Why no laser blinding weapons?

Alright Zig Forums

Why are there no laser blinding weapons?

Specifically, why aren't there hand held blinding rifles operating at moderate power (1-10W) in the near IR spectrum (circa 808nm).

>Range: effective operating distance of 0-1000m, far larger than average infantry distance of engagement (

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Reported for being a retard.
Also laser safety filters are cheap as fuck.

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Because it's considered the same as if you tied a guy down and used a spoon to dig his eyes out. In other words every single country in the world would imprison for life or execute you for it.

It's also considered a war crime, the weapon you're talking about is called a dazzler and Russians had dazzler tanks before it became illegal by unanimous international decision. Of course America uses them on a small scale because America controls Hague courts and will never get charged for the gajillion war crimes US forces took part in.

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Also wtf
Yeah except the guys screaming their asses off (and if they're armed popping off rounds) because you just melted their eyes.

Stop using imageboards. I'm sure you get bullied enough at school.

Just make sure you don't lose your superpower status, and you can use all the uranium rounds you want.

I thought we Brits were meant to be the designated cucks on this board.

Attached: Caution - Big Scary Laser.png (454x590, 79.17K)

Just wear IR/UV protection goggles, or throw a fog grenade, or use IR/UV guided weapons that home in on the source of the laser and will eliminate whoever holds the weapon.
Also: add a patch of cheap IR/UV sensors to your helmet, and make them vibrate as soon as a very strong UV/IR source is directed at them (stronger than the sun would be necessary for blinding someone in a reasonable amount of time). You now know that someone is shooting lasers at you, and possibly also from where, based on observing who got "hit" first.
It's too easy to circumvent this "innovation".

Goat herders dont have that

I never understood why one should ever care about this.
What will they do? Call me bad names in their cool kids secret round table discussion? Oh no I'm so scared, they will call us war criminals on wikipedia, noooo
They can't do shit. I'll mass-execute as many Turks and children as I want. Europe can go fuck itself for all I care.

That would only work if the laser was visible from all directions besides the bore's line of sight, which would defeat the point of a laser in the first place. There's a reason aircraft with laser guided weapons aren't immediately detected by say ground based, laser tracked AA systems, after all.

Because chances are you aren't going to win against the world, and if you bother enough people, they are either going to "no quarter" you, or after the war is done, you become an island, excluded by all else.
Long term, it isn't worth it, when you can just launch endless missiles etc.

The modern state enacts war to enforce its will upon other territories, war is just another from of politics.
Because of this you have wars that have another goals than just kill the other side and thus committing atrocities can actually prevent you from reaching that goal.

git gud faget

This was for the most part just glorified microwaves, but DEATH RAYS are much cooler than fucking blindy light pen guns. These programs has given birth to WE WUZ MICROWAVE INVENTORS AN SHEIT sentiment among a few Japanese autists

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War crimes only matter if you lose.

What about something like this?


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Because you don't know shit.
Standard gear of every Soviet mech infantry company since 70s
Current Russian TOE, lets just say it is classified

Defending against high power laser (several watts and above range) is not that easy. That sort of power is damaging not for only for eyes but for optical deceives themselves. It can literally melt cross-hairs in the scopes. Optical filters are in danger of melting/evaporating and therefore warping and bubbling optical glass too.

Also you need to know exact wavelength to design filters, if your intelligence fails to deliver proper information say bye-bye to your eyes. Heavy sophisticated laser systems like soviet 1K17 project used simultaneous multiply wave length attack, such systems have no counters as filter blocking so many wavelength at once would be just nontransparent.

The reason why UV lasers and IR lasers use polycarbonate lenses is because glass is opaque in those wavelengths. To resist an IR laser, all you need is glasses. It's why people who wear prescription glasses with old fashioned glass lenses get a weird feeling if they take their glasses off outside. Polycarb lenses are more common now, since they're cheaper.

And although regular glass won't block UV lasers, it's easy to make glass that will block UV. That leaves you with visual range lasers, like ruby, helium-neon and pure argon, all of which easily degrade in the atmosphere and will reveal your position in high humidity air or dust storm.

