Banks, Credit Cards To Monitor Gun Purchases

Uh oh.

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Americans are fighting a war that's already been lost, all that's left to do is cleaning up house by house.
They have the majority either outright behind them or not giving a fuck, so what if a few gunnuts kill a couple of cops and get turned into red paste? That will only serve to fold all the others into surrender.

Reminder that every day (((they))) live is another day closer to the final defeat, and that none of you have the balls to do what it takes.

Where regulation creates demand for alternate methods, innovation thrives.

>(((paypal))) bans firearms related purchases
>in the past 6 months I've bought ammo and a few firearms with (((paypal)))

(((banning))) things doesn't work if you're smart about it.

wew, its like they don't expect me to pay in cash or wire transfer to a nondescript account.

DO NOT use those banks or credit card companies, send them a fucking message, they don't get a single penny of your money.

Plenty of alternative banks and credit card companies, today even we can buy guns now with PayPal and bitcoin.

It doesn't matter. Too many normalfags will keep them in business.

So far looks like Citigroup and Bank of America are the traitors, so keep that in mind.

That may be so but they'll still feel it if several thousand customers leave them

The people whose business this would effect probably don't use all that much credit to begin with.

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There are over 100 million gun owners in America, in about half that many households.

That's a third of the fucking country, you blackpilling piece of shit.

Oh really? If every gun owner voted then there wouldn't be a democrat left in office by your flawless logic

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Gunowners aren't spread evenly over every congressional district, they're concentrated in certain areas of the country. And in those areas the dems don't win. Banks however are not limited by congressional districts. Further, there are gun owners that choose not to vote. Every gun owner, however, needs money and sustenance to survive, and the vast majority of them use banks in those transactions. Further, you have to consider not just gun owners but gun companies. Most of them aren't cucks like RRA or Springfield; when Colorado started passing shitty laws, Magpul told them to suck a dick and moved their facilities out of the state. If any policies like this one come to fruition, these companies are going to stop coming to these banks for loans and take their business elsewhere.

It's retarded. It can't be fixed.

All this means is either we are going to have to buy guns with bitcoins, or someone is going to make a service to circumnavigate kikes for weapons/ammo purchases.

Or we would just have to pay in cash fr everything.

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Couldn't ban 2A through legal means, now they leverage big capital to make the changes. Same thing they're doing to the 1A with corporate level internet censorship. Sure, owning guns is legal, it's just made incredibly inconvenient by the big money (((cabal))) that owns you.

This. How hard is it to list firearms & ammo sales as 'agricultural equipment', 'engineering supplies', or 'model aircraft products'.

Best way to deal with this shit is for states to pass positive liberty laws. Simply put, make it so no company in a given state may do anything to deny or interfere with a citizen's constitutionally protected rights.
And if for some reason a law like that won't fly then amend it to no company that has any sort of contract with any federal, state, or local government in a given state may do anything to deny or interfere with a citizen's constitutionally protected rights. After all government contractors are held to higher standards than normal companies. Furthermore being a government contractor in many ways makes you part of the government apparatus so any censorship or interfering of rights by such a company is practically the same as the government itself violation those rights.

I know IMDB top 10, who is jon corzine?

Pay in cash and make ghost guns

People who do this deserve to get their guns grabbed and raped by 1000 niggers.

Huebro how's this a problem?
Who's dumb enough to pay for firearms with card?

Tools and hardware is what I put down

Says the Baguette who's country has spent more time occupied than not.

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I've been looking for an excuse to post this for a while

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Wow, now this is the worst


In fact, start now. Pay with more shit in cash to help kill this "cashless society" meme the kikes are pushing.

A lot of LGS's I've been to prefer this actually.

Kek didn't see this

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If they legitimately did that, I'd probably start doing all my gun purchases in cash. Not that it would fix much when the banks decide to go "cashless."

Fudd companies like Bass Pro actually require you to have a card "on file" when you purchase firearms even if you pay 100% in cash. It's pretty fucking ridiculous.

In related news, Dick's Sporting Goods now lobbying for gun control disarmament.

They wont. Because then where would all the embezlled good stuff go?

But Strelok, how would they keep their quarterly embezzling figures on target? How would governments fund the jobs they don't want on the books?


Pure fucking cohencidence

They are fighting a war of attrition like its a fucking joke. They will never stop making conspiracy theories in the 90's become normie acceptable and wonder why right-wing sentiment is growing so much.

Reminder that when the SHTF, taking out the power grid in the first few days before normies realize everything goes, is critical to stopping government surveillance and subversion of anti-government forces. The first few days will need to have a big snowball to make a boulder of snow strong enough to take out the government and electricity is the most reliable target for this. No wi-fi, radio, transport, air conditioning, communications, etc. Be the final nail in your own coffin and the world will bend to your will.

