Oh no…..
Oh no…
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I’d fight for the heebs. Your future Muslim rulers won’t let you drink or have fun. At least the Jews know how to have a good time!
Mods should ban anyone who doesn't tbqh.
The only democracy in the middle east needs to be supported at any cost, especially when it's a great deal of only 2 billion dollars per year!
I really appreciate how subhuman IDF troops look, are they wearing pajamas, because greatest golem does the fighting for them?
Fun fact: Sergei Shoigu is draft dodger ending as Defense Minister. Other famous Russian draft dodgers: Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Medvedev (pet prime minster). But burgers are too shallow to see past fashionable hat. Girl's brains?
Yeah the IDF soldiers look like complete shit. Poor posture, poor physical fitness (check out the fatty with the beard), and on top of it all sloppily dressed. How did the Arabs lose to these shitty conscripts in '67?
Because the Arab conscripts were even worse.
I remember from Dave Grossman's book, either On Killing or On Combat, that the rate of urination in combat is something like 70% across nations, and defication is somewhere between 10-20%. Also having trouble finding a source on the image, nothing on the linked wikipedia page.
Good tbh, let the cold war go hot
I call bullshit on this
Well Putin is a jew, pretending to be a sekrit agent. Oh, and a fucking politician. I don't think it's possible to get any more slimy than that in life.
Because they are conscripts from the country with real full and mandatory conscription. Their military has no luxury to hand pick candidates they believe are the "best". Look at any country high school yearbook. Do you think it would be better? At least they are not terribly overweight like mutts.
Second jews are too smart. Prussian drill system (picked up by US too) designed for turning drooling rural retards into cannon fodder is counterproductive when applied to such smart ass and semi volunteered conscripts, so IDF abandoned it and its obsession with looks and grooming standards completely.
30 points of IQ difference and people defending their MotherHolyland vs cannon fodder driven by trigger happy commie commissars.
Not like half of Russia doesn't dodge the draft too. Representative democracy
Can you back that up? Seems unlikely that a draft dodger would be in the KGB.
Totally not kosher post.
Been KGB nigger gives you exemption from the """"mandatory"""" conscription.
god damn the israeli military is pathetic
bro, those jews, in this picture look retarded and inbred.
The tanned one with the horse sticker on his armband?
he's almost certainly a jew, btw. Probably why he focuses on piss and shit and puking and how terrible everything is. And why he never did anything but get paid to talk or sit at desks.
I remember a "friend of the family" explaining to my gramps (a naval officer) how he could get into his car as he was, shitfaced drunik, drive out and run over three people, and the trashmen wouldn't do anything to him. It's not that he'd get off scot free, he would have problems in the morning. But it would be problems in his office, with internal investigation and justice. If a road cop stopped him for it, he'd let him go because "on duty".
There are two ways to get into the services.
Recommendation by your dad/granddad/uncle/very close friend of family, who is/was >implying there's such a thing as a former secret serviceman a service agent. Putin's dad was an NKVD footsoldier. Not that prestigious.
Another way is brownnosing and being a small job asset. Like these very literal mental retards the ATF gives guns to in order to gotcha someone on Three Geese; imagine if these were given an opportunity to climb the ranks of ATF, and that was their prime source of unaffiliated recruits.
He's not even a proper third world dictator. He didn't plot from the shadows and dispose of his opponents until finally striking out at his masters and assuming power. He was one of the many proteges of sergeant shitfaced, who would swap these proteges like gloves. Putin just happened to be in favor at the time that the old fucker finally drank himself into a stroke. He didn't even cleanse the old cabinet, just moved them to cushy but irrelevant positions.
He's the definition of milquetoast.
But Israel has an average iq of 90. They aren't even any smarter than their neighbors due to population dynamics.
Without the diaspora which enabled US support they wouldn't even exist.
"Chosen people" have plenty of mutts as well. Overall, IQ stats are incredibly easy to manipulate simply by choosing right samples of people. No sane person would ever believe US average IQ is actually ~100 points since, you know, 56% and shiet. Official IQ in Kazakhstan is 94, but I've seen Kazakh school research where Slavic minority scored 100+ while actual Kazakhs less than 85 and of course regular Kazakh goatfucker outside of the good urban school is no smarter.
It's b8.
He's probably using a proxy too.
My guess is he's either a leaf or a bong.
Also, nice shit stirring thread.
Are you blind or something? I'm talking American IQ including all the "minorities".
