So who's hype for HK to bring back more fun stuff hopefully?
So who's hype for HK to bring back more fun stuff hopefully?
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Heckle my Koch's primary consumer base after government gibs are richfags with more money than sense, who make their living primarily in these restrictive hellholes.
I like pistols carbines to be honest, I prefer this version to the abled one.
Hi-Point has made all of their guns in the same shitty AWB format for the past 26 odd years mainly because it'd be too expensive for them to design a double stack pistol as cheap and durable as the c9, not to mention the warranty costs. The difference is that Heckle my Koch can sell their carbine for $1100 more what a Hi-Point carbine sells for because of their name.
>Or civi G11s
I will never understand why companies like H&K refuse to make runs of their most iconic weapons.
Unless they set up production in the US, they're gonna be shitting out neutered guns like the SL-8.
922r friend.
They're setting up a factory in Georgia
Dude, the BRD had to choose between getting that thing ready for actual production and actually absorbing east germany, and they chose the cheaper option. How do you figure a private company could or would be willing to sink that kind of dosh into a questionable project?
As long it still stays at that 1.5k mark and not jump to 2k 3k 60 gorillion my first born childs left nut and my right nut? If so I'd save. Maybe. Either way fabricators are about to make some real cash if they don't chuck the thumb hole stock.
another PCC thread please
I am trying to either get a Ruger PCC (unobtanium right now) or stern Glock AR kit (adapter + upper and I already have an AR). Which would be better? both are around the $500 to $600 range for me, both going through LGS transfer fee or online S&H bullshit. I have heard people basically fellate the ruger while seeing the otherwise with it having issues like jamming occasionally which I'm hoping it's just needing a break in period and hopefully not growing pains that basically turn me into a beta tester. I haven't heard much about the Stern mag adapter in general, hopefully it's too retard easy to fuck up note I live in a really fun state that doesn't allow the use of thumbs or devices that prevent me getting blinded by the muzzle flash not that I keep my AR compliant any way
The funny thing is it's probably still illegal in commiefornia unless the thumb hole is filled in with bullshit.
I'm sure even H&K collectors would scoff at a cool mil per unit.
That's probably a low number.
California law has it where any rifles that can accept a detachable magazine, pistol grip, flash hider, adjustable stock, or a thumbhole in the stock is considered an assault weapon and is not allowed to be sold in the state. Pistol laws are even worse famalamadingdong
Well I'll be fucking damned, am I gonna be able to get a proper unfucked g36 now because god damn turning a SL-8 into a g36 was cunt and a half.
Are you really willing to take the night classes required to get your certification in Kraut Space Magic? Is it really worth spending $15 for each proprietary round (available only in blocks of 100, order now to beat the rush!)? Are you ready for a gun so advanced that it shoots itself without any user input?
Because H&K hates arming the peasants.
So what is fucking legal there.
These *I hope**
I wish I was joking when I say HIV
A maglocked or (((compliant))) AR where as long as you can't wrap your thumb around the pistol grip using dumbfuck plastic fins that are goddamn horrendous to hold the rifle with, and no flash hiders compensators and muzzle-breaks are fine, then that is considered the stretch of "legal". Also, the state govt. is considering on requiring background checks just to purchase parts for any gun build you may be doing in this shitty state.
Horrible monstrosities that should not exist.
You just smiled at the happy people on that day. Didn't you?
Everyone should buy H&K and that's not just because I have a lot of shares with them.
Is there any reason why can't they sell us the guns we want such as a MP5/10? Would the German government have enough power to get the US government to sell post 86 Stamps to offload their aging equipment to replace it?
US import laws, user.
look up the history of the SL8. Basically it's a civilian G36 clone that the ATF decided to ape on H&Ks ass to make more "compliant" than needs be for the then current laws. It was California compliant before it left the factory and then some, with things like having a single stack only bolt to feed 10 round SS mags. It eventually became a real gun after almost a decade of gradual (but big in terms of function) changes.
By the time it was uncucked they discontinued (2011) it since it almost became a yearly release of a new and improved (read less neutered) version. People tend to not like their product becoming obsolete the next day they wake up, plus the AR market had already been gaining steam, Sandy Hook was just a dose of crack for an already hyper nigger fueled on koolaid and jenkem.
The SL8 is one good reason H&K looks at the US civilian market like the big titted and horny daughter of an over bearing father armed with a few guns, and who has a bunch of friends with chains a pickups itching to use them. There's money to be made, sure. But the previous experience of jumping through extra special crafted just for them hoops and to dodge bullshit from the feds makes them not want to take that chance. Especially since they already sell to a shit ton to other countries armed forces and police along with the somehow easier to sell catalog of pistols for civilians they already established. They'd rather not take too much risk which is why they will be making a US factory to circumvent the import laws. Obviously it costs a ton to do this which is why they haven't done so already, but they definitely see something despite the HPA getting locked down and the other recent bullshit. you suck and H&K hates you, but they were the only company to call bullshit on the 89 import ban and ask gun owners to at least take some kind of action when the 94 AWB was becoming a thing basically they're as salty as the average britbong