United Kingdom General /UKG/

To Promote the Discussion of and Encouragement of legally owning firearms in the UK



Additional Information (Reasons to own a firearm and how long it'll take your local police to grant your certificate etc):




Increasing the communities' size is the most important thing to focus on.
Youtube is one of your best friends here.
What Guns have you bought recently /RABG/ / /UKG/?
Spoken to anyone and turned them on to shooting?

If you have any questions regarding legal firearm ownership, feel free to contact anyone through Zig Forums or myself at [email protected]

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Other urls found in this thread:


reporting you to the internet hate crime police for inciting right wing extremist terrorism

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B…But me firearms license it hasn't expired yet user! I don't fink anyway.

You should really be using a VPN to talk about this type of thing, even if you don't usually when posting on Zig Forums: I can think of few other threads so likely to get you on (another) watchlist. If the flag being incorrect bothers you just get one that offers UK IPs.
This should probably be community's size, assuming you're talking about the size of the nation-wide firearms community. Communities' would be plural i.e. increasing the size of multiple different communities. If we're going to make something UK specific let's at least go about it in the proper manner.

I legitimately hope you joking bong.

God help you.

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Could Edward the VIII have stopped WW2 had he not married Simpson or had he not abdicated?

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and sorry user, that was written by Kommandobooks user should have more throughly have gone through the OP and properly checked for Grammar.

He could have postponed it. Even if Hitler had suddenly kept his word for the first time and not attacked Britain or British interests, or are you telling me that Stalin was deffinly a good boi, who dindu (absolootlee) naffin!

Why? Proper grammar and a healthy paranoia of the government are both essential if the UK is to be fixed. Imagine how easy it would be for GCHQ to simply scrape a ton of IPs from this thread and put them on an unofficial 'never accept a gun license for these faggots' list. The entire thread would then be counter-productive.

Sadly these things take more than god.

No, probably not. The monarchy was relatively toothless at that point and keeping the balance of power in the continent was too important to the British establishment at the time.

If you want more on-topic feedback it has to start with kids: get them into shooting young. It's actually possible for someone of any age to get a license for at least a shotgun if they have a legitimate need though mostly that's going to go to the children of farmers rather than recreational shooters. The point though is to get them into the habit early.

Daily Anglo Realism thread?

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Quick rundown on the first video user?
My German is beyond shit at the moment, All I know is I need to learn it again so I can pick up innocent Austrain QTs at my work.

My club has almost a dozen Rugers and Winchesters but most of them spend the year collecting dust

also fuck off kraut no one cares

If they're from the city they're either coalburners, drug addicts or just liberal fucks.
If they're from the countryside then there's a good chance that their mother is also their sister. Don't bother.

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Sounds a lot like here tbh.


Britain-kun, you're filled with Muslims and Africans and you lost your entire empire. You hardly 'won' the world wars in the long term.


Zig Forums your memes need more historical research. Your bullshit is showing.

He's right, though.

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So did Germany, to an even worse extent, your point is? "Muh empire" has nothing to do with the wars, it was American foreign policy, the empire was still growing for years after WW1

I guess America lost as well then?

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So are we going to rename this board now that we've finally made the decision to become /int/ over Zig Forums? why must every board i enjoy slowly turn into feces.

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That's what happened with the 4chan /UKG/ too user, I just want more bongs to own guns user I still can't believe it's been so hard to get a discussion about guns going on Zig Forums.

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It's because the yanks just can't control themselves and feel the need to just scream "WHITER THAN YOU, MOHAMMAD!" at anyone who doesn't have a US flag above their post. Despite only being 56% white themselves, and getting super buttblasted if you mention it.

I understand your plight Strelok. Zig Forums used to be united under the Zig Forumsube, now we're more divided than ever. Zig Forums as a whole is going to shit, and I'm thinking about bailing soon.

I attribute that to the influx of over sensitive nu-Zig Forums faggots as well. Zig Forums has eaten itself during and after the election, and now it's consuming the other boards. I miss the days of bantering to one another as Burgers, Bongs, and Kebabs. Now things are more hostile between flags.

Yeah, definitely nu-Zig Forums's fault tbh

Because people are not vigilant enough to call out the cucks and the same assholes who have been here this whole time trying to turn the place into Warosu 2.0 like this faggot right here

The_Donald is this way, lad: >>>/reddit/

Welcome to every city on the entire planet

Dont ruin a potentially good thread, more gun owning bongs is a good thing.

What a time we live in.

He wouldn't have attacked britbongs directly, rather he'd have (((commie sympathizers))) do a march through institutions.