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Why am I not surprised?

You don't think these companies have run the numbers before considering a decision like this? Even if you don't account for punitive boycotts from gun owners and only consider the loss of theoretical gun purchases on credit, that's a large chunk of change they would be willing to give up. These companies are not motivated by any sense of obligation to the public, only to their shareholders. If you think these hundred-billion-dollar corporations are swayed by sentimentality over mass shootings, I have a huge fucking bridge to sell you.

The only possibility is that there are more titanic monetary forces at work, and contains the probable answer.
New York is implicitly threatening these banks with politically-motivated legal witch hunts that could cost them far more money than what they make off of gun purchases and the other purchases of fervent gun owners. This is straight up mafia protection racket language here. "Nice business. It would be a shame if someone damaged its reputation because it facilitated gun purchases." These businesses may not be willing to take the risk, and are being strong-armed into setting up the pieces for a continued de facto war on guns.

hopefully dealers nice this and start accepting bitcoin, eth, and monero.

Crypto is the future


So what do I do with my money that I have in my accounts?

Is it legal for the government to do that?
Obviously it's fucking horrifying and is ample justification for tyrannicide, but is there any de jure regulations that stop the government from completely bypassing due process like this and instructing banks to interfere in legal domestic commerce?

If done through legislation, of course not. Seems like a pretty cut and dry violation of the Commerce Clause. I might just be going off the deep end on that last part, but I can't help sensing that they might try with the mafioso approach. They can do all sorts of regulatory harassment to get them to buckle without technically forcing them, just like they did to individual gun shops. Regardless, if they do try it legislatively, it will be a legal battle that will be placed on the state and not their businesses. As long as the banks are not fiscally impacted, they're happy to play along.

how about PIVX?
not sure if I posted this in a random thread or got confused for the spammer

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Every federal agency that isn't the US Post Office is not just illegal but unconstitutional. Same goes for the NFA, 1968 GCA, AWB, 9022(r), the PATRIOT Act…the list goes on and on.
All that being said, technically the commerce clause prevents the states from taking any action which would serve to "reduce interstate commerce," as says. However, seeing as the Supreme Court has interpreted the Commerce Clause to justify everything from granting monopolies to expanding the public school system, so I doubt they'll have trouble using mental gymnastics to assert that for some reason it doesn't apply here.

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No, they haven't. That's a huge part of why American businesses are failing and why our economy is growing by 1% on average since the 90s. These companies have been taken over from the inside (starting in HR usually) by social justice warriors and jews whose family members conveniently short sell the same companies the jews are in, so even when the companies fail due to shitty policies they MAKE money!

They aren't swayed by sentimentality, they are swayed by politics.

If it was any other way do you think Google would have fired one of their best programmers for citing some scientific articles? They could have just as easily given him a write up, or administrative leave. They aren't thinking in terms of money AT ALL.

There's a reason I said "de jure".

I saw that you said "de jure," but part of my point (I suppose I wasn't clear, so my bad there) was that what de jure actually means changes so damn often from the Constitution and other laws being (((reinterpreted))) that you can't even definitively say whether something is allowed by the letter of the law or not. Seriously, look up the history of the Commerce Clause some day if you want a laugh; the lengths they go to interpret this shit is actually kind of funny if you forget these people are the leaders of the free world.

You should just deposit it and keep it with you, your money is better off in a safe in your own home than with a bunch of jews who might have an "issue" with giving it to you at some point in the future. I know that some people don't do that because "muh interest" but it's better to keep a hold of money you worked to get than to have it laying around. This is unless you live in a shithole where you are likely to get robbed by a gang of niggers for having a large amount of money in your house.

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It has been shown time and time again that the owners and controllers of these companies are more than willing to sacrifice profit for social and political control. Furthermore, 'hurting their bottom line' becomes irrelevant when a company has enough loose capital to sustain their operating costs for decades without making a single cent.

Or more pertinently, they're virtue-signalling for the Dems in exchange for the Dems not regulating them out of existence, and tailor-craft any new legislation to hurt them the least and hurt their competition the most.

At least companies like Dick's are being told to go fuck themselves.

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Damage control and trying to hide or deflect their recent gun cucking all at once. I hope it's gonna be like watching two retards get into a physical fight over who shits their pants more often while also trying to hold a wet shit

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Looks like Springfield's trying to redeem themselves after the debacle in IL last year.

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Fug, has any news come out of UNODA since then?


