I've been told that the only reason Western Europe had a bronze age is that they were able to import the necessary metals from elsewhere. Had Western Europe been as isolated as Australia there would not have been a bronze age there either.
Didn't the Romans import crucible steel from the Celts?
Bronze: 5000 years ago Iron: 3000 years ago Steel: 2000 years ago
Ayden Reed
Professor Noseberg most likely.
i see your breainwasher is one step ahead and skips africa being connected to civilizations, yet not accomplishing anything and the most advanced africans were in the stone age by the time gutenberg invented printing press.
Is that supposed to be demeaning to krackas somehow?
Sebastian Wood
Aside from the ones with Mediterranean or Red Sea coast. And some in the western lobe of the continent. You're presumably talking about Africans as in blacks, and thus not including the north. But even then what is now Ethiopia did have black civilizations, and realms like Ghana were a thing too. What you really mean is that the 200% nigger regions in the south never made it past the point where a 15ft high wall was their crowning achievement.
Evan Walker
yeah, i meant sub-saharans. Forgot to clarify that due to it being almost midnight.
Adrian Williams
Guns Germs and steel is a retarded book user
Leo Ramirez
reminder that all mammals can be domesticated in 40-60 years by breeding the friendliest of every generation. niggers just didn't even try.
Owen Turner
I kept seeing this book when I was a library aid in highschool. What is the stupidest shit in it? Was tempted to read it but never did.
Justin Nguyen
Australia wasn't even that isolated tbh, they had regular visits from Islamic and Chinese traders.
Daniel Nguyen
One of my friends in uni is researching Bronze Age industrial capacity, and you're half right. Western Europe was importing metals from elsewhere, not because they couldn't produce them, but because it was cheaper. Cyprus had a huge bronze industry and was exporting product all over, as evidenced by stampings on bronze ingots found fucking everywhere.
Thanks bro. It seems to me that the author never gave western civ any breaks and excused every failing of other civs. Still find it funny that he said Africa had no animals for domestication. Despite the fact that some of the most common goat breeds have some African goat genetics. Its like he completely ignored the impetus that winter makes food scarce and cultivating food is very helpful to withstand it. I had always guessed that colder European winters forced hunter gatherers to start farming/keeping animals for later slaughter.
Nolan Rodriguez
Dude are you retarded? A lot of Western Europe is mountainous terrain (in fact most of the Mediterranean), both old and new mountains with what used to be gigantic deposits of copper and iron (and silver and gold and other), very easily accessible and minable. Now there was some importation and exportation of metals… because there was lots of places with a surplus of it, who would in turn ship it to places without easily minable deposits making it cheaper for places without to buy it from sea traders (and in turn to find shit to sell for it, creating another surplus and etc…). The same is largely true for Mesopotamia. Fresh water and fertile plains = agriculture, Mountains = metal works, both = trade. agriculture + metal work + trade = civilization.
That's exactly it (plus shit like needing to know that furs insulate, but yours is the driving factor). And not only that, but the necessity of storing and saving food for the winter incentives a mentality of lower time-preference (delaying gratification for greater reward) in all aspects of behavior, not just agriculture. And I would argue that low time-preference is the single most significant contributor to intelligence and growth. Thus, because they had to approach winter with a low time-preference or die, they adopted low-time preference behavior in everything from castle-building, to sieges, to banking, and because of that mindset were able to create wondrous civilizations. Sub-Saharan Africa by contrast has practically no long-term existential threats to the inhabitants; all of the threats to your existence are very immediate and dealt with in an immediate manner. With no incentive to develop low-time preference they remained forever present-oriented peoples, and never developed true civilization.
Jeremiah Roberts
This is only true if "Africa begins at the Pyrenees" is also true, since Iberia was the major exporter of copper and tin in prehistoric times.
Angel Reed
I had pretty much the same discussion with a nice guy from Kenya. So, staying in Africa was living on easy mode where grinding was never needed to survive.
Leo Bennett
This is correct. Man I remember when Zig Forums wasn't a trumpcuck shitfest echo chamber.
I'd wager that the only reason the Western world colonized everyone else and not the Chinese was the fact that some emperors didn't want to send voyages out after Zheng He for complex political reasons. In addition, the west got quite lucky as I personally believe up to and near the the Industrial revolution it could possibly have swung both ways.
You mean a nigger or a white man?Or an asian like me?
