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Quit shitposting, you fucking faggot.
ETA on reunification and the ultimate in cancer metastasis Samsung Galaxy Juche™ and Glorious Leader shilling for Kakao Corporation?
Did Trump convince Rocketman to walk in his own shoes instead of doing what the dying communist want?
It would be amazing if there was reunification before trump's 1s term was over.
Only if it would lead to Japanese occupation of the peninsula to contain the cancer.
reminder that someone had to be selling the comfort women for IJA to buy them. Liberators just raped everything in their path and stole everything nailed down.
I'd wager within the century but no time soon.
I think China is behind this in some way, not Trump.
Kim is playing his cards right man been winning this political game
Fuck no. German reunification absolutely fucked West German economy because East Germany was a communist shithole with next-to-no money. Korean unification would absolutely fuck South Korea because North Korea's economy is almost third world tier.
Reminder that both of us are guilty of allowing German reunification.
Another reminder that Stasi operatives were taken in with open arms by BND
You have China, Japan,S.K,and the US drooling to sell equipment.
Also, wasn't there a reccsion around the time of reunification?
Yes, as a result of West Germany taking on East Germany's sub-Grecian economy.
Korean reunification would be a horribly, horribly bad idea, let me tell you.
>siding with communists and then kvetching later
Okay, I'll be fair, as much as I hate him, Churchill was right in pushing for Operation Overlord. That would have cleaned up the bloody political mess in Europe once and for all.
Fucking Kikes, Ike, and ZOG, I swear to g_d, they all have to burn after the collapse.
Most notably the Stasi operatives in Poland who either went back to Russia, or went over to BND.
When we were signing the Polish–German Treaty of Good Neighbourship and Friendly Cooperation it was written in a way that benefits germany exclusively because Minister of Foreign Affairs was not only a faggot, but also a former soviet snitch (recruited with blackmail over faggotry) and then blackmailed with faggotry and being a traitor by the Germans.
Unfortunately Wałęsa was also a traitor who even dissolved the parliment before we could get rid of the communist spies from positions of power.
Anyways, my take on the Peninsula is
I say that we let North Korea run South Korea for now, and we, the Japanese Empire Democracy will annex protect it later on down the line. Either way, this gives the realist some justification in upping our defence budget, in the case that we have another rival nation across our seas.
The invasion of Normandy? I'm pretty sure that one went through . Did you mean Operation Unthinkable (Surprise attack on Commie forces in Western Europe with the aid of Wehrmacht POWs in order to drive them out of Western Europe, enforce Yalta, and get 'a square deal for Poland')?
Please integrate us in the co-prosperity sphere too.
Are you the South American Spic or the Nip?
Coincidence? I think not.
Don't know if its really a peace treaty or NK turns it into the Fucking Tet Offensive again
My apologies, I indeed meant Operation Unthinkable; it wouldn't have been a cake walk, but the Soviets wouldn't have stood a chance in the long run.
But I thought you hated us
At this point, there doesn't seem to be any benefit in pulling off a Tet Offensive. Kim seems to have won the Hearts and Minds of South Koreans, and Moon has a pretty good approval rating so far. Even the SK media was laughing at Kim's jokes during the conference.
It's probably good to be optimistic while also preparing for the worst.
Nah, I'm the Supreme Gentleman Nipstralian
Enjoy all those North Korean rapefugees rape the shit out of your public funds and having to pay "development aid" for the next century.
They didn't want to do it.
West did nothing in 1920's when soviets were just trying to get money for dem pogroms and social experiment
they told Finland "tough luck, lmao, good luck fighting against USSR i guess" in 1939, and 1941
And completely ignored Poland being invaded on 17th of September 1939
For a bonus kick, polish authorities were advised by allies not to mention Katyń or they might not care if Stalin does a 2nd one (^:
I know you're speaking from experience.
I wish the plebiscite happened, i'd be more than fine with trading Gdańsk (we Had Gdynia built from a hamlet into a city in two decades) and Upper Silesia for actually existing as a sovereign state outside of meaningless papers. without Enigma cracked, and the fix for making it uncrackable jews would've lost.
Poland fucked itself out of a lot of sympathy at the time by happily taking part in the fucking of Czechoslovakia and then crying when Germany and the USSR did the same to it, of course everyone likes to forget this because it doesn't match up with either the 'France and UK betrayed the East' line or the 'innocent Poland was raped by the USSR and Germany' line.
Churchill was pushing for it, but the MoD (or The War Office as it was then) repeatedly blocked the proposal claiming that it was unworkable and stood 'almost no chance of success'.
That was my favourite war ): i sad now
Though I should add not stepping in and helping was an utterly retarded decision from a strategic standpoint, you can blame weak British leaders (they wanted peace to avoid another WW1 and that would never be forthcoming) and incompetent French generals for that. Actually the low countries refusing to let their borders be defended as part of a hopeless attempt to remain neutral also did not help.
Actually the French and British had planned to back Finland in the Winter War, at the time the USSR was widely and correctly percieved as a key German ally and trading partner so it was only sensible. In fact it was Sweden another key trading partner of Germany and to a lesser extent Norway who blocked most of these plans by again thinking they could remain neutral. If there's one country you can blame for selling out on the Finns in 1939 it's Sweden (Norway I take to be too weak to have really done more alone than it already did).
