Dude ban everything lmao

dude ban everything lmao

Stop making threads.

sage negated

Repeal the 19th

Should women be considered mentally disabled and have power of attorney lie within Father/oldest brother/husband's authority or be considered a property?

Stop wasting trips.

If that was true, how did they get so powerful in the first place? Soyboys are the problem. Soyboys gave women the vote and freed the niggers.

Traitors have always dealt more damage than an enemy, that's the nature of treason.

Real problem are the jews. but women shouldn't have a say in politics anyways.
Women are the replacement proletariat that surpasses the actual proles in usefulness
The dream of the underclasses is to stop being poor speaking from experience, not "seize means of production" or become Shlomo Goldbergsteinowitz-tier rich but simply affording a car, housing and decent food, so if Peter the prole can create enough capital to become middle class, he becomes a traitor to the revolution.
Meanwhile women can be told they're a victim of patriarchal conspiracy that puts them in the kitchen, makes them do what nature created them for, pays them 300 times less than men, or whatever regardless of their position in society
stunning and brave fighter for equality
Victim of harmful stereotypes
brave liberated woman who's free to do whatever she wants.

And how did Jews gain power? Remember in 1920s Jews were Gypsy-tier, none of them could even read.
Jews were given power by Christians, first by the Royals of Britain and then others.

Try again

Roosevelt, literal Jewish communist.

Yes. I'm sure the semitic loaners with top hats and canes were just incapable of speaking English. Not like the parasitic bastards are known for trying to blend with their host environment.

they attempt that only now.
They didn't learn the native language of land they were parasitizing, those that made effort were easily distinguishable.
They didn't eat the same food or wear the same clothes as the people they leeched from.

maybe not in poland, I wouldn't know, but they were clearly infiltrating and passing barely unnoticed long ago. Pretty sure Disraeli bragged about it in his novel.

user. Jews have been speaking their hosts' tongues since time immemorial. They did not just materialise in the last half-century.

Poland is now famous for Jew-less antisemitism.
Antisemtism is even worse because there aren't any jews actually around 40k total, similair to Vietnamese

Spics and gypsies speak some version of host language, that doesn't make them capable of taking over their host country on their own. The Yiddish Jews were basically an organized crime cartel that made its money by trading with Jews in the Ottoman areas for good and services the Christians and Muslims didn't want to trade with each other. See Spain kicked their ass out during Inquisition and all those Jews went to Turkey, that's how they got their hands on slave trade.

They were basically Mafia 1.0 version. They spoke local language, but they were not educated or intelligent.

The British crown elevated them by borrowing money from them, and the Jews charged ruinous interest rates that basically let them print money. They turned this money printing endeavor into global political control.

The originating evil is still treason.

Just like the spics in US government didn't get there on their own, they were placed there by white traitors.

17th century europe.

They are literal parasites. They've been riding on the coattails of whites since the first diaspora. If you think a random ghetto jew's existence invalidates the eloquent half-breed in the courts, you're dead fucking wrong.

You seem desperate to prove Jews are some kind of superhuman?

They're human garbage, they couldn't even parasitize without the consent of traitor hosts, let alone rule.

t. jew

Attached: billionaires.jpg (600x428, 105.45K)

You think I haven't read that article, kike?

They should be considered property- owned by the father until the wedding, then the husband.

This is funny I didn't know we had two American Jews on Zig Forums. I'll try to keep it in mind.

By the way why do you guys come to 8ch anyway, the site clearly isn't for you.

do you not understand what we said and what you are saying?

Attached: 3c2baa66530f4f7bec1fd64ba19f84694522c4daff7088dc17cea3d1fef2cb74.png (476x1174, 817.6K)

I said Jews are dumb savages, you two got mad and started saying how Jews are superhuman.

Nothing to it.

Fuck off, kike. You may have the site under your masonic thumb, but I ain't giving up for a goddamn minute. Now leave this board alone.

Hahahahaa kikes calling other people kikes.

You must hate yourself a LOT to use your own people as an insult. But every jew knows he is inferior, it is why you let your wives cuckold you and fuck men from other races, so your children will be less inferior.

It goes way before that. Even in Roman times, maybe before them.

dude just ban crime and turn everyone into a faggot so no one will be able to do bad stuff ever again lmao


she's running out of breath just by talking

That was a such a Chad move.

that's denazification in a nutshell (^:

Not on my watch.

Attached: vespasian.png (759x960, 1.76M)

*touches you*

I don't get it.
Please don't attempt to start a gay ERP

Your rock band sucks, jude leaf. The only good songs you have don't feature your whinging voice in them.


Why is that guy antigun?

Are you new, faggot?

no denazification is dude just brainwash everyone into hating themselves lmao

Good thing stasi operatives went over to BND to help with that (^:

This thread is 4chan template tier.
You can post like this all day here at: >>>/cuckchan/

I actually respect her opinion more than most anti funs. At least she's consistent.

sage negated

Were they Christians?

Attached: dgg.jpg (300x400, 78.26K)

This post is the equivalent of ">muh sekrit klub". Gas yourself.

This, but I have seen threads like this blossom into something good.