Jordan Campbell
Donkeys too. Donkeys are possibly the first ever domesticated "farm" animal, certainly one of the oldest and the most prominent farm animal across the entire globe, even more so than goats. The only non-domesticated species is the African wild ass that was very likely the original donkey. They actually still exist in the wild in very scarce numbers.
Also this refers to the fact that european domesticated aurochs, which created oxen But Indians did it too with theirs which created zebus, today it's believed that the original Sanga was also domesticated in Africa from a breed of African auroch (and only mixed with zebu "recently" making modern Sanga). So yeah the 2 most common domesticated mammals came from africa, there is no reason to believe they didn't (let alone couldn't, becasue they likely did) have domesticated auroch.
Juan Cox
No he was black. Won't call him a nigger because he was actually well spoken, respectful and funny. He laughed his ass off at Niggers in the US being as bad off as they are.
Goddamn Africa didn't do shit for thousands of years.
Blake Torres
All cows came from some African cow.
Ian Cooper
Hello nu/pol/
Grayson Perez
Being aware of the bell curve means being aware of the outliers as well as what's in the middle, user.
Carter Smith
And they were stone using. Also far less evolved than other stone using civilizations like Incas, which despite having very few animals to domesticate, managed to use runners to form a massive intercontinental system of communication. It's actually impressive how far they took stone age technology.
You're forgetting that Europeans had to evolve on a genetic level to adapt to that situation, and only after that happened they began developing civilizations quickly. It's the same way Africans and Australians evolved for their respective environment, and only then failed to develop civilizations.
Don't forget dogs. Dogs were beasts of burden before anything else.
Africans likely can't domesticate animals because domesticating an animal requires empathizing with it, and trying to think like it. The african race genetically lacks empathy and even develop self awareness later than chimps.
Didn't forget, just didn't think it was relevant. Making a definitive claim as to what degree genetics plays in this phenomenon wasn't important to explaining the underlying cause (time-preference from climate). From that context, it's not really important to definitively say "Nigger culture is retarded." vs "Nigger genes and culture are retarded". The point was to show an alternative to GG&S, and the information provided was sufficient enough to provide that.
Christopher Parker
The Abos had over 12,000 years to develop past the stone age. They had plenty of resources.
The Abbos don't have an excuse for being backward.
Camden Diaz
This. If we get rid of the niggers, we need to keep the respectful black folks.
True, I can understand environmental factors influencing genetic drift.
Christopher Moore
Eh, yes and no. Not to be a contrarian fucker but regression to the mean means that even if you select for those traits assuming all of the traits are genetic which they probably are, the resultant offspring will still slide back about halfway to the original average.
Leo Foster
Regression to mean is a statistical term, it has no bearing on genetics. Breeding a wolf into a labrador doesn't mean it will magically slide back halfway to a wolf. Once a trait is gone from the breeding population, it is gone.
Of course the only way to do this is find the 2000 smartest black people, seal them off in a isolation room, then release a plague that kills every other black person. Then let the 2000 black people breed and populate the space previously occupied by the stupid black people.
It's kind of what happened to whites, except all the whites that didn't have long term planning, empathy and self awareness died out. Turns out it's a huge advantage in any kind of conflict if you can empathize with an enemy, think like he does, lets you anticipate their move.
William Ward
It's not nearly as relevant, but it does have some bearing when you take recessive traits into account.
Thomas Rogers
That's exactly the point, retard. The niggers on par or above the average white IQ are far and few between. So then you get reddit t_d'rs fresh off the boat like who don't understand the concept of everything from ethnostates to genetics, punett squares, racial predominances, etc. and can only think about not being racist and actively try to respect said niggers, then say we 'need' to keep them. The absolute fucking embodiment of nu/pol/.
Well, at least that's a step above the "DEY WAS ALL KANGZ!" claims they seem to make every few months.
Anthony Parker
he also forgot how in Europe, every year there comes a time when ground freezes solid, and almost nothing edible
Wasn't South Africa during apartheid working on an ethnic cleansing virus, and later Israel stealing whatever they discovered?
Lucas Murphy
If you mean to ask if race specific bioweapons are possible, the answer is yes. No one researches them because muh rasusum, but they're actually easy to make. Distributing them is the real problem, because many such weapons need live hosts and can't just be sprayed with aerosol.
