Underrated rifle thread

Hey Zig Forums what do you think is the most underrated rifle? I have to say the FN-49 is very underrated rifle.

Attached: FN-49.jpg (600x221, 23.2K)

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Everything from France and Spain.

>steals strips us of our raifus in the name of (((peace)))
They're not so much underrated as they are infamous, thanks to the boundless retardation of some Americans and their inability to tell a training rifle apart from a proper one.

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Go ahead, get your upotty posting out of the system. It still needs to be said.

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You're saying the arisakas were made in trainer versions that shot downloaded cartridges that were the exact same dimensions as 6.5 or 7.7 arisaka? That's a terribly stupid practice if true. I agree that the arisaka is underrated though, they're among the nicest of the late military bolt actions.

My pick would be the G3. It gets all the anti-HK hate and seems to be regarded as the ugly duckling of the 7.62 NATO "battle rifles". It's a very good gun though, substantially more accurate than either the FAL or M14 and far easier to maintain than the M14.
OK, the general issue rifle is kind of ugly but if you throw on some wood or PSG-ish furniture it can look pretty good.

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Why does the m14 seem bulkier than the m1?

Dubs noted.
Saging for snarkiness.

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I'm actually a fan of these french berthiers. the little ones with the fixed magazine. they were made to compete with the german rifles at the time. These little carbine ones have such a nice feel to them, and the bolt is really smooth.
its not a common round anymore, but theyre nice to shoot in the same way the straight pull bolt swiss rifles are nice.

you can get these pretty cheap, but finding the smaller ones can be difficult. i've actually been wanting to buy one again but cant really find these for sale at a reasonable price.

Attached: French-Rifle-Berthier-Mle1916-Carbine-Full-Small.png (2000x1470, 1.77M)

A3 looks better tbh

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I'd fuck it.

Pissed off nips are never to be underestimated.

You do realise that complaining about the A1 is no different than someone telling you that the AR15 platform is inherently awful because the M16a1 had problems in Vietnam.

So you can operate operationally with your operational accessories?
How is the weight reduction going to impact bayonet use? Even if you're not interested in the bayonet a 4.98kg steel rifle can still be used as a bludgeon.


Another rifle im going to say that is underrated is the Carcano. Before you guys perform a Breaking wheel on me let me explain.
Yes I know that the Carcano is not the best rifle in the world. The Carcano with very good ammunition was a good rifle it was accurate and easy to use.
The carcano also has a nice bayonet too.
Most of the bad reputation comes from that its the rifle that killed JFK

Attached: carcano m38 cavalry.jpg (1098x394 174.86 KB, 198.66K)

Im just going to say that its better than the first version of the rifle

I think their bad reputation is from the fact Italians were trash in WW2. They actually lost a battle to spear-chucking niggers (abyssinians?) before the war.

The Abyssinians were about as close as Africans have come to a disciplined, professional, modern (for the time) army. They were at least a few steps above spear-chuckers.

Honestly, any rifle that has a good bayonet was good before ww1. Even during ww1 they could work quite well under the right circumstances. Even vid related. It's actually the one aspect of ww1 longarms that I really miss from this show.

A plastic keymod handguard where you can remove the unwanted rail is much better than the shitty DD full chunk of solid osmium cheese grater quad rail that 'we're currently issuing.

Oops, left my VPN on

2nd pic: MAX ERECC

The M16A1 suffered in ‘nam because of shit ammo and no cleaning kits. The L85A1 failed because it was a shoddy rifle that didn’t work. A2 seems bretty gud though.

If the L85 wasn't for lewd it wouldn't have such a fat fucking buttstock.
I'd hold it tight and lovingly bully it for being such a slut even though it will NEVER EVER have the chance to be a slut

It works well for what it is but it's still a bullpup and it's still heavy as fuck.

Explain Battle of Gazala, Charge of the Savoia Cavalleria at Izbushensky and how the Italian 1st Army defeating the British 56th "Black Cat" Division and a Free French Division on 11 and 12 May.

They had victories, yes, but the campaign as a whole was largely unremarkable compared to the rest of the Axis powers.

Like said, the M16 suffered in Vietnam for issues outside of its core design, namely bureacratic fuckery. The L85A1, on the other hand, suffered because it was INSAS-tier garbage in every regard. So bad, in fact, that Hanz decided it all had to go and built his own damn rifle almost from scratch. Yes, I know, you technically owned HK at that point, but that doesn't change the fact that the engineers were still fucking German. The end result was a boat anchor that had substandard ergonomics, weighed more than a goddamn M14 in operational configuration (loaded+SUSAT), and is still inoperable off the left shoulder without smashing your teeth in insert UK dentistry joke here. Meanwhile, the AR15 in all its forms continues to work flawlessly, now that they are cleaned and penny pinchers aren't allowed control over what powder we put in our ammo. Is the L85A2 better than the A1? Absolutely. Is it a good rifle in comparison to its contemporaries? God no. Why am I so righteously angry at this stupid rifle? Because its existence tarnishes the good name of RSAF Enfield, and marks the beginning of Commonwealth reliance on foreign arms suppliers.

tl;dr SA80 a shit.

fukken nailed it, fren

A..user, how could you be so mean to her?

