At this point, I don’t think it would surprise anyone that a revolution or a civil war could start any day now in the United States or in Europe. So, Zig Forums, how would one go about arming the revolutionaries? How would they defend against tanks? Aircraft?
Arming a militia in the event of a revolution/Civil war
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What about something like Exelis DSNVGs?
Nigrigged shit, buried shit that was supposed to be handed in, things liberated from the government.
By not engaging it directly. You have no reason to directly attack a tank except for propaganda purposes. Attack the support network behind it. Wait for the fucker to run out of fuel and frustrate the crew. If the enemy is using tanks, they likely excel in conventional warfare compared to you. Therefore you must avoid conventional warfare and find other means of bleeding them dry.
Lol, hide you retard.
In the event of an insurrection you would avoid combat as much as possible, attacking only when combat will be extremely lopsided. These ideas amongst autistic preppers/libertarians of long drawn-out firefights against bioluminscent individuals and zogbots is pure fantasy. Any successful group will make use of extremely short and sharp skirmishes against the enemy, causing death by a thousand cuts.
I recommend you look into the Cuban revolution and the Irish war for independence. Commies have written lots about guerrilla warfare and it is mostly shit, particularly Mao. With the being said, Castro was fucking brilliant when it came to guerrilla warfare. Michael Collins is also very fucking important for the Irish side of things.
Look into Lettow-Vorbeck too.
At least there will be some use for those that care more about going out in a blaze of glory than actually winning.
Gibs from Russia and China, maybe Iran too.
So why didn't it actually start yet?
Mostly with help of your foreign "friends" that have no significant trade with US. I mean, Iran is way more of a help here than China.
Fighting in a cities is the easiest way.
Revolutions are directly tied to how many % of youth you have in the population of a country.
There will be no spontaneous revolution in the developed world, only well organized, well coordinated coups.
The comfort-to-danger threshold hasn't been actually crossed yet. Not on a wide enough scale anyway.
Strategic supply of bread and circuses didn't run out yet.
Priceless 2 billion dollars per year israel only makes flattering claims about Holocaust happening only because Poland wanted it to happen and boldly demands 300 billion dollars ransom in real estate and land with no actions to back up those words.
Football and Mcdonalds is still readily available.
The US will never have a revolution the population is so complacent and embedded so deeply in pop culture that large scale civil unrest would never be possible
Certain kinds of baked goods and a certain form of entertainment involving tents hasn't collapsed yet.
I pray for it every day though. I don't care if I'm one of the first to die, I'm just so sick of this cartoon world we're forced to live in.
That's a foolish train of thought, literally every empire collapses at some point.
Whether we'll see it in our lifetime is the only real uncertainty.
Maybe we won't see a 1776 tier revolution, but there will be a collapse, and like with every collapse there will be insurgencies.
You guys are the foolish ones with this train of thought. Sometimes shitbag empires go on for hundreds of years in fact most do.
The civilization itself may nominally exist for decades before and after the 'Empire,' but the imperial stage itself only lasts ~250 years.
but seriously, all those independent and small business weapon makers in the US that have sprung up after 9/11? They're pretty god damn freedom loving. First sign of shit and they're going to get their movable equipment and their knowledge the fuck out of town and hide up somewhere until they can make contact with a friendly group. Then all they're going to need is the raw materials and they'll start churning out weapons.
And while I enjoy a good giggle switch, honestly since a militia isn't going to have the same ammo stores as a modern military, semi-auto rifles are probably the best thing to be using. Promotes accuracy and saves ammo.
There's definitely some truth to this, and there's the fact that most US gunowners only have semi-auto rifles. Lightning links aren't hard to make but they're also not select fire. At the start of the insurgency I think you'd see only one or two "designated LMGs" per squad–basically an AR with a lightning link, maybe modified to shoot on the open bolt–for suppressive fire, with the rest using semi-automatic weapons. If there are enough dedicated reloaders that might change, particularly once you can start manufacturing/capturing select-fire weapons. However, keep in mind that an insurgency wouldn't be fought as a symmetrical war. Actual engagements with the enemy would be less common and only done with overwhelming force. Because of the lower intensity of the conflict at the start you could get away with full-auto more often, because you would be in fewer firefights.
Probably the point at which the insurgency/pro liberty side "wins" is when the federal treasury bonds bubble bursts which means bread and circuses goes right out the window and you get the mother of all crashes, causing mass hunger, poverty and industry readjustment as prices reset to what they are supposed to be without federal dicketry- for the first month. After that, the fed will likely put in massive restrictions on letting go of employees, restrictions on trade and print ungodly amounts of money we have never seen before to try and salvage their position, which simply worsens everything and leads to a suspension of rights so that the government can try to reassert itself- meaning confiscations. It's easier, however, for a hostile state to prepare for this eventuality by disarming beforehand, meaning it can withstand the crash whilst we eat dirt.