At this point they were clearly siding with the Germans even if that was only out of convenience, it would have been foolish to back them.
Ironically you're parroting lines the Cold-War era USSR itself pushed partly to cover up its early war cooperation with the Germans and partly to inspire hatred of the West in its newly occupied territory. It's very true that Poland and co were sold out after the war mostly you can blame the USA for that one but the pre-war and early-war 'betrayals' are a lot deeper than they look.
Patton was calling for it as well, wasn't he?
Germans have this weird complex where they are always wrong. The English have this weird complex where they were always right. Reading British comments about world history would give you the impression they were a reactionary axis power.
Maybe we'll still get one though. Was Homefront such a shitty game it was meme'd into existence?
What makes you think they suddenly changed their stance after 60 years?
Perhaps it was the Steel tariff?
Hey, it's not our fault if history played out that way. : ^ )
Trips prove my point.
Nork AK parts kits when?
Ohh herro
Nobody forced West Germany to collapse and loot the whole industrial economy of the East either.
Explain to me, Wapanon, Jap nationalism.
I'd rather not suck any cock but I reckon Nip cock is better than commie Chink cock. At the very least you'd have the decency to give us a reach-around while you fuck us in the ass.
lol that's adorable
what if we used walking fire with nuke artillery?
As much as i wish that was the case, Patton wasn't all of the US army or the US government, and later he was assassinated by ZOG in a (((car accident)))
Patton was known to drive VERY HARD. Maybe one day he just went TOO FAST.
Homefront was originally about China invading the United States, and was changed at the request of the production company to not "harbor hate".
And that's why I said Patton and not any other member of the US brass, polefriend.
I've seen speculation the last nuclear test breached its underground containment and us now releasing a shit ton of rads into China, and it's accepted at least one previous test resulted in a non-trivial earthquake in China. China cutting him off over his tests harming them would make sense.
Were Mexico or Canada nuclear powers you would no doubt rejoice in their dearmament.
Patton was in on it with Churchill, but (((Eisenhower))) had him assassinated to keep communism alive.
Mexico of course, Canada not really.
Actually Mexico cucked itself
What's up Zig Forums , Zig Forums here
This seems to be good news all in all
So none at all?
Here, according to those faggots from Zig Forums:
Part two:
Here we go. Really, you ought to be more careful.
hey man i have this really cool webm you should watch
This thread is barely above /r/the_Donald tier shit.
Go read The Patton Papers, Volume 2, 1940-1945.
In his private correspondence he wouldn't shut the hell up about how the war had been fought for the benefit of the Communists and the Jews, and that if they had any sense at all they'd be building up West Germany for the inevitable war with the Soviets instead of tearing it apart and giving it piecemeal to the Jews.
He retired from the Army for the explicit purpose of being able to express these opinions publicly and openly. He died one day before he was supposed to fly home.
Damned convenient, that.
Doesn't that already exist? The DMZ?
I don't know if it feels good that other people have thought of this or bad that ideas I get aren't so unique.
Anyway I think even with modern systems it would be more like leapfrogging.
Until you checked them yourself you nitwit
The DMZ will be decked out with flowers and rainbow flags
user, Unless your Soldiers have any protection from the initial Nuclear Blast and Anti-Radiation suits you're good to go but if not thats a dumb shit idea
Filthy Frank?
That's an mp4 you lying fuck
Didn't the soviets, in case of a nuclear war, intend to use polish soldiers for the initial charge and save proper russian soldiers for when there's less radiation days later?
Not steel. Huawei et al getting kicked outa the US partnerships did it. Mainly cause the Xi couldn't find a bunch of engineers to figure out how to fucking make celluar networking along with anything from the >80s in the US
Negative. That mountain range has some pretty serrious water flow for cities in China along the border. Maybe Liaoning being rad poisoned doesn't feel well cause of it's strategic location
Not gonna happen. As longs as one of these powers exist, it will not happen, China/US/Japan/Russia.
A unified Korea goes against everyones wishes (except the koreas) due to the North having nukes and the south the tech to mass produce those and rockets. Think roughly Imperial russia providing manpower while the germans arm the fuck out of them in WWI is the closet analogy.
Plus they wouldn't listen to the Chinese/US as much as they do now
Also, my U.S. citizenship and gun loicence when?
all the slave states of the soviets were intended to be in front of soviet troops because they knew if the soviets were first there was a good chance the east germans and polish would just drive to moscow
That would never happen. You can't just up and decide to roll a mechanized army the opposite direction, and they were commanded by the diehard commies to boot. Some rank and file poles might've figured they'd rather fight the vatniks but nobody in actual command did.
Close, both NATO and Soviet Union, later Russia have Poland as target for area-denial nuclear strike in case of a war, because neither army will be able to move through 312,679 square kilometres (120,726 sq mi) of irradiated wasteland
Russians are kind enough to not pretend they're our allies and don't even demand protection money for no reason.
The burgers were gonna use west Germany as a nuclear wasteland buffer so it's not really a vatnik exclusive move.
Wow, BASED, pay more to NATO goyim or they'll nuke you with even less hesitation (^:
The US published unclassified bomber targets from the 60's.
All Eastern European cities were targeted for mass nuclear bombings (as in referred as such, with target codes meaning population centers target for maximum yield) with clear aim of total annihilation of the local population.
The idea that NATO was going to liberate Eastern Europe is something that spurt in the 90's.