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Joint strikes being launched by the US, UK, and France, according to the BBC.

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Could Russia flatten those military bases that have US troops with missiles?

Really though, it's the beginning of warm weather. Of course now would be the time to start a war. Is anyone surprised?

here we go

Attached: its happening.webm (640x360, 2.73M)

Seems like it's gonna be like last time so nothing's gonna come out of this except dick-waving.

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So I'm confused, is bombing civilians much more moral than gassing them? How does that work?


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They don’t care, they think the cattle is stupid.

Well shit. Here we go I guess.

Attached: Riding the HAPPENING bomb.webm (1280x720, 2.66M)

so what happens if Russia doesn't do a thing?

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why would they do that when they could flaten US troops in Syria?

Is it so hard to wait for confirmation?

Bearing in mind that I don't even believe this is happening (it's just twitter buzz so far), I think as long as Russian interests aren't directly taken out they will respond in some asymmetric way.
In other words cyber warfare, taking out a CIA base in Afghanistan or Iraq, selling Kornet and Igla missiles to Mexican Cartel….

Am I the only on having issues with the captcha?
I've filled it out six times since this thread appeared.

Attached: lol.jpg (896x662, 177.98K)

yes, me too


Yes, me too. Fucking jim can't make a cookie work.



Russian air force is apparently heading south.
I thought US bases were in the north


I'm guessing they're moving to intercept bombers over Damascus.

>Trump pushes us towards WW3 cliff because of chemical attack staged by MI6 to protect our (((greatest ally)))
All aboard the happening train. Choo chooooo

Is Assad even in Syria at this point?

no more missiles, jets now
is it DOGFIGHT time?

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What happens if Russia shoots down stealth aircraft?

More money to (((LMT))) and friends to develop stealth++ technology.

More angry arguments carried out at a snails pace here?

Stealth craters.

Thread theme.

An user starts to repeatedly remind us that it was a Hungarian who led the SAM team that did it, not a Syrian.


They get 20000 points and an extra life.

It's ogre.

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so did the "allied" strike force get in and out before russia could even respond?
MUH S400

How much damage could Russian misisles do to Saudi Oil infrastructure?

Until the next time that dastardly Assad uses chemical weapons, that is.

I hope to god we get out but France and UK get bombed.

you're putting a lot of faith into a military that regularly sexually abuses their own infantryman in gay ways.


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How much do you want to bet?

Wouldn’t mind Paris getting nuked tbqhsth

can someone answer me fucking this. you retards shill for MUH S400. yet it didn't stop the "allied" bombing worth shit. not one report of an "allied" fighter/bomber down.
MUH S400 MUH AK47 MUH T-90

i just hate slavaboos.

I wouldn't mind them taking London, Birmingham and Bradford at this point.

JUST IN: Senior pro-Assad official says if U.S.-led strikes are now over, attack will be seen as limited

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What the fuck I thought they sent manned aircraft at least in my mind that means shits a little more serious I think in after the missiles. So did they just barely fly near the target, drop a load, then fuck off. I mean apparently there were several waves of missiles, but the manned flights were just one and done?

It would be better to avoid losing some of the things in cities like London and Paris.
What major European cities have the least irreplaceable culture and history?

man im not far from brum, praying for this to happen. i figure after a week i can go loot.

Keep in mind all of these updates will be confused/delayed. it may already be over or it may infact be continuing and syria considers it war.

Berlin and Frankfurt can go too tbh



What happened to the days when Russia would give nuclear weapons to their allies such as Cuba?

Is this more BASTE 88D chess?
Is Trump supporting Israel part of his plan to defeat world Jewry? Zig Forums is basically leaf tier at this point, with the "If you kill your enemies they win" bullshit.

That would end very badly and could be treated as an act of war.

There's still airborne Slav jets that were unaccounted for, apparently flying south.

Were those confirmed, or just some Twitter dude saying stuff?

What about flattening the Saudi's oil production infrastructure such as the refineries?

How many red blooded Americans would want to save the Saudis?

Wouldn't such an attack harm the US due to gas price?

