Infograph thread

I'm in need of more infographs, post what you have

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The two updates I'd give this are note the Ruger AR5.56 is good, just almost never a better deal than the M&P15. On pistols the EC9s needs to be added. Otherwise this is still accurate.

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just check and maybe even they have literally everything your little heart could desire

imagine being this much of a brainlet

I've always thought this guide was pretty terrible.

despite also saying that when you're in public all you'll have is a pistol. At least explore larger concealable pistols with a more reasonable capacity (Ruger SR series) or something like a used Glock 26.

Man, fuck that infographic.

Also the extra stuff isn't a true waste of space. There was extra space as a consequence of uneven section length while limiting design to a particular aspect ratio. The calibers and safety were the very last things added and only because there was space (and the point on 22 and 380 is important for people on a budget because those guns look cheap but are bad choices). Rifles being labeled rifle is an artifact of how predecessors were made when you could get an SKS for a reasonable price.

Good budget knifes is worth an infographic, but not my sphere of knowledge in the slightest.


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what a lovely thread

Any infographs on knive carry or just good knives in general? Especially one that has somewhat legal options for yuropoors too.

It's an infographic on home and personal defense. Non-lethal weapons and security systems are relevant, particularly in areas where people can't own decent guns, or in crowded apartment buildings, or homes with many children, or in the case of a person being VERY poor, where the most practical means of defense may NOT be a firearm.

I'll concede the point on .22 and .380, but it could have saved space and simply said "a .22 is better than nothing, but .380 is the minimum caliber you'd want for self-defense."

The handgun section should be expanded too. If you're poor and can only scrape together $300-600 for ONE gun plus ammo, it should be a handgun… because it can defend you at your home AND out in public where you're probably more likely to be attacked.

Rifle section should include pistol caliber carbines. A budget-minded family could be well-defended at home and in public with a pair of Hi-Point pistols and a carbine in a matching caliber and magazine. Also, antique rifles or non-assault-style rifles (Mini-14, etc.) that may be easier to procure.

To be fair, line-spacing has been around forever.
Source:Look at any 4chan archive site.

are leatherman multitools that good ? or are they just a expensive meme ? i dont feel like spending over 100 juros on wave/surge, what about cheaper wingman / sidekick ? those are fairly cheap for a multitool from leatherman .

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They're great if it's something you would use. I carry my girlfriend's wave with me on my belt everywhere. I'd say it's worth the money.

Buy nice or buy twice

so should i go for wingman/sidekick or wave/surge ?

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This is some LARPing-tier shit.

pretty sure its a joke infopic. Seen much better on Zig Forums, much less Zig Forums.

It can happen but personally I'd still duck

I guess that makes sense to a certain degree, although the rest of the "tactical" advice is at least partially sound and not joke-tier. Still, they acknowledge in the first blurb about cars that doors and windshields aren't cover, but then in the very next one it's spouting shit about bouncing bullets on the asphalt to shoot niggers in the legs. What the fuck?

The ricochet thing works. There is an old police training video on youtube where they demonstrate it.

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You are thinking in absolutes. The car body may or may not be good cover. If it proves to be good cover for an adversary then shoot under it. Regardless, it will be decent concealment and you might be better served by tagging the piece of meat that you can see under the car versus that which you cannot see. All of this is dependent on caliber distance and other factors. Stop thinking in absolutes.

Still a nice primer on radio. I've been meaning to have a crack at some sort of follow up, but I'd want some more practice and study-time under my belt beforehand.

My old man told me that a simple molotov is just 50% gasoline and 50% diesel and/or heating oil, where first is needed for it to be easily ignitable and latter causing the mixture to keep burning for some time. Is the candle wax also a substitute for the diesel or does it not burn for long? Is there actually any reason not to use oil instead of wax at all?

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This warms my heart.

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The wax is to gel the fuel and get it to stick to what it splashes on. There are hundreds of different recipes but the goal is something similar to napalm.

Cars are shit cover, but can provide life-saving concealment. The engine compartment is best, and will stop a lot, but it depends on where hit.

Oh, and nobody mentions DEFLECTION - it's a third aspect, after concealment and cover. If you are far enough away from the car and some other types of concealment, you may benefit from deflection.

KB6NU's guide suck ASS. Just get the arrl license book for your appropriate license and you'll actually understand wtf the test is about rather than cramming answers and charging for it. Although to be fair, I got my license 2 years ago and haven't been on air once.


I was always told that the oil was put in molotovs so that they would stick to what they hit, so I just assumed that the wax is a way to get a similar sticking effect if you don't have oil

Had a crack at making my own version of the infograph a while ago, though yours definitely includes a lot of info that is pretty good (handguns being the inferior choice to rifles in most scenarios, the rules of firearm safety, etc)

Feel free to take whatever you like from my shitty attempt (honestly probably only the section on ammo recommendations and the CA legal stamps are worth taking) and add it to your much better one.

