Is this the qtest shotgun ever?

I think so

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I wish we had gone ahead with the Morgenthau plan and repopulated the land with Anglos.

I'm just here on vacation fellow aussie

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Why would you go on holiday to Germany? That's worse than going on holiday here.

says the guy from the UK.

get fucked

That would be a good option 2 decades ago. Right now the only European countries worth visiting are Estonia and Hungary

The main reason we colonials go to the old world is so we can compare our lives to yours and then chuckle


You're both slaves to jews though. The only difference is that you get raped by niggers and spic gangs, while the inbred island monkey get raped by niggers and mudslimes.

You can''t even read a FUCKING ARTICLE, why would we expect you to read a book?


If you put wooden furniture on it and moved the red dot forwards, maybe. and maybe if it wasn't slavshit this is such a shit thread

Yea, now that it has you in it.

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Hope you're a comedian, because otherwise that laughter won't paydebts.

Ecuador belongs to Venezuela

The pinnacle of american arguments ahahahahahahahahahahah

Remove flags pls.

Imagine my shock

No, the Aryan must be identified at all costs

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Hmm first time I notice that these two organizations have the same initials.

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Where did I mention anywhere in my post that "X is not white"? Go back to nu-Zig Forums.
>>>Zig Forums

Kek, I noticed it before tbh, bit odd

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Don't you need a license to omit that stuff?

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When are you going to start making it so that you require a white license? It's not like you guys are going to be the majority any more.

I have an incredible affinity for the MTs-255. Something about revolver carbines gets me off

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I like the idea of revolver carbines and their aesthetics, just not the part where they spray powder and potentially shards of lead into your forward arm. Maybe if there was some sort of shield that could be mounted to either the left or right side of the cylinder gap to protect the forearm, I'd buy one.

Maybe something like the Nagant's action? Though I can't think of a way it could work without full brass shells to seal the chamber

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Is it the burnt hair on your forearm caused by the cylinder gap?

Certain revolving rifles(and shotgun, in the case of the MTs-255) have ways of either deflecting or disallowing the spray of gas and excess powder.
If you can just open your slanted eyes for one moment, observe the shield forward of the cylinder here - - that leaves no gap and instead causes gas to harmlessly spray into the rear of the forestock.
The Taurus line of revolving rifles, one of such pictured here, has a more crude method in place that deflects gasses upwards and into the air. Though not perfect and sometimes sprinkles your arm with powder, it keeps the level of discomfort down.

There, you've been schooled on how fucking retarded you can be.

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I like the nice and simple pump action shotguns.

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Double barrel shotguns bring me memories of duck hunting

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