Remember that Argentinean diesel-electrical TR-1700 that sunk while back? Seems it kind of fell off the radar of everyone. It still hasn't been found.
What the public knows:
Anyone have some insider knowledge on this kind of stuff? What do you guys think happened?
ARA San Juan
Other urls found in this thread:
What kind of a fucking sub doesn't have an anti spill snorkel? It takes a little bit of styrofoam, a wire, and a plug. Every toilet has this system!
For that matter, if you have a leaky fucking snorkel, why not insulate your batteries from seawater?
I don't doubt it.
I don't know if it was a maintenance problem or if the crew was just retarded and left a valve open or what.
a former submariner who was a sonar tech listened to the recording. think he goes by jive turkey on YouTube. he said it sounds like the submarine blew up.
Most of them died pretty quickly, battery fire is nasty it only takes an inhale to ruin your lungs permanently. Only the crew in command and anyone in mess might have survived the initial fire. But with the engine damaged and ship sinking, they were basically fucked.
I am not entirely sure if I want to know how people have gotten accurate enough records regarding underwater compartmental collapses.
What sort of containment battery cells have? Surely the individual batteries have been changed over and over during the sub's almost 40 year old life span, but what about the stuff that's supposed to protect those batteries? If those weren't in tip top condition, and you had a faulty battery unit, with water in the fucking battery compartment. I expect that it would take a single fuck up for video related to happen, if they were using batteries that used lithium.
This is going to be a long wall of text, so you will have to bear with it.
The state of the Argie navy (and in general, the entire military) is complete clusterfuck. This results comes from decades old lack of funding, corruption and bad planning.
ARA San Juan (with the loss of all hands) is the last straw in a series of really big incidents. For example:
In April 2007 -> ARA Almirante Irízar (Q-5) had a massive fire. No casualties, but had to be evacuated.
In January 2013 -> ARA Santísima Trinidad (D-2) sank in port for no aparent reason.
There is also the situation of the engines of the Espora Class Frigates (P-41) (i know, only Exocets…) that need a complete replacement of their engines. One of them was 3 months (!) in South Africa because we couldnt make her sea worthy.
In my best assesment, i dont think we could even form a brown water unit with what we have.
And this is just the ships. Lets not talk about the state of the air complement.
Just a few years back (2016) we bought a lot of "replacement parts" for our old, non modernized Etendards. Most of them dont fly… Where does the money go? -> 5M dollars
Recently (2017) we bought 5 Super Etendard Modernized, but they will arrive this year because lol, havent made any payments. -> 12,5 M Euros
In the subject, there were also impaid coastal patrols ships to France. -> 360 M Euros
There is a mix of third world shithole economy with no industrial capacity, zero long term planning and outright corruption. (Dassault must have some great hookers)
I dont want to bore you with more news, i hope you got the point im trying to make.
[Japanese sabotage noises]
That's just sad to read. Even with the limited information that can be taken from an automated translation. Here's hoping it gets better soon especially if you guys decide you want another crack at the Falklands.
If you're using them on a vessel that submerges in water they should be waterproof for fucks sake. Batteries on my boat can stay submerged in salt water for years without a problem.
They might if the US decides that brexit is not good for muh capitalisim.
Well, we didn't get to nuke Buenos Aires last time …
Fucking wot?
The average IQ would go up like 4 points if you do that.
Don't miss
This is true of every country in the world.
Large cities, especially capital cities, have better access to social services, welfare, and the support for unintelligent people.
This causes the lower 25% of the countrys population to concentrate within large cities.
When that bottom 25% of the countrys population concentrates in a small area like a city, they start becoming far far far over 50% locally.
And because large cities are also homes to politicians, for the sake of conveniently commuting to parliaments and so on, the politicians learn to listen to the human trash around them.
The country then collapses.
Opposite technique also works. If we forced people to distribute evenly throughout a country, dumb people wouldn't have an easy place to run away to, and politicians wouldn't have a massive pool of easily controlled votes.
There is nothing special about finland, no huge military, no global power, no oil or resource reserves…. yet finland has a huge HDI. This is because after WWII they avoided concentrating population in a few large cities, which meant there was no easy way for the dumb people to survive. Eventually they either died off or didn't reproduce, which caused a much higher quality population to form.
Of course now that's changing, and helsinki is getting more migrants…
Klendathu did nothing wrong.