How do we fix the US military?
How do we fix the US military?
kick women, faggots, trannies, commies, and satanists the fuck out.dexzsr
A few well-placed nukes should do the trick
Put together they're less than 10% of the military, yet result in over 80% loss in effectiveness.
Also imprison the generals for treason.
Not possible you cant fix a nations military without fixing the nation.
the last men of this civilization died in the trenches of the first world war
I'd rather go to Leavenworth than be ordered to walk a mile in a pair of heels.
Hold all troops to a higher PT standard and kick anyone out who can't be held to it. Including old as fuck officers. Whats the old saying? Lead by example?
Nuke Israel and perform a coup for the US leadership.
you cant fix the 56% nation
Please invade china
Whatever you try remember that you'll be met every step of the way with cries of 'DERSCREMERNERSHURN!', 'MUHSOGGINEE', 'RAYSAYSUM' etc. Granted nobody here would give a shit, but politicians and senior officers have been conditioned to flinch and fall in line whenever they hear those terms.
Make cannon fodder brigades with the most useless soldiers up front while having the elite soldiers in the back, rather than how it's been for basically every war in history putting the best up front to get cut down first.
roman republic tier
Bring back napalm
What he said. Higher PT standards across the board will weed out all the shitters.
Even if you got your ideas through to the people in charge, they still wouldn't move a finger to do any of it. It'll only get worse. Theres no saving it.
Let it burn to the ground.
>demote every nonwhite and homoqueerfag to cannon fodder that won't endanger anyone and can be sent to (((fight for freedom and democracy in middle east)))
Coup and purge.
we go back in time and get rid of FDR
why not get rid of Wilson?
This shit all started with that wannabe English faggot Woodrow Wilson.
You mean Truman.
why not get rid of all of them
Not nearly far enough.
Cut funding to 5% current levels for 10 years, they can't do retarded shit if they are forced to be efficient.
Maintain the nuclear deterrent and cut everything else.
Are you implying they don't work? MAD has lead to one of the longest peaces between major powers in history.
Sure all sides are always trying to gain an edge and make MAD less mutual but so long as there is a decent chance everyone dies it still works fine.
MAD may have contributed somewhat to that, but even without nukes, the simple fact is that there isn't a lot of incentive for NATO/Russia/Chyn to declare direct war on each other. No matter who wins, it will wind up being very expensive and very destructive to both sides of the conflict, and there really aren't any long-term positives for either side. Spheres of influence are a lot more relevant to the superpowers than how much clay they hold. For spheres of influence to remain useful, the satellite states need to have some degree of faith that they get to maintain nominal sovereignty, even if they're a de facto vassal state. Further, international trade needs to be in abundant practice in order to make use of spheres of influence, as well as acting as another source of control. Any kind of large-scale war will severely hinder those factors, making it more difficult for Russia, the US, and Chyna to maintain their satellites. As a result, full-scale war is pretty unlikely unless someone abjectly retarded comes into power. Unfortunately, someone retarded coming into power only becomes more likely every day.
Increase the poz to prove the antisemites in this thread wrong.
MAD hasn't deterred anything. The US hasn't been a mutual threat to Russia in more than 30 years, if Ivan launched his shit right now the US would be burned, blinded, and dead before our first boomer could manage to loose it's paltry arsenal of aging, defunk Tridents…assuming any of them actually detonate or mad it to their target sets. What stops nuclear powers from engaging in nuclear weapons use is the economic devastation they'd bring upon themselves.
US nuclear forces are beyond laughable at this point. From the equipment down to the training and morale it's a joke, and the world knows this. Sure, no one yet wants to risk getting hit with the ~10% of warheads that might actually get through, but calling it MAD is sheer ignorance.
Going back to restricted currency. If the MIC didn't have access to the printing press it would be radically different.
The US government would be forced to crack down on welfare, make people use such as training them, perhaps crack down on money wiring from illegal migrants as well. Do you honestly think that the US would let the wetbacks send the limited money to their relatives? Even the Democrats would want to put an end to such money transferring due to muh programs.
I wonder who's behind that post…
Why don't we just end the federal government?
Make it so non-combat roles don't get to wear the uniform would be a start tbh
Why don't we just end the union in general?
The concept that the states are "united" at this point is fucking laughable and segregation is one of the better methods of introducing peace there is
Strict Prussian militarism. There are enough Germans descendants in the US, aren't there?
>posting some anime slut instead of the real man slut
Burn this heretic and scatter his ashes elsewhere.
