Brit/pol/ #2069: Future of Britain Edition

Donald Trump must apologise for comments - African Union

Police told to halt rise of paedophile hunters

Jeremy Corbyn ally quits shadow cabinet after calling for council tax to double

Islam and secularism want to monopolize the public square

Police dog tests are too hard for women: Forces must change handler fitness test after female Pc wins £15,000 damages

Rogue surgeon Simon Bramhall who burned initials on livers of two unconscious patients fined £10,000

Is this the most stupid social media craze yet? Now teenagers are eating DETERGENT and posting videos online as part of dangerous 'Tide Pod Challenge'

Giuliana Farfalla: German Playboy cover to have transgender model

Google Is Becoming A Police State

Other urls found in this thread:

First for Bowdenism

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What the fuck, I swear these recent ones have been thought up maliciously. Darwinism in action

Good lad

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Well, yes lad.

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I don't know what's real any more.

I was immoral last night lads

Ray forgive me

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Addawank three times tbh. Eeh, you break nofap, and you figure just get it all out of your system and start again tomorrow, you know?

Fuck the dogs amirite

what did you do

What did you do, lad?

I don't want to be banned for blogposting

Board is ded lad I think you'll be ok

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really hope you lads don't waste time reading books smh

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tbh posting weak (you) bait is pretty immoral

They should tell that to a few of the memi scientists we have today. Sorry Dawkins, you're just too full of yourself.

try not to get angry lads

Basically I renaged on all my dry january and no smoking and no drugs promises for a redhead qt just so I could bonk her

couldnt even get it up after she tossed me off, fml, no idea if she wants to see me again

I'm sorry lads. I've let all of you down

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Shoutout to oldfags who're pushing 30.

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Nearly finished Isabelle of Castile's biography tbh.


thanks lad

I've got a date with a **33* year old in a hour I already know shes going to be a rad fem bitch or a single mummy slag

Arbitrary self enforced shite like that always ends in tears imo, should just learn moderation.

That's actually a fucking brilliant point, half tempted to post it on the (((intellectuals))) facebook who shared this image - but I never engage with these cunts. The idea that Trump lives rent free in their heads is enough for me, I can just sit back and enjoy it, not like I need to defend Blumpf anyway.

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God speed. She might be alright, Who knows.

I only made it about 10 seconds in tbh. Genocide when?

Don't worry about that, lad. The problem is that you've let yourself down. No sense dwelling on it, tbh - pick yourself up and try again.


every time i take a girl for coffee its a

Just slap it about a bit. I know it's cold outside but keep munching those onions lad.

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how old are you lad?

Well that's a dreadful start to my weekend reading that.

Why is everyone talking about onions this year

Wish I had friends to explore historic sites with. smh.

I didn't know coons used Zig Forums what drugs?


If Dawn Butler can’t forgive Toby Young, can she forgive herself?==

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They help you increase testosterone apparently.

I don't really bother with it tbh. Decent amount of exercise gives me the horn anyway.

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would you grass, lads?

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Bit cheeky

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If wogs yes, otherwise banter

depends if it would get wogs in trouble or not tbh

Hivemind of truth

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Stay where you are you mackerel-eating shitholer

VILE hivemind

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That's what happens when you don't have a bottle of emergency onion juice on you lad.

I actually have a jar of pickled onions on my bookshelf, I wasn't autistic enough to just start munching them in bed tbh

Mistakes seem to have been made alright smh

Import Third World Politicians, get Third World Politics

She's behaving like a typical corrupt African despot


You should have offered to share them with her then.

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Made your thread less shit, lad.
Fresh links added

It's a bunch of fucking autists who think they look delicious, it's some forced tumblr shit.

Any fresh Farage interviews/debates following his retarded remarks the other day?

what he say?

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This daft pole got off jock free

Nigel Farage calls for second referendum on Brexit

why does a police-person need to carry a dog anyway?

Lads my fucking sister is dating a wog what do I do?

She’s pretty redpilled but says it’s okay because “Italians are mixed anyway”

What do I do lads? I’m thinking of cutting her out of my life

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in case the dog is diversified by a dindunuffin and needs urgent medical care


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i-is this real

Tell her it doesn't matter. If he's not English then she it betraying her lineage and thereby you.


I think he was just messing with their heads

If he'd kept on arguing against a second referendum, Remainers could start saying "Well what are you afraid of?"

So expecting that move, he calls their bluff, says we should have a second referendum because Leave would win again

Then the government announces there will be no second referendum. Job done

That's awful lad, but you have tell her she's being a disgrace and no decent man will touch her

Listen to his LBC show. It was a call to arms as the Remainers are still trying to get a snap second referendum. If it happens the Leave campaign won't have time to prepare.
Instead it was reported as Farage calling for a second referendum by the Luegenpresse.

I know lads, but the MSM has been twisting his word as per fucking usual.

Try redpilling the wog instead. She may be fine with throwing away her heritage, but is he?

nuance in broadcast media doesn't exist, they shape the reality for normies lad.

Help. I don't know what's real anymore.

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This is true. It doesn't matter if the normies then hear a contradictory story from somewhere else, the whole idea is to confuse the masses and deny them informed opinion.


Is this a response to that hoodie of truth?

Yeah, wogs have been going to H&M outlets across the country and chimping out.


I have mixed feelings about this

One the one hand, it's a nigger chimping out

On the other, it's a Swedish company probably staffed by cucks so i'm filled with smug satisfaction at the prospect of them getting a good dose of nigger red-pilling

It's a clash between normies and ethnics, we get to sit back and enjoy the show.

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They will blame themselves into self flagellation for their sins against the mighty secular God.

Fucking hell.

This is the best (worst?) one I've seen, literally muh dick tier

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how great would it be if H&M are forced to stop blacks from entering their stores due to too many chimp outs?

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They always reduce things to the size of their shit sausage, which is nothing but a fallacy.



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I'm split as to whether they're actually dumb enough to think this squeaky clean middle class clothing retailer were intentionally sending coded messages, or if they know exactly what's going on and are just happy for an opportunity to make a noise and knock things over,

Their only redeemable factor is a jewish memi, their lives are nothing but lies.

They're just dumb, but they see an opportunity to riot so they take it.

UK Trump supporters demand arrest of London Mayor Sadiq Khan

Dafty Localism intensifies

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But they must know full well that the last thing the modern white person wants is to be called racist. They use it as a weapon often enough.

Based katie hopkins tbh.

So he can live off the taxpayer?
Deportation or hanging, tbh.

All he does is post twittershit or post about how much of a drunken sadboi he is because he chooses to continue living in londonstan

He contributes nothing of value and has evidence pointing to a Jewish heritage


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Based imperium.

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They have and always will be a slave to the Hebraic menace. They're just too retarded to see it.
I bet those kikes have a right chuckle in private.

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