Fun fact: no country on the planet has ever sent people with high education as basic soldiers.
Soviet Union was no different.
Shoigu is a fucking polytechnician. If you think than getting 2 or 3 engineer degrees at the same time is draft dodging, you need your to have your head examined. Also instead of the army being exempted as a Polytechnician meant working all jobs from the ground up in construction, meaning Shoygu is probably 10 time the man that you are if not 100.
But enough.
People forget the KGB was what happen when you roll all your federal services together.
Imagine for the US if they merged essentially all the federal agencies, not just law enforcement and prisons and cost guards but also a lot of governmental study and statistics bureaus, etc…
The KGB employed millions of people out of which maybe 0.1% were the ones doing the CIA/FBI equivalent.
Such a gigantic administration had a very wide recruitment net. Having a dad being a WWII NKVD veteran and the grades was 100% enough to get to one of the many many many KGB school (Putin didn't went to Dzerzhinsky academy in Moscow or the institute of foreign languages where KGB core officers and agents, respectively, were trained he went to study Law in Leningrad State School, then to the local KGB school) instead of the army. That's not the education of anyone special.
Had he been to the army he would have been sent to GRU since he spoke German fluently, was a sambo black belt (and had a dad that was ex-NKVD).
Gasp. What a major difference it would have made!
In case anyone doesn't know how military draft works in the USSR/Russia it's not lot or they don't send you randomly or to your local units or whatever. They test your health, look at your school files and your size/build.
Then they ship you out to whatever unit is up for a refill of bodies.
Good grades + fit = GRU/recon/sappers.
Good grades in sciences = air defense/chemical troops/air force/missile troops, etc.
Passing grades = artillery/rear services.
Passing grades + small = navy.
Bad grades + small = cavalry.
Bad grades + fit = logistic.
Bad grades = infantry.
Note that no one was ever beaten to death outside of the infantry.
But if you're not a fuck up already, you're not going to the infantry…
So as usual people who dodge draft are the liberal arts students and good boys that dindu nuthing.
So they get beaten to death.
And nothing of value is lost.
Why would you have the /fit/ meatheads in charge of desk jobs deciding where the ammo goes, and put the non-fit meatheads on the front lines?
So technically it's not draft dodging.
In the Russian military logistics unit isn't rear services.
Logistic is strictly repair/moving supplies back and forth to the front, it's mechanics and delivery guys.
In the US army is the jobs you give to niggers.
Literally what happened to Zig Forums
Now they all think they own the chan culture
There's a sperg I work with that browses 4/pol/ and is extremely vocal about it and his stereotypical alt-right 'based black man' ideals. He's mentioned using our Zig Forums as a bunker.
Are there actually people who don't know this?
Sergei is a fag and you should feel bad for pretending he is tough
Nope, still not falling for it
I thought that sort of thing was really common knowledge
the election was the worst thing to ever happen to this place
That is the fucking truth.
Let's be real here, Zig Forums harbor was and the election just made it unrecoverable.
You can tell by the name
Disgusting/ Whole(sale) man
Quite a riddle there, burger.
btw. in jedwabne 6 gorillon chosen were burned alive in a single shed where they were hiding from jew eating Poles and good nazis couldn't come in time to rescue them. BUY MY BOOK GOYIM REEEE.
t. Jan Tomasz Gross
And how.
Shelamova is his KGB cover, nice try.
IIRC our IQ and standardized test scores would be on par with Japan if Lincoln survived and managed to yeet free slaves back to Africa, and if there was immigration act of 65.
Did you mean "was no" my 180IQ genome burger? (^:
Why should we care that there's democracy in the ME?
Don't ask questions goy
So jewish D&C can be implemented in every place and Israel can neutralize threats before they arise with enough money thrown at PR and (((political parties)))
What was that?
Why gooks so smart?
Why are gooks so smart?
In December 2014 the hotpockets at 4chan deleted Zig Forums (or made it something akin to /s4s/) and they all flooded over her in the major 2nd exodus. The site also froze around the same time so everyone from cuckchan used this place as a bunker.
It's probably something like "the rate of at least one soldier in combat urinating."
Chinks and Gooks are "smart" because of rampant cheating. It's a clearly established fact that Gooks especially cheat out the fucking ass at virtually everything they do. Now, keep in mind that you have to have good social skills and a high IQ to be an effective cheater, but it doesn't mean you're smart, and it doesn't change the fact that you know virtually nothing/have cheated your way through life to get into a job where you have to use your high IQ to bullshit your way through as if you actually understood what you're doing.