I thought that a militarily neutered UK and Europe, dependent on NATO (i.e. America) for defence was Americas plan for a while now. It gives you more power on the world stage and a hell of a lot of political and economic influence on the other NATO nations. If you guys can get Trump to actually stick to his campaign pledges, and reduce Americas commitment to NATO then it might persuade our politicians that they actually need to give a shit about the military (Christ knows that they won't listen when we tell them), if that doesn't happen then at the very least it might finally end.

is this what guidos actually believe?

ehhh, really?
only thing I didn't like about mine was how insanely dirty it got inside. If you thought DI AR15's got dirty, you have no idea.

tfw I love my FN49
tfw it probably killed kikes

It isn't my fault I can't read the Kanji for NO LIVE AMMUNITION. Also mine was taken off a guy who got his stuck in a tree.

Teafriend, I can't pretend to know what the "plan" is, if there even is one.
You said it better than I, user
A politician is a politician is a politician is a

All the needle guns, because I only learned about them a good half-decade after all the other early weapons.

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Yes. The FAL (which in full disclosure I personally like more than the G3) is not a very accurate rifle. It uses a tilting bolt and the lockup and is just not very consistent from shot to shot. The M14 can be a very accurate rifle, for maybe three days (much less in bad conditions) after which the zero starts wandering.
None of this was very important to the respective military buyers because all of them are more accurate than the iron sights they shipped with anyway.

But, yes, it's true. The famous PSG-1 sniper rifle is basically a G3 with a few tweaks and a big scope.

They were miles ahead of muzzleloaders and served as a basis for bolt actions (and by liberal extension, most gas operated actions), but they got quickly dispaced by metallic cartridges for a reason.

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Keeping the rest of the 1st world (and as much of the 2nd world as possible) works in your favour and fits with your last century or so of previous behaviour. I'm not claiming to have read the transcripts from some secret senate committee (that meets under the White House and ends ever meeting with Dr Evil laughter) but it seems reasonable to conclude that this is the state of affairs that America wants.

I know that I'm veering rather offtopic here, but I feel like, on a bureaucratic level at least, you burgers are repating the exact same story with your F-35s (except much more expensively, and you're dragging half of Europe into it, too).
Every time I hear or think of either of these fiascos, I'm reminded of the other, and I can't help it.

She deserves to be bullied.
If she weren't for lewd, she wouldn't let the Krauts finger her.

I think they fall more under the category of underappreciated rather than underrated.

Attached: M1911A1.png (800x501, 403.66K)

Fucking Barbarians.
OK, so she made some dumb decisions as a kid (parents were more to blame than usual too), but it was waking up after realising she'd spent all night Hecklering Kraut Koch which set her straight. Fair enough she might not be prime wife material, but she'd be a wonderful mistress to keep in a nice apartment on the other side of town.

M1911A1 is underrated though but a good gun

isnt* my bad

But user, its a gun that America knew like its second thumb on their right hand
How is that underrated?

The absolute pinnacle of battle rifles design. A beauty to shoot with, no idea why people complain about the recoil. Also smells good
t. someone who was issued with one

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Heh, isn't she supposed to get figered by the Krauts a second time in near future?

Tell me what it smells like, and i've smelled alot of mechanical things in my life but try and use everyday occurrences as a frame of reference so i won't get confused. I'm not that great at English. I have difficulties reading the Bible in English, it seems so surreal, its like i'm back at first grade

Why do you need to apology user? you dindu nuffin.

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If you're talking about the A3 upgrade then I'm not sure who got that contract. Still, she's going to lose a lot of weight while keeping what counts - not bad considering she's getting into middle age by now.

Not apologizing my Polish friend, just pointing out that the other guy meant to say that the 1911 isn't underrated, and corrected himself in the next post, which you didn't acknowledge when replying to him.

user I…


If there wasn't Dr. Evil laughter I'd be ashamed. At least control world events with some flair, y'know?

Yeah, except this time we don't have "break glass in case of emergency" Germans. What would a German-reworked F35 look like?

What should I look for when buying an FN-49? Is 8mm Mauser still easy to find or should I dig for a 30-06 gun?

7mm FN's are cheaper to feed than the 8x57 and 30-06 guns. The 8x57 guns were Egyptian contract guns and look beat to shit like any well used surplus. Mines accurate enough.

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In Canada, maybe. .30-06 and sometimes 8x57 is cheaper and much more easier to find than 7mm Mauser in the States

Prvi good sir. 139gr stuff usually is 14 a box. This is why online shopping exist.

If ammoseek is to be trusted, 30-06 has a lot more in the 40-60c/round range, but it's all steel cased. Is that an issue with these or no? Everything brass costs about the same across the 3 calibers. Spoonfeed me on terminal ballistics, is one significantly better than the others or are they all about the same?