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Each individual pellet would be equivalent to a .22 long rifle.
Soft lead, no jacketing aiding in penetration. No hollowpoint or expansion dumping more energy.
The speed is abysmal, subsonic, roughly equivalent to the above mentioned caliber out of a 3'' barrel.
Accuracy depends on grouping, but is generally very low compared to even pistols with 3'' barrels.
Also… just because there's a lot of pellets, doesn't mean we can shoot for a long period of time, keeping home invaders at bay while police gets there…

Given all of this how can you say a massive unweildy gun is somehow superior to a palm sized pistol that has the same effect?


No, no it wouldn't
Right, so it would have too much expansion and no expansion simultaneously? How can you argue that it's shit because "rooooo, it's soft lead, so it will expand too much and won't penetrate" and then follow it up with "it won't expand"? Those two statements are literally completely opposite to each other.

Most home invaders run as soon as they think that there's any slight form of resistance present, and If they don't run immediately upon getting shot at, then the police turning up will most probably not dissuade them either.

Because pocket pistols don't have the same effect and are much harder to shoot accurately, also most pistols overpenetrate through hard barriers. And a shotgun isn't exactly unwieldy especially here, where the minumum barrel length is only 12", not 18", you're not going to be doing super dynamic motion like jumping out of helicopters or armoured vehicles inside your own house, crouching behind a sofa or peeking around a door frame at most.

I read on another infograph that you should ONLY use those two grips and get rid of the fancy things due to gross motor skill or some shit. What grip is best for killing?

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hammock camping is a meme

Judging by his statement of 81 pellets, he's talking about 00 buck.

Each individual pellet of 00 buck has a similar mass to .22lr, and a MUCH lower speed (about 800fps lower), and the pellet also has a lower sectional density. The 00 buck pellet is really similar only to the SIMPLEST .22lr bullet, pic related, fired out of a very short barrel pistol that sacrifices about 45% of its speed. If it has a hollow point it would expand beyond the diameter of a 00 buck pellet.

Some .22lr are plated with brass, which makes the bullet tougher and more capable of penetration. Only a steel 00 pellet would have similar penetration, but much lower mass because they're made of steel. No one I ever heard of plates lead shot.

Do you know the difference between a pure lead bullet, a jacketed bullet, a pure lead hollowpoint, and a jacketed hollowpoint (JHP)?

A pure lead bullet doesn't "expand" in flesh, that's retarded.

I don't know if you can since I don't know you, but I certainly can. I can actually shoot a .22lr pistol with a tighter group at 25 yards without using the sights at all, just lining up the pistol with my forearm.

But then again my shotgun doesn't have a choke, I think I mentioned grouping differences in the original post.

So just buy a plastic gun and wave it around, I'm sure it will scare most home invaders. Most people never experience a violent crime so I guess you don't even need a weapon for protection by THAT retarded logic. People who buy guns don't worry about "most" likely situations, we worry about the worst 5-10% of situations happening to us or our families.

That's just rubbish, there is no .22lr pistol that's going to go through even an apartment wall and snipe a baby in the eye. You'd have to go to maybe 5.7mm for that level of penetration.

I'm sorry but I give not a single fuck about your laws. We're discussing what is a better weapon for home defense period, not what is a better weapon for home defense in UK, or France, or Jamaica. I don't have enough time in my fucking life to become a lawyer in a hundred different countries just to have a discussion with you. That's asinine.

Apartment or home doors, hallways, furniture, none of it is made to hold or maneuver a 20-30 inch gun in.

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bump for knowledge.

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Fuck off retard.

nice oc, saved

22lr standard mass is 40gr.
00 buck 53.8gr
Hmm sounds like a 34.5% difference.
Would you say a 200gr and 269gr bullet have a similar mass?

12ga 00 buck 1-1/8oz, ~1200fps
22lr 40gr, ~1200fps for standard loads from RIFLES, from a pistol your looking at 800-1000fps depending on barrel length.
Single 00 pellet, 172ft-lbs of energy, pretty much a 380 acp bullet for energy and diameter
22lr from a rifle, 128ft-lbs
22lr from pistol, 89ft-lbs

.t never hunted
Shotgun pellet are soft and expand pretty rapidly.

That's because your retarded. Just because your clueless doesn't mean things don't exist.

This is bullshit. Shotguns can group like a rifle if you want them to, even buckshot.

Home invasion section,
I agree I'm not the guy your responding to.

Also agree, shotguns will pen much further than 223 rifles and 22lr anything.
But 5.7 will penetrate very little aswell because it'll dump energy extremely fast.

22lr is objectively worse than a defensive shotgun, simply because 22lr is a rimfire.

If we are talking best home defense weapon, SBR ar15.

00 buckshot not only has more energy then 22lr, it also has greater diameter. 00 buckshot does more damage than any 22lr, the closest thing you can get to 22lr in buckshot pellets is #4 buckshot in terms of size, which may lack energy but still punches similar/bigger holes. #1 buckshot is the same weight at 40 grains, and is the base minimum recommended shot size for defense. I can also pack 54 pellets of #4 into a 10 bore shell and 24 pellets of #1 in a heavy 10 bore load.