Also the problem with lasers is that they're highly specific. Using nanoparticles your enemy could make a set of protective goggles that degrade every known laser source, while letting all other light through. You'd still get hurt, but it would take a longer burn to do permanent damage. Working with nanoparticles is piss easy, take 1000 different sizes of nanoparticles, throw a bunch of them in a pot, mix it thoroughly. Empty out the pot into a cask of molten glass, mix it thoroughly, and make the lenses from that glass.

tl;dr it's a weapon that will work maybe a few times, until your enemy catches on. and its savage enough that your nation will get war declared on it by fifty other countries.

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It is a weak side inside indeed. But all these systems are already easily detectable. They use lidars to detect optical devices and lidars need to use the wavelength these optics are transparent and can focus. Usually lidar uses near IR to be invisible for naked eye but is very delectable by light intensification night vision (and any consumer camera with removed IR filter like taliban does to spot burger's laser pointers). Works one time per tube :^) though.
So using sophisticated laser attack is not an issue for detection.

Laser filters don't like that they also cut portion of spectrum around target wavelength. Also today practical widely tunable lasers exist.

1. It's not effective.
2. It's a particularly dick thing to do to someone.
3. You'd have to worry about people on both sides who would take particular offence to it, either the enemy killing you even if you surrender (Snipers and flamethrower men experience(d) this a lot) or an ally unfriendly firing you.

That's not a blinding weapon, that's an optical jammer, it fucks with other laser emitters and IR lenses upon detection.
I guess it could be used as one, but since it's heavily computerized I'm not entirely sure you can manually aim it at soldiers.

If it melts polycarbonate, it melt flesh… you're not describing a something that will simply damage the hypersensitive light receptors of the human eye…

That's why. They were in development until that happened. Before the 1990s handheld lasers weren't realistic, after 1998 blinding lasers were banned. That is the entire reason.

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Gamma lasers are the only direct energy weapon concept that can match ballistic weapons.

If they even live up to half of their hype then they're going to be pretty awesome.

I heard through the grapevine that the chinks have got or developed idk automated blinding turrets that won't friendly fire. Seems pretty easily avoided though, as says. Sorry op, hot lead is still king.

But that is exactly why. Sure we are all developing illegal shit like that but we aren't ever going to reveal or use it until the next time we go full retard killing each other.
Just wait until the playtime proxy war shit is over fam.

War crimes are a political excuse to invade you, or start a war. That's why America can break war crimes all the time and no one calls them on it. That's why NATO can launch a hundred missiles at Syria, even without an investigation, even considering its not a "war" it's a police action against terrorists. Technically Assad should be able to use hollowpoint and frangible bullets, the same way America uses them in policing.

Another reason for war crimes is, in a situation where two sides are fighting, you can accuse one of them of war crimes, to help the side you're friends with. This is why almost every war someone gets accused of war crimes, even if none take place. Example is the Yugoslav civil war… it was a civil war which doesn't fall under war crimes legislation, yet Serbs got buttfucked with war crimes nonsense so hard their country is almost erased from history.

The point of politics consists of a skilled politician picking the right time and place; to invoke the right sentence or phrase; in the correct way; to turn public opinion one way or another. The term "war crimes" is a phrase that makes the public hate the side accused of it, as is racism, corruption, regime, and so on. Positive terms would be free, open, transparent, democracy even though its the worst system of government and so on. You can also put together a sentence or a speech to invoke a more complex reaction. The more evolved form of politics involves inprinting the public with such trigger terms.

That's the spirit Stefanis Angelos.

Of course it is a """" jammer"""", blinding weapons are banned after all :^). For """"jamming"""" it uses 30 watts laser. You should check laser safety regulations about health hazards of lasers in such power range.

It automatically detects and optionally attacks optical devices in its field of view. Naked eye is not detectable. But eyes looking through scopes are.

It does. 30 watts is enough to make eyeballs boil. Why do soviets needed such power if 1000 less powerful laser causes permanent blindness already? Because fuck you why. Such brute force makes countermeasures less effective.

Pick none.

Make sure you let Zig Forums know when you're hiring Varangians again.

Actually they can. The sole reason durkey gets away this that shit is because those (((they))) you mention see the roach-den as a major fulcrum for Europe's destruction and because they hold some extreme historical grudges against us, fuck's sake (((their))) greatest religious holiday celebrates the massacre of Syrian Greeks.

Every Chinese tank has a laser dazzler for use against helicopters, they get away with this by claiming it "interferes with infrared detection" (bullshit, it's a laser in the visible spectrum).