This cuck wants to "End the NRA"

A new PAC "End the NRA" has been formed and their mission "is to make the lives of the NRA’s leadership, board members, and high-profile supporters a living hell."

The website ( is light on details but the FEC registrations show the treasurer/records keeper is a soy boy named Jay Petterson who works for Blue Wave Political Partners.

His email is [email protected] so feel free to let him know (in a legal manner) how you feel about law-abiding citizens being shamed and attacked for supporting a constitutional right.

Attached: Blue-Wave-Headshots-Web-4-Jay-e1423798850545.jpg (363x346, 28.54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Where can I sign up?

Feel free, their website is in the OP.

Enjoy having your email sold to the highest bidder come election time.

Can we use this as an opportunity to shill for better 2A groups like the GOA?

I admire their "no compromises" position but have you heard of any PACs named "End the GOA"? NRA is the 800lb gorilla that leftists love to use as the bogeyman.

Notice how leftists practically never mention GOA? That's what we call "a clue."

Reminds me of ShareBlue.


I guess they're all in favour of ending the full auto ban, then. Right?

Your point is? Nobody said the NRA was perfect, but if you look at who the gun grabbers demonize, you learn who they're afraid of. I'll ask again, are there any PACs named "End the GOA"?

After the Vegas shooting, I actually visited my Congressman's local office to make sure he knew that the NRA wasn't speaking for every member with their bump stock BS. I talked to his legislative director for a few minutes and when I brought up GOA, his response was a literal "Who?"

As far the as the Hughes amendment, that ship has sailed. You're never going to see a legislative repeal of the MG ban. Best chance is a few more Alito-types getting appointed to SCOTUS. Thank Charlie Rangel and Ronnie Raygun.

They're not afraid of anyone, the MSM just tells them that da big bad ebul NRA are all AR-15 toting white males, despite the fact that they're all just anti-gun boomer fudds.

Are you somehow under the delusion that if the NRA gets fucked then the GOA will replace them?
If the NRA gets fucked, then NOBODY will replace them. If gungrabbers manage to "end the NRA" then it will end gun culture. There will be no major player defending gun rights, no major player saying it's okay to own guns.
If all you can think about is legislation you're a shortsighted retard. Elitism and purity spiraling will ruin you.

So it would be a good thing if the organization perceived as representing "extremist assault rifle owners" is destroyed? Perception is reality.

God damn, petty short-sightedness like this is one reason why the pro-2A community is losing right now. Instead of banding together, we'll be arguing over what color the train cars are when President Kamala sends them to bring us to the re-education camps.

The enemy of my enemy is not of my concern. I'd sooner go scalping jews with a moslem than stand with the fucking NRA.
I guess there are non-legislative ways. Yes?

If they're cucking out now, what makes you think for a minute that they're trying to win anything? What's next, the GOP needs my help, too? I'm sure they aren't backstabbing philosemitic cows hellbent on bending the knee, either.

So they're your enemy because you don't 100% agree with their platform? In that case, whom do you support?

Yes, there are non-legislative ways Hughes might end. I mentioned one in my post. Besides a win in court or a collapse of the current government with the resulting lack of enforcement, what other non-legislative ways are there to end Hughes? Which organizations are advocating for those solutions and how effective have they been?

Are you even an American? The only people I've ever known to use "moslem" were old fucks or britfags. That and your spelling of "favour" make me think you come from a place where there is no RKBA. Easy to argue for ideological purity when you've already lost and have no skin the game, right?


The founding fathers, who the NRA clearly don't show any support for.

Pic related.

Oh, but I thought you have to make whole demands to get half of what you want? What happened to that lie of a philosophy, cuck?

Attached: typolefty.jpg (735x541, 52.27K)

Don't know where you pulled that from, but "what happened" is that the Left has proved it thoroughly wrong and succeeded by doing the exact opposite. They repeatedly demand half of what they want and in doing so have managed to work their way to getting almost all of it.

