What does Zig Forums think of Oliver "and company" North becoming the head of the NRA?

What does Zig Forums think of Oliver "and company" North becoming the head of the NRA?

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NRA is still shit and GOA is the way to go

Can read the UFO part of Behold A Pale Horse by Bill Cooper to see why North is heading up the NRA and it isn't because he is a patriot. Bill told us long ago all about North and what his role in the NWO is and it is not by chance that he is now at NRA.
I have yet to find language in the 2nd Amendment that prohibits any persons that are Americans the right to self defense. Mere discussion of gun control of any kind is by law conspiracy to overthrow the US Constitution and an act of treason. Life and the right to protect it are given by God therefore Governments and Corporations cant take it away. Everywhere I listen I can hear people/organizations that believe they have a right to say who can and cannot have firearms and every one of them is a fascist traitor and enemy of freedom and life.
Gun control is actually "surrender". Only fools surrender and only those who seek to harm you seek to disarm you.

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Bash the fash, amirite fellow bernout?

Keep on clarifying to your 200 year old scrap of paper that holds no value nowadays

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To concede these truths is to surrender.

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It's not the words that are disputed, but the government's ability to abide by them. The document that limits state power is also interpreted by the state, what did you expect would happen? That's how we end up with shit like the FBI's mission statement being to regulate interstate commerce.

There are 2 societies that form America. The first is bound by (fake) laws and the second doesn't know laws exist except when it comes to the first society's adherence to the seconds will. It why DC is a lawless crown ruled country unto itself separate from the states.

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Caesar did nothing wrong other than to seek peace with the Senate

Peace is a hoax.


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t. Pleb on Caesar's dole

Are you kidding me, are you Caesar's pathicus? Is that you Antony, you cinaede? Caesar filled the Senate with hundreds of homines novi and even worse Galli. And who were his bodyguards? Germani. Only tyrants need bodyguards and just like Dionysus of Syracuse hired foreign mercenaries to do it because he didn't even trust his own people. Not only that, but Caesar defended Catiline, the worst threat to the Republic until Caesar himself. Yes that Catiline! Why don't you run back to your armies Antony since we all know you were too afraid to stay in Rome after the Senate had slain the tyrant. I'll be sending this bright young lad Octavius against you, we'll see how you like it when you're brought back in chains and led through Rome during the triumph.

communists, fascists, all enemies of the constitution get the bullet.

he is the senate.

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t. Pompey Fagnus

fuck off cicero, you consul hating catamite. Are all tyrants terrible? by all accounts Peisistratos managed his tyranny in a way that does not disagree with the nature a proper polis should strive to aquire. Did Alexander not raise the Greeks to heights hitherto unseen?
-t augusts

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The US constitution is worthless, as are all of them. You either choose between leaving it amendable, which defeats the purpose, or you disallow editing whatsoever. I really don't know how you retards even remember to fucking breath. Do you know what prohibition was? Or do you happen to recall all those anti-state-rights, suffrage and 'no discrimination' tacks either? What about those British ones? Dissolving autocractic power and then, well, the state of the country speaks for itself.

The NRA seems like such a pointless organization. It has 5 million members so your vote will carry very little weight, and the rich donors will always get more say regardless. Not saying it makes no difference that it exists, but it doesn't really matter if you participate in it or not.

I wouldn't say that when other countries that lack the same constitutional protections end up with far fewer corresponding freedoms. The situation in US may not be perfect, but compare our 1A rights with Germany, or our 2A rights with UK.

Maybe on an infinite time scale. But in the short term the amendment process will at least take time, thus counter amendment campaigns are guaranteed some window to make their reaction. There is also a pretty high bar to pass the amendment in the first place. In fact, just introducing the inertia may make the difference between a change happening easily and never at all.

That's a pretty bad idea unless you have no faith in your constitution whatsoever (in which case why bother adopting it?). Eventually some future situation will come up that you failed to foresee, where it's a no brainer to act one way, but the constitution forces you to act another way. After enough of these happen, the people will lose their patience and decide to trash the constitution and make a new one that resolves those simple issues. These discontinuities caused by need for no brainer changes, then serve as pretext for sneaking in rather more controversial changes that completely alter the character of the constitution.

Unless you can come up with a provably perfect constitution, it's better to provide a mechanism for amendments so that trivial changes cannot be used to leverage drastic changes that not everybody wants. If the people end up deciding to do drastic changes anyway, they'll have to at least ratify them by themselves (not as riders) and they can be pretty sure that it really is the will of the people at the time to implement the change, and it's not just some fluke.