If we're talking standardized tests, that's the smart thing to do.
The idea of the image is that Yuropoors are cucks who allow women to lead them, while the Russians have some tough-looking looking =! actuality, but the point is to look tough male. I don't even know any of their names, and that isn't the point.
This, honestly. High-level diplomats and politicians can be as dumb as bricks- they're only supposed to look good and be loyal enough to kill themselves if you order them to- that's all they need to be. All they do is go to parties to get shitfaced with other political leaders while embassy marines (or your country's equivalent) keep an eye on them to make sure no one gets alcohol poisoning or gets stabbed upon leaving the premises. As long as they look good for the cameras, grunts and underlings with less access to important information can fix all their bullshit and take care of the important work/groundwork. That's how pretty much every major country has functioned since the introduction of mass-transportation and radio. Radio actually cost at least one American president the vote because even though Americans knew he was right/agreed with him, he sounded like a spineless faggot on the radio.
Only if you hate scientific integrity.
Who was it.
Nixon, I think. He lost his first few elections
Nixon was one step forward of that actually, the Nixon/JFK was the first televised debate, and Nixon lost because of that. People who listened to the debate on the radio said he sounded good, but those who watched the debate overwhelmingly said JFK won because Nixon looked ineffectual and off-putting. I think he had a headcold at the time but I really can't be sure.
No, the second big exodus came after the hotpockets started banning the Shekelshoa threads (essentially an ad-stripping op targeted at Gawker and Salon minus GamerGate content).
Zig Forumsharbor on the other hand caused a giant deluge of braindead stormsfags to relocate over to 8/pol/ over what was a more or less slightly antagonistic joke. ED has an article about it.
Try to stay in the conscripts barracks overnight and say it to their faces :^)
High education gives only temporal exemption from conscription, they get drafted after education. BTW it should be noticed that during Afgan war USSR was tight on pernsale numbers and exemption was partially suspended USSR started to draft kids from colleges too. My family got relative drafted from 2nd year of high education but luckily his father was colonel :^) so he ended on the opposite from the Afghanistan end of Soviet Empire.
Way to dodge conscription was to join Reserve Officers' Training Corps, then after graduation student gets officers rank and goes to reserve. But of course it is not a real service and just way for liberal arts students to dodge barracks life. ROTC "officers" were most despised creatures in the active army if they when they get there during final course and/or refresher exercises (refresher not for all).
You give to much credit to soviet system. Profiling existed but it was much more crude. Before draft conscripts got preliminary assignment of MOS that is put in their dossier but it had no obligations. Practicality it looked like this: conscripts are drafted, then they are moved to the assembly point where they stay several days. Recruitment officers from the different military inuts comes to that area an grab conspcit they like. First get the best last get what is left. More elite units get the first picks. VDV, strategic missile forces, air defense. Mech infantry and and engineers corps get the last. As you see profiling was limited to to local choice that looked like Asian bazar. So if there is nothing to choose to begin with there would no choice. And PVO units can end with illiterate idiots and infantry filled with limpwristed smarted assed city boys. Also as you can understand such system had huuuuuuge potential fro corruption.
Of course, 8ch is banned in Russia. Too redpilled.
If you count arabs, but they are not allowed to come close to the real jew military.
Indeed. Though arab armies had no less of USSR support. Burgers like to bash on IDF, but thing is burgers never had a real war. Nothing even close to the dire situation Israel was. Microcountry surrounded by tens times larger populations enemies. US was always in the giant vs ants situation so they think they are tough when if other miltary ttries to adopted this "experience" they will fail as they are not giants and their enemies are not ants.
Israel military is quite an achievement fro the hand they got dealt, in terms of efficiency of resources and personnel use they have no equals.
Maximized test scores =/= smart.
It's a good indicator of intellectual capability. But how many of these intellectuals can grow a fucking tomato, or even prepare a healthy well balanced meal.
This is because east asian countries are largely "face" based societies where appearance is the most important thing and honesty/integrity are lesser priorities. That's how you get these asian metropolises like Seoul where, on the surface, it looks like a gleaming technological powerhouse but underneath is really a dystopian hellhole for most that live there. Face cultures tend to create these paradoxical societies that are extremely high on the human development index, yet extremely low in happiness.
