Magazine capacity options for residents of commie states

What options are viable for people living under liberal dictatorships where magazine capacities are severely limited?

I have pistol mags limited by dimples that can easily be drilled out; you can 3d print magazines; but are there workarounds to get quality/reliable magazines that require only a small modification?

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Either go out of state to buy, or order mag rebuild kits

I used to get rebuild kits on eBay for USGI mags but they cracked down on that a while back.

Granted I'm totally advising only rebuilding them to (((legal))) 10 round mags ;)

t. NYer

kill your politicians and start over

Break the law

Attached: consider_the_hotarun.png (720x720, 880.14K)

Open noncompliance.
Make like Clyde Barrow, cut and weld together low capacity mags.
Get a 'ten round' magazine marked for some large bore meme cartridge, replace the follower.

Thank you! "rebuild kit" is probably just the keywords I need to move forward on this.

As for grabbing stuff from out-of-state, don't the shops still check for a permit and document it?

Nigger surplus stores sell 30 round mags no questions asked and even allow you to return them for working ones if you pick up a dud.

I wish somebody were to design rifle magazines that can be externally topped up like the Johnson rifle.

What's stopping you from driving to a free state and buying some there?

It's how Indiana makes millions of dollars a year from DPRI citizens and if those shitcongo retards manage to ban magazines it will probably be the same.

Hell no, not for mags especially.

Except now they're kvetching that…
Same in Chicago, and New York, and Jersey City, and I'm sure Los Angeles, Seattle, San Fransisco, District of Columbia, Denver, delete as applicable.

Buy a drill nigger. Or for some glued shut mags use a pot of hot water to remove glue.

Not the same but it'll probably spawn a bunch of others using a similar or maybe better method.

I crash too much.

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It's almost like those laws in the major metros were designed to constantly expand until they cover the entire nation.

Actually, you could probably add a lever to the design shown in OP's picture, and remove the sides of the magazine well. With a proper locking mechanism, and not-shit alignment you could probably build a real shitty kind of rotating revolver magazine holder that allows you to switch from one magazine to the next.
The lever first lowers the revolver mag assembly to clear the bolt carrier even on a closed bolt.
It then engages a cog which rotates the magazine assembly. Releasing the lever will only raise the assembly. It would need quite a strong spring that pushes it up, because the spring in the magazine would work against it if the bolt is closed.
I know this is retarded, but it would be a neat little toy with no real use.

a border ;_;

Attached: 0f252a30c31c1e1a26115f0708596be7c3ff186ad372c079584d74453e26616e.jpg (219x230, 12.94K)

This, no borders!

Are there any restrictions on havng something belt fed?

Open borders for Israel.

In NY it's actually legal to own a semi-fun 1919. I don't feel like spelling out how unless someone wants me to.

t. NYer

Ban state general?
How could the Mini 14 be updated from its original poor configuration?

Make it so the operating rod and the track it rides in AREN'T ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE RECEIVER

One method here is to get magazines for pistols that are interchangeable with rifles. Our pistol cap is 10 and centrefire rifles 5, so you can double the capacity that way and the RCMP will just get pissy but won't arrest you.

Nigger, if we had a fascist dictatorship this shit wouldn't be happening. If only you said "police state", it would have made sense.

(((democracy))) is the problem, in such a system we will always lose, the will of the people can only be achieved via FORCE, not through meek begging at the ballot box

If we had a fascist dictatorship only enemies of the state (which has clear and understandable rules) would not be allowed to exist. Enemies being mostly communists, jews and potentially democrats
I think it should be fairly simple to not be any of those three.

No guns edgelord detected

That's easily a nightmare scenario for gun owners and any non-degenerates in America. Only a retarded lib would want to usher in even more control over the citizens, when it has done very little to help law-abiding citizens since 911. Just look at how insane places like California are and how utterly corrupt their politicians are and how literally retarded most of their voters are to keep throwing away more of their freedoms, because their emotions told them to do so.

Aye. Politicians, democratic ones especially but all politicians, are snakes by their very nature. Creating an authoritarian state with the expectation that only the "right" people will be allowed to use its power will serve our purposes for at best a single generation. After that there's not a whole lot preventing the left from grabbing hold of the state apparatus and using it for their own ends.

Go out of state. Buy magazines. Go back. Profit


The solution to the California problem.

Attached: actually effective idea.jpg (420x515, 42.57K)

Because that worked so well for Zig Forums. Now imagine replacing bans with firing squads.

Is it still legal to use the "wrong" caliber to get around that too, like the Beowulf AR mags?

The box of thunderduds and the bayonet both tied and taped to the gun still get me to this very day.

I'm pretty sure the RCMP fucked us over again on the Beowulf mags. While we can use LAR mags, .50 Beowulf mags are considered to be just about the same as 5.56 mags, as such they must be pinned to 5 rounds of 5.56, which is the same as 2 rounds of .50 Beowulf.
We need more Justin Bourques.