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All out UN disarmament is to be funded by our budget and there's a line in every budget awaiting approval and funding when the budget is passed that has yet to be approved = 1 step away. It's why the rhetoric level is high.Ultimately the Gov can't toss the Bill of Rights because it would spark a civil war but since the gov is not a government but rather a corporation it can do anything it wants but being like any other corporation we don't have to do what a corporation says. It's like K mart trying to take your guns. Here's a vid. to explain there is no such thing as The US Government. We're all be defrauded.

This is so fucking frightening and makes my blood boil at the same time.

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It's why they are dividing everybody. Division is one of their most powerful tools. They want us fighting in the streets. Here's an EO to show you what I'm talking about.

Oh sweetie, you're one of those GLP conspiratards aren't you?

Suck a cock, Surrender Monkey.

Whether it's German, Algerian, or has feathers is up to you.

Barry is that you?

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If da poor and rich and black and white joined 2gether they could take down da fedral gubmint

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The main problem that kills most revolutions is factionalism.

Barter is clunky, and using some currency or gold as universal underground cash is dangerous and easily to combat via confiscation of assets. US LE already can confiscate cash until you can prove its source, with cash ban you can't.

Crypto has potential. But you can make possession of certain combination of bytes illegal just like with cash. There is no laws against that.

Issue is, you can't form a faction with a race of people who want nothing more than to see you dead and genocided

Just fucking kill the commissars
Make the zogbots afraid to check the next house for confiscation.
strafing your house with drones or having a siege won't really work well for their PR.

Vegas happened on Trumps watch and he lied about what really happened. Put on some theater/theatrics and ordered some gun control. Ban bump stocks and take guns from people that anybody points out that they don't like. All with the support of NRA. Personally when I read the 2nd amendment I still can't find the part where it allows any part of the fake gov US Corporation to regulate guns in any way. Gun control is illegal and discussion about gun control is criminal conspiracy. Only those who are your enemy wish to disarm you.

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Trump says the second amendment is not going away while ordering gun control.

Q says "guns are safe".

He and Q are both cocksuckers. (in my opinion)

When they say (law abiding) it means if you comply to their NWO demands. Where does the second say "law abiding"?

Crank it up!

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Bullet proof cell phone cases in the NWO so you can deflect and film at the same time.

Coming soon to a store near you.

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To disarm is to surrender.

*Gadafi surrendered.

Call me when a new AWB passes, not before.

Gas yourself, magapede. Anything restricting guns is gun control and your dog emperor gave republicans the green light to go antigun. The obvious god damn bot
is less obnoxious than you.

Safe till after 2020.
Trump needs the support.

Hogg, is that you?

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They're too far gone. They'd claim it was a ploy to get leftists on his side for the election, and that he'd turn around next term and repeal it all, so you just had to have faith in le God Emperor and keep voting for him.
Either that or they'd start actively opposing the Second Amendment, saying that gun control is necessary to prevent someone from overthrowing the Trump administration.

Neither of these are things I made up, by the way. I've seen chesscucks use both.

Those far gone ones stroking the emperor thinking gun control is pro 2nd amendment can give theirs up first and join the line.

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And fuck the Pope too!

Don't worry about the future, we're already there.

Call me when a new AWB passes.

Not. Before.

I'll stop supporting Trump when he starts acting like Hillary, until then he's the better choice.

Welcome to the NWO!

Or pretty close to the same choice.

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I'm waiting for the Armadillo finish to come out before I get one.

Fuck I meant withdraw it, sorry about that.

I wish the NRA got less funding and people joined things like GOA and SAF, since the NRA is cucked to hell and back. But at least it gives the liberals something to screech about so they are distracted.

I've had an issue with this before, but I also never withdrew insane amounts of money at once. We would be better off with a barter system than what we have with the current banking system.

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The only way you get to conclude that is by not knowing Clinton. And the only way you get to not know Clinton despite the very public infodumps of her crimes, especially on this website, is if you're blinded by ideology - one of her leftist supporters. tl;dr get off my back faggot, I'm not going to stop voting Trump, no one is, you will lose next election as well. In fact even after Trumps 2nd term, you will lose, because you have no platform aside of crime.

Come on be honest here, even if he were to pass a new AWB you'd still be here talking about how based he is, getting your gay little red hat filled with fucking sand.

I am being honest, a mere AWB is the best case scenario if Hillary got elected. I would abandon Trump if he did that, which he won't, because he's not the gungrabber you make him out to be.

U mad?

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Voted Trump cocksuckers but he's one twisty fucking Freemason if one ever existed. I don't trust him for anything anymore cause I think he's total full of shit. Q is another deceptive cock sucker with a cult following of tweeders thinking they're going to tweet the world back to sanity. All are totally delusional.