Hunter Morris
I was asking about clarification whether it was SA and not some other country developing it, and if the only democracy in the middle east™, priceless Israel took whatever findings they had.
Camden Sanders
It goes deeper than that. You see, time really does only exists in our head in the sense that our brain must store information and find patterns in it to develop a sense of time for us. It's really not even that big of an abstraction to think of it as a sense, just like seeing or hearing. Now, just like how animals living underground either go blind or never even develop eyes to begin with, most Africans simply don't posses the ability to construct time. Even kikepedia has a page on this phenomenon: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_time I also believe that this sense of time is deeply linked with how we envision space, which also explain Spengler's idea about how each culture has a different sense of space, and thus different art. I'd rather not try to explain it here, as I'd struggle to find the words in English.
You are comparing a fresh apple to an apple tree here. China has been a civilization for centuries, the West only became a civilization by the 18-19th centuries. And all that great colonization ended after a few hundred years. If you live in a civilization you simply don't have an incentive to bother with the world outside of it. If you are a peasant, moving to a wild place would mean that you will have to live on as a peasant, just in an unfamiliar land. Why would you do that if you could devote all that effort towards making money and moving to a city, where you can enjoy all those sophisticated things cityfolk have? And if you are a citizen you grew up in a safe and environment, free of really gut wrenching hard work. Why would you want to play pioneer? If you are some kind of a leader, you are better off playing politics inside your civilization. The risks are much lower and the rewards are infinitely greater. Of course some small movements of people do exist, but it's usually for the dregs of society, and they only migrate so far. Just ask yourself this: where are all those people in Europe and America who want to live in Northern Canada or the Russian Far East?
Austin Foster
Honestly, I'm gonna advocate for the immediate deportation of the following, with additional blacks being deported on a crime basis, with racemixing being a crime. Roasties and their niggers go to Africa (I suppose since we're not paying them welfare gibs, pay some of that as a lump sum to some warlord as a bribe.) Afterwards, if any do regress towards the mean, they get deported once they start resorting to crime.
Even assuming we've got some kind of a 100% deadly supervirus in an aerosol form (or, way more plausible, a set of viruses) it's still terribly hard to spread it all over the orks considering the geography of their villages and existing of oppositioning powers. Imagine their 99% extinction, the'd still be popping out even more children than nowadays and repopulation would be quick as hell. Such weapons really make sense only with a full-blown waisis WW3, which isn't realistic. Frankly, it seems the Earth is doomed to drown in 16 gorillion 70 IQ mongrels fighting enemy tribes with nukes and sticks. t. biologist
For removing niggers the only thing needed is to stop digging them wells and dropping food, they'll starve to death. Afterwards you can send like 500 whites to clean up whatever's left.
Isaac Reyes
Steel has been around since ironmaking has been a think. Smelting iron ore produces some metallic iron with varying degrees of carbon… steel.
Ethan Carter
The only real way to spread a plague globally is to infect about ten thousand of your targets, give each of them $100,000 in plane tickets, and force them to drive around the world. Because each person is acting as both a bioreactor and an infection vector. Even that wouldn't result in complete infection, only a few hundred million would die. Another way to do it is a in vitro reactor, but use an insect like a bedbug as a vector.
It's ridiculously difficult to spread chemical or biological weapons. Only a limited battlefield application works, with for example flettner dispersal.
Right but that's like saying we've had nanotech since stained glass windows were invented, or that we have been making bricks since the first time some neanderthal kid played with mud. I meant recognizing the utility of steel, how to produce it, and use it for tools in a common way.
Landon King
Steel became really common only in the second half of 19 century thanks to mister Bessemer who's been driven by the Crimean war. For example, even today some inhabitable old (and i'm not talking centuries old) buildings in Europe suffer of lead water pipes since they were easy to make=cheap.
I'd love to share your optimism.
Yep ;_;
Kevin Young
This is accurate. Africa and its inner city colonies has only exploded in population because through gibs, we incentivize them to live beyond their means; whereas most people have to balance how many kids they have with their income and available resources, every time a single mother spits out another one we give her more money. Same basic thing in Africa, the more gibs they get, the more they breed, which just increases the number of starving people, giving the NGOs more feels-bait pictures to beg for money with. Cut off the gibs supply lines, and population will crash and stabilize at Africa's carry capacity.
