Quick reminder of the state of the left

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I bet she has an incredible ass

At least use the correct webm

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What does this fucking mean

Lefty journo speak for semi-auto rifle since "Assault Weapon" isn't a valid descriptor anymore.
Journalists also claimed IDF uses semi-automatics to shoot Palestinians so who gives a shit anymore

i guessso

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>Bennett's comments, however, reflect a popular strain of belief among some gun-rights advocates that the true purpose of the Second Amendment is not to ensure the right of self defence, but to serve as a bulwark against government tyranny.
There is no belief nor view. There is just

They've got to appeal to keep the rest of the regular fudds from getting redpill, nip-kun.

It's official. shotgun and revolverfags BTFO

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Asked my school resource officer today. Turns out that his friend was the guy on duty there who got shot in the arm. Teacher got bwonked in the head and died. There's another officer who got shot in the chest area (right above the hear me thinks) and is in critical condition.
As for the dead kids we don't know. Apparently the kid was another beta uprising. Some said he's shown up to school in trenchcoats and the emo type Dry run for columbine 2.0????. Haven't seen any media confirm that last fact doh.

He also said they found several molotovs which got hyped to
Hopefully this fucker gets the death penalty but i doubt it.

I know exactly why I have this boner.

Wait, he killed them with rubber bullets?

You can still kill someone with rubber bullets and beanbag rounds if they're frail enough, or if you hit them in the right spot.

By "they" I meant the target, I worded that kinda weird.

< less lethal

> High-powered rifles such as the AR-15 can be fired more than twice as fast as most handguns. The standard magazine for an AR-15 holds 30 rounds, allowing a shooter to continue firing uninterrupted for longer, making the weapon more lethal than other firearms, though clearly the use of any gun can be deadly, especially a shotgun at close range.

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Last purchase was a glawk 17 and the day it got out of gun jail was the day parkland happened. Before that it was a CZ75 and pick up date for it was when vegas happened. Day I get a Mossberg 590 is when randy stair reees and became tranny phantom.

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buy an airplane

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I fear for the well being of the Next Generationof America: 56% Requiem© when you get your next gun.
At this rate we may see some huge cullings of minority children, thus raising American whiteness to 57% by Q1 2019

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Fuck that, buy a fake Hitler mustache

I can't stand hearing noguns talk about weapons like they understand what the fuck they're talking about,

But higher fire-rate and same mag capacity means you'll empty the mag faster.
is fakenews even trying anymore?

why are you posting pictures of stranded whales?

Buy an M134 and see if it breaks the curse user

Reminds me of the time my grandfather emptied several pistol mags so fast at the range that neighbours called the police because "someone is firing a machinegun"

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Wait… So they're using "less-lethal" to refer to revolvers and 12ga? What?

Someone needs to show them a video of Jerry Miculek doing literally anything.

The left doesn't care about violence, because we all know that the Urban Males & their Saturday night specials are responsible for most of the violence. Do the left focus their efforts on the inner city violence? No, they focus their sights on your semi-auto rifles.

All they care about is disarming the only demographic that's a threat to their agenda.

The left don't care how Latinos murdered 20,000 people in Mexico last year, and how there are about 60,000 murders every year in Brazil.

They don't care that there are around 100,000 use of guns in self defense every year in the USA.

All they care about is the threat to their communist revolution. Notice how they always say that your guns won't be able to defeat tanks, as if they have no problem turning the military on their citizens.

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While this itself is a compelling enough number (being over 5 times the number of gun murders) it's lowballing it.

Which is one of their biggest mistakes.
The military isn't a monolithic entity that takes orders without question. Even if by some bizarre occurrence a sizable portion of the Guard and AD followed through with confiscation orders, it would be a shitshow of epic proportions.

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They will just bring in Latinos the way the north used Irish Immigrants.

I would be too. What is it with liberals and their short capacity for mayhem? To the syrup-streloks to the north, you have my deepest sympathies.

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Buy some rocket fireworks and see what happens

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And the cartels have better weapons than the Hue army from the black market. While lefties cry that the bandits and cartels would steal the guns from civilians, if guns are brought back, to keep people disarmed.
And, the police needs to be shot only allowed to shoot a bandit.
Never give up your rights and voice to these fuckers.

