Lever gun thread

Post wouldn't go through in the QTDDTOT. Is a new Marlin 336 in 30-30 win any good, and is it worth $400? Also general lever gun thread

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Where did you find a 30-30 lever gun for $400?

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Not really.
30-30 is too weak for hunting, yet the ammo is expensive.
UnIess you have money to burn, you're better off getting a bolt action .308

Absolutely not.

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30-30 is just fine as an overall hunting round. Not the best, depending on your range I'd argue that 7.62x39 would be better due to its performance at longer distances, but perfectly acceptable. Marlin is unfortunately a part of Freedom Group, so QC on most of their newer stuff is shit. I've heard from a few people that the Marlin division specifically has gotten back on track in the last year or so, but I haven't seen that corroborated, so take it with a grain of salt.

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30-30 is the ultimate fudd gun, retard

It kills, but not very authoritatively. It is woefully obsolete and overpriced.
30-30 is still relevant because fudd inherited the gun from their fudd dad or because they got it cheap at a pen shop and now think the gun they got for nothing can kill anything. In reality they're just cheap ass fudd retards.

Winchester 9410 vs Marlin 410 vs new Henry 410, which reigns supreme for hunting smallgame? I read that the actions of the Winchester were louder and had more moving parts than the Marlin, but haven't read any comparisons of the former 2 against the new Henry

It seems to be less than a dollar a round, which isn't crazy unless you're used to shooting el cheapo intermediate calibers
I'm not trying to defend or shit on 30-30 because I'm asking if its good, but you sound like a fudd yourself with your platitudes. If 30-30 really is shit give something substantial to prove it

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That's some fudd-tier theory on ballistics, user. Should probably look up some charts or something - .30-30 has, on average, more velocity than 7.62x39, even the old shit from way back. Modern projectiles penetrate and expand very well, too.

We're talking about a round primarily used for hunting over the past ~100 years, user. The only way for a round not to be overpriced is to have a backing of near-identical military chamberings(7.62 NATO/5.56 to .308 WIN/.223 Remington).

Stop being a faggot.

I bet your some kind of nigger who shoots animals in the gut.

tfw pre WW1 marlin

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but if ah cant gut, skin, clean, and cook muh durr with a bullit like with muh 300 REMCHESTERBY MAGNUM it aint authoritive enuff

I've brought down six point bucks with 5.56, and this wasn't difficult either (in fact it was a bit easier). There is nothing weak about .30-30, or any other rifle cartridge for that matter. For fucks sake it's designed specifically for bullying through branches and leaves without deviating, people use it for hunting moose. You can argue cost if you want, but not power or effect.

I personally wouldn't recommend .30-30 for Moose or Elk unless you get real close to them given how many folk can't accurately range for shit.

.30-30 is great for hunting, but you are right about the price. Factory ammo is similar ballistically to 7.62x39 but handloaded ammo is superior, so if you own one it is best to get into reloading which would drop the price down significantly. OP wasn't asking about the round either, he was asking about the gun itself. Since the gun company in question is cerburus owned i'd say he should either get someone to inspect it before he buys or spend double the price on a henry which will function out of the box.

It's rated to take deer and black bear, shitheal. It's also regularly used to take moose, caribou, and pronghorn.

.308 hunting loads are in the same price bracket, moron.

Of course a Fudd would advise a bolt gun in a fucking lever gun thread…because the Fudd doesn't know the BLR or Model 88 exist.

It's not recommended, but people still do it all the time.

watch the awesome level of fudd in vid-related
we have more powerful rounds pushing the same .308 bullet at higher energies for half the cost per round
nope, it averages at about 1.25 per round
just pulling that word out of your ass doesn't save you
30-30 lever action Marlin is *the* fudd gun. Not knowing this is the first rule of being a newfag.

who gives a fuck? If you're hunting with an AK, you're a moron. It's a flimsy ass slavshit weapon intended for fully automatic sub-machine gun duty.
and we have better rounds now for less money, so if you don't have money to burn andignore the objectively better rounds and the economics of the situation, you're a moron.
go get raped by a pack of niggers

and people are morons
I really do hope you idiots use 30-30 for moose so that after you put a painful little hole in the Moose, it runs over and mauls your stupid ass to death.
The guy in this video had to track the Moose for so long that he just turned off the camera and turned it on again after he finally found the animal.
Get a bigger gun, pussies

I am amazed at how newfagged and underaged this place has gotten. The marines just adopt the 300 win mag but here there's morons very seriously claiming that the 30-30 is in fact the real gun while the military rounds are fudd.
Great job, retard. Brilliant.

lol you should probably just shut the fuck up when talking about guns or hunting, I hope you're a proxy.

nah, stupidass, they're much cheaper, unless you're an idiot that just shops at Walmart. Wouldn't that make you a fudd though? But I thought 30-30 wasn't the fudd round? lol stupidass.


I want a winchester 92 in 3030 cause muh mexican revolution

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mfw you're asshurt
mfw I've killed many moose and elk with .30-30 and x39
mfw your ass is going to hurt more knowing I've knocked deer dead with 9x19

Find a miroku made gun. They're pre 64 Winchester tier guns that aren't beat to shit.

