Surp haul

Waddup kids

So I recently went on a surp spree (modern, in this case) and wanted to show my findings.

For the record, I don’t consider myself a high speed oper8r at all which is why I could never justify an opscore helmet or some other lunacy. But a MICH 2000 at $180 with TW kit was kind of a “well shit, why not?” thing.

How’d I do, boys?

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Not bad
That's a bit steep even with a good head suspension kit, but not horrible

You did average. Thanks for sharing

No prob, m8

whats the capacity?

Don't you mean the best camo to dye?

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Lol none of this is for camo purposes. All of my actual camo is ATACS/Coyote/Mutliglam variants.

This is for storage and utility. Also, UCP makes me weirdly nostalgic. It was around for my formative years so I have a fondness for it even though I know it doesn’t work.

Capacity is listed as 1850 cubic inches. It’s the smallest of the army rucks but I didn’t want the large and the medium is bretty expensive. Works for what I needed.

For all that time, money, and effort you could have just bought a good camo.

Sometimes it’s more fun to make your own shit, brah

OP is a redditposter, just look at that spacing.

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That was the lowest-effort shitposting I think I’ve ever seen.

t. Has never posted on reddit

dude kill yourself

What dye do you use for that?

probably RIT

Bought a new old stock bongistani pouch set all in DPM off Egay.
x4 double rifle mag pouch
x3 pistol mag pouch
x2 grenade pouch
All for 16 amerishekles but I think the shipping made it not so great since the total became ~40 dollars. I just need a good belt/chest rig panel/pals vest that isn't jew priced or condor tier and I'm set with gear that actually means to retains shit while keeping the majority of dirt out unlike all those seemingly competition focused pouches being sold for 40 per single mag pouch.
What kind of load bearing thing is more comfortable inna desert like the mojave? Belt, vest, or chest?


Most people I see doing this are using regular rit dye and mixing a bit of vinegar to get it to stain(? is that what it's called) better. I've used rit dye on a British ammo grab bag without using vinegar and it's still on there although it was a very dark color. There is another dye brand called dylon that is meant to work better on nylon, but I haven't heard much and I'm not sure about how it may or may not fuck with the whole IR thing

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Decent haul!
Your britbong stuff looks like it’s a little tanner than it’s usually listed in pictures. I’ve never bought any because it looked too light.

you know british milsurp is airsoft-tier, right?

user pls point me in a direction

okay, you know what youre doing. id just hate for some kid to buy it thinking it was worth the price as a serious camo or something.

fair enough, i can repsect that

might as well go for the whole set, at least

Also, I can tell you that the Brits prefer their gear to be belt-mounted as opposed to vest-mounted.

lmao don't worry, I made that mistake in high school when I bought a set of ACUs for paintballing and realized quickly they don't fit in with jack….

I love this thread. People being actually useful n' shit.

go to
Less likely to get the shipping surprise hike there than on ebay.

Osprey stuff is meh, it's purposely designed for the muh osprey vest, it's just generic MOLLE stuff painted DPM. A PLCE kit is what you want, the pouches for that are kino, the mag pouches fit 3 SA80 mags or 2 SLR/G3/M15/SR-25 mags. It's also cheap as fuck over here, cheaper than osprey stuff since it's more widely issued, not sure about over there though.

t. never used it
PLCE is superior in quality and function to ALICE and MOLLE


well shit just comparing the other brit shit I have to condor and some eagle industries pouches, I can safely say the osprey stuff is built like a brick shit house.

I've seen it before but I mainly wanted just the pouches so I can slap it on whatever thing I get later that's mainly going to be for comfort while inna desert either hunting or just shooting. I'll most likely be getting it soon for the carrier

That's fine I have an old ALICE set and do prefer it to chest style but the yoke starts chafing after a while. I've been looking at some other harnesses like High speed gear stuff but I mostly just find it attaching to a belt using a strap and not a clip, if I add something like a H&K clip it will twist need a swivel but can't find anything that won't be a total weak point or not bulky as fuck

Oh shit I was looking into some kind of modern belt harness set and tended to look at Russian smersh sets but that money (like $300) could buy me something else that's higher on my priority. Seems like I can find some for around $60 and a shipping date that isn't 6 months away.

Good lad, the actual mechanism of attaching the pouches to the belt is a bit awkward, but it's the pouch tabs that make it. They're impossible to open accidentally, but when you need to open them, it's easier (especially in gloves), faster and quieter than both velcro and plastic clips, it's unironically the best system I've ever seen for magazine retention.
Just be wary, there are some aftermarket pouches for sale on eBay and stuff that aren't actual surplus labelled as "PLCE", yet they use the regular MOLLE plastic clips, avoid those, they're shit quality and completely remove the benefits of using PLCE in the first place.
The yoke is nice, but not really necessary, I never use mine, just tightening the belt provides enough security to keep it firmly in place most of the time, the belt can loosen a bit after a few hours of use though, just you just need to pull it tight again.

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Don't feed the retards.




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Privet berries and leaves with alum as a mordant. You probably want to go heavier on the berries.

Ive finally gotten around to upgrading to my new range bag. I've had these German gasmask bags for months (bought 5 of em for a dollar a piece off of keep shooting, just now have the time do anything with em) Browncoat thing is what I was using, but it's too big and flimsy to be useful for a range bag. The gas mask pouch has room for everything​ that was in the browncoat bag ( I didn't have it stuffed full) and is much more convienant to carry.its already significantly better, Just need a proper belt for it and it's Perfecto for what I want to use it for. Gonna use the other ones I didn't give away as a food storage bag inside my ruck, the other as a car bugout organizer or something

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How common is it to find makarovs at gunshows or gunshops? I want to get one, should I just order it online?