Brody Anderson
Blacks don't have to commit crime to be a detriment to society. Anyways, let me know when you can think of a way to administer multiple IQ tests to every black in America and deal with all the problems that accrue with it, like say, identifying them in the first place. Then, you have to establish a Blutschutzgesetz-like system for race, but then with all the addons that come with that- regulations, enforcement, a new set of laws, rehaul of the legal system. Or, you could try not being retarded, and simply deport them all since we have absolutely zero want, need, or reason period to keep them besides the fact that bleeding-heart morons like you would cry about it.
user Native North Americans never made it into the Bronze Age, despite plenty of easily to reach copper sources and the fact that they had trading routes to Middle America, which reached the Bronze Age.
user Sub Saharan Africans may have a lower intelligence than Europeans, but you have to agree that Black Africans that live in Africa and actually have to work to get food, be it by working on a Farm, some Factory that is basically the African equivalent of Foxconn or by hunting Animals in the Wild, are better people than the Afro-American Lardasses, who live on food stamps and other social benefits, yet archive nothing but steal from White Americans and claim they are some enslaved Space Race. Poverty without social security has a positive effect on the characters of Blacks, it doesn't make them smarter or nicer people but it forces them to adapt or die and we can directly observe that by looking at Black Africans and Afro-Americans, hell you can even see the difference between Black Africans that live in a Country where a Socialist/Communist Party is in charge and Black Africans living in Countries where these Parties are not in charge.
I don't want either of them in Europe, but it shows that not all Backs have to be your enemy just the ones that got mollycoddled by Leftist.
Oliver Cox
Love this meme
Austin Reyes
What fantasy world are you living in? Do you know what humanitarian aid is? Does the 'Rwandan Genocide' ring a bell? Tribe warfare? There's even a fucking PC term for Africans constantly starving, to stupid or unwilling to get their own food; "low food security". They get massive packages of gibs. Of the billion people living in "low food security", at least, LEAST 50% are from africa. Or even, google "USAID", you absolute fucking retard. Why should anyone even tolerate another race of objectively inferior creatures that only bring ruin existing? Ethnostates are a compromise themselves.
If an area has seemingly nothing (like water or farmland) in it allowing for an establishment of a nation/civilization, the smart thing to do would be to move away to somewhere were the required resources are available. Guess niggers aren't all that smart.
Also the "Great Occupied Rhodesia" was built post-Arab contact.
Jason Thomas
But sub-Saharan Africa has the most fertile land on Earth. When whites arrived, the farms in Rhodesia alone were able to feed the whole continent, there's a reason it was called "the breadbasket of Africa". The ground is also literally full of diamonds, gold, iron, copper and silver.
Africa isn't a deserted wasteland like lefties would have you think, it's just that niggers were too dumb or lazy to do anything with what they had.
Andrew Stewart
As far as I know the independent domestication of african cattle was just a theory, the one paper I read on it was by a jew unsurprisingly. Nothing recent gives any evidence for it. I only remember this because the wiki article links to something older that is disproven by genetic tests in the last few years.
Angel Wood
That is their excuse.
#1: No resources = your people die out #2: Almost enough resources = your people strive, and become stronger for it #3: Plentiful resources = remain stagnant and get conquered by a more vigorous group because you never had a reason to try harder
The West started at #2, and through massive amounts of effort, has managed to graduate to #3. Hooray for us. We need to end all welfare payments and bring back debtor's prisons to be honest.
This. Studies have provably shown that "diverse" societies make people unhappier and less trusting. Bringing Africans out of Africa was a mistake, and there's no reason to keep even the smart ones around except as self-flagellation to prove to yourself how you're totally not racist for kicking the niggers out, you're just looking at the facts and being rational.