The best way to arm yourself for the coming storm is to learn a trade, grow food, have a power source and stock, and make friends.
Defending against tanks is as easy as deploying loads of smoke. A tank can't shoot what it can't see.
Throw a few molotows at the engine compartement and it's engine will stall, despite what some faggots claim about tanks being completely sealed nowadays. Combustion engines require oxygen. Your fire burns said oxygen out of the air before it can be sucked into the engine.
Building shaped charges or mines with a strong adhesive tip and a timed fuze in advance and handing them out during the protest with some instructions on how to ignite the fuse, and then attach it to the vehicle (maybe even where to attach it to for greatest effect/least casualties among the crew) will make it very difficult for the troops to simply square of heavenly peace all of you. Smoke helps a lot in this departement too, sice the tankers and following infantry can't shoot at a zergrush they can't see. Yes, there are thermal sights on tanks nowadays, but as long as you have enough smoke amd enough rebels you should be fine.
Digging trenches into the ground around your protest which can't be crossed by a tank (at least 1.5 times as wide as the enemy vehicle is long) will make it more difficult for an enemy to attack. You can also put shaped charge mines into the trench and set them off either by magnetic fuze or by wire.
The main problem I see will be obtaining the workforce for any of this. Unless the protesters know that the government will use tanks soon they will not want to help digging up their main road or wireing up mines in their home town. You can easily stockpile mines, AT grenades shovels and some other tools and deliver them to the main protest once neccessary, but how would you get the people there to work for you? How would you prevent some press faggot from streaming where you set up your mines? How will you ensure that nobody removes the mines shortly before the raid? How will you make sure that nobody uses the AT-grenades for shits and giggles?
Remove phone/fibre networks in the area assuming they haven't already been sabotaged or EMP'd and claim it was the government.
Shouldn't be too hard to convince a few "people" to join you once their primary source(s) of brainwashing stops working.
Just gonna throw something else out there, once a democratic western first world nation starts using planes and tanks on an armed militia/revolution (as long as it's the native population rising up and not some Muslims) they've pretty much already lost, the moment pictures of little Timmy with his legs blown off from an airstrike start circulating on the internet it's pretty much over for Government forces. Even if the government wins the war, it would have to either step down or collapse due to massive lack of public support, which would just likely lead to the defeated rebels taking power anyway, only nations that can survive something like that are dictatorships.
TLDR; in the event of a civil war hide all your ammo caches under schools to maximise international outcry
But Assad has pretty much proven this notion wrong, and he's mopping up the (((Moderate))) rebels as we speak, not to mention that he used -
Oh never mind, carry on britbong
You kindly ask your would-be benefactors for their guns first, what i'm trying to say is get as many sympathizers first before you go do a full-blown revolution. Once you have the support, then there's bound to be some defectors or traitors, ripe for use to the cause. Yeah, i guess the best way to arming a militia is to smuggle weapons out of the current govt since they have the most guns, so to speak. That's why military ties is important.
-t. user who lived in a country where our revolutionaries got hand-me-downs from former Jap soldiers or smuggled dutch weapons.
Then again, we pretty much got our shit kicked in until the UN steps in to intervene, but points for trying
Russia and China will be all too happy to send something. Some European and Arab country too.
If/when a revolution does start, I do hope we don't have that many arabs helping us.
Would you refuse help from khyber pass masters?
There is a high chance the civil war is caused by foreign actors to destabilize the country and destroy its power base.
So the best maneuver would be got get a bunch of really good any loyal friends and join both sides in both combat and non combat roles.
Then it is your goal to replace the foreign agents and their lackeys with your own people, by gaining public support through reestablishing order and proving your power in combat.
Once you have gained control over enough important key position it is your job to execute your own Order 66, cleanse your country of all foreign agents and traitors and lead your people into a golden age.
Seems pretty neato, but how do you ensure 'incoming' ventilation?
you'll notice in that diagram they have a fire, hot air goes out cold comes in. for larger structures you'd have to use similar ventilation as you get in mines, where it drifts in from the sides of a hill. for the most part dugouts of that size and depth wont need much vent, especially the dual entrance design shown.
Here is something developed by the Snakebite Tactical that might interest anyone concerned with drones.
Quite easily.
You defend against tanks and aircraft by not fighting tanks and aircraft. Any nation's populous will always outnumber the manpower of the force deployed against them considerably. This has been proven time and time again. You can't control a population with tanks and aircraft. Tanks and combat aircraft won't supply your troops, they won't conduct house to house searches, they can't watch the back of every small unit of soldiers you deploy all the time. You only need a small force to defeat a small enemy force. Bide your time and hit opportunistically, if you're operating in your own nation without any fear of needing to hold ground and establish the military infrastructure to maintain a sustained conflict then any loss you inflict upon your enemy depletes his strength and antagonizes him into acts of excess that will turn public sentiment against him.