Also it's not meant to be a magic incantation that will physically prevent the government from doing bad things. It's part of a system that, if adopted by people that generally agree with it, will ensure that in the long run government tends to not do bad things. You can always get bad judges, bad politicians, bad others and even a combination of all of them which leads to unconstitutional behavior for some time. But as is, anytime some not-bad judges come along they can quickly strike down unconstitutional practices that took decades to establish. Of course ultimately the constitution is supposed to protect the rights of the people, so the people must care and understand it to some degree. If they're uninformed or misinformed about their own constitution, they won't care to vote for people who uphold it, and they won't care to protest when it gets violated.

Augustus was a faggot manwhore who once sold himself to Hirtius Aulus for cash even though his adoptive father, "lover" (a misuse of the word) and generally foul and immoral person, Gaius Julius Caesar, was already one of the richest men in Rome after his plundering of Gaul. Probably because Ceasar was too busy pouring his money into corrupting the morals of the people of Rome and undermining the Republic to give attention to his nephew. Alexander, on the other hand, who was given such a lovely name by his father Phillip, a drunkard, a degenerate and much given to unnatural relations with horses, at least had enough foresight to know that his son would one day become a man's man, a real man, always given to putting himself in front of them first, to have many of them behind him at all times, and to defend them from blows every time, even while being attacked from the back. What I'm saying is that the Hugegayman of the Gayreeks, Alexander """the Great""", was polesmoking queer who, though he might not have sucked the dick of all his generals, still swallowed every time. The conquests of all these "men" were only possible because, despite their vices, they still managed to find even more effiminate, weak and cowardly people than themselves to lead and to attack, while virtuous men languished and fell through the stupid, callous indifference of the masses. All tyrants are faggots and you are much greater fag for defending them.

Augustus not so holy and benign
Was as great Virgil's trumpet sounds his name,
Because he savoured the harmonious line.
His foul proscription passes without blame.
That Nero was unjust would none divine,
Nor haply would he suffer in his fame,
Though Heaven and Earth were hostile, had he known
The means to make the tuneful tribe his own.

Ave, true to Caesar.

tl;dr Alexander was better than you, you can't insult him

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It's true that rights have been eroded a little slower here than in Europe, but in the long run this means nothing. Constitutions do little to stop the encroachment of state power in the long run, particularly when you consider that the very document meant to limit the government is both enforced and interpreted by that same government, leading to ridiculous, clearly unconstitutional practices that are not stopped. The existence of the FBI, the public school system, and most federal agencies besides the Post Office are all justified under a perverse, roundabout reading of the Interstate Commerce clause, for example.

But people still treat it like that regardless. A constitution gives the illusion that the current government is legitimate and benevolent even when it clearly isn't. It breeds complacency in the people and lends even more of a false ethos to government actions.

But this is wrong. The federal government has been in violation of the Constitution pretty much from day one (remember the Sedition Acts?). We have a massive standing army. We have legions of bureaucrats working on the behalf of hundreds of federal agencies, all of which regularly act against the liberties supposedly granted by the Constitution. Congress hasn't declared war for close to eighty years, yet we've been in a dozen conflicts since then. All of these things and more are grossly unconstitutional, yet the practical opposition to them is virtually nonexistent. This piece of paper does not prevent bad government, it gives bad government a veneer of legitimacy to hide behind when criticized.

what did he say about North? I quit reading that when it got too much into Ayys.

they're just controlled opposition


I don't like USPS either but it's stupid to demand a perfect system. Meanwhile I sure as hell would rather have the Constitution than not. Also nothing wrong with realism but you sound excessively blackpilled tbh. You mention all the times the constitution was violated, but you overlook how many of those problems were reversed on constitutional grounds. By your logic, why care about taking unconstitutional laws to court, since the constitution is worthless anyway? No thanks, I'd rather have my Heller v. DC.

What's the point in hiding your flag when your ID betrays it?

In the long run we all will die and Earth will become frozen rock, it is not about final result but the movement. US Constitution role of preventing US slipping into full USSR mode already cannot be overestimated. With time passing and politics swinging right US has better chances among all countries in the world fro this swing to happen. It is not guaranteed by still some chances are better than none as in EU.



ollie remineds me of iran contra and he looks like henry rollins

The constitution really got thrown out the door and the federal government took power over everything when Lincoln came into office and decided to shit all over states rights and when the 14th amendment was made.

The constitution we have now gives us more freedoms than the majority of other western countries.

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Get the fuck off my sun.