This is a gun free thread. Violators are subject to arrest.
This is a gun free thread. Violators are subject to arrest
Deal with it bitch
Na jk I'm from England aka gun free zone
Do you know what a trained man with an 8 inch, surgical steel, wide pommel, intermediate bowl spoon can do to a human body in under 2 seconds at this range? Go back to 4chan and nobody gets hurt.
Making a gun free thread™ on Zig Forums™ violates the NAP™.
Wow, I've never seen this meme before.
14 MOA
I always wondered why people put tm on the end of stuff to try and parody ancaps and libertarians as copyright also infringes NAP
Also so does basically anything involving children
Dump thread? Dump thread.
Great for a first pistol, and they go for $230 new on gunbroker all the time. The only real problem is the 8lb trigger until your fingers get /fit/ enough for it. Unless you get the apex trigger kit
It's time to stop posting
What would you say is the heaviest trigger pull of any commercial or standard issue firearm? Not a one off modification but something like that from the factory. Wouldn't the Nagant revolver be up there?
that's what it would immediately devolve to you mentally retarded anarchist
Except kids cannot consent, and trademaking things requires government enforced copyright. Also feudalism requires the land being "owned" by a king and dispensed by lords. Go to /liberty/ and try again.
I wouldn't know what the heaviest is, but it's rare for a pistol (double action on a revolver included) to go over 6lbs of pull. For rifles you rarely see anything over 10lbs but at that point you're dealing with the bargain bin.
*gets shot*
what part of 'devolve' do you not understand? i am not saying ancap = feudalism you drooling illiterate potato. who says kids can't consent? who enforces what the NAP means? if I say kids can consent who are to tell me that they can't? if you disagree with me or attempt to stop my use of child workers that clearly violates the NAP.
I'm in full agreement with you emufriend but don't respond to bait as obvious as "le child slaves lol". Given this is exactly what happened in the war thread I'm beginning to think it's meant to be intentional derailment.
The short reset of a Sig DAK gun is specced at 8.5 lbs and on some models has been recorded as high as 9.
Does that sign come in portable form? I've been looking for a lightweight alternative to a CC pistol.
You might as well be arguing with Christfags.
Once this ship's usefulness as a combat ship was over it served another role.
Why don't we do something like this to our ships these days?
Because cost-saving techniques prevent defense companies from selling their sci-fi meme ideas to Congress to the tune of a gorillion shekels.
Thread created on liberty. Direct all shitposting to this thread.
Stick to your thread, and stay the fuck off of Zig Forums, lolberg. Go worship your jewloving mexican crimelord elsewhere.
yeah, you would be a crossposter from there wouldn't you. you must legitimately have a room-temp iq. what said, google the terms if you have to. NAP is a subjective principle as it has no guidelines, "dispute resolution" is a fantasy and holds similarly zero sway. you can say 'kids do not have these things', i can say they do, you can't do jack about it because that's violating the NAP- or, rather, maybe you interpret that as violating the NAP and others don't, then they interpret you as violating the NAP because you're seen as the aggressor and now everyone has a CB on each other and tada you're back to feudalism. it's in every company's best interest to get rid of their competition. i don't know why you think they wouldn't.
You could barely mix a tall glass of chocolate milk with that scrub
You meatballs of all people should know the flaws of "anarchy" as a political ideal.
The stock trigger isn't that bad unless you're a woman.
Once you get much over 8 inches the weight distribution and balance goes to hell, and you grant your opponent a potential leverage advantage over you in a parry. 8 inches is the optimal operational spoon length, 9 to 10 inch spoons do have their (very specialised) uses for specific scenarios; anything over 10 inches is for display or ceremonial use only.
No, it is a very finely tuned piece of precision military engineering. If you're particularly interested in the subject then try getting hold of a copy of "Spoons West!" by Nick Spark, it provides you with a good foundation for a solid understanding of the physics and theory in use with contemporary spoon design/doctrine and the American chapter of their development as a modern weapon system.
Are rocket launchers guns?
I'm complaining about the comparison, I know an*rchists are retarded
Well Glocks are considered grenades so maybe they are allowed?
Is this the 4/k/ refugee thread?
Only don't violate NAP if your property is larger than their effective blast radius.
Have devastating would it be for the US NAVY in a real shooting war?
The image is simplified, obviously the area of effect would include any harmful clouds of radiation.
what do you classify as harmful? technically, nukes spew fallout all over the planet and it's very possible for someone somewhere to consume food that's been endued with strontium or caesium or any other lasting isotopes, which cause anything from terminal cancer to bone disorders, all of which violate the NAP
The principle remains the same, though. If you can keep all the radiation and fallout within the boundaries of your own property, then go ahead - stockpile as many nukes as you want, and detonate them on a whim. Otherwise, be prepared to end up to end up a starving and penniless pariah after all your assets are liquidated to pay compensation to all the people who you gave cancer to, and whose homes are now uninhabitable. Good luck buying food or paying rent, because you're never going to finish paying that off. Voluntarily being incarcerated in a private debtor's "prison" would honestly be the best option the only option available at that point. That is, so long as nobody murders you first. The whole planet's going to hate your guts, and not only can you not afford protection from a DRO, but there's no way they would take you on as a charity case either. You're bad PR, and you've already proven that you're more trouble than you're worth. A person who manages to fuck up so royally would quite literally become an outlaw.