Look at Russia in WW2 or Vietnam. In both cases partisans, militias and unconventional forces turned the rear of the battlefield into a chaotic slaughterhouse that defeated the conventional force despite the conventional force winning most or all of the major confrontations.
Fireworks the loud ass mortars then you can get arm's from the fallen
plenty of mass shootings though from incels which is St. Michael doing population control.
Mystery Babylon will collapse, probably within our lifetimes. Every day the last parts of Revelations seems to be coming closer
Most "empires" only last about two centuries at most. Charlemagne's empire collapsed about 70 years after his death. The US empire has been receding since the 80s.
pretty much impossible for a militia man to defend against modern aircraft. Run.
avoid it, but stalk it, and when the crew has to get out of the tank, be sitting about 300 yards away from it and blow their heads up like mellons with a 300 win mag once the hatch opens.
Otherwise, some form of IED may work.
Guerilla warfare is very craven and cowardly warfare; you prey on weak spots. like citizens of the enemy, and you absolutely run away from any kind of unfavorable odds.
a civil war in the US of today would come down to vicious guerilla war to the point where it's like mutual terrorism; target and kill anything symbolically representing the enemy. What is liberal? Whole Foods, Universities, niggers, spics, muslims, etc so on and so forth. Therefore you would destroy anything and anyone representing those things.
It will be glorious.
From the information I've gathered, modern tank commanders are absolute fucking retards, and will stay unbuttoned even while taking fire, just to get a better view. So, if you've got a height advantage or the element of surprise from a window of a building in an urban scenario or some such shit, flambe or shoot the commander, and you've wasted a shitload of gubmint money and time spent on training that poor faggot.
It has nothing to do with that, they're trying to get more medals so they can be promoted faster.
All officers do stupid shit for that reason, because they're used to a peacetime/world police military in which promotion chances are few and far between. Practically no one dies in modern wars. Compare a few thousand dead in the past two generations where a lieutenant becomes a lt. commander in a decade, with millions dead in WWII where a lieutenant becomes a general in a year or so. The moment a real war starts we're going to lose 90% of all officers because they'll still be stuck in a peacetime mindset where they can take massive risks and still get airlifted to first class medical care at a base five timezones away.
Also, in general, buy a goddamn book on making explosives, don't trust these fuckers.>>575135 left out that this will blow up in your face if not done in an icebath, and that the result (acetone peroxide) is called "the mother of the devil" for a reason.
DXM-polystirex is absolute shit and a waste of time; just buy some DXM- hydrobromine only syrup/pills
America is already in a stage of decay typical of late empires, it can't last that long
Specifically here, if there was an armed (right-wing) revolution then the majority of the country would probably be in rebel hands within days, if carefully planned maybe hours.
Everyone who would take part is probably already equipped. If you're 18 or above you can freely buy bolt-action rifles and shotguns that aren't semi/fully-automatic or pump-action (lever-action is fine I think). Starting age 21 you can get a weapon license for up to 5 semi-automatic rifles and/or pistols in total, which isn't hard unless you're retarded, a potential school shooter or culture enricher.
Also black market from ex-Yugo to here is rampant because of virtually nonexistant border controls, it's not even funny anymore. Thankfully they apparently don't sell to muzzies.
Redundant, majority of military and police force on the countryside would switch sides if they aren't the ones leading the coup themselves.
Even if thats not the case, large mountain ranges and thick forests are everywhere, easy to evade.
3 of the 12 Eurofighters are capable of taking off at all, only one of them has on-board systems for carrying missiles, again military and police would switch sides very fast.
Dear BVT employees, I do not endorse the idea of undermining the austrian democracy in any way and this is only an assessment based on current facts. Long life the 2nd Republic, the 12-hour workday and my wifes boyfriend Achmed
Also this, honestly. About 200 gunmen armed with nothing but bolt-action rifles could effectively storm and massacre 90% of the federal government in one night if planned right. N-not that I'm suggesting anyone could or would do this, NSA-kun.
shit I've been looking for that cellphone detonation thing for years, nice.
The only way US citizens would have a chance against the US Armed Forces is by utilizing guerrilla tactics.
Citizens are already reasonably well-armed in that lots and lots of people already own guns. The only real issue I see is that not EVERYONE owns A gun; rather, SOME people own a LOT of guns, and I'm willing to bet they're not the sharing type. We need lots of people with a gun, not a few people with lots of guns.
Also, ammo. Nobody owns enough ammo. Supplies too… the average non-Zig Forumsommando doesn't have a stock of supplies or a self-sustaining food production operation sufficient to survive through what will likely be a very long war.
1. Guerrilla warfare
2. Share guns
3. Stock up on ammo and supplies
Pleb. Just run faster than it can shoot. Tanks are slow af.
Well good think that most of the people who actually fight in the US armed forces are white southern males who are almost guaranteed to want the government dead more than the citizens do.