Grayson Gray
Are you two just retarded or is there a force that makes you unable to read the sentence that came after that statement? But lets look at it in detail. A world in which most farms in Africa, regardless of wherever they are owned by Blacks or Whites have Black Workers doing most of the manual Labor. Not only that large parts of the global manufacturing industry are slowly moving into Africa and establishment factories as African workers have become cheaper than Asian workers. Equally the majority of luxury material like gems(diamonds, rubies, topaz, garnet, sapphires ect.) and valuable metals like gold and platinum that is coming out of Africa, is predominantly mined by legions of cheap Black Miners. I know it might look like fantasy to your American eyes, that only know Afro-Americans and what pictures the Talmud Vision is showing you from Africa, but if you get any product from Africa there is almost a 100% guarantee that they went through the hands of a Black worker. You can claim that they only manage these things thanks to White or Asian guidance or by using stuff left from the Colonial Period, but that is not a point I am disputing. Not all of Africa is constantly starving and on humanitarian aid user. Most countries in Africa get some kind of foreign aid, but that is mostly the result of lobbyism and so other countries or (((companies))) can get a foot in this African Nation to claim resources. Humanitarian aid is one of the most jewish schemes out there in the world, which uses the alleged African poverty to funnel money from the Western World to bribe corrupt African politicians. How is that the fault of Black Africans, if they are inferior creatures unable of higher thinking? Most African countries are actually quite stable where you have a upper class that is predominantly white, but with a sizable black minority. Then you have a big Middle class with a minority of white and a majority of Blacks, they more or less have an equal standard of living than the Middle class in the Western world, their wages are lower but in exchange everything is cheaper there and of cheaper quality. After that you have the poor exclusive Black underclass and Blacks that still live in Tribes, they make the large number of the lowest manual workers. Since they are dumb like shit, they can't even hold these jobs most of the time and thus are often starving. This is something the other African classes have no problem with, but this is where (((humanitarian aid))) comes into play. These (((humanitarian))) organizations show the retards of Africa to the world and claim they are all the people of the country. They then receive donations from several good guy sources and then give it to a useful Black politician, who uses the money to literally buy the next election by bribing the retarded poor with free food. Sooner or later this has one result, either the Middle class gets pissed off enough at having no say in the government anymore and they manage to block the money going to the underclass retards in time or the underclass retards reproduce in mass and start a civil war to justify looting everything they want. There are two kinds of African countries that receive USAID, the first group is led by a Socialist Party and follows the scheme I described above. The second group is usually in a state of civil war, because some ethnic groups destabilizes the country in some search of historic "social justice". Isn't that a nice (((coincident)))? Rhodesia is a case for a country fucked by communism and not for a country that sucks because of blacks, because before communism and under white ruler ship Rhodesia was fine despite blacks. Read up on the history of any place that had Black people, regardless if they ruled the places or were under the rule of others things usually were fine, until either humanitarianism or socialism enters the scene. After that all these places look like the USA.
Not all, but most, spergkraut. The ones that aren't are the ones probably ran by arabs, cause they're at least a little competent.
Angel Myers
Citation needed Yeah, you are retarded. Officially listed countries that get humanitarian aid, just from the US
Cameron Thompson
www.iapsych.com/iqmr/fe/LinkedDocuments/lynn2010.off Average IQ of 69. Crawl back to your stinking shithole and stop leeching german gibs, porch monkey
I fear they are, if not they are trolls trying to play the 56% meme. I mean how stupid have they to be to talk about the low African IQ, when it was neither the point nor something that was disputed? Black people have a lower IQ than white people, nobody is denying that. Yet these clowns don't get it into their heads and act like it was claimed.
user this is true, but has it entered your brain that the white population in Nigeria is probably less than 1%, which still leaves 39% of the population that are working and not in poverty. Who do you think they are? Kobolds? Nigeria has a population of 194.839.820 people, 39% of that would make 75.987.530 Niggers that are working, that are not living in poverty, who use their shitty wages to buy shitty Chinese computer and smart phones to go onto African Forums and call each other subhumans. It is this group of Niggers that is looking down on the Afro-American that live on social benefits and food stamps and despite the fact that they are dumber than white people, they have a right to do that because they work for their living. This was the original point. There was no defense of the Sub Saharan lack of cultural achievements, there was no denial that blacks have lower IQs, nobody called them based, there was just stating the fact that beside the millions of poverty zombies created by (((humanitarian))) aid, there are also millions of African workers. Yet you had to sperg out about that like a true retard.
Colton Cox
Please quit being stupid, I beg you.
Hunter Fisher
And compare a 39% unemployment rate to any white country, or arab country, or asian country, and speculate why it's so.
Wait wait, hold up, I came back and reread your post and you're even more fucking retarded then I thought you were. For reference, Detroit has a 8% unemployment rate. Just kys, jesus fuck.
Colton Rivera
Wait wait, hold up, I came back and reread your post and you're even more fucking retarded then I thought you were. For reference, Detroit has a 8% unemployment rate. Just kys, jesus fuck.