Western honor based cultures tend to create much happier and well balanced societies. Though at the expense of slightly lower test scores.
Russia is more cucked linguistically because they call their nation "motherland" whereas all other countries have fatherland.
We also use motherland instead of fatherland, although only poets would use either of those here, because we prefer the words haza and hon, both of those translate to "home" or "homeland".
How progressive :^)
I’ll filter myself out, now
In Polish Ojczyzna (Fatherland) is feminine grammatically.
Just the way the world has become my nigga.
Germany is Das Vaterland, where das is the German word for “the” but is neutral and not masculine or feminine.
Plus it's not like the other, female, defense ministers got their positions due to actual skills and knowledge about military anything. They have their positions just because they are female and nothing else.
The German one for example is only good at shitting out kids and used to be family minister, a much more fitting position. I'd take a draft dodger any day over a cunt, especially considering that neither of the other nations even drafted women during their time.
So is English, we don't use gendered nouns to conjugate.
Shitlord, did you think we weren’t progressive?
A coloured, licence fibre labours a defenced manoeuvre for five metres. :^)
Patris/Patrida means "of the fathers" therefore "fathers' land" but both "patris" and "land" themselves are feminine nouns and so is the symbolic/poetic depiction as "Mitera Patrida" (Mother Fatherland).
There shouldn't be a "u" near the end of most of y'all's words if you follow the Latin roots.
There's the fucking issue.
Latin and other Latin-derived languages have done immeasurable damage to the English language. Most of our words are now of Romance origin, it's gotten to the point where we might as well be honorary Romance language.
Spelling is now inconsistent, grammar is now inconsistent, pronunciation is now inconsistent, all thanks to Latin and others.
That really is your fault, it shouldn't be that hard to make a (relatively) phonetic alphabet based on Received Pronunciation.
I think these two are closely related, and it has nothing to do with Latin. I think you won't get upset if I say that the grammar of the English language simply degenerated over the centuries. I'm not sure why, but I suspect that modern English is a simplified lingua franca that developed when all the various ethnicities poured into the ports and cities, and they had to drop their distinct dialects to make life easier. With that came a simplified grammar, therefore you didn't have to speak "clearly", that is, you didn't have to make every syllabe and sound of a word distinct, because you didn't have to use that many different suffixes. E.g. you have fast, faster and fastest, but you don't have to make the later two distinct from "fastir" and "fastust", therefore you can use reduced vowels. Of course using reduced vowels is also a feature of lots of other Germanic languages, but as far as I know it's not that "severe" in most of them. Then this process led to your infamous vowel shift, and the rest is history.
You can't really ascribe that to Latin, as English and Latin have fundamentally different methods of syntax. In English, the sentence role of words is almost entirely dependent on word order, whereas in Latin meaning is determined entirely by suffixes. Latin does have a word order of its own (usually subject-object-verb), but unlike English you can violate that order all you want and you're not changing the essential meaning of the clause.
Tbh it doesn't seem like english had anything resembling actual grammatic or spelling consistency even before latinization.
pic semi-related motion is latin
While motion is Latin, it sure as hell wasn't pronounced with a "sh." That's some more English bullshit.
This is a fairly common account of the history of English. See en.wikipedia.org
/ˈmoʊʃən/; /ˈfɪʃ/. Can't hear the /ʃ/?
Motion comes from Latin motio pronounced /ˈmoː.ti.oː/. As far as I know Latin doesn't have the /ʃ/ sound.
Oh, sorry. I've misread your previous post.
Ironically enough, every single native English speaker I have shown this word to has pronounced it like /ɡo(ː)tɪ/ which kind of goes against the argument that English pronunciation is completely independent from spelling.
Because Israel attacked first with a superior American supplied air force. They knocked out all enemy jets on the ground with the first sneak attack, then had clear skies for the rest of the short war. The conscripts barely had to fight.
who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
Seriously, Moishe?
What is his name
Don't forget the 50,000 tonnes of armored vehicle that America airlifed in at a ridiculous expense.
Basically their armored force got completely wiped out and replaced in a few days.
Whom do you serve?
then again our word for fatherland is feminine
r u sure nigga cuz dere 🅱 way worse dan dat 🅱oi 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I saw a tumblr post on my feed pls no bulli explaining why noglish is grammatically correct, and saying that they ain’t be intelligent enuf to talk right is rayciss. Pic related.