Soft lead pellets not only deform in animal and human tissues, they deform in air. Plated buckshot not only has superior lubricity than lead shot, it helps to keep the lead from deforming so it will pattern better. My gel tests I've found copper plated BB that were nowhere near a nice neat circle.

You are wrong on 223 penetrating less than buckshot. CERTAIN high velocity bullets MIGHT fragment in hard barriers and prevent collateral damage, but if the bullet is built well enough and the velocity low enough, it will punch through more hard barriers than 22lr or any buckshot. Someone with an SBR and green tips is in perfect shape to have bullets that miss fly long and through a lot of things and create a worse scenario. Even with bullets that are more apt to fragmenting, the lower the velocity the less likely they are to fragment. If the bullet goes slow enough it will stay together and keep punching through things, becoming a big 22 that is even more dangerous to others. One argument to use a full size barrel in 5.56mm is that it helps ensure bullets will hit hard enough to break apart, a 10.5 inch barrel is more likely to have shoot throughs than a 20 inch.

Use a 5.7mm with the wrong ammunition its the same. It was built with certain rounds in mind to pierce soft armor and will punch through hard objects to some extent. Remember, the rounds you put through a person are less dangerous than the ones that miss. Bullets lose a lot of force after hitting someone, its not the over penetration through a man that's the biggest threat, but the ones that miss the target entirely.

A shotgun can still be seen as a highly valuable self defense gun because it is consistent, unlike .223 performance. Buckshot always does the same thing, and even if it can pierce through some hard barriers, its a very poor performer in this regard. Buckshot will always fail after so much barrier, .223 can either fragment or punch a long, dangerous path. Buckshot is shot for shot better for stopping and attack. Shotguns are also easier to operate by non serious shooters who don't clean their guns and learn to use them very well. For some people, the shotgun is the ideal choice. Also most people in home defense aren't running around cutting pies and hunting the bad guys, they are staying put defending themselves, family, ect. A longer gun can work in home defense.

Also yeah 22lr is a shitty choice and should never be defended. Its a poor performer for stopping attacks, rimfire with poor reliability, and people who are more physically incapable and what a firearm for self defense would be better served with a pistol caliber carbine that is very low recoil and easy to shoot as well as 20 gauge shotgun.

Wasn't there a newer version of this guide with more guns?

I'm guessing your replying to me the post above you,
Obviously I agree with all your shotgun shit, except I'd actually argue down to #4 buck for defense as per its the smallest shot size to pass the Fbi test, but I digress.

223 literally will (almost) always penetrate less, there are plenty of tests to back this up, but yes an sbr with green tips would probably be the shittiest choice possible, I'd put it on par with assuming someone who uses a shotgun for home defense is using #14 birdshot, a bit disingenuous assumption.

Something in the 50-60gr softpoint would be ideal if you are worried about over pen, which personally, I'm not so my 11.5" build is loaded up with 77gr smk, which I'll gladly acknowledge is subpar compared to other options. But the thin jacket does mean rapid fragmentation in soft targets down to like 2600-2700 fps.

Your kind of right again with the 5.7x28 shit, but anything thats 'armor piercing' would be difficult to get, and just because it can pen armor doesn't mean it retains a high high level of lethality on the other side, or that means it will continue through more walls than a handgun, m193 can pen armor, but that's usually one of the rounds explicitly used to show that .223 will travel through less walls.

223 is consistent, dunno exactly what your trying to explain here, because again it would exclusively depend on your loading. A 45gr vmax isn't going to pen for shit, a heavy partition is a different story.

IIRC On average shotguns have a similar results to rifles in self defense situations, miles above handguns. I'd have to double check but I do think shotguns barely edge out rifles.

Eh, if your claiming pump shotgun vs rifle thats very very questionable.

Under stress for an untrained person the recoil could be significant and short stroking could be a problem understress.

I might be arguing against you but its not by much, shotguns are great choices for lots of people and have devastating effects. In my opinion an AR would does slightly better.
Enjoy a shitty picture of some of my guns, top is a 6mmAR coyote build thats incomplete, already decided I picked the wrong stock.

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Great so all NSA has to do is find every phone in a residential area and correlate with those phones that did not move a single inch during the entire riot.

You can't escape metadata that easily.

1. That's circumstantial evidence at best
2. Most people avoid riots and demonstrations, so the 'his/her phone didn't move all day' argument becomes a moot point.
3. Without additional evidence all they can prove is that you left your phone at home. No judge or jury would convict anyone for that in and of itself.
4. Even if they know you committed a crime, they have to prove it in court. A fuck load of criminals get away with everything up to and including murder because the police can't find enough evidence for a prosecutor to secure a conviction.
5. What's the alternative? To take your phone (and more importantly its inbuilt GPS) with you?

Lots of people have been convicted with their phone being used as evidence.

I seriously doubt anybody has been convicted because their phone *couldn't* be used as evidence.

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Including that blond brat from the Harry Potter movies when he decided it would be fun to take part in the London riots a few years ago.