If you look at countries that "won" WWII and ones that "lost" a certain pattern emerges.
Poland, for example won WWII so hard we're getting sick of winning.

I know user, the main issue is a large amount of bongs on both chans seem to avoid Zig Forums and I have now Idea on how I would get them here outside of blatant shilling on other boards although you could probably get away with that with brit/pol/s "Buy Guns" user.
Though the Market seems to be there for brits wanting guns It's just a matter of getting them here, and hope it's enough to get this thread off the ground and try to have the solid base community like /ARG/ or /BRG/ and /BG/ which will then be able to further the goals in the OP (increasing the community's size and turning people to shooting)
i just hope one day that that the country can look like Devon on steriods.

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Fuck me I'm tired

We need to encourage ownership of things like that weird straight pull AR, better to have bongs owning stuff like that and saying "I wish I had the real thing" than getting an Over/Under and slowly but surely becoming demoralized to the point of becoming a fudd.


Imagine being proud of the fact you helped doom Europe

Nice me.me

Also, I love how you yankee doodles just scream "MUH DRESDEN, MUJ BRITAIN ROOOOOO!" despite the majority of the aircraft at Dresden being American, not British.

Surprised Lincolnshire isn't higher tbh

This tbh, but those ARs are expensive as fuck, something like the Saiga 12 and shotguns like it can be had for around £800 though

Based leaving my VPN on

Can you get ARs in the UK? I know you can't get them here.

That's the Idea user, get people a taste, get them interested and invested.

What timing user was writing this out for the american that
you can still get AR styled semi-automatic rifles in the UK with a section 1 license like a Smith and Wesson 15/22 rifle

Funny thing about the UK though that shocks me considering how much the american media makes a fuss about it there are no magazines restrictions for any guns outside of section 2 shotguns (over and under, and 2+1 shotguns) it's mad

Also worth saying on top of that other than being restricted by calibre in the UK for semi-automatics every other weapon (allowed under section 1) is not restricted by calibre whatsoever.

So you're getting a normal rifle that merely looks like an AR? That's gay, might as well buy any old rifle.

Well there's a reason you say AR Style, Colt's pattent on the AR-15 expired in 73' so people have been copying it ever since. as it's a rifle in the style of the Colt AR-15.

and you can but there's something about the form and functionality to an AR styled rifle.
for instance in the UK there are many varients of the rifle, being the creative bastards we are we've created what are called M.A.R.S rifles in the style of AR15s which are not technically semi-automatic but might as well be with someone who's half decent behind the trigger (first video) and the previously mentioned straight pull AR-15s which are also below,, and unlike the S&W 15 22lr these are unrestricted in calibre.

Isn't there a Vz 58 clone that uses a loophole like that as well?

Yes iirc it's available in .223 / 7.62x39 / 9mm /

something I should have mentioned though is with the parts not exactly being in the highest of demand M.A.R.S rifles are fucking expensive sadly being around the £2000 mark minimum.

Not to mention Amber Rudd tried to put through legislation to make them section 5 which isn't the best for market stability, as they will be grandfathered but they'll skyrocket further in price if moved to section 5.

…market stability, as in the event of such a bill passing the current rifles will be grandfathered iirc making the ones in current circulation go up even further in price…* if moved to section 5.

Of all the places to find people complaining about war crimes, Zig Forums is the strangest.
If they didn't want to be burned to death, they shouldn't have built a city underneath an allied air raid.


Would something that functions like a Lahti L39, where the trigger is pulled once to fire and then pulled again to close the bolt, be legal?

This failed right? I mean the House of Lords isn't so far gone as to let that slide so easily.

That's exactly how the Vz 58 clone I mentioned works so yes, I assume so. No calibre limit in bongland either.


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Traps and gentlemen, I present to you, the republic.

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At least my ancestors fought on the right side


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come on you daffy's get it together

Top kek, which ever side wins is the right side you silly boxhead. Even uncle Adi understood that.
Vae victis.

oh do shut up, this is Zig Forums take your faggotry elsewhere if you arent going to talk about guns

How easy is it for an Englishman to go to Northern Ireland to shoot a pistol? I've shot ball-and-cap but I know in Northern Ireland the laws on pistols are more relaxed.

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You do realise the whole "Gott strafe England" phrase and propaganda was invented by a literal Jew, Ernst Lissauer, right?

.22s or 12ga in semi auto and straight pull/"lever-release" centrefire ones for most of the UK.
You can get semi-autos chambered in anything in Ulster though, but it's a bit weird since semi-auto rifles are technically illegal, but semi-auto "pistols" aren't, so if you want an AR-15 in Ulster it basically has to be an SBR to meet "pistol"-length requirements, pic related, as a result, MP