Trophy hunting: The most prestigious of all shooting sports or pointless cruelty?

Trophy hunting: The most prestigious of all shooting sports or pointless cruelty?

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Once it was the former but now it's the latter. Going out into the wilderness to prove your skill as the ultimate predator is a worthy accolade. Paying money to an organization so that they can pick out an animal for you and release it into an enclosed area for you to "hunt" in controlled conditions is in contrast a highest act of decadence.

Watch this video

i already know im gonna get shit for this but.

i think if you kill anything that can kill you it should be with just a knife.

What do you mean anything? If it's a lion in the name of sport then yes. If it's for dealing with coyotes, foxes and boars one gun isn't enough, they ruin crops and are of uncontrolled population.

I wouldn't go that far, but my opinion is that people shouldn't use anything more modern than crossbows or black powder guns for hunting in general. Once it took skill and patience, nowadays here the average "hunting party" is a bunch of fudds who shoot at animals that can't even detect them, and then get drunk and pat each other's backs. It's even worse when one of them shoots a dog simply because he can, and then all of them are up in arms about how hunting is an important and noble thing that we plebeians just don't get. It's quite ridiculous, these snobs believe that hunting with a scope is perfectly fine, but using a semi-automatic rifle is "unethical".

Prestigious? It used to be back when there were more health risks involved and you had to actually earn that kill, now trophy hunting is more about putting down sickly or disturbed animals so you can post a picture on facebook/instagram.

I'm more pest extermination than trophy hunting so as video touched on if I was in a place with direct issues of pests I'd just eliminate them entirely to permanently solve the problem.

This. If you're mad enough to sign up for a central European boar hunt, where an angry wild boar is driven at you and all you're holding is a spear and a dagger then feel free to boast about it until even your closest loved ones tell you to shut the fuck up. If you booked a holiday to shoot a lion that has been all but tethered to a post in the middle of a field then have the decency to feel at least a little embarrassed/pathetic.

There can only be one adult male lion per pride, and the males get born in 50/50 frequency. Ergo the only way a male survives is by running away and hoping to grow up before the Alpha finds them. Because he'll kill them at as young an age as he can get them. I don't see anything wrong with someone shooting a lone, prideless lion, versus that lion getting killed in a dominance fight.

Trophy hunts alone have paid enough to double the size of the lion population in the last 30 years, and they're set to double it again by 2035.

It disgusts me, but as long as it helps create refuge for the animals from the african savages, it is slightly tolerable.

I agree, but I would also allow bow and arrow

>"lol let's hunt him for sport"
Wew, reckon you could twist the knife any more? Trophy hunts are bored boomers paying ethnics to corral some hapless incel bastard, in order to kill him for entertainment. That's society in a nutshell right there.

But I agree that trophy hunts are an effective way to boost lion populations. Creating a demand for more lions, and putting a dollar value on each one provides a genuine incentive to ensure that there's more lions. Putting an animal on some endangered species list and forbidding anyone from interacting with them in any way makes its extinction much slower, but much more certain. Let nature run its course - if people want more lions, we'll get more lions.

Why not use a gun? It's basically the same but slower recharge.

Why do you even need to ask that question? Good grief.

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Leave newfag.

That hurt to read, and frankly I think the lion would feel insulted to be compared with pathetic virgins.

Park guys determine which animal is hunted, and don't let the hunters shoot the young or the healthy. Besides a lion hunt happens once in a blue moon, that's why a park can buy four hectares of land for one lion hunt. You can shoot a hippo for less than a sixth of the price, hippos are cunts that kill each other and other animals, while also damaging the environment. Can shoot a monkey for a hundred bucks.

If you actually go out and track the animal yourself, and don't just pay some niggers to steal a zoo animal for you to shoot, then it's pretty neat.
In any case you'd better use the meat and hide. You've gone and killed the poor thing, the least you can do is make sure its death means more than just a picture of you grinning over its corpse. I don't know what lion meat tastes like but if humans can't eat it I'm sure you can sell it to a pig farmer that can use it.

The amount paid to hunt these animals funds the breeding of ten more. It's controlled so that the herd is improved as it is culled.

it's not for me, but i'm perfectly fine with it if it's done in a sustainable way. that being said, you shooting an elephant with a big fucking gun from a chopper doesn't make me respect you or think that you've gone and conquered some great beast.

hog hunting with dogs and a good knife? i'll respect the shit out of that.

that one guy that killed a bear with a spear and everyone called him a monster? dude's a fucking legend.

go into the bush with nothing, make your own bow and arrows from whatever you find out there, and use only that to bring down the biggest game you come across? you absolutely have the right to say you fairly beat that animal

dentist with a rifle who relies on local guides to find him a lion and then just has to point and shoot a stationary target? that's a dumb hobby, and you would do better to just stay home and shoot steel or come down south and take some hogs.

of course if you're going to what you take, i don't give a shit how you take it.

Trophy hunting is what allows tourists to continue to see those animals. Trophy hunters pay large sums to the villages (or private companies) who's job is to track the rare animals and figure out which ones are preventing more of the species from being born, and then pretty much let white people hunt that specific animal or set of animals for thousands or millions of dollars.

Consider that after a certain age, male rhinos are basically infertile (they don't bother with sex even though they can still get it up), but they are still powerful and territorial, so they will kill young male rhinos that want to have sex.

You do realize that trophy hunters don't "shoot shit tied to a tree" right? It's an actual hunt of an actual wild animal in its actual habitat (or a simulated one where the animals would be extinct if they were allowed to roam free). I hate having to sound like a leftist cuck, but fucking educate yourselves on this shit. Trophy hunting is not shooting some animal tied to a post like a T-rex eating Mr. Goat at meal time. This shit is just as (if not more) legitimate as regular hunting, and the stakes are actually quite high that said lion or rhino will rip off your face if you aren't careful about the whole affair. Trophy hunters have to stalk their prey for days on end to find a good opening where they aren't going to kill the younger animals in the process or endanger their crew. Some trophy hunters stalk a fucking lion for a month, a month and they don't even get a lion to show at the end of it because there wasn't a good opportunity that wouldn't endanger everyone or the healthy animals. Fuck all y'all.

If you're Kenneth Anderson, it's great. If you're a scumbag dentist, you're a shithead

Why not hunt the most dangerous game, the top predator of the jungle?

Poacher safaris w/pmc escorts when?

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Post discarded

Paying money to an organization so that they can pick out an animal for you and release it into an enclosed area for you to "hunt" in controlled conditions is in contrast a highest act of decadence.


Nigger-hunting safaris would be fun, but I wouldn't want to keep the head of a nigger on my wall

Pointless sports shooting.
I don't really care about the 'cruelty' aspect, considering these guys are also the ones who basically keep the animals alive most the time.

I am not opinionated on the issue but that faggot's cuckface makes me want to side with whatever he opposes.

I agree. Trophy hunters shoot to kill, and in the end have more than they came up with. When these kinds of businesses aren't propped up by the funds hunters give them, these animals go exintent animals, so there's that. Also, yea, the hunters take a big risk.

I wouldn't call nigger the most dangerous game, they're violent and fast at sprint, but pretty fucking dumb compared to other animals.

did someone say poachers

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i kinda wanna feel seal fur

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who killed those poor black men?

Something about pest control makes me feel warm inside.

Wow, are you fucking serious? Do you know what they've had to go through in America and abroad? Educate yourself, you small-minded jerk. Zig Forums is an inclusive website that has many different people on it.

Nigel Geramy

Thought the only reason it wasn't illegal was MUH NATIVE TRADITION.

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What, did you finally look into the mirror today?

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oh shit, you're right

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Last I've heard, the seal population exploded after the norwegians stopped clubbing them to shit.
So now there so many the government wants someone to shot them.

I could be mistaking it for something similar though.


This shouldn't be as funny as it is. I assume it's for population control?

Seals a cute, you heartless bastard. A CUTE!

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You're confusing that with niggers, but despite the color, seals are fun to look at.

Go back to /int/ and stay in /int/ forever you foul demon.

I agree.

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LMAO glasses houses, mutt.

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Chem uzum haytni linel. Het depi >>>/kc/.

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That one is not cute,it is disturbing as fuck.

Is it disturbing because it's not on your plate?

You would know a lot about having things on your plate, Mr. 56% body fat

They can taste good, too. Friendly reminder that the DNR is more often then not happy to have volunteers help with controlling Asian Carp and will let you fill up a cooler. On a good day you can bag a month's worth of protein in 10 minutes and since they're filter feeders they're usually the cleanest fish in any given body of water.

Pic related was the biggest fish I netted last week volunteering.

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Really it depends on where you are and what kind of animal it is.

Isn't carp unfairly treated as sewage in burgerland? Os that why you are hiding your face?

Our native species are mostly bottom feeders, and don't taste so good/ have more contaminants as a result. The asian species just have a lot of pin bones and taste better, but people are stupid so they balk as soon as they hear "carp".

SS + GOMAD do it faggot

Enjoy your gyno you pasta cunt :^)

Did I stutter?

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Why is this thread so full of hippie-tier cuckolds and shitboot manlets?
There's nothing wrong with shooting something with a gun. Likewise, there's nothing wrong with killing an animal.
Unless it's sapient, anyway.
In that case you fuck it.


in the US you can shoot a monkey for free but there's a shitload of paperwork and you have to say "he's coming right for us"

The least you could do is make the death quick, followed by cooking the animal afterwards. I remember hearing the meat supposedly tastes worse if the animal suffers a lot of stress before it dies.

Just further pushes away from people whining about "MUH KILL IT WITH A KNIFE LIKE A MAN".

in contrast
Instead of rehashing this argument 100 times, how about we all discuss this webm instead?

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dumbasses like you pass legislation making everything all gay.


A part of me disagrees with the use of tannerite to remove bacon, but I understand the necessity of removing pest animals from crops. One guilty pleasure of mine is to watch helicopter hog removal videos with Vietnam era music playing. Play vid related with Paint it Black playing in the back ground and all of a sudden it becomes 10x more enjoyable.



Helicopter hunting was basically invented in NZ


I want to watch him hunt with a Lee-Enfield!

fuck off to plebit if you dont like it here

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Eat what you kill. It's disrespectful to kill for a trophy only.


Why don't you just shoot bongo? Furthermore, why the fuck are you trusting ooga booga with a Hoss Horse job? Why are you reminding me of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure so much with these names?

Alien meat's gotta be good for something.

I support it since the hunts are regulated to work with ecology, the meat is inspected and then distributed to villagers, and the money from the license sales goes to support land preservation and anti-poaching initiatives.

People complain about such safari hunts because they assume the animal's body literally goes to waste, they assume the hunter is only after the trophy (as if it matters if that were the case), and they are too cowardly to call out poachers and urbanization since they don't want to be called racist for criticizing dark skinned people.

The only gay thing here is your illiteracy you faggot. Read his post three times again and then post a response.

Implying groids are sapient

It sounds like it's the lion's own fault they're going extinct.

That kind of thing is great for protecting endangered species, though; way more effective than outlawing hunting. The revenue raised by those "hunts" go toward maintaining the animals' numbers for future profits.
Great for conservation, not so great for conversation.

But that's wrong, since the meat usually went to the village and they have a huge cook-out to eat with it. I mean fuck, why the fuck would they waste a perfectly good meat? it's not like the trophy hunter would brought it all with them, they're just there for the experience, and the villagers won't deny fresh meat.
I wish i could hunt something bigger than a flying rat with an air gun. Y'all niggers should be ashamed to actually condemn these hunts since (as these anons had said) helped the local economy and boosts the population. It's a nice innovation since it blends tourism with sport, and the hunter paying for it doesn't really mind paying out of the ass for it since hunting these are rare for a reason.
Same goes with some crazy fuck in Boer-land farming Rhinos, he has a personal army guarding it, and trading ivory in itself is illegal in most countries but he sure does know what he's doing thanks to the crazy amount of demand for ivories.

Having a personal distaste for something isn't the same as condemning it. Acknowledging the economic benefits sport hunts have provided for both local communities and the lion population doesn't stop me from judging the practice to be tacky and dishonorable. Just like how the fact that I personally don't smoke doesn't cause me to try and ban their sale.

Daily reminder that most "trophy hunts" in Africa take place in Occupied Rhodesia. This is what happens when you let communism and niggers ravage a land.

What you've said, but if you're gonna do is express your feelings on the matter as feelings and not as something to be part of a discussion you might as well not post. Ultimately, all things said are opinions. Some just so happen to be correct, others close but off the mark, but all else are simply uninteresting. Maybe if some of us were taking you out on a hunting trip, but as it is? No.

Anyway, (dis)taste duly noted.

The Rhodies more than likely set up the trophy hunts in the first place because white people are the only ones who are smart enough to both care about preserving an ecosystem and ingenious enough to make a buck off of it.

A traitor actually set up that whole deal and keeps it running provided that money goes to mugabe who is in power now.

wew, way to fall for the conservationist jew


As with everything we, hunting got "kike'd."

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It was morally no different from any other kind of hunting before these species started becoming vulnerable to extinction; now, it's an atrocious assault on some of the greatest specimen's of Earth's biodiversity. Poachers should be tortured to death on video, with the videos widely distributed as a warning to other potential poachers. The niggers kill endangered species as 'bushmeat' (i.e. to fucking eat them). The Chinese do the same, except as a sort of perverse gastronomy for the wealthy businesschinks, rather than simply dumb niggers with no sense of 'the future' or consequences of their actions beyond physical punishment.

Why do people think it's any more cruel than other hunting? The animal dies by gunshot either way so it suffers exactly the same amount. You could say that trophy hunting is not self-limiting like hunting for food, because even a single person can kill literal tons of game and still want more trophies, so it depletes game stocks more. But humans are far, far too numerous for any unrestricted hunting to be even remotely sustainable. Hunting should always be limited to a reasonable quota based on the wild population size, and at that point it makes no difference if all or none or part of this quota is allocated to trophy hunts vs. subsistence. Arguably trophy hunting is preferable, because you can ask for higher fees which helps fund wildlife management, but then subsistence hunting benefits the poor. But in terms of cruelty it would seem like it makes no difference, unless trophy hunters specifically preferred more cruel methods of killing for some reason. And in that case you should ban the cruel methods themselves, not trophy hunting.

For sure someone who 1v1s big animals in cc deserves more respect than a guy sniping them from a helicopter with a DMR and FLIR. But ultimately it's a hobby, everyone has their own level of skill and corresponding challenge they feel comfortable with. Why arbitrarily ban scrubs from the hobby? The animals they shoot will die eventually anyway, gunshot is probably far less painful than any natural death. It may not be impressive and nobody should be impressed, but if the hunter isn't expecting anyone to then what's the problem? Seems to me what you guys are saying is a bit like saying "you should only be allowed to race if you go 150 mph or faster" - if some scrub wants to organize a shitbox league where everyone goes 60-70 mph, why not, provided they don't demand to be treated like F1 pilots?

Obviously things like dynamite fishing are too far, but there the problem is not that the fish don't get a chance, but excessive damage to the environment. So long as government effectively regulates trophy hunters and other cheese hunters so that they don't take too many kills (which should be done regardless of hunting type anyway) there's not really a big issue.

You could argue that it's not okay for some fat faggot to go around ganking cute/cool animals like lions similar to how it's not okay to let chinks eat dogs and cats, but that has nothing to do with being sporting, it's more about the public liking some animals too much. US bans hunting of bald eagles for instance, and I don't think it's really a matter of being sporting.

It was literally more prestigious because only the upper classes used to do it, nowadays thanks to the modern global economy any upwardly mobile pleb can try to cash in on that status asap before what little "aristrocratic" connotations remain have eroded for good.

It does make a difference if you kill the "excess" males, though. The intermale conflict is a part of evolution. If you start removing some males because "they wouldn't have made it anyway", that reduces pressure on the alpha male who didn't have to fight as hard against usurpers, so it's a form of dysgenics for the lions. But if the number of trophy hunt is limited, the effect is not so big, and as you say the fees more than make up for it.

lmao, but unlike us lions don't have anything standing in the way of beta uprising. He could easily try not being such a soykitten and go rip and tear some leochad. Either he gets bitches or he dies in honorable combat, either way he gets to avoid being hunted. Ergo any omega male that ends up hunted deserves it.

top fucking kek

kill yourself

no u