Do you prefer Fowty Fahv AARP or 9mm, and why?
I prefer 10mm, and also OP is a faggot.
came here to say this.
Have fun mag dumping at Ahmed who bought himself a $120 body armor that turns your shittty low caliber pistol into an airsoft gun.
Shotguns with slugs are the minimum for home defense. Even sub 70 IQ niggers can get their hands on some IIIA body armor. Are you retarded enough to take the risk?
Clever insults 101
IIIA body armor can stop 9mm, .45, and a 12ga slug.
.357 SIG
If you don't want a meme round .40 S&W is objectively superior to 9mm
Yeah, those 1 ounce slugs move supremely slow, anyone that thinks otherwise is clearly fucking retarded
I want to get a L40-A1 & convert it to 357 sig, and get a brass weight for it.
I like how the weight is not some bulky device that's externally attached to the gun.
The Steyr pistols have one of the lowest bore Axis on the market.
I primarily like the Steyr guns because of their trapezoid iron sights.
Their low bore axis also makes me wish that Steyr sold a 10mm variant.
Also this if you like bottlenecked, higher velocity rounds rounds.
Or 9x25 Dillon if you want to be extra snowflake
Yeah, they're really nice. I was tempted to grab that, but if I was willing to spend that much on a carry gun I'd just have CZ Custom whip up a gun in .357 for me.
You just need a barrel and a stiffer spring for a 40 to 357 conversion if I recall.
It'll stop it but its going to fucking hurt.
Yes, the same company that offers weights offers the barrels.
Can you convert 40 S&W to 9mm ? I would like the Steyr to be my first handgun because of the sights.
It probably wouldn't be too difficult, but I can't think of any handgun that's chambered for .40 that doesn't also have a variant in 9x19. Steyr sells an L9A1 as well, in case you weren't aware.
Going from something that has the same rim diameter to something that doesn't is gonna be a bit of work.
this tbh
Fuck no, you are a moron.
One shot, one kill, next Tango. Not three rounds and "maybe" he's dead. Fuck that. If you had some Military background you would understand the importance of stopping power. Even if, and I'm sure it is, a bait thread I must at least say this.
it has neither the weight of .45 nor the easy followup of 9mm.
See , it's definitely superior to 9mm. The CY+3 incarnation of the 9mm/.45 debate is really the .40/10mm debate.
Living in a b8 state I carry a .45 just because I can only have 10+1. If I move I'm just going to get a G19 and call it a day.
I know that but I want to do my bulk shooting with a 9mm and not have to buy a second pistol to do so.
Didn't they make a limited factory run of .357 sig chambered guns at one point?
At that point why even get a pistol? It's too fucking heavy to fulfill its purpose.
The ideal option when dealing with kebabs is 273 mm.
And at that point the answer is 10mm unless you're a woman or a faggot.
I want one
I don't think 40 is that cheap it's kinda an odd in between and because of that the price always leans higher, inventory/production seems to be down.
My roommate is always bitching about how much he has to pay to feed his shield.
I think it's a great balance of power but not too much to control, way comfier to fire than 45.
Needs to be more popular.
Spread on ammoseek is 20-24 cents /round for new-production budget ammo, going from cheap-as-fuck ammovalley to Remington and Winchester boxes. Sure, it's not quite on 9mm's level but it's still pretty damn cheap
with practice you can get it to the 9mm level
what 9mm guys fail to realize is that the 9mm is easy to shoot precisely because it is a weak round
no, but a 180 grain bullet is heavy and .40 has a reputation proving the 180's penetration capability
I would be carrying .357 Sig if the cost were lower. .357 Sig is objectively the best semi-auto round. You can get .40 for .23 .24 cents per round.
IIIA can't stop 12 gauge slug, the IIIB can. It's what you call the one with the steel insert.
This is how you can tell if someone have never been in a firefight.
There's no such thing as level 3B. its called level 3. And 3A can stop a slug. But you are going to wish it didn't because your ribs and insides are still going to be pulp.
I know you burgerland faggots only have 1% chance to ever shoot someone in your entire lifetime, but in Ukraine it's a littie different right now. Also I was implying that the very idea that you can put anyone down with just one round is a solid indication that the person saying it is a fucking retard who things video games = real life.
Is this true? By some quick back of the napkin calculations I get:
Gen 4 Glock 19 (15 rounds 9mm): ~ 1.5 lbs unloaded, ~ 1.9 lbs loaded
Gen 4 Glock 37 (10 rounds 45ACP): ~1.8 lbs unloaded, ~2.2 lbs loaded
So 10 rounds of 45 ACP is ~ 0.4 lbs
1911 ~ 2.5 lbs unloaded, so say ~2.9 lbs loaded
FNX-45 Tactical (15 round magazine) ~ 2 lbs unloaded, so say ~ 2.6 lbs loaded
So going from a 15 round 9mm polymer double stack to a 15 round 45ACP polymer double stack is probably going to cost you about 0.7 lbs.
That's nothing to sneer at, but is it really that big a deal? I would think that at that point the real problem would be the relative size of the pistols, especially from the perspective of concealment.
Mozambique Drill. Also was taught to the FBI when they were using 10mm. The three shot rule applies to literally everything close-quarter, from .22 to 7.62x51 FALs. Kys, dumb faggot
What am I doing with it? What am I firing it out of? Suppressed or no? These are important factors you have to take into account. There is no one round that does all.
and yeah, one shot can indeed drop something, animal or human.
I've dropped pigs with .45's and 300 win mags.
Maybe you just never shot anything before, eh asshole?
I'll have to call bullshit on that one
We have more firearms murders in the US most years than there have been deaths in the entire duration of the Donbass conflict.
Just liveleak videos of people being shot. Plenty of videos of cops and niggers mag dumping into people before they hit the ground. Three to the head/chest is perfectly doable.
you do realize that things like double tap were used regardless of handgun caliber right? just because you can get lucky and kill a guy with a lucky .45 or .40 hit doesn't mean you will, and it certainly doesn't mean you should fucking plan for it to happen. i mean, you cant seriously think i'd be as safe with an old cap and ball revolver in .40+ as a yankee is with his 9mm columbine special.
Do you legitimately think that real life is a video game? Jesus christ, stop posting. Watch a couple videos of people being shot. Not in ArmA or whatever, that seems to need to be clarified. Even bothered to make a couple quick webms, just for you.
Seeing a lot of wet rags, Zig Forumsamerad.
Today's lesson is on muscle energy, and momentum!
It apparently works in glocks with just a barrel change, but it probably depends on how the extractor works.
Try actually watching those clips, count the number of shots fired, then guess what they were doing. Context clues are you friend. Notice how neither of them fell until the last shot? And can you recall when the guy I was responding to said it was impossible for three placed shots because people would just turn into video game ragdolls?
For more clarification, here's this one.
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well
.50BMG confirmed for best pistol round. :^)
You should have more respect for CIA assets, after all, your tax moiney funds them (^:
also, i bet the ukr*p thinks that his nationalism is real, and the fact that jews like Anna Applebaum or neocons like McCain are shilling for it, doesn't arouse any suspicion
Really? I've called it IIIB for years. No one corrected me wtf.
They only shot them a couple of times, though. So the quote you pulled out of your ass holds water.
OMG your right! Lets start replacing all the ammunition in the military's inventory with .22LR.
>everyone should have (((deagles)))
Everyone should have 10mm AUTO.
Wasn't that kind of the design philosophy for the American-180?
Everyone should have 9mm luger.