Rant tiem

USN is going to decomish one of their only two hospital ships USNS Mercy, and might remove both from service eventually. This is going to increase death rate tenfold because those two ships were there for every invasion in the past, in charge of emergency surgery, stabilizing soldiers enough so they can be airlifted to Germany (landstuhl) to save their life. Their hull is still solid, nothing about them is out of date.

To justify this, they lied and said large mobile bases like USNS Puller would be converted into hospital bases… and most people who follow this stuff were fine with it. It's a huge expense but at least no soldiers will die. However we just realized we got Jewed! USNS Mercy is being removed is to make LCS-like small hospital boats (image 2). Problem is such ships aren't large or stable enough to perform surgery on, nor do they have enough helicopter landing spots to be used correctly, nor do they have enough space for five operating halls, 1000 bed capacity, or enough blood and other medical storage to support an army.

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Came here to bully you for this but also
Well at least when they crash they aren't too far from medical facilities.

wow so doge le get
longcat is long

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Retiring any kind of specialist equipment before the successor is there and tested is always retarded.
I though they wanted to replace them by two dedicated Wasp-class?

But what's worse, retiring equipment without a successor, or retiring equipment only to replace it with an even worse successor?

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Separate service arms was a mistake. What would be the problem if every regiment or even company had its own support (fire, aircraft, logistics, air and sea transport, intelligence etc.)?

nice people

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Ok so it's going to be put up for auction to scrapyards, so which scrapyard do you think will get her, if it's somewhere shitty do you think we could steal it? what even would be the minimum skeleton Zig Forumsrew for a ship of that tonnage? it's time guys, the happening aint coming to europe so i need to make a happening of my own.

Go back to reddit and stay there you dumb faggot.

To a certain point it's nice to specialize, but then again there's no reason you can't have specialization within a larger group. Just split everything into either Army or Navy and call it good.

You can already buy tanks legally, do that instead.

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Separate service arms is one thing, giving every regiment their own navy and air force is a completely different thing.

More the fool you.

My reasoning for the number: There are only two hospital ships and they alternate dealing with all wounds during a US invasion, so any wound that can't wait a day or so for a real hospital in Germany is going to result in death. Iraq had about 4,000 dead and 35,000 critically wounded, ergo almost ten times more dead.

Split the existing air and naval assets and personnel among the various regiments and turn them into borderline self sufficient armies in their own right.

Or assign every land unit its own ship to provide transportation and fire support.

Definitely retiring equipment without a successor.
Losing the capacity entirely is way worse than losing part of it.

And while a dedicated Wasp would likely lose some hospital space (but not necessarily much that depends how big the plane hangar is) compare to them you could still have a very potent NATO Class III field hospital (which a regular Wasp-class already has, with about half the capacity of a Mercy-class, so one with a bigger hospital might do 75%) that can move fast, has plenty of ways to get the injured in, with possibly it's own CASEVAC medicalized air/sea transport fleet reducing the strain on army CASEVAC (regular armed and armored CASEVAC fly from battlefield to level II field hospital, white unarmed modified with medical gear and medics fly from FH to the ship) and being still a Wasp you could fit it with a proper set of self-defense weapons (because no one respect the red cross these days especially not the mudslimes. Vulnerability has always been a big concern of the Mercy-class).

Would writing to the White house and local senators help or is the situation jewed beyond repair?

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That would work, if possible give Squadron strength CAS to every company (probably not realistic, but a man can dream), with Air Superiority attached at the Regimental or Battalion level. Whatever precise division of aircraft and ships though the point would be to make them organic components; primarily to help cut down on internal bullshit and procurement fuckery, and hopefully creating a more effective and synergistic armed force designed to move faster and with less hassle. You could also cut a lot of redundant spending by combining support units, admin, etc.

The White House is jewed beyond repair.
Every government is.

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Wouldn't building a Wasp Class for red cross duty be the right route with how you could deploy those hovercraft?

This is still in the formation phase, the smaller hospital ship is in the napkin design stage, the Mercy hasn't been cut up for parts yet. If you have enough political punch you could probably nip it in the bud.

The Mercy is a converted cargo ship, it cost a few hundred million to make, Wasp costs 1.5 billion. Also a Wasp only has 1/3 of the volume of a Mercy, so really you're paying 20 times more for the same capability.

so what do you recommend?

If there's really a need for a new hull, convert a cargo ship again. It's the only thing with enough draught and volume for the job.

If you're talking political solution, send letters to Huntington Ingalls, get them to lobby to get the contract for the new Mercy based on a cargo ship hull.

You know… You might be onto something..

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Do they have to make sure it never joins formation with any of their other ships, to make sure it doesn't cause more casualties than it helps?
And isn't it a war crime to disguise such a powerful weapon as a medical facility?

Take a hike, shoo, scram. Your kind is not welcome here.