The only 14^88D chess Trump ever played was getting Zig Forums, the only real opponent to the system, full of Redditors and boomers over social media becoming another piece of controlled opposition.

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Is there a website where we could monitor air traffic?

Weren't some missiles coming from Jordan?

To an extent, it would harm us. However, gas prices don't affect us as much as the 70s or even the early 2000s.

Probably launched through there to avoid SAMs

Eh, not sure what to think on this one. It's really looking like a rerun of last year, but there really isn't enough reliable info out.

You can use WebSDR to monitor what goes down here in America, but not over there I'm afraid.



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Twitter account used by Liveuamap to report notable air activity.

Goy Force is coming in via Turkey, Jordan, Israel and Iraq.
Russia is coming in via Caspian sea by air and Mediterranean sea via a port.

So far Russia seems to have been warned ahead of time and cleared the airspace for the strikes. Russian airplanes heading south might be hitting symmetrical targets in Iraq.

Look at the map, strikes in Damascus were carried out from Israeli airspace. Strikes in Aleppo via Turkish airspace. S-400 doesn't cover those areas.
Also Russia permitted this airstrike, they were called and asked for access so…

Attached: syria-neighbors-map.jpg (1920x1080, 234.62K)

Hey croat, you think we will end up in same squad?

Attached: I don't believe this.webm (540x360, 152.36K)

so Is Russia going to produce more aircraft now?

A brate.

Can be made from pic related. I doubt any national government could be prevented from making it, even Liberia could do it.

If this chemical strike occurred, it was carried out by ISIS.

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Got source on that? I've seen other sources say that Mattis said that Russia hasn't been warned this time.

General Mattis: "A little over double the weapons used" in tonight's airstrikes compared to last year's airstrike on Shayrat airbase.

According to Mattis, they were told to clear the airspace, but weren't told about the strikes.

Statement by the Ambassador Antonov on the strikes on #Syria:
A pre-designed scenario is being implemented. Again, we are being threatened. We warned that such actions will not be left without consequences.
All responsibility for them rests with Washington, London and Paris.

the fuck kind of retarded map is that?

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Paris? It sounds like ww1

They weren't warned about targets, but airspace was deconflicted.

That basically means Russians were called and told about our intent to attack, we then waited for them to confirm their aircraft were grounded. It's the same phone line that prevents WWIII,

fuck that, deal with the map


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btw source

Because it's highly likely Russia and Syria knew whose bombers were coming in and reasoned it would be better to suffer a few bomb strikes than to shoot down a jet and start an actual war with ZOG and Co.

They've used chlorine gas IEDs in Iraq, and the original "sarin attack" was an absolute text book chlorine gas attack. The western media lied. You can google the exact symptoms they described and come up with chlorine gas yet they still said sarin.

The simulation might have forgotten believability but at least they pumped up the cinematography.

Attached: damascus bombing.mp4 (326x180, 1020.88K)

A pre-designed scenario is being implemented.

We warned that such actions will not be left without consequences. All responsibility for them rests with Washington, London and Paris.

inb4 Los Zetas sporting surface to air missiles, anti tank missiles, land mines, and tanks

inb4 MS13 gets new shipments of submachine guns and hand grenades

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Huh, emergency UN Council coming up soon, Russia has a chance to dump proofs. Hopefully the (((greatest ally))) gets sent to the shadow realm. But remember, they expect one of us in the wreckage brother.

Why my Rakija explode when put in fire?

Don't know, ask the local Serbs. One of them is a brainlet though.

FUCKING BASED!!!!!1!1!!1!!1!

Oge, will do

Well fuck if this isn't the gayest start to a war if there even will be one. assuming the russian response >>572301 is just something equally lame like just giving assad more gear and assistance but not shooting

Well shit thanks then Vlad. Probably get more people to demand a wall or even some kind of private security chuckle fucks getting hired to shoot beans.

>As our commander in chief, the president has the authority under Article II of the Constitution to use military force overseas to defend (((important U.S. national interests.)))

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I fully expect a lot of butthurt coming up.

Croatian national drink is italian wine and belgian semen.