How many African furry cannibals could you kill in a fight. You must use a weapon that you own

How many African furry cannibals could you kill in a fight. You must use a weapon that you own.

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The only answer to any form of Niggerty is pic related and bunch of Streloks dressed as Red-Coats… Sadly, I don't own one. So it would just be left to me and my M1 Garand. Mainly because it's the only battle rifle I own, and I like the tradition of using full power rifle cartridges in the African bush. But if things got too heated I would have to retreat to base where I could grab the VZ-58 and the AR. So to conclude, if I had just my M1 Garand in the field, I could take on maybe 5. MAYBE… It's hart to estimate since there's a lot of variables that come into play. What's the setting? Am I in the jungle or a small mud-hut village? Am I in the planes? Do I have backup? What are the cannibals armed with? Is it the Leopard Men only?

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OP has pic realted, so he'll sacrifice himself to the cannibals and give them AIDS in return.

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If I were an american, I wouldn't be able to because all my guns were lost in boating accidents. You'd be surprised just how easy it is to have several of them. The Navy does it all the time.


I have a snork mask and the time I was in Poland I saw a man drinking out of a bottle of vodka at 10 am. I will channel this spirit of Poland to defeat the nigger.


I once saw a homeless man chugging a bottle of mouthwash on Christmas morning tbh.

I own a khukuri and a few spoons, probably 1 if I get lucky tbh.

That brings me back to going out west and visiting the indian reservations. We really should have just put them out of their misery

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Indians in reservations don't pay any taxes, right?
Why are they not the masters of entrepreneurship?
because they're subhumans?

They are masters of entrepreneurship, if you include squeezing out more gibs in your definition of entrepreneurship.

Same here with gypsies with the difference of them being too stupid to file demands so they rely solely on pity-gibs demanded by bleeding heart libtards that can't see the poor crippled beggard childrum, that their own parents intentionally maimed, living in the fourth world conditions their parents sustain regardless of the amount of gibs.

I meant the ability of humans to create and multiply capital through labor that should flourish if unhampered by taxation.

well seeing as how i will be in a [omitted] with several [omitted] and countless [omitted] of [omitted] [omitted] id probably do just fine, just [omitted] them and then [omitted] them over with my [omitted]
of course being in the asshole of africa is bound to have some drawbacks for a [omitted] but im sure itll do just fine as long as i stay in open areas

Is this the African Ninja? They suck at stealth so they pretend that they are animals?

I don't own this but I think it would do the job

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Sean Bonnette?

A blunderbuss

They're breaking into your house
You are out on the velt and are hunting them down.

The only correct answer.

Oi mate! Yew gotta lociance fer them spoons?!?!

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No I'm not a cuckold who makes a punk band and changes the name because it might offend people tbh, did know the song before I saw it though, probably why I noticed it.

Stay away bobby, I've got a very dangerous weapon.

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I called the MI6.

A little over 50, depending on how close they are.

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Okay, so for break-ins I keep a mossberg 590 with #4 Buckshot next to my bed as well as my CZ P10C. Max capacity on my Mossy is 6 + 1, for my CZ is 15 + 1 with 1 spare magazine. For the sake of this scenario I'm going to say all Negros are methed up and determined to murder. If I got the drop on one of them from maybe 7 yards, I think I could Take 5 Groids with Mossy alone if I can maintain that kind of distance. However, I would be making it back to my room where the rest of the girls funs are kept, keeping the last 2 rounds in Mossy and staying within reach of my CZ. So since I have the advantage of my own house, I would say I could take maybe, MAYBE 8 or 9 Groids before being completely overwhelmed.

If I'm on a manhunt to collect fingers or ears of the groids that killed my family, I would assume I can choose my own loadout, so I would absolutely take my M1 Garand as my primary and my VZ-58 as my backup. The VZ is light enough that I can sling it to my back with the stock folded and not have it get in the way. Sticking to ambush tactics and making sure all my shots were well aimed, I think I could take maybe 25 to 30 groids before becoming overwhelmed by them. These numbers come from me assuming I'm on my own in these scenarios.

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They are far to busy kidnapping young children to feed to our elite to deal with domestic terrorism tbh.