>insulting Fredrick der Groß by portraying him as a woman
Go and reread the Federalist Papers. TL;DR: We'd end up becoming a Chinese colony.
Granted, the United States was at that point a White Ethnostate, practically if not explicitly.
Biggest single ethnic group in the US, sure.
But I doubt they're prussaks. Ami krauts are mostly swabians iirc.
Puhlease. There is not manpower in China to take a single US state.
Lose a major war with a large enough country that it will greatly diminish US influence and support abroad. That or a civil war are the only two things I can see that would legitimately defund the military/reorganize the funds away from multi-billion-dollar "defense contractors" and officers who should have retired decades ago, who are looking for ways to add more bells and whistles to shit that should just be getting its job done.
I think the Russians or Chinese raping a few hundred army women with no way for the US to retaliate with "fuck you" missiles would likely fix the female/fag situation quickly enough, and nothing of value would really be lost since women in the military tend to be roasties anyways, but this is also obviously a temporary solution.
>fags would quit the army because they might get mercilessly ass raped by the enemy
Even if the chinks were militarily capable of doing this, AND keeping the territory under some modicum of control, there's really no reason for them to do so. China's economy is far more dependent on exporting to us than we are on importing from them, so they'd be committing economic suicide.
If I recall correctly, the faggots I've talked to have talked extensively about how anal sex is horrible and they don't know why even other faggots would suggest it under ideal conditions (condoms, shit tons of lube, warming up, eating nothing but soup for three days straight, etc.). I imagine the threat of dry anal rape would be enough to scare away fags.
I believe you meant to say Abraham Lincoln.
Cut off the tail.
The army is like 90% 'support' troops. The army needs to be reformed to have a far far far smaller number of support soldiers and the army needs to get back to its purpose of being completely focused on killing people.
That will fix most things.
how do we fix the country
1) ban women from military
2) ban fags back to the closet
3) publicly execute the entire general establishment
4) any niggers that get uppity at this point in the purge should be promptly hung for being a subversive 5th column liberal gibs coon
5 publicly execute John McCain
6) immediately shut down the f-35 program entirely, fire-sale current inventory, have the national guard invade Lockheed Martin's headquarters and hold their board of directors hostage. Force them to un-kike the company at gunpoint. If they don't, execute them and upper management, and nationalize the company.
7) Re-start F-22 production
8) Hire Grumann to build the ASF-14
9) Quit letting fucking foreigners into the military
10) Institute a draft
11) Let Israel get nuked by Iran
12) Bring back 20" AR-15 barrels
13) Remember how to use fucking artillery
hell, i'd join just so I could sabatoge FEDZOG and help the Chinese.
Even if you were still 95% white, you couldn't elect a Donald Trump. That's how utterly cucked you are, how utterly fucked you are.
I'd hate to see when you're 56%. We won't have to wait very long by the looks of things.
It's kind of a viscous cycle. The answer is simple defund and get rid of most troops but the Army has gotten its political clout and budget specifically by employing about 14% of the (living) American Male population you'll see "7%" thrown around when you include women and "0.4%" when you only consider currently active-duty members. This number doesn't include all the companies involved like Lockheed and Northrop, so in reality about 20-35% of the American population and about 50-70% of the manufacturing industry in some capacity relies on the military for employment (or at least for 20% or more of their annual income in the case of manufacturing, speaking from personal experience). It's easy to say "yeah we just gotta cut the military budget to like a third and cut out all the enlistment" but it's a lot harder to say that when you consider the "hidden statistics" involved. Without the military industrial complex, US GDP would collapse overnight to probably about 3/5ths of its current estimates give or take. The fact is, it would take the military clearly losing a war and the US getting its shit kicked in for us to even begin to consider the possibility that maybe having so many people reliant in one way or another on the government dole is a bad idea.
Also consider that most men who go into the military, with the exception of faggots who are "patriotic," are unemployable or underemployed in the private sector. The whole reason I'm considering enlisting next year is because right now I'm barely making end's meet doing subcontracts for Barber-Nichols (who's contract by the Navy) as a manufacturer, and the technician field won't hire people unless they have 6 years experience manufacturing or military experience, so I might as well throw away 6-7 years of my life fixing shit on a boat.
They aren't.
Some places in the US need to be fucking glassed.
Chinks don't colonize militarily, they colonize economically.
Look at the whole Tencent thing, or the real estate market in Seattle.
But the point is, if you split the Union into fifty squabbling nation states, (or more likely, four to five ethnic regions) you're making it that much more susceptible to foreign influence.