Speaking of the Left, you sound like you'd get along well with some of that crowd. I can think of a few among them with a passion for condemning as anti-revolutionary anyone less ideologically "pure" than them, even if doing so means leaving themselves as crippled as an army with all its officers purged.

You know what you should be saying, instead of "leftist", user, and you know what explanation there would be to that.
Gaming to waste my time, right? Less time to scrub and oil the barrel. Woe is me. Leftists are weak because they eat and breathe estrogen. No amount of them could win a war easily, unless you drowned the enemies in their blood.
One in ten Americans hold "antisemitic" views, as of last year, compared to the uncountable statistic it was years ago. Who's leading the movement, asshole? The scary gnat-sees you despise the purity of, or the liberal pussies that worship philosemitic spic-killing spics in shitty generalissimo getups?

Are you capable of constructing a coherent argument? Education in the UK must be even worse than I thought.

Sounds like you're dealing with some delicately blued double-barrel FUDD shotgun that Her Majesty's government has allowed you to keep for sporting use.

My training rifle has had 2500 rds through it since I ran a brush down the bore, with no noticeable loss in accuracy, and I've never felt the need to oil the barrel given the chrome-lining. When I do clean the chamber and lube the BCG, it takes maybe ten minutes max. Then again you wouldn't know anything about that since you've likely never even shouldered a semi-auto.

A good attempt, but you are no the TORfag I am shitting on. Go away.

The NRA isn't just imperfect, it's outright controlled opposition. The gun grabbers don't want the NRA gone, that's why they'll never use actually effective mockery like Wayne LaPierre's draft dodging or how they once supported gun free zones and universal gun registration.

Attached: NRAsupportsmandatorygunregistration.webm (1280x720 1.38 MB, 7.79M)

You can't stop the signal, Mal. Can't stop the signal.

Attached: Table leg typewriter.JPG (1302x839, 136.51K)

Yes, if said organization has been the result of every major piece of anti-gun legislation for the past 84 years and is currently trying to pass even more as we speak, the sooner they die, the better, and it doesn't matter who kills them. actually having gun control laws passed is a little more important than "muh PR"

Colour me surprised

Quit bumping. The shill already gave up.

Any way to sign this faggot up for BLACKED emails or something?

Intent is one of those really difficult things to prove in harassment cases, glad this guy outright stated it.

Harry Reid has gone on record stating that the GOA scares him and his jew buddies.

Just to add on, they DO NOT want the public to know who the GOA is. They can hold up le ebin neo-conservative racist stawman with the NRA because, for all intents and purposes, the NRA and the GOP are closely intertwined. This is not the case with the GOA. You have lefty fags mixed with libertarians and bible thumpers, and these Jew fucks want to make sure guns stay a "partisan" issue.

>petty short-sightedness like this is one reason why the pro-2A community is losing right now
Except it isn't. It's kinda wining since the NRA enjoys a 58% approval rating by most Americans and it's membership tripled in the last few months. Why are idiots always the ones that are the most blackpilled? Oh I know why. Because they can't fucking think and read this shit up.

I thought it said IRA and got excited.

The first president of the NRA was a freemason.

Sounds like a good reason to signal boost the GOA then.

As right as you are, you need to stop talking like you just got off the boat from Tumblr.

No, we are losing because of constant compromises made by fucks like you, magapede. Inch by fucking inch the NRA and republicans have surrendered our rights while limp dick fucks like you keep saying "well there is no AWB everything is fine"

I don't know what the non kosher term for "signal boosting" is.

Isn't 'signal boost' a term that spawned from goobergrape?

Why do people shit on gamergate?

Because right when they started getting traction they threw it all down the shitter by being idiots.
Sucking the dicks of self-aggrandized e-celebs, and in doing do allowing themselves to be subverted. Letting the enemy dictate the terms of the engagement, making the whole thing about 'muh PR' and 'muh media exposure'.
That, and it drew in a lot of idiots from outside the core community, destroying themselves from the inside. Kind of like what happened to Zig Forums and the Trump cult of personality.

