Brit/pol/ #2078: It Begins Edition

Bayeux Tapestry to be displayed in UK for the first time

Brexit: Britons take EU rights bid to Dutch court

Pakistani humanist denied UK asylum after failing to identify Plato

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There's a storm coming lads

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why haven't you lifted today lads

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Prepare yourselves.

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Nintendo direct today lad, gotta shitpost on /v/.

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death to normans

Good lad.

something swarthy this way comes

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These memmies are unironically making me racist against Americans

shitskin mixed meats aren't american lad


Take the Enoch pill lad

Sorry lad you're going to have to prove you're the emotionally crippled post-grad nihilist neet we all know and enjoy.

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the psyop is working

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from the comments
Tom Armstrong 17 Jan 2018 2:39PM
Part of our enduring problems is that the Norman (not French) Conquest introduced a dichotomy into our national psyche. It can still be found today, in the form of Anglo-Saxon Leavers and the Norman Remainers. Always, the later cleaves to the Continent, and for odd, inexplicable reasons sees it as the source of all things good, and always and effortlessly superior to anything British, especially anything English. I see at as a character weakness, or snobbery: they need to feel superior to the rest of us.
The Normans are those who sided with the Pope against Henry VIII, Philip of Spain against Elizabeth 1, the various French Louis against the various Georges, and with Buonoparte. It included traitors like General Wilson of WW1, who ensured that the British Army was subordinate to and sacrificed for French interests, and the likes of Halifax who wanted an 'accommodation' with Hitler.
Heath was an arch Norman, and most of our Establishment still are.
But always, the Anglo-Saxons, who do the fighting and the dirty work, somehow come out on top, and save the day. I expect it to be the same now.
Oh, and another eternal truth: never trust the French.

start at 23:48

Good lad

is this the end goal of the jews?

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The frog pill; carved into every honest Englishman's bones.

I disagree with the Second World War.

France actually tried to push us to war beforehand.

They had occupied the Saarland and killed 100+ Kraut civilians because Germany wasn't paying their debts.

Britain basically shoo'd them off and said "Germany has a right to enter its own backyard" as France pleaded for help, when Hitler booted them out.

normans have the scandinavian cuck gene

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I literally don't understand how anyone can even get that fat. One of her legs probably weighs at least as much as I do. Am I right to assume that in the west today we are breaking new ground in terms of what is actually physically possible due to overindulgence. I cannot imagine such beasts existing at any other time.

I can but they would only be part of a decadent ruling class just before collapse.

Definitely, at no point in time before now would that weight be sustainable, but with modern medicine you can keep these whales on life support for decades.

you have to actually work to get that fat

Thank (You)s

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Honestly the French are our fault, we should have genocided them when we had the chance.

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i can barely get over 10 stone and im trying to eat more but since i eat healthy i just get full after three or four meals in a day and definitely can't get over 3-4k calories

Desomorphine exists hashtag just sayin


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yeah me too lad but I am glad that I am not gaining rn tbh, i used to be thin as a rail though

That seems to be a reoccurring theme in our history. Especially the colonial period.

I've taken morphine and it isn't anything approaching inner peace.

What's Brit/pol/'s opinion on stay at home dads, lads?

they are eating 5 eggs with 10 rashers of bacon covered in mayonaisse probably way easier if you can stomach that slop though tbh

Too fucking true. Imagine how wonderful the world would be without any: Jocks, Taigs, Krauts, Dutch, Frogs, Dagoes, Spics, Ivans, Chinks, Poos, Abbos or Wogs. Fucking paradise.

Ascended-tier elder god NEETS tbh

I'd eat that, add some tinned tomatos and mushrooms maybe a few bangers and then you have a party. I'd take brown sauce over mayonnaise thought.

So long as he does something of worth, like writing or training. Not like a stay at home mum who just fucking sits there.

I like to imagine it a bit like this.

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if women are dumb enough to think wagie life is fun do it up lad. I would home school my kids and go camping and hunting with them while my dumb wagie wife slaved away


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who /hungry/ here?

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based taxpayer's money

Steiner is one of my favourite posters tbh. He is a warrior poet.

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I wish tbh

I have incredibly high hopes for that young man

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what is that even? looks gross isn't that poutine?

Needs 6ft of rope tbh

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Didn't know Hal metamorphosised into a sandworm of Dune in Malcolm in the Middle tbh

Aaaaaah it's freezing

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Dear fucking lord, all women are ruined after 17 in this nation.

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Misspelled bf there lad.

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I just can't see it. Fat in the olden days must surely pale in comparison to fat nowadays for the reason states. All boundaries of excess have been dissolved tbh: be it self indulgence, sentimentalism (basically the same thing) or fiscal avarice (again, basically the same thing).
Based liberal capitalism. Based (((American))) zeitgeist. Based effeminate creed of 'do what thou will'.

No they're golems not maenads we've been over this

I don't think we can ever go back now

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You should have been making white babies lad.

Probably right tbh, the other thing I didn't consider is how much of our food is pink paste, empty calories or just chemical shite.

Believe me lad, there'll be a baby soon the way we're going

Smh, I loved that show, poor Hal was such a spastic cunt
Keep forgetting to say I bookmarked your wordpress btw lad, it's a great idea

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Good lad.

An another diamond in the rough, I'm sure.

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i have no idea i thought it was mac and cheese that you guys have



Beg pard?

You should 't do this to yourself lad.

And the fact that cars, social welfare and computers/tv's exist - meaning no one has to move anymore if they don't want to. I have fat friends, and I have to be honest - it irks me. Not super fat or anything, but still…
Just bloody move more and eat less, you retards!

so which white country still have lasses left to breed with? Slav land? Iceland? one of those weird German settlements in south America?

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Yeah I loved it ages ago, always wondered what happened to the lads who played the three brothers.
Good lad. I am experimenting with the timing of the daily post, it was 1pm today and will be 5-6pm tomorrow, do you have any preference?

I want to kick her in the vagina

Swipe right or whatever you can do to -like- her

this song makes me kek tbh

icelandics are all weirdly left wing

You wouldn't have to kick very high.

eh, probably would.

no thanks

Iceland is unironically rightful picto-taigish clay and we're taking it back at some point in the next 30 years

Lad what the fuck is wrong with you

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Seriously, don't browse Tinder lads, everyone on there is cancer personified

I don't know about that, when I was there all the men seemed quite old fashioned about things like women's lib

based Poland

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Ah I've never been there but the ones I've met here have been

And they all really hate the Danes

Icelanders are genetically very close to anglo's.

Politics is the new religion lol. You fags dont believe in shit, its all hive mind. You care because others pretend to and you want to belong to a group

Curry is ok every now and then tbh, but not at normie rate of a curry every week

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you're waking up…

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