There's an Egyptian on gunbroker right now that's tempting, not even very worn.

God bless the Serbs, I love prvi

8mm and .30-06 are ballistically similar where as 7mm is fairly flat shooting and has less recoil than the aforementioned two. Steel cased .30-06 is fine for plinking ammo, it ain't anything impressive on paper.

>smells good
So what is everybody's favorite smelling gun? I'll nominate the M39.

I'd have to agree with you on the M39. It's either the arctic birch or the finish the finnish used on the gunstock that smells nice.

Suomi stocks also have that same cancerous smell. Its beautiful.

I'm pretty sure it was the HK guys again. In any case, it is no longer a case of her making some mistakes in her past if she's literally going to do it again in the future. And if that's the case, I remain steadfast in my claim that she deserves to be bullied.

Is it at least gentle/teasing levels of bullying? If she's going back to H&K voluntarily then maybe that's just what she's into.

Aussie Lithgow SLRs with the coachwood furniture

Any rifle soaked in Cosmoline.

You're digging yourself even deeper.
t. Idnonesia

>no one says anything or tells me to stop shitposting impying

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Well at least I learned something.

How is the s&w m&p 10 .308 for an entry-level rifle?

If they're anything like the M&P15s, they'll be good


pretty sure 3rd pic is a PTR not a G3

Every time


England, not even once.

Your raifu's literally cucking you, and you're telling me it's alright with you?! The Empire has truly fallen.

You're forgetting that the famas exists

Attached: M1917 'Enfield'.jpeg (1024x512, 60.72K)

The FAMAS is quite a nice rifle if it didn't depend so much on frogmunition.
I wonder what HK would have done to fix it.

HK probably would have replaced the lock in it with something out of a G3 or just gone the AR route.

Didn't we have a thread about this recently, called 'Adieu FAMAS' or something? I don't remember much of it apart from the fact that op was more of a faggot than usual, like he'd drunkenly stumbled here all the way from Twitter or some such shithole, but yeah, IIRC they're replacing it with a piston AR or something (by HK or SIG, I'm not sure).

Yes, but that thread was about the HK 416 becoming France's new service rifle. The kraut and the leaf are talking about what would have happened if the FAMAS got the L85 treatment and received a comprehensive refit by Heckle my Koch.

Yeah, and I'm basically saying as far as I recall the leaf's hypothetical scenario is true.

Fair enough. Still would be interesting to see what HK would have done with the FAMAS without replacing it though. Of all the fully-fledged bullpup designs that actually went into service EM-2 as nice as it is never actually went into service it's probably the best.

Why do you have to hurt me like that m8?

Attached: EM2 Master race.jpg (800x450, 130.53K)

1917 is a nice rifle, but my Springfield shoots legitimate 1/2 MOA. The reputation is deserved.

Not true. FALs are more accurate than G3s by some way. Psg-1s and autism accuracy variants are very accurate but that does not reflect G3s as a whole.

Makes sense. Accuracy is all about consistency, including consistency of lock-up, and there's a lot more room for minute variations of lock-up in a delayed blowback system.

What conflict do you think that was involved in?

But it did though, it was adopted for a couple months in 1951 before Churchill was elected and took the "become a slave to NATO/the US" pill

Everything Yugo is underrated because it's not "muh chrome".

Anything from 51 to 70. Its got some well use wear to it.

I have a soft spot for the BM59 and I don't know why.

Attached: bm59.jpg (1024x768, 788.54K)

I have a huge hard on for M14s and M1 Garands so a quirky Italian qt is just perfect. Well, it and the Lahti L39.

For me, it would be the Girandoni air rifle (Windbüsche). It was the first repeating long gun to have adopted by an official military (Austrian imperial army) and it was carried during the Lewis and Clark expedition to demonstrate in front of Native Americans.

It also shows that the American Founding Fathers did not intend to limit the 2nd Amendment to just flintlock muskets and hatchets.


I'd say go for an Argentine navy fn49 if you've got the money

The version of the EM2 adopted before Churchill canned it was chambered in 7.62x51mm NATO.
It was canned because the design could not be mass-produced at reasonable cost in the UK, not because of caliber fuckery.

Better than the mauser 98/k and mosin nagant?

It's a good marksman rifle but it's not a good service rifle. There is nothing to this day that lights a candle to the Lee-Enfield as far as Bolt-Actions go.

That's not exactly a hard achievement.

I get the Mauser, but why on Earth would you consider the garbage rod among the best bolt actions?

The Lee-Metford / Lee-Enfield was and is a soup sandwich; it's only as good as it is because you spent the better part of 60 years iterating upon the design, making incremental updates and modernizations.
Furthermore, you understand the Pattern 14 was originally intended to replace the Lee-Enfield after coming face to face with its shortcomings during the Second Boer War, right?

The P14 / M1917 was basically the Brits taking the Mauser 98 and continuing to improve upon it, so…

meme value