What weapon systems could you put on this jet?

What weapon systems could you put on this jet?
I was thinking of putting a 20mm vulcan on it, like on an ac-130, there is more than enough space.

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Fill it with as much explosives as it can handle and dive nose-first into Ankara

Fill it with as much mudslimes as it can handle and dive nose-first into Paris.

Fill it with as much semen as possible and dive it into OP's asshole.

Fill it with as many canisters of chlorine gas and drive it into Ypres.

Fill it with as many Jews as possible and crash it into the Kaaba.

Never change, Kraut

Blow out the windows and put in a row of cannon.

That will impress upon the Mohammedans the Benefits of Christianity.

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Why would you do exactly what he wants?

Are you at least using specially cast, square, ammunition for this? Ooh, a few hundred square 00 shot, loaded into a canister maybe.

It needs to be cross shaped. That way every time we smite a Mohammedan in the head it leaves a cross shaped wound, so we are actually blessing them with a benediction at the same time.

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I still prefer the Puckle Guns anti-Ottoman square bullets.

I dub this contraption the air/k/raft. We shall show the mohammedans our Zig Forumsube is better than their cube.

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Dassault once modified a Falcon 50B into a naval strike plane for Iraq.
Said plane totaled a US frigate in 1987.

Was the crew blind, wtf?

The Stark was wandering around the gulf during the Iran-Iraq war and the Iraqi's figured it was an Iranian ship so the pilot fired. The Stark was operating at peacetime security. Also the missiles didn't sink the fucking thing due to both them being duds. What is it with french shit and not going bang?

Looks pretty nice

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I just read some more in the incident and that captain was a hero, in my opinion. He got shafted for nothing.

He fucked up by not being ready for warshit in an area with warshit going on. Its the only thing he did wrong was think everything was sunshine and daisies.

To be fair it was a civilian aircraft with french radar, coming out of Iraq (which was allied to us at the time). Not exactly a clear target. From further reading it seems the ships radar didn't even register the Exocets, that was my main surprise, because the AAA on that ship should have been able to destroy a subsonic cruise missile. Also he did act right after the ship was hit, saved almost 200 crew from dying.

I think a reduction in rank was warranted, but not a court martial or letter of censure.

Typical USN ship.
No-one manning the CIWS stations, no-one manning weapon control station, decoys and chaff launchers "lol what's that, we're not a plane nigga", the officers were too busy debating what to do to actually do something, etc…

It really wasn't. It was fitted and manned as such (meaning it should have never been sent there) but nothing would have prevented it to be on a heightened alert stance. Except incompetence.
Now sure whatever brasshat that sent an undermanned and supplied ship into a war zone should have gotten a boot in his ass too AND the politician that ordered to send ships into a warzone "just because we can" too. But that doesn't excludes the captain and his crew… That's the problem when the system is rotten to the core only the guys on the lowest level face consequences and it is unfair. But it still doesn't mean they good boys that dindu nuthing.
Exactly for that. Fire them at Iranian tankers they work just fine. Fire them at warships (which Iran doesn't have) and it won't.
It was still the days were the DGSE was still competent enough to actually pull off slick shit like that.

That captain was a hero.
By USN standards? Sure why, not.
But then by reality standards at least 70% of the USN deserves the boot to get back a semblance of competency.

Missiles don't sink ships. Even those that actually go boom. A trained monkey could have saved that ship.

The plane was fitted with the same electronics as a Mirage F1, the Stark did register it's search radar signature long before it got in firing range and couldn't mistake it as a civilian plane.
In fact the US thought that it was an overloaded Mirage F1, meaning that's what the Stark ID'ed the plane as, until France told them it was a custom rebuild Falcon.
That's actually not surprising at all. US system meant to intercept missiles still don't work today. A Perry radar is perfectly incapable of seeing missile size targets.
You need to have the CIWS integrated radars fired up.
Which nobody does because the whole thing is automated. IE if it's on, it tracks and shoot at things it thinks are incoming (typically other USN ships or planes) which is the real reason why those are always turned off when someone is shooting at USN ships.

Fill it with as many pamphlets with demoralizing messages that can be used to induce mass suicide on a target population.

Or just get a governmental agency to allow a big guy on to the plane and watch him crash it with no survivors.

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I don't understand. Are you talking skull-face tier "It'll only blow it if we want it to blow" kind of stuff?


I got you covered, battlebuddy.

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Jesus Christ, strap yourself in for a wild ride.

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W-wait a minute…

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My nigger :^)
By the way, what book would you recommend to a beginner student of German? Preferably one that doesn't make me want to wear yellow pants and shoot myself.

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Any of these.

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What level are we talking here?
If you have literally just started learning I would suggest children's books, Like the Alex Rider series. Their sentence structure is very simple and you can actually get a somewhat enjoyable story out of them.
If you can already read German somewhat fluently and you would like a little more serious stuff I would suggest "In Stahlgewittern". It's a book about the experiences of a very young man during WWI on the western front. It contains some rather old language, but it's understandable and will teach correct German grammar before many of the English influences changed how most normal German was used.
(people now say "Ich bin [NAME]" which translates to "I am [NAME]". This is theoretically not proper German. The correct version would be "Mein name ist [NAME]" ("My name is [NAME]"). In German you are not a name, you have a name, but you are not that name. Just an example)
The sentence structure can get rather complex at times, but you will also learn quite a lot of new pure German vocabulary which you may not have known before.
Once you have successfully read through that, you can head for the classics, or dabble a little in 1960-1980's literature. Some 21st century sci fi is rather good. Andreas Eschenbach isn't my style, but the stories are OK.
Also: For most of the past 70 years "Krimis" (short for "Kiminalgeschichten", "Crime stories") have been obscenely popular. They are the bread and butter of contemporary German literature. Most of them are not that well written, or particularly good, but if you really want to know what most German normies are reading (and achieve the same vocabulary and grammatical level) those should be on your list.
Just don't get stuck there. Remeber: Krimis are not good books. They exist to suck money out of your pocket because you want something to look forward to reading in the evening.

other German, watch these

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Oh sweet mother of god I don't even dare to imagine what would happen if they ever needed reservist, considering that this counted as competent for active personel during the cold war.

I am in doubt that people who wrote that even knew what the fuck civilian airline pilots even do, or how much they travel around the globe. There's always one war or another going on, how is it even remotely reasonable to expect some busy working civvie to know about some incident in bumfucknowhere? Especially if that said pilot was actually Iranian. Meaning that his country has been at war with Iraq for the last 8 fucking years, resulting in casualties ranging from half a million to one million or so. I'd probably ignore any incident that wouldn't involve atleast 500 dead at that point.

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Anything external will increase drag. Cannons typically are pretty non-aerodynamic.

I wouldn't use a cannon on that thing. If any debris got loose when firing, you might lose an engine. A machine gun that's remote-controlled would probably go nicely under the tail section.

While they are not weapons systems, you could use such a plane as a rendition plane aka "torture plane", generally, really, just for delivering prisoners to sites. They could be placed in containers/"luggage" and carried by strong men.

The other thing you can do with such a plane is conduct surveillance. You can fill those things with electronics snooping & jamming gear. I'm not clear on how power generation works, but you'll probably be relying on batteries mostly.

Nah what really funny (in a tragic way) is that Reagan called the soviet union an "evil empire" committing "a crime against humanity" for shooting down an airliner that was indeed infringing on soviet airspace in an area USN carriers were regularly doing penetrations raids to fuck with the bear, in a place were ID radars were down due to bad weather, etc… (a real "accident"), five year before that…

Or that the US is still saying the same shit about how Russia managed to shot down that plane in Ukraine, somehow.

Like big guys?

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Russia didn't shoot it down but Russian backed sepratists definitely got their Buk launcher from somewhere.

Its called an abandoned Ukrainian armory. The amount of shit they abandoned is beyond comprehension.

Ukraine had something similar to the national guard (територіальної оборони) based on conscription and over 1/3rd of it was Russians. Also most of their ground war materiel was -drumroll- on the border with Russia, because they were worried about that region. So when the rebellion kicked off the rebels had a decent sized army already with a solid rank-structure, logistics, weapons, vehicles….

Kiev forces got stuck with more of the air force and the professional army, but they were still closer to numerical and technological parity than a lot of retards in the media think.

I recommend Die Kleine Hexe. My mom brought her childhood copy back from my Oma’s last year. It is a kids book but it’s kind cute and helped me a bit. Also I changed Siri on my phone to German so I could practice speaking and pronounciation. I rarely use Siri but it’s helped me learn a few phrases, and made me realize I was pronunciating a few words completely wrong. tfw can’t even talk to most of my family because mom never bothered to teach me. Tfw Uroma was born in 1914 and I want to ask her so many things but she doesn’t know any English and my German is really bad, and I don’t want to use a translator because I want to ask about the 30’s.

just put a big guy and mercenaries on the jet

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Danke mein freund

I can sing and understand some German songs, but I can't really read. I've read Storm of Steel in English, so it should be interesting to read it in its original language. I'll probably start with the children's books because I still enjoy reading them. Pic related is my favourite children's book by far.

Is "Ich Heisse [NAME]" (I don't have the Eszett rn) correct also? Ich bin ein Pfannkuchen!
Ich liebe Baumkuchen, Zachetorte und Schwarzwaldtorte. Wo wohnen sie? Ich bin keine CIA oder BfV ;^)

Thanks user; I'll get a paper copy because it seems pretty wholesome.

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Fucking jewtube removed the original.
Anyone have a webm or mp3 source? I really like that song..

It really is: (actual spoilers) The witch is given a year to prove she’s a good witch, but she does a lot of good deeds and then after the year she finds out that being good and a witch isn’t what they meant by being a good witch, which means to do bad deeds.
Same here, I love old german marches/folk songs. Was ist des Deutsches Vaterland is my favourite. My family is all from North Germany but it’s hard to find Schleswig-Holstein folk music, most I can find is Bavarian/Swabian.
If you don’t mind if I answer for deutschbro, though he probably hs a better explaination: Ich heiße _ is more formal and you would use it when talking to someone like a Professor, elder, someone you’re not friendly with (not that you dislike them but you don’t know them)

No one want to stare the reality in the face that Ukrainian air defense regiments were also operating in the same area with that gear and Ukrainian politicians were openly claiming there was Russians planes bombing them and shooting down their aircrafts the same week and that they were intensifying air defense alert…
And it's the same Ukrainian AD command had to put a ban on training with long range AA because they kept firing at their own planes and one training day in a weird coincidence an airliner ended up spontaneously combusting, for which the Ukrainian government payed the passenger families and the MinDef resigned but officially totally didn't shoot down said airliner… (Take a wild guess as to who they say is to blame?).

That's the thing when you're lying 24/7, no one sane can believe Ukraine more than the separatists or Russia…

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Just weeks before the shootdown you had the rebels claiming shootdowns (using Buks) of two other aircraft, including one passenger aircraft.
Where's the proof that they're lying? Where's the proof you aren't lying?

Sounds like a dime novel in the english speaking world, something cheap enough for you to get something out of.

It was some Hamas song about being Hamas.

More like a military transport.

These are books that I hold fond memories of from when I was a child. All of these have ふりがな so they should be easy to read; do note that most books with ふりがな will usually get some pictures in it.

Written by the German Otfried Preussler again, lacking Eszett, it's a staple for any Japanese children's bookshelf. I personally enjoyed reading about the different German foods in it.

Its basically a silly detective being silly but solving his cases. Its a fun read, but it may be a little childish at times.

I think its originally an English book, but its still widely read in Japan. I recall it being pretty long, but I reread a couple of times over the years. I don't think you can tame lions with a hair band but who knows.

A Children's book with a wholesome message; go back in to the kitchen, woman. Its aimed at little girls, and although I never read it, my sister seemed to like it a lot.

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Wow, I didn't think that story had that far of a reach. Color me impressed.

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pls no kampfy

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Memes truly transcend cultures.

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