Do us all a favor and stay the fuck off the internet with the rest of your willfully ignorant trash friends

Not to mention explaining to the police how you're waging chemical warfare on Intruders.
Just get a working, used shotgun and enough ammo to get comfortable with it. No remshit.

Eh, I get bored, and finding a way to turn normal kitchen supplies into (useless) chemical weapons is entertaining. How would you improve on the design?

If you're really broke you can always pick up a Louisville Slugger. If your intruder is unarmed, swinging one of these around will make them turn tail (But this is Zig Forums so let's not blindly hope we get invaded by an unarmed idiot). Otherwise a good option is to get a pump shotgun from a pawn shop for about $150 to $250 on average. Another option is to get a .22 rifle for about $150 to $250 either in a pawn shop or even online.
Most break-ins are committed by desperate noguns who just want to steal a few things for some quick crack money. So seeing a rifle of any kind will make your average intruder shit themselves. If you get a .22 rifle make sure it's semi-auto so that if they don't stop and run away immediately, you can just do a mag dump into their chest.

To be honest, I'm of the opinion that you should never use improvised devices to defend your home, barring SHTF.
With that said, your idea is fun if set up as a perimeter defense, triggered remotely/by trip. Or in a cache if opened incorrectly.

Disregard , it posted without me finishing.

the martian is right

also a fine idea

my uncle had a poodle that came from a breeder that focused on working traits and that poodle was a more than capable guard dog

jesus I thought it would be an actual baseball bat (better than nothing) but this is a fucking joke

No shit Sherlock. Then again I guess there are a few Zig Forumsommandos mad and/or stupid enough to try. It could work as a drop trap, covering the intruder in the powdered bleach salts, maybe applying enough of a spark to ensure ignition afterwards. Probably best not to put that too close to anything you care about though.

Guns are a plague in the USA, i believe that they are completely wrong. The fact that i can walk into a gun shop and buy a weapon that really belongs in the army for under $1000 is complete nonsense. One of the arguments I'm hearing is this "guns don't kill people, people kill people" this is true, HOWEVER, having a gun makes it very, very easy to do so, if your assailant has a knife or club, you can at least run or reach for something to hit back with, also any injuries sustained will be relatively minor compared with a gunshot wound, it is easier and CHEAPER, to simply get some basic self defense classes, which educate you on how to defend yourself and those around you, and it is NEVER out of your reach.

Poland I will behead you

Duct tape a kitchen knife to the end of a broomhandle. It's pretty much the most effective improvised weapon you can get.

Nice pasta, Indocuck.

He's not wrong though, we really do get guns all too easily. All it takes is for some psycho to get a gun at a gun show and we have the next Sandy Hook

That's indonesia, you massive retard. Would it really bother you to hover over the flags icon for a few seconds?

Get the fuck out of my country.

Majority of school shootings could have easily been prevented. Ease of access to guns isn't the problem. The problem is we have cases where a guy gave his son guns despite his son being a convicted criminal, thus it being illegal for his son to posses guns. Ineptitude of our police forces and general populace failing to stop school shootings before they happen is the problem.
There are only a handful of school shootings in the history of the entire world that couldn't have been stopped before they happened. And those few incidents likely wouldn't have been stopped if the perp had to go to a "proper" gun store. Also, good job buying into the gun show meme. Bet you get all your news from CNN, cuck

You can't be this much of a newfaggot

Don't underestimate the New Zealanders, Mexico.

user before you get a weapon, think about how good the anti-burglary protection of your home is.
The best weapon brings you nothing, if you don't have the time to grab it and niggers can easily walk into your home.

How good are your doors to the outside secured?
Are the door hinges protected against being forced up?
Is the lock secure against lock picking?
Is the exterior plate and cylinder of the lock secure against being drilled open?
Is the strike plate of the lock solid enough so the door can't be opened with a screwdriver?
Can you lock your door two times?
Does your door have a secondary lock with a door chain?
Does your door have a security bar so it can't be kicked in?
Same shit with the windows in your home.
Can the hinges be force open?
Are the locks on your windows secure?
Is the window frame strong enough to be bent open?
How strong is the glass pane of your window? Can it be easily smashed in?

If your windows and doors are insecure, you can get most shit to fix them at the next home improvement store.
While there get yourself a some Burglar Alarms, doesn't have to be a hole system just these cheap ones with a magnet are enough.
Point is you switch them on if you go to sleep and you are warned if someone manages to open your door or window.
They are great if you don't have money to buy the other stuff to secure your doors and windows or if you are a student and live somewhere where you can't drill holes into the walls and doors.
Too many people ignore home security, but it actually saves your skin since most low level threads are too stupid to overcome them and so you will be unlikely come into a fighting situation with them.
It also give you back up later in court, because the people that spent 15 minutes to break open your door or come with the heavy tools to do it in seconds will not be some "disenfranchised youth in need of pocket money".

Next think about the people that will ignore the alarm sound, spend 15 minutes or come with heavy tools to break into your home, you are basically looking at a gang robbery.
Think 3 to 5 guys armed with tools and shitty cheap handguns they stole from their grandpa.
You can think about a melee weapon and scaring them away by showing your will to defend yourself, but realistically you need a gun to fight against so many attackers.
Other Streloks have given you good advise on cheap guns, but if they are still too expensive think about getting a semi-automatic gas pistol.
They are better than Pepper Spray, because you can reload and train with them more easily and they have enough power to blow a hole in the skin of an attacker when placed against their body.
Just stand outside the room/corridor the attackers are in and fire inside the room to create your own gas chamber for these subhumans.

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Lurk moar.

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Get your shit together, Malaysia.

Street sweeper best weapon for indoor defense

A double barrel

Saiga-12 or Vepr-12 using the biggest magazines you can find, loaded with slugs.

I mean if you don't want walls sure. What you really want is No.4 buck or No.1 birdshot.

Just use slugs so that you don't have lead ricocheting everywhere, better a clean hole in the walls than total annihilation

As long as you're ok with shooting into your neighbor's house if you don't live rural.

Need more Bundys in the world, and you are not helping.

what about wax slugs? just some target load birdshot and dollar store crayons. break apart when they hit shit so it won't kill what's behind the target or wall, but the first think it hits gets decimated.

This :^)

Attached: IMG_0716.PNG (1100x551, 23.75K)


Sorry, I'm used to having concrete walls

Never understood this
Well, that's … OK, I guess.

i never payed much attention in chemistry, but if that diagram were dinitrosalicylic acid it should infact have two nitrogen molecules right?

isn't it VX?

Checking the diagram for VX would suggest that it is. My bad for trusting a reverse image search.




FNX with Federal HST

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screwdriver tbh

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Hey, sorry I'm late, boys. Here is the only information you need on a home defense weapon.

Okay, now that the cancer is out of my system, just get a Bulgy AK in 5.45x39 or a scurry uhsolt style weppon.

Attached: Buy A Shotgun.jpg (400x568, 30.16K)

Are you that same guy who was posting the demotivational poster memes? Are you a boomer?

It's not easy to get rid of CIAniggers in a permanent way without further endangering americans.


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this, honestly.