I believe you mean Jacques Rousseau
Honestly this. The GDP issue would be fixed pretty quickly assuming you cut taxes to the same degree as you do funding (and as long as we're fantasizing let's cut the gibs system as well), since the fuckton of extra disposable income would make the US an investment hotbed, and before too long GDP would shoot up miles above what it was before.
Yeah, we're not that pro-Israel unfortunately
*>>>Zig Forums
Trump is a jewish puppet like all presidents, dont delude yourself
King Nigger might have just been the most surreal leader of all time holy shit.
Top kek, you are on the wrong board I'm afraid. Furthermore, you can't vote your way out of an organised slaughter.
You do realize the vast majority of faggots regularly engage in anal-penetrative sex, right?
Even with Golden Dawn third party the (((opposition in the establishment))) is so aggressive and slanderous that it will never raise its percentage over 10% with peaceful means.
Peaceful means in politics are exclusive to jews and good goyim.
I'd know.
Underrated posts.
This is the simplest, most rational solution. Unfortunately, it will not be implemented for obvious reasons.
My dear fellow, it's been tried since the 19th century, and proven that it is impossible for any state, or group of states to secede from the union, because if there is even a remote chance of such an event taking place, the military, on the behalf of the centralised government, will intervene.
But there is enough manpower and capital to colonize Canada, australia and both these countries property markets.
Rare flag or VPN? I would find it a bit amusing if a territorial was giving people shit about being colonized.
Invisible Hand of the Free market at work; after all, capital knows no borders (^:
And yet they still partake and get aids from it.
Why not go wild in our fantasies and have a race war or government-mandated nigger deportation/killing program?
A large standing army has repeatedly been shown to be a threat to our liberty, so dismantle 90% of it and sell the surplus goods to the people so they can defend themselves.
A large standing army is also a basic requirement to prevent getting enslaved by a foreign power. We shouldn't just throw the sword away for being double edged…
As long as the populace is armed you don't need a large standing army to thwart invasions. And most of the standing army isn't being exploited for defense anyways, but for crashing into cargo ships and bringing (((democracy))) to the sandbox.
Switzerland is an impassable mountain fortress that has a standing army and forced conscription.
>Has a navy despite being landlocked
You don't, let it burn, most of them would readily kill you if ordered despite claims to the contrary.
Bad example, kolonel klumpf is a backstabbing zionist piece of shit.
You forgot.
The only way to fix USA is by fixing the rest of the world,and the only way to fix the world is by bringing back Prussia and forcing them to kill all jews and poles.
One solid and practical change is to require all women who serve to get some form of semi-permanent (i.e. reversible or temporary) contraception for as long as they serve, there are plenty of options here that can last months to years between 'renewal'. Any that manage to still get pregnant lose all military benefits and are at the least fined the full cost of their training if you can't manage to stretch to charging them with desertion. If anyone bitches about muh rights point out that they willingly entered into the contract when they signed up.
Could the Swiss forcibly Anschluss Austria, Germany, Italy, and France if they ever got bored of counting their money?
They've got enough manpower in Vancouver to annex western canada provided the rural folk decide to not slap their shit up.
The swiss would rather not spend their swiss shekels in trying to fix those places.
It aint hard
Treat Faggots and Trans as a mental disease on par with greater retardation
Institute increased physical standards (with no exceptions for age or sex)
All of sudden all of the talented and hardworking people are moving up and the rest are being discharged.
I never asked for this.But hey, at least PR was BLEACHED, by spaniards and then meribros, which is more and better than I can say about chink colonization.
But it's getting scary, arabs are the ones buying property here.
That won't happen because USA is in a poor shape.
Oh no don't let them islamise your country.
Enjoy socialism you fag.
Should've followed dmowski and roll the dice on soviets murdering all minorities instead of Poles 1 in 3 chance at the time (^: and then let them join with frankfurt school.
There is no way to fix anything.
Every national military are gonna go private.
Nation states are gonna disappear, in favor of continental power with regions scale don the american/german regions.
The future of military is PMC.
t. La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo
Daily reminder Marie LePen won the election to be french president, and all the other parties banded together to put Macaron in power. Then they sent cops to raid LePen's FN headquarters, burn key papers on the election, and beat up her staff.
Europe is already beyond the point where someone like Trump could be elected without combat.
Whine about Trump all you want, he's by far the most right wing Western leader.
Some more.
The AfD is much more right wing than Trump, and they are the leader of the opposition in the Bundestag. Not that elections will help anything though.