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This is rebellion worthy.

You are incredibly optimistic. Maybe 2% of officer corps and 15% of enlisted would rebel if given such an order. It also depends on how the order is phrased, due to control of media the government can easily demonize any citizen who resists.

0% of the military would object


It's a racial slur against our black rifles. Leftists are extremely racist against black rifles of any make or nationality.

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Ok sure, let's entertain your retarded "blackpill" logic.

>Company commanders incessant with rage their troopers are being killed by ungrateful civilians insurgents who they're only here to help


People with guns are those who produce food.

You forgot the part where the insurgents destroy bridges and public utilities which make the job of the government forces significantly harder while causing dissent and distrust among the non-insurgent population toward the government.

You also forgot the part where the insurgents hunt down and kill family members of the government forces to cripple morale.

Friend who worked as an electrician in the US told me that the infrastructure is defended from sabotage/terrorism by hoping nobody will be smart enough to just cut cables or smash boxes.

Yeah, I always thought it would be really hard to damage infrastructure and the such. You don't need extended knowledge on electronics and wiring.
The most you need are some bolt cutters and a hammer, smash away.

This is so true it hurts. We have power stations everywhere, and one man with a rifle could cripple the electrical grid for many miles in the span of an hour. Toss in cell towers (which are everywhere and are easy to find without a map) and nobody who sees you is going to be able to report what's going on. If you upsize to a 308 you could even start taking out water towers in urban areas (every town has at least one). Basically, in case of US insurgency:

Congratulations, you now know how to royally fuck up US infrastructure for ~65% of the lower 48.

How would you take out a cell tower? They seem pretty rigid and with that equipment you noted they couldn't be disabled/destroyed
Also this:

Don't forget shooting up substations. Transformers are kept cool by an oil bath and convection currents. Poke a hole in the bottom, let the coolant run out, transformer burns out, instant million dollar repair bill.


If you used a .50 Browning, do you think you could take out wind turbines? Because fuck those things – they only exist to generate tax credits for the owner at the cost of the quality of life of the people unfortunate enough to live near them.

You don't need to take down the whole tower, just the sensitive electronics all over it. Same with power stations, you're not taking the whole thing apart. One short and the whole unit is defunct and has to be repaired/replaced. repairing this shit takes time, and the more you disable the longer it's going to take for the utility companies to get everything repaired (which can take weeks under normal circumstances).

If your gunner is in the back of a pickup, sure. He's not going to be able to move much otherwise. For windmills: I doubt the blades are too delicate, but if you hit the actual turbine in the center you'd definitely cripple the unit/start a fire as the blades keep going while shorted. A 308 might be enough to do the job though, I don't think the shell at the top is too thick.

As for interceptors, you shouldn't have cellular devices on you to begin with. Road atlas + encrypted radio + police scanner only.

well, its not like ours is much better

Och nie!
Mam nadzieję, że nikogo nie najdzie by dokonywać aktów sabotażu, albo zabijać polityków.
That'd mean worsening of diplomatic relationships with our greatest allies, USA, Germany and Israel, since their assets being destroyed would make them really angry.

How much would it take to physically disable electricity, running water and fibreoptic access in the SF Bay area?

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Given regular traffic in that area I'm not sure the "3 dudes in a truck" strategy would be too effective. Electricity would still be the easiest, you just need to make holes in substations/ roadside transformers. Water and fiber are going to be a lot harder as they're going to be primarily underground, which would mean you'd either have to dig them up to disable them or use explosives after you've managed to map them out. You might be able to take out pumping stations (minimal active security normally, just need to get into the building), and pipelines are a lot easier to fix if you leave them be. your best bets for water would probably be thermite/explosives on unearthed pipe (thermite in a hole dug w/ pic related). You'd want to hit as many major fresh water pipelines in as many separate locations as you possibly can, working your way upstream.

Fiber mostly goes through data centers above ground, which are guarded way more than anyone's going to want to bother with until well into SHTF. You'd really only be able to go around cracking/cutting/bombing fiber backbones. The silver lining here is that fiber is a bitch to patch up compared to piping. For any of this however, you'd want to have ex-filtrated well before anything is set off. I'm not too sure how hard it'd be to set a thermite charge off on a timer, but if someone found a way they could just bury the thermite charges days in advance.