Kevin Johnson
Good work chode monkey
Asher Turner
Interesting image, but There can be, but not all opinions are equal; a man who makes a living off furnishing will have a better opinion of what makes sturdy furniture than a man who does not. Also, and I'm not saying Spengler was absolutely right, but he seems to wave him away as if, because his theory is "simple", it isn't at all true. This appears to be his implication, because of the words "also" (being grouped with the other "Victorian" historians) and "actual explanation". Arguing over semantics may be silly most of the time, but sometimes it is very relevant. While history is very complex, it is a fact that like all things, a society will die. Defining when they will die isn't completely silly, but perhaps putting an average is, like Sir Glubb had done in The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival.
Before 1850 steel was made by autistic people folding metal in to a billion layers. 99 times out of 100 it was brittle. Or soft.
Nobody could reliably produce steel in quantity until 1850 when the British figured out that you can mass produce steel by taking all the carbon out of the iron, then adding it back in at the correct ratio. That is what kicked off the second industrial revolution.
Matthew Smith
That's not entirely nu/pol/. Nu/pol/ is also nu because a good number see, I highlighted "good number" to show I did not mean everyone; I feel it is necessary to do this because nufags (which are different from newfags) tend to skip words, like the kids I grew up with, funnily enough of folks in pic related would be shat on.
Curiously enough, major civilizations in non-temperate climates had their own cycles of fertility and infertility that forced agricultural populations to plan ahead and become more organized: monsoons in the Indian subcontinent and river flooding in the Fertile Crescent.
Easton Price
Indians they definitely consider themselves much smarter than Africans. Ghandi spent a lot of his time trying to convince people not to think Indians were as dumb as Africans.
Joseph Barnes
It's a low enough bar, I admit, but I definitely have to concede that point. Nobody else could be that dumb. I mean, I'ts one of those little things countries take comfort in. Like "Hey, my countrymen may be dumb, but they're not nigger dumb", "hey, I know we're cucked, at least we're not Sweden", or "hey, I know the economy's fucked, but at least we're not Venezuela". You get the point.
Connor Cruz
Still trying to defend your retardation? The 39% are not the unemployed they are the working niggers, the 60% are the jobless niggers if we go after the percentage you had posted. Turns out it is not even the actual unemployment rate of Nigeria. user the unemployment rate of Nigeria after the PDF of this moron was 14,8% in 2004 and not 60%. The number that is between 65.5 (1996) and 54.4 (2004) is the number of people living in "relative poverty". Created was this PDF by the Overseas Development Institute, a think tank that gets funds from the following people:
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Oxfam PricewaterhouseCoopers Research Triangle Institute Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Swiss Federal Government The Prince's Youth Business International UN Women UNICEF United Nations Development Programme United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization US Agency for International Development Wiley-Blackwell William and Flora Hewlett Foundation World Bank
Its basically a list of the "who is who" amongst the globalist jew. Now if you search for the current unemployment rate for Nigeria, things are getting interesting. Source pic 1: hrmars.com/admin/pics/371.pdf Source pic 2: tradingeconomics.com/nigeria/youth-unemployment-rate Nigeria had an average unemployment rate of 4,% percent during the early 70s, it rose to 6.4 percent during the 80s because the Nigerian Economy suffered a depression and then (((humanitarian aid))) started to roll in, the (((humanitarian aid))) started to fall during the 90s and with it the unemployment rate fell, until to rise again around 2000 and it has been on the rise since then, which resulted in a whopping unemployment rate of 33.10% in 2017, despite the fact that the Nigerian Economy is on the rise again.
Now for fun lets compare it to Detroit and lets remember that Nigeria is a country of 99% niggers and less than 1% whites. The average unemployment rate for Detroit was between 4,7%(suburbs) and 7,2%(Central City) during the 70s. That was at a time when Detroit was still 55.50% "American White" and only 43.69 Afro American Nigger. Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic_history_of_Detroit socds.huduser.gov/CEnsus/totalemploy.odb?msacitylist=2160.0*2600022000*1.0&metro=msa&frames=$frames$ Now the current rate of "American Whites" in Detroit is only around 10% and the average unemployment rate for 2017 was 7,8%. There was once a historic height of 28% in 2009.
And so we learn that if it wasn't for the Jewish humanitarian aid partially given by the USA, Nigeria could reach a lower unemployment rate than one of Americas historic manufacturing cities despite a drastically lower number of whites.