I'd assume he's counting harmful as "anything that causes harm".
Sounds pretty damn harmful to me. I know I'd sure as hell take offence to someone dusting my food with strontium isotopes, even if it didn't give me a terminal illness. If you shoot at someone with a gun, but you miss, that doesn't mean you didn't attack them.
They don't leave fallout when they're detonated in the air, you dumbasses. Do any of you even know how a nuke functions at all?
If he airbursts it, there's no fallout, but fallout would fall under "aggression" especially if its strong enough to kill a cow. That's technically a radiological weapon.
It's funny you say that as a joke but being able to sue your neighbor for something like that and have private police shoot his ass would be a much better solution than what we have now. Government detonated hundreds of nukes on our soil and poisoned close to fifty million people, what fucking recourse do we have there?
Something that causes harm, what kind of fucking question is this? Deliberate physical damage.
First of all that wouldn't cause harm, and might even be beneficial.
Second of all this falls under the same rules that govern pollution control in libertarian systems, which is suing for damages. Aggression is about intentionally inflicting damage on someoene (harm), that might be provable with a blast radius or even fallout, but not trace elements that enter somebodys food chain and maybe cause cancer a century down the line, but only if they eat it by accident without checking.
Third of all there's a period of limitations. If I leave an openly visible hoe in the public commons, you know about and accept the danger, and you trip over a rock, fall on it, and get stabbed, I haven't broken NAP or even harmed you myself. You can sue me for littering but not assault.
By the way pushing this hard just explains how desperate you are.
are you guys legit retarded? how can you not see what i'm getting at; there's degrees of harmfulness that can be interpreted, again, in multiple different ways via people's viewpoints. if someone gets cancer inadvertently because of nuclear fallout, they've been harmed, but who decides if it's able to be acted on or violated the NAP? it wasn't deliberate.
if you're able to be sued for it, how has it not violated it the NAP?
ah, of course, it's on the consumer to check every piece of bread they eat for radioactivity, and harm is rendered moot if it happened long enough ago.
false equivalency, quite a difference between deliberately detonating a nuke and someone killing themselves which you had no part in
what's desperate here is your degree of mental gymnastics to justify your epic snowflake contrarian retardation
do you?
I already explained that if fallout is serious enough to result in death it is basically a radiological weapon and it does break NAP. The only way your special snowflake situation applies is if it doesn't cause death, which makes it a basic pollution issue like any other pollution issue in libertarian models.
Or you can pay a company to check it for you, which is what the FDA is supposed to do except it doesn't and you can't sue it.
Read your own link tard:
okay, so now the precedent is set that if anything causes harm or death, even if it's second or third hand, it violates the NAP. correct?
so basically, yes. ancap is just one giant retarded meme.
remember when the guy i was responding to said
How is fallout second or third hand?? It's a direct result of the explosion, it is irradiation of particles which are then inhaled, swallowed or cover clothing. That's direct harm, and you should kill or sue them immediately, not wait forty years to eat a tomatoe with a sub-lethal level of fallout on it so you can sue them for pollution…
If you want to be autistic about it atom bombs that explode in the air don't produce any harmful fallout.
A) Not ancap. B) Nigger did you just imply the FDA is a better solution than a private company checking food? This is why commies are retarded.
That's the whole point and part of why ancap is such a meme: you can't enforce the NAP if you don't have any mcnukes. All the ancapists would actually be the human slaves with current government officials actually owning everything.
that's quite contrary to what you said above. pick one
this is your brain on
You are a communist because you believe a government run food safety service is more efficient than a private one. I am not an Ancap, stop lying about me. I have been consistent and clear about what I believe, what I mean to say, and what my argument is in this threat. It is not incumbent on me that you purposefully choose to misinterpret what I say.
you are antifa because you believe a private business is always more efficient than a government run one. it's mind-boggling how someone can legitimately be this stupid. you'll move your goalpost at the drop of hat- not out of a deliberate attempt to win or skew the argument- but rather because you don't even have the mental capacity to realize what your point was in the first place. how is possible for a human being that understands language still be unable to realize what the difference is between non-profit regulatory oversight and businesses purely interested in profit who have no real incentive to actually check your food in the first place? one establishes industry-wide minimum standards, other checks your food prior to it being irradiated in exchange for cash, and you don't even know if it really checks your food or not.
Because it is. By definition. State-run institutions cannot solve the knowledge problem, and as such are fundamentally unable to even gauge what market demand is, let alone be able to respond to it. Further, because government institutions can run up debt pretty much indefinitely (just print more lol) there's no incentive for the organization to remain efficient or solvent. Because of Keynesian rhetoric about "creating jobs" and the fictional multiplier effect, government workers are almost never fired for incompetence or misconduct, except in very, very extenuating circumstances, meaning the organization just keeps expanding with useless makework jobs staffed by incompetent retards who see the job as little more than welfare.