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A big plus to using thermite in California is you might start a big enough fire that they won't be able to find the hole from the scorch marks.

What's wrong with wind turbines?

They aren't a practical solution and many people hate how they look.

Things are not considerably better in Europoorstan. Why haven't sandmutts exploited that?

Just off the top of my head…
>They're obnoxious to live around due to the noise, vibration, and flashing lights. Which is why the urban liberals who insist these things are built also insist they be built out in the sticks where they won't bother anyone important :^).

Oh, and two things I forgot.

only true renewable energy is a run-o-river water power plant on every minor river. minimal ecological impact because its just like a water mill, there is nothing to break there and shit can be dropped cheap as fuck

Can it be true? Does she know the JQ? Baby, I want to marry you
sage for piss poor poetry

Because 95% of sand people "terrorism" is actually state-backed shadow war bullshit (Ever heard of Gladio B?).
However I remember seeing news reports months ago about low level sabotage occuring in Denmark IIRC (like masses of loosened wheel nuts, wires and chains hungs across streets etc) that were attributed to a low-intensity Jihad campaign. Dunno if that was bullshit or they simply supressed coverage about it.

Lefty radicals around Berlin are notorious for firebombing fiber and underground electrical cables.
Which apparently involves accessing maintenance shafts near streets/railways.

They write perfectly into the government's plans as outlined
They're too fucking dumb for anything other than shooting up a club or blowing themselves up.

Always makes me laugh.

Who are you quoting?

Protip: thats basically the state in all developed countries.

Electrical grids are quite interesting in how they work, since each power plant basically runs independently of each other yet they all output AC electricity in phase with each other and at the correct voltage (or near about). However they are quite easy to destabilise and bring down with targeted damage to things like substations and high voltage transmission lines. The 2003 Northeast Blackout (see pic) is an example of a cascading blackout, where a small localised blackout cascaded to other areas and eventually left tens of millions without power for days. And that was just an accident, an actual attack would have left even more without power for weeks or possibly even months.

Not even having a solar panel on your roof would help you in many cases since solar inverters are required to have anti-islanding capabilities in many countries.

Its even simpler than that, for many grids just driving along high voltage lines with a shotgun shooting the ceramic insulators would do it.

If I remember correctly only the Texas grid is the decent grid in the lower 48 only because its basically independent from the others.

In 3rd world shithole countries its not uncommon for people to pull the drain plug from a transformer before a politician or some other official is set to come to the area. Doing so will cause the transformer to explode some time after the oil is drained since the small amount remaining in the bottom gets so hot it causes the transformer to physically explode.

You know nothing, in NZ we have destroyed entire ecosystems and I think made several species extinct building dams for hydro. Its great once you have it built but you have to accept you are fucking up the existing environment when you build them.

I take it you didn't forget to take your retard pills today with a post like that.

Yea this.

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Knew about the first Gladio. Please elaborate.


As says, dams can be pretty obtrusive. The only thing close to "viable" that I have heard of is devices which harness tidal energy, and even then I can think of quite a few issues:

i mean conflict if happening would be divided by territory. US is very segregated. White suburbs, red states, blue city centers.

Now if you are nazi in the revolting white suburb in the red state why do you want to blow up infrastructure of your town? You don't
And how do you think they will meet you?

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Based NATO allies!
With allies like those, do you really need enemies?

Why are you assuming an insurgency would be nazi? it could just as easily be communist or libertarian.

They won't, because insurgents can very easily blend in with normal civilian populations since they don't wear uniforms. Whats scary about insurgencies to standing armies is that literally anyone can be an enemy, imagine patrolling NYC knowing that even just 0.1% of the tens of thousands of people walking past you every hour are insurgents who are going around dropping nailbombs into trashcans.

Reason its seperate is cause fuck muh Union. Texas used to be an actual country…
The Chinese built the three gorges dam and fucked their own culture over (The flooded area contains the earliest traces of civilization there). But I guess sometimes humanity will do what it want.
On the bright side yall kiwi fucks didn't loose a war against emus

Your argument probably only works where the insurgency has overwhelming support or a large shithole like NYC. Small towns people know each other quite well.