Your sources agree with me and you're skewing words and cherrypicking out-of-context graphs to support your retardation. Some select quotes from said sources, directly contradicting you: > Available data show that the Nigerian economy grew relatively in the greater parts of the 1970s, with respect to the oil boom of the 1970s; the outrageous profits from the oil boom It goes on and on and on. You're a fucking scumshit lier who is deliberately and purposely doing so to defend your oh-so-precious niggers Your first "source" on Detroit also contradicts you, mentioned 1967 black riots and subsequent white flight, and the second only goes up to 2000. Do you think no one is going to open up your links?
To be fair that's only because everyone on gibs isn't counted as unemployed.
Jaxson Ortiz
Yes and no. Maybe it's different in Latvia, but here it's almost exact opposite. My high school of choice was forestry one. Guess what, I excelled and was regarded as fucking fantastic in everything except maths, because I consider HS math completely useless, not that I was learning anything that was tought there, but that's not the point. 99% of all people there were rural cucks. Only difference between me and them was fact that they were not refined, literally none of them ever read a book, any book, were mostly overweight and objectively ugly (don't really know why) and generally their knowledge was quite lacking, except knowledge about hunting guns and tractors. I have no real friends, so I can't say anything about how people in cities live, but if I can speak for me, I eat healthy and when I can, I cook. I think that possibility of presence of intelligent people is way higher in cities and remote places than in villages or somewhere.
It depends on the policies in place. Historically, cities were the home of the elite, social and industrial hubs that bred innovation, creativity, and intelligence. As welfare programs and similar government handouts become more and more prevalent within policy, cities start to drop in quality as they begin to attract degenerates who can't live for themselves and need gibs to survive. Also if there's a significant ban on guns or drugs or whatever the fuck cities also start to become hubs for organized crime, which only breeds further degeneracy.
Jonathan Perry
While I recognize your intentions of being ethical in the matter, the fact is that whether you deport them all or just the stupid ones, you will be vilified as cruel. Why go through the effort to separate them when you don't get any real benefit from it? The ones that are allowed to stay in your scenario will merely resent you and pass on a meme of resistance to your society. Just deport them all, say you aren't going to break up peoples' families and be done with it.
While steel has been around since the creation of iron, being able to make steel reliably and of quality was not capable until we had furnaces that could completely melt iron. vid related.
Interestingly about the wells is that they cannot maintain them on their own, and after a few years the wells that exist will fall into disrepair and cease functioning.
If you need a prison for debtors you've made some big errors on how your financial system is regulated.
Nathan Powell
>(((Jared Diamond))) claims Africa did not have animals suitable for domestication
Nicholas Ortiz
And let's not forget that both Indo-Iranian Aryans and Semites domesticated the Elephants both species
Josiah Nguyen
Because my little butthurt american, like I have repeatedly written I am not disagreeing with you about the nature of blacks. What I have however expressed is that Africans are better than Afro-American and I wonder why this makes you so upset? Are you yourself a Afro-American or of mixed breed? Why do you care so much about Afro-Americans? Why do you love American Niggers so much? user you are the one who claimed that 60% of Nigerians are without job, when your own source said it was just 14,8%. Do you think no one is going to open up your links?
Did the HotenTots domesticate any cattle? Or did Semites/Arabs introduce cattle them? I know that the Tutsis had cattle as well which set them apart from their much shorter neighbors.
Robert Sullivan
Do you really need to ask? If anyone under Sahara has pre-medieval native breeds that would be the Cushites that despite of pigment are ethnically closer to fellow Afro-Asiatic speakers (Semites, Berbers, Egyptians).
He's even worse than a nigger, he is - may Allah forgive me for uttering this word - a turkroach.
Xavier Brown
Yes, but the Tutsi's from what I understand are Hamitic, but still pretty close to Ethiopia. The Hotentots (now extinct) weren't really Negroids at all but rather nomadic(kind of) capoids.
Grayson Brown
Oh yes… the more human-looking racial group of Ugandans that were Haiti'd by Hutu-mpanzees for oppressing them by being relatively successful as human beings instead of being thick-lipped IQ-65 pre-erectus homind hybrids that could not even grow food on their own.
Ayden Edwards
Why domesticate when you can eat them?
Isaiah Parker
Current non kiked theory is it came from north america. They have Minoan wrecks and copper buns along the Mississippi, and TONs of copper ore is missing from the Michigan area.