What kind of guns does the KKK have? Especially looking for replies from actual members
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Usually whatever FBI agents are issued
How would the KKK get FBI weapons tho? Do they steal them or loot the FBI or something?
Mostly Glock 22s, because they weren't man enough to handle 10mm.
Same shit everyone else in this country has, ARs and mossbergs.
Don't be intentionally obtuse magapede, the joke was that the Klan is so filled to the brim with fedcucks that they more than likely all use .40 shitty and weak because that is what every KKK member is issued.
I thought that the KKK was effectively dead, outside of shitposting/trolls, and a small number of old men meeting up in a diner every few weeks to talk about how much they dislike niggers in terms that would probably look pretty tame for anyone who has seen Zig Forums. Or maybe parallel universe Indonesia is right and the only klansmen left are false flagging for the feds.
The KKK doesn't exist anymore, it's been fully infiltrated in COINTELPRO. Requesting that greentext story about a bunch of agents from ATF, FBI and DEA all trying to get dirt on each other in a "militia group" that was composed wholly of government agents.
Nigger can you stop holding a grudge over multiple threads just because you got BTFO once?
I was going to post the webm but I don't have time to convert it so here is a link to a news website instead
There is a video interviewing members from my local area. They were all rounded up and put in prison a couple of years ago after Roof sperged out and shot up that church. As other anons have said at least 1/3rd of the members were FBI but the rest were locals that had been in the organization for years or had recently joined. Most of the smart members left in the late 80s/early 90s and are now members of "heritage organizations".
Stop playing dumb, FBI
KKK is FBI honeypot nowadays, so whatever the FBI or local police is being issued.
You have no power here. Go beg Jim to nuke the board.
I doubt they even need to infiltrate them in great numbers anymore because groups like this have terrible opsec and most of them will protect their own hides when they get arrested. At least 50% informants [1] (not necessarily feds but people willing to talk to them) is a reasonable baseline for what you can expect for these groups. If you all do something illegal, and even their rats will put you in that situation, [2] expect at least half of them to rat you out to save their own hides.
[1] - 15 confidential sources fed FBI info from Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (archive.fo
[2] - FBI authorized some informants to engage in unlawful activity at refuge (archive.fo
I realize this is common knowledge to even the biggest newfags here but better safe than sorry. Just look at the OP posting such obvious fedbait. I'm going to talk to your supervisor because this is just insultingly obvious.
No one cares about your dumb feud with the president.
They have bodyguards armed with whatever the capitol police were armed with from 1927 to 1937 and whatever the people in charge of protecting the supreme court justices had 1937 to 1971.
"The browning of america has to be fought with the browning of america" - unknown
Did he mean browning M2 ?
Why are you ashamed of supporting based antigun trump, magapede? Youre over 21, it isnt your problem if laws that he supports get passed stripping young gun owners of their rights. After all, it's all according to the chess strategy right? And those bump stocks, oy vey nobody needs those right?
No need to play dumb, fed-kun. Just be yourself!
Of course, everyone cared about your intellectual rebellion against the ebil padriargh, but when his own voterbase doesn't approve, it's silly!
You are obsessed. Get psychiatric help.
What? So I can get stuck on jew pharmaceuticals? You don't belong here. Go into the >>>/oven/ or go away, jude.
Don't care.
Burning cross launchers and automatic nooses
Any and all guns designed by JMB
Why does Fri Murer sound like a furry sect?
Retard they infected all of civilization, are you going to live in a cave? They're on this website, why are you using it?
Don't come any closer.
How did Zig Forums get so obsessed with Trump again? You sound like some bitch he hasn't called.
Maybe you should stop running and being a coward. You are so uncompromisingly inferior it isn't even funny, your mother should have left you in the forest to freeze or be torn apart by wild dogs.
It's just a few jews, show up in every thread and bring the prez up. They're mental defectives.
Came to post this.
And you sound like a beaten wife, the way you apologize for him. To answer your question we don't like the anti-gunners on this board.
Zig Forums imploded and we've been invaded by the 2016-era dregs who hadn't already left. We've also lost almost half our active ISPs in a month so take from that what you will.
Chesscucks absolutely have to defend the cocksucker no matter what, so of course they're going to be constantly stirring shit here when their cult leader is blatantly anti-gun.
So what was the straw that finally broke the cucked camel's back?
I haven't been to Zig Forums in ages, but I still watched their UID count and noticed it went from ~2500 to ~1700-1800 in the span of like two weeks.
Of course, it's not like you'd let your fellows in the news have us hear the end of it, if anyone so much as brushed you off.
Point out specifically where I apologized for him. All I did was point out that you're obsessed with him.
Fire arms like the Berreta 92 FS and the HK MP5
Heil has been alternately mass purging and then mass unbanning anons for a couple of months now. I'm guessing everybody's got tiers or being banned for the smallest thing and have just stopped posting. Zig Forums may be still the second largest one on the site UID wise but content wise it has become a wasteland. It's just barely above Zig Forums or Zig Forums level.
Trick question democrats are anti gun
Is that parody or were FBI niggers out of over 56% White agents for their honeypot?
No, that's what classes as "a pure huwite Aryan" in el Estados Unidos
BO went mental.
Fucking Christ.
When will the remaining faggots finally take the hint and jump ship to a different site, or at least a new board?
This is the exact kind of shit that drove us here from halfchan in the first place.
>>>Zig Forums11580618
At least that was the state of it 6 months - a year ago. It has probably gotten a lot worse since I finally gave up on it. It has been mostly awful since the election and just continued to go down hill.
You physically can't assuming honest intent.
That reminds me i gotta get around to making a new lit thread for Zig Forums, the last one we had was great and were great reads.
Would you guys want some of those thread, providing the 1 at a time rule is enforced?>>579777
Those two are mutually exclusive; good luck trying to start a dedicated National Socialist thread on nu/pol/.
88 larpers ruin the 14 words.
That said, I still wish the plebiscite for Gdansk and Upper Silesia happened if Soviet Union was removed from counting votes, the only options were that, All-lies, or Soviet Union and rolling the dice with 1 in 3 odds that all the non-polish ethnic groups will be murdered by communists.
Anything the feds can procure, considering that's what the entire membership aside from useful idiots of the kkk are.
You deserve genocide, P*lenigger. You are a net negative on European society, beaten only by African niggers and dune coons.