What scary about standing armies is that they can do much more damage to you towns infrastructures than militia. What is you plan to defend your town's power-station against B-2 bomber? Put your wife and kids as human shield on top of it? War is about numbers, standing armies can put order of magnitude more hurt against you.
Do you think they would consider you and your town as "their own" if you just drove in and blew up power-station?

Round up all unreliable citizens into death camps (can't escape modern surveillance and profiling, stupid you wrote on 8ch 10 year ago), execute families of right wing terrorists by associations (just don't do law enforcement against antifa lynching soft version already in play), what is your plan to defend your family again? Human shield?
Into labor camp you go.

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inefficent as fuck but you literally cannot find a greener widely avaiable source

geothermal is also good but you must be on volcano to have springs for it and there is always generators based on stirling engine which just needs hate to function

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Considering the fact it's a literal wheel that will turn as long as there's a river, you can't get more efficiency for the effort required.

I wish i could convert hatred into electrical energy.

(((They))) are not even trying to hide anymore.

something like that but everywhere.

well you can by finding a way to increase the height and angle at which water falls but it isnt aplicable everywhere. then again it wouldnt be hardand would only require some earthwork
also you can do some tricks with cogs to increase spin rate of that stick in generator. i guess nobody seriously does that because it is easy to destroy
HEAT, FUCK. heat is arguably better source of energy then hate since it can be safely stored


My main gripe is that it's ugly as fuck, but you could always give it a neo-gothic facelift. Still, how would you carry the power they generate? The most obvious solution is to place them next to a power station and just connect them with lots of cables. Or you could make floating barques for major rivers.

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What is wrong about image?
This is polite correct way to say "use women and children as human shield" or maybe your proposed insurgence will go in the open to fight Army head on to avoid collateral damage?

well you can design it to be prettierif you want, nothing stops you thats only an early working concept
ishiggi smh tbh famalam
local substations taking power from all closest plants in given region and then sending them further

also its good to be back on Zig Forums, i havent been there for months

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Le heroic women and children protecting diaperclad IDF soldier.


Now to be fair, this wouldn't work out well for a town the state gives zero shits about, but then why the fuck aren't you innawoods anyways?

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prosze piwo polak I don't have e with the squiggle

Man, I almost want to convert my dam into a waterwheel sort of deal like that but I like my pond full of fish.

"Overshot (and particularly backshot) wheels are the most efficient type; a backshot steel wheel can be more efficient (about 60%) than all but the most advanced and well-constructed turbines. In some situations an overshot wheel is preferable to a turbine. The development of the hydraulic turbine wheels with their improved efficiency (>67%) opened up an alternative path for the installation of water wheels in existing mills, or redevelopment of abandoned mills."

Doesn't compute.

US got not the just wrong guy but the wrong country in WWII. Remember Holocaust?

How many headlines got death-squads genociding white farmers in SA while government looks away, spurts anti-white rhetoric and supplies death-squads arms and gear under the table? Countries choose sides not because side is right but because it fits their narrative. Communist and Muslim upraising can get international sympathies but any sort on remotely white racism?

Civil war against international narrative would be war against entire world and this would be not like in the comfy fantasies this would compleatly unfair. Was it done before? Communist won in the USSR in the 1921 against entire world, ISIS tried recently and lost and both were not pretty.

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protip: Alt+e on polish QWERTY
it sounds like えん but the ん sound is softer.

Do you even w40k?

If by "the entire world" you mean 'white Russian forces who were urged by the false sympathy of the enernal Anglo and co to attack from a weak position and eventually get destroyed" then you are correct.

The communists won in 1945
and by the time communism "fell" in 1989 they had plenty of pillows to soften the impact.

no sorry i dont like getting cucked by greedy jews with bad business model that always ignore my faction FUCK

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I thought that warhammer was safe.

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The only thing they won't touch is the Sisters of Battle appearance. People have whined about it for years and they still haven't removed the tidds.


A good gm would murder this character at the first opportunity to show everyone how grimdark things are.

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