Good question. Raising awareness? Spreading the word?

Dude even Zig Forums got subverted, it's not a question of "allowing". Besides gamergaters at least went out and did something, organized themselves to attack the heeb money supply and it worked. They tanked silverstring media completely.
I've yet to see Zig Forums organize to attack ADL donors and contributors, or really any level of organization. I'm full on 1488 and I avoid Zig Forums because it's a waste of time, nothing gets accomplished.

"Signal boost" is, I think, a tumblrism turned into a gooberism turned into a dead, unused idiom around these parts.

This. Controlled Opposition is much more hurtful that having no representation at all.

When I met my congressman to pitch NFA repeal he asked if I was a NRA member then asked if I was a GoA member after I said no.

Attached: img_1039.jpg (1176x1200, 261.25K)

Didn't really mean to shit on it I browsed gamergatehq once upon a time, I'm pretty sure they were referring to themselves by that term for a while in order to parody all the ridiculous names journalists were using for the hashtag. But as says it wasn't without its flaws.

lol, I haven't compromised on a single god damn thing. I'm against NFA, GCA, Hughes, Brady bill, and any regulation that prevents citizens from having access to the same hardware the .mil does. Many Revolutionary War battles were fought with privately owned cannon and warships, and I fully believe modern equivalents should be freely available.

I am, however, mature enough to recognize that 95% (or more) of gunowners aren't that laissez faire about gun laws. Doesn't mean I won't try and work with them to get more popular things done like removing suppressors from the NFA or constitutional carry. I won't horse trade those things for "reasonable restrictions," but I also won't kick any possible political allies to the curb just because they don't agree with me 100%.

Maybe you should learn to "read this shit up" better. It wasn't membership that tripled, it was donations to NRA-PVF that tripled in February compared to the month prior. Poll numbers and donations are nice, but I think gunowners from Vermont and Florida (two states that used to have some of the best gun laws in the country) who got fucked over in a matter of weeks after Parkland would disagree that we're "wining."

NFA, Hughes, and Brady Bill are all supported by the NRA. They've also spoken out in support of no-fly-list bans and supported Trump during the recent bumpfire stock debacle.

And somehow neither HPA nor national reciprocity got passed despite the Repubs having control of the White House and both houses of Congress. And in spite of this control and the supposed watchdog of the NRA the FIX-NCIS restriction got slipped into the last budget omnibus. If you want to "work with" normie gun owners that's all well and good, but you're going about it the wrong way. Instead of supporting the NRA, which in the long run doesn't seem to be getting us anywhere, you should befriend normie gunowners and gradually redpill them on the NRA, drip-feeding them all the shit they've pulled over the years until they become disillusioned. Then, once it's clear to them that the NRA are just fair-weather activists and don't do much in the way of actual protection, you're in a prime position to steer them to either the GOA, or better yet some kind of local organization.

I always thought anons who misspell gamblergaggle were mocking the tumblards who thought it somehow made GG look bad.
At least that's the context I've always seen that kind of post used in.
It does deserve to be shit on though, it failed miserably. m-muh PPPEEEEYYYAAAARRRR

WHat is GoA ? Gun Owners of America.


The anti gun Jews in congress are afraid of GOA and repealing of the NFA, their very fear is an indication that they are vulnerable.

It's a joke because in the movie Starship Troopers the humans face an apparently inexhaustible supply of alien bugs that are bent on galactic domination. The scene in the movie the picture is taken from involves a large thinking bug alien was finally located, and a psychic soldier approaches it to discover its fear, which heartens the soldiers around him as they realize their enemy is not unbeatable.

The movie is based on an excellent book by Heinlein which criticizes the idea of democracy. And quite rightly considering no respectable thinker has supported democracy for almost 2500 years.

NRA sucks, but this guy's probably a faggot.

GOA stronk

I bet you think blumpf is a nazi