Folk punk*
Silly right wing weirdos, we changed our name because Andrew Jackson was a terrible person and I don’t know enough about Islam to use a word from their religion, because I am not a Muslim and don’t want to offend their religion. Now here is our new Album: The Bible 2!
As much as they are libcuck soyboys (like most punk bands) I still do enjoy lots of their stuff (Christmas Island had some okay/good songs but Bible 2 was just bad imo) though I’ll never give them my shekels because music pirating is legal here. artic Salvia officinalis

Are you me? Because that is my exact loadout.

I love most of their stuff apart from Bible 2 and that ONE SONG FROM KNIFE MAN, YOU KNOW THE ONE

>I love most of their stuff apart from Bible 2 and that ONE SONG FROM KNIFE MAN, YOU KNOW THE ONE
Stormy the Rabbit is one of my favourites, and Knife Man was pretty fucking good, apart from white guilt the song, the People trilogy is breddy gud II 2.
You know any simmilar bands? I’m only just starting to expand beyond old country and rock, and get into punk

I just really like Cold War era weapons. Next on my list is either a PTR91 or FAL of some sort. The only non Cold War firearms I own are my Ruger GP100 in .357 Magnum, CZ P10C, and Sig P238. Eventually I would like to either buy or build a 1911 to go with the Garand and a CZ 75B Omega for the VZ.

Personally a WW2 guy myself but the cold war has some aesthetic shit that is hard to beat. I'd personally get a vz52 or a vz82 to go with the vz58 but the 75 is honestly a great gun.

They draw a shit ton of inspiration from Neutral Milk Hotel tbh

I did research on the cz52 and I keep seeing people that have trouble with the roller lock mechanism. There was one for sale at my LGS, but I don't like having guns that I have to baby too much or might give me major issues down the road. The CZ-82 or 83 sounds much better though, as I have a metric ass ton of .380 ACP. However, a CZ-75 wouldn't be out of the question either since the Czech military still uses VZ-58s and CZ-75s together since their creation. I will keep an eye out for a CZ-82 or 83 since that would technically be a closer pairing.

If I recall 52's really don't like anything that isn't surplus levels of hotness.

Okay, so I might reconsider if that's all that's required is a good helping of Slavic tier boom powder. I reload anyway so I could attempt to dial in a reliable load. I'll do some more research.

The CZ-52 is a prototype pushed into full production lacking the finishing touches that would make a gun serviceable without question.
The heat treating of the slide is questionable, some examples being too soft others too brittle, and can result in cracked or deformed slides over time. I suspect that the mythical dimples hammered into the slide(fuddlore claims it's an accuracy rating) are a hardness test.
The barrel around the chamber is too thin due to the rollers and should be considered a point of weakness and a negative towards the longevity of the pistol.
The firing pin is cast steel and brittle - milled replacement pins, thankfully with a return spring, are available from a single source and are definitely required.
The sights are shit.
The magazine release is annoying is hell but can be quick with practice and proper masochism.
During reassembly, returning the barrel into the slide with the spring is outrageously difficult. Czechnology or not, whoever thought this was a good idea was drunk or stoned at the time.

And that's all I have to say from ~8 years of previously owning one.

Jesus, that's not a quirky pistol, that's a straight up problem child. CZ-75 it is then.

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Just listening to and reading about The Areoplane Over the Sea. I like it so far but I’m reading a lot about Anne Frank being in lots of these songs.

I think it's his waifu tbh

It’s actually really annoying in Aeroplane, I want to like the album but he references her in almost all of the songs. Normally I wouldn’t shit on a man’s waifu, but god damn she is shit tier. The only good thing about her is she’s not moe-shit. But really, he didn’t even bother to look more into her/“her” book and find out that she didn’t even write it? Seems like if he’s that obsessed with a dead loli kike he’d look into her more.

It's because they get welfare. The tribes that refuse welfare are doing great. Welfare causes poverty.

I remember finding them in 2012 and thinking, "What a fun band with funny satirical songs". I didn't think much more about them until the name change. Then it hit me. The white guilt song wasn't satirical.

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You should have known. But at least most of Anal Jingle Jangle’s songs aren’t about white guilt. Lady Killer wasn’t satire

Funnily enough, that was my process with them as well.

All of them, unironically

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Well, they're not Leopards, they're niggers.
So it's a case of animal pretending to be other animal.


Really gets the noggin joggin.

That looks like a bad handle design. Easy for your finger to slide down onto the blade.