The fact that it's paid through taxes doesn't magically turn the organization more benign and competent, you mongoloid. Again, have a look through Public Choice Theory. The FDA, the ATF, and similar regulatory agencies are under no impetus to make their judgments morally or rationally; instead, approvals and denials are made on a basis of bribery, political clout, and the will of whatever administration happens to be in power. See: the ATF banning 7n6 for import because it was "armor piercing". They didn't do that because of any rational analysis, but because Crimea had just happened and King Nigger was pushing hard on the "muh Russia" narrative. The EPA, the FDA, USDA, and the rest of the alphabet soup are no different in this regard.
You really don't know how incentives work, do you? Of course you don't, otherwise you wouldn't be parroting leftist talking points. The private agency is motivated by profit, you at least managed to get that figured out. They receive this profit from the end user, in this case the consumers of the food to be regulated. In order to continue to get revenue the agency must provide a service of sufficient quality that the end user is willing to pay for it. Ergo, the business is incentivized by profit to provide a good service.
Competition. Unlike a government-run institution there will 1) be no private monopoly on the regulatory business, and multiple approval agencies would be able to compete and 2) without the authority of government behind them the private agencies will have no way to force their verdicts upon the people. As a result, if the agencies make a decision that you disagree with you're perfectly free to ignore that decision and act in your own interests as a consumer and a market actor.
I just realized.
Zig Forums is like reddit in imageboard form.
We were the niggers Jack, we were the niggers the whole time!
no. retard
yes, they can. you have nothing past 'b-b-but look at these enforcement agencies under a completely different branch', which is unprovable and anecdotal too, to prove otherwise.
You don't even know what the knowledge problem is, do you? Fuck dealing with commies is just exhausting.
Oh nevermind, you're even worse than that, you're a politically ignorant normie.
lel. come back when your little pea brain can think of something, antifa.
Why would I argue with a redditor when I can just be smug?
the range of insults anarchists come up with is truly astounding
If you weren't bordering on clinical retardation or ever participated in any competition you'd know the goal is to win.
But try realistically competing with pic-rel or bilderberg group
Today I learned that nuclear weapons are the only possible means of defense against aggression. Thanks, internet.
I'll double-down on everything I said. Memes aside, the argumentation provided has never(not a single time in my experience) advanced past regurgitating a fallacy-rich belly full of rhetoric they were spoonfed. If you want to prove me wrong, please show an argument that successfully defends the fundamental claims of Christianity and I'll take it for what it is. In all reality, as with every challenge like this, there will either be silence or memeposting and attempts to change the topic.
That is the futility of trying to explain to people that everything they care about isn't that important, or that importance itself doesn't truly exist in the same way rocks and trees do.
That's a nice list of companies to avoid forever, thanks.
Bonus round.
Oh and also this
H~here you go sir, please we're so hungry…
Since you called him a retard, care to respond how government orgs solve the knowledge problem?
You're a fucking idiot.
sometimes i wonder, is it drugs which drive people to this retardation, or merely genetic iq?
So that's a no, then.
sorry lad, can't make out what you're trying to say over all your autistic shrieks
TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH. Get back to your cages, though if the floors are cleaned by the time I get back I'll consider giving you a McDonalds™ brand french fry… to share.
The site is shit, the posters are shit, their posts are shit, so why should I bother?
Is this plane classy?
irl how hard is it for an America to _legally_ acquire shit like grenades and rocket launchers? I know it's hard, but I want the details of how it can be done legally
Step one, see if they're legal in your state. Some states ban all NFA, some ban all DD, some only ban explosive DD. If there are no restrictions on DD in your state, proceed to find the one you want to buy. Pay the seller, then fill out the transfer paperwork and send $200 to Uncle Sam. Wait 6-18 months for the paperwork to go through and then take possession of your new toy. If it is explosive you may have to be in compliance with regulations on storing explosives which is more paperwork. If you can't find what you want to buy there are other forms you can submit to be allowed to make the item. It's really not super difficult just time consuming and expensive.
Non-Aggression Pact?
Feudalism isn't nearly as bad as ANCAP. It involves real cooperation, a love for your neighbor, and actual management, none of which the NAP would allow for. Feudal society is what forged Europe out of the ashes of the Roman Empire, a truly patricians society where you work and live with the people you actually deal with on a weekly basis instead of people 1000s of miles away telling you how to manage your village.
Is it bad that I own stocks of some of those companies through ""charles Schwab""?
Would we need nuclear bunker busters to eliminate Iran's facilities?
stocks are jewish, buy gold, silver, guns, bullets, bitcoin
or support corporations you like, such as gun manufacturers or gold and silver mining and extraction corporations(not gold and silver certificates).
yes, for the civilian populations
Should have put the gun free zone out further at least 2 or 3 links out. Surely you can't leave our threads unprotected lile this.
We need guns so we can end factors like op
Meaning mountain in German and probably Dutch and the other Germanic languages and not inherently Jewish. Though when it’s a mountain of something valuable (ie; goldberg, silverberg, zuckerberg) then you probably got a kike.
Titanic was sunk by an ice(((berg))).