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I've got one of the micro-groove barreled 336's from the 1950's and that thing is a shooter. 1.5 inch groups at 100 yards all day. Once Marlin was taken over by Remington though a lot of that quality went away. If you specifically want a Marlin 336 I would save up and just get an older one over buying a new one.

You rang?

Yall huff dicks daily

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epic meme
suuuuure, dumbass

my nigger

Literally not an argument, people kill moose with .30-30 all the time, and your /int/-tier shitflinging doesn't change that fact in the slightest. Stop being so arsehurt that not everyone in the world hunts everything with a cheytac M200


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you are really really smart

Cowboys were Mexicans, and therefore homosexual.

Its been awhile since someone rolled in from the Zig Forumsindergarden. The salt is just right. Besides that 14.5 Russian is the only thing for hunting if we're talking meme calibers.

.45-70 is alright until you realize you can't use retard strength loads in everything which is a bummer. 45-90 needs to make a come back with guns that can actually handle real loads.

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Ebin, great ignoring my post entirely

Fuck's sake retard, do I really have to spell this out for you?
"It is not recommended to use .30-30 to hunt moose"
Okay, you get that bit, yeah? Let that sink in for a little while, think it through.

"but people still do it all the time"
Right, I know this may be a bit difficult, putting A and B together, but just hold on a second. Maybe, just maybe, people doing something doesn't instantly make it a 100% great idea that everyone should do. Just stating that people do it isn't inherent support for doing it, you understand? You following along with the story champ? Good.

People have also taken deer with .25 ACP, now think that statement through a second lad. That doesn't mean I'm saying everyone should go out and get a .25 ACP pocket pistol to hunt deer with, does it? No. What is means is that people have also taken deer with .25 ACP. You understand? Or are you going to REEEEEEEEEEE and start calling me a fudd who supports the idea of hunting deer with .25 ACP?
Please go back to 4Cuck or where ever you've came from

Level 1 blackpowder loads (old trapdoor guns) of 45-70 were enough to flatten buffalo when it was the hip new thing.
Level 2 handloads of 45-70 will turn most stuff inside out in old 1886s.
Level 3, marlin territory, will knock down anything not the big african five.
Level 4, new 1886 territory, will absolutely fuck up an elephant through it's frontal skull.

New winchester 1886s come in 45-90, start saving pennies and masturbating furiously user

Here's a good article on 45-70.

Maybe I could do both at a sperm bank

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yeah, fudds
the vid I posted showed a guy shooting a moose point-blank with a 30-30 directly in the chest, great shot, and the animal just takes a long stride and trots away.
30-30 marlin is THE fudd gun. Only thing that comes close in fudd is a cheap ass .270, which has way more power btw and is a real hunting round. 30-30 is weak lol everyone knows it. Paul Harrell knows it, he hunts whitetail with a .338 win mag.
Get a fucking magnum.

fudds are actually afraid of magnums. They think the 300 win mag is some kind of magical scary thing that will cause your shoulder to fall off if you shoot it. They are very much part of the "it's too powerful" mindset, just like their "you don't need an AR" mindset. THAT is fudd, and that is why they love the 30-30.

Considering 45-90 launches 400gr rnfp at 2100fps it should be quite easy to fill buckets with your nut butter.
Holy fuck I want one now

Now the question is can I fuck a level IV plate up with it. I got enough for one of those already and then some.

If you load it with copper slugs it will be more of a question of what WON'T it fuck up. Paco kelly already uses this kind of combo to blow through dumbo with 45 70. Buy it you fucking cocktease, I need pixs for whacking material

They aren't. That's the reason you're saying .30-30 is too weak, fudd.

It's only cheaper if, like a moron, you're comparing bulk standard .308 FMJ against .30-30 SP hunting loads. You can get Prvi or Winchester .30-30 170gr. SP for $15/box on luckygunner and sgammo, same price as .308 SP in the same grain, load, and brand.

Acquire marlin 1895 and reloading gear.

Load pic related for the dindus and 500gr 1500 fps thumpers for the blue helmets.

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I won mine at a raffle. Cost me $10 for a ticket.

That's the way to do it

30-30 is too weak because objectively speaking, it is too weak.
Stay mad retard

don't look now, stupidass, wolf and PPU have been making SP loads for a long time
you just don't understand how money works, moron.

It's a fudd round adopted by the military, buttfucker.


but what's hilarious is that fmj .308 wolf is still more powerful downrange than 30-30 lmao

well yeah

Go back to 4chan, you illiterate nigger. You don't know how greentext works, you type like a toddler, you're massively emotionally invested in defending an objectively incorrect claim that you made with no basis or substance (have you even seen .30-30 Winchester ballistics charts? You know it's a full power rifle round, right?), you're such a fucking mouthbreather that you think you need .338 Win Mag to take down a 100 lb deer. You don't even understand the stupid memes you keep repeating and are incapable of using them correctly. It's obvious that you have never shot a rifle in your life, and that you are not from here. Go back to your LARPer containment site and stay go.

And no, you don't get a (You). Eat my ass. Pic related is your spastic retard medicine, take it.

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I probably will if I can find one with a 24" barrel when I get back from japan later innayear.

wrong again, stupidass
1) I claimed .308 bolt action is an objectively better value, which it is
2) your boy paul harrell is hunting deer with a .338 win mag
try reading next time, you stupid piece of shit
go plug in your rounds in a ballistic calculator yourself, you stupid piece of shit.

The funny part about that video his posted is it looks like the moose fucked off innabush right next to them and dropped dead.

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I'd take a 30-30 lever gun for a brush hunt over a .308 bolt any day of the week.
Not trying to shit on you but different things have different purposes.

Excellent fudd logic



So you're saying 30-30 win and .308 are the same? And that shots can't be screwed up by foliage? And that all brush guns are lever action?
Goddamn you are retarded.

Are you purposefully being a retard, or is it a family trait?
Says the guy advocating bolt guns in a lever gun thread, because he doesn't know .308 lever guns exist.

I mean yeah, it's hilarious if you're seventh generation inbred-level of retarded.

No retard, .30-30 are usually flat tipped/round nosed, which gives it it's "brush gun" capability.

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I got this old piece of junk Winchester .30-30. I want to restore the stock at some point. It is a hell of a lot of fun to shoot but not useful for serious hunting. I got this fox open sighted whence I scared him out of a bush. I've gotten a cat and a rabbit with it also (and – off course – many many roos.) The action is brilliant. Better than any Marlin or other new gun that my mates own.

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Why, what's wrong with it? From the photograph it looks like it could be cleaned up with just some tung or linseed oil, a soft cloth, and elbow grease.g

You said the 30-30 was more effective in the brush because……well because it's a 30-30
I just pointed out that you didn't give a reason at all and are a stupidass
no, .308 is dramatically more powerful while having mild recoil and lower cost, and therefore is better
you obviously never shot through "brush." Protip: it doesn't fucking do anything. You have to be hitting actual tree limbs to fuck your shot up, and it will fuck up the 30-30 as much as the .308 and vice versa. Just because the .308 is going faster doesn't mean it is going to magically "bounce" off a leaf more, you moronic piece of shit.

confirmed fudd idiot

OP asked if a 30-30 marlin was worth it. I said it wasn't and that he was better off buying a bolt-gun. Sorry that's too much for your fudd brain to process.

Only one I know of is Henry, and it costs about $900. Grossly overpriced for what it is.
then why were you implying that SP 30-30 is more effective than Wolf fmj when you know it's not?
Answer: because you're a butthurt moron and didn't know what else to say, so you said "muh Wolf" because obviously that wins the argument
lol stupid piece of shit.

Go home you're drunk. It probably just fucking wandered off innabush right next to them and died like this thing wandered maybe 15 yards. 24:10 or sometime after. Besides that I'm a weeb who larps around innabush as an SS Oberscharführer, tell me when you find a fudd who does those things. Dummkopf.

Man, that ain't no piece of junk. That is just a lever gun with some good wear to it, it means its being used for what it was meant for If I showed you my marlin you'd probably think your gun is near factory new. Honestly if you want to make it look nicer just a bluing would do the trick.

Want pics of my 94? Dad got it in a trade for some work from the original owner's wife. The man had carried it when he was a cattle rancher in the 50s-60s and was his coyote gun. Still in great shape and a good shooter.

Yeah, old winchesters are just the bees knees. I'll have to get more pictures of the marlin when I go out one of these days.

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The Model 88 and BLR have both been around forever, try picking up a book once in a while, instead of deep-throating the barrel of your 770. That you haven't given the thread a single recommendation for a bolt gun and keep repeating the same incorrect memes about .308 means you are indeed not a Fudd, but something far worse, a noguns faggot who's shitting up the thread.

get a Sako or the Winchester Supergrade in 300 win mag, those are real guns. The Savage model 114 is also a very nice gun.
Yeah, they're more than $400, but you get cheap when you pay cheap.
thanks captain obvious, you stupid piece of shit.


Damn you are one dumb son of a bitch. Why don't you take your noguns having aids riddled, cum guzzling ass to a LGS and actually buy a fucking gun and not some fucking Fudd bang stick.

Hey, you're the dumb fucker who couldn't recall something as "obvious" as the BLR.

no, stupidass, 300 win mag is below $1 with PPU and is right at a dollar with the SP Federal, Winchester and Corelokt loads, and therefore is still cheaper than 30-30 fudd
value is a good way of wasting your money, but if you must then just go with a .308 axis, waaaaay better gun than that piece of shit 30-30 marlin
you know that the 30-30 is fudd, but you're still mad, so you pull this no gunz shit out of your ass to make you feel like you've won the internet argument, stupid piece of shit.
lever guns are gay, so yeah, I can't recall the most boring of them, but if I had to buy one it would be the Henry
just go fuck off already with your cheap ass

Keep trying to distract from the fact you don't own a single gun

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What you're saying doesn't make sense and isn't even relevant anymore, are you high, user?

I'm embarrassed for you

No retard, it's pointing out that you're just typing gibberish now that's not related to the threat or even the posts you're replying to.

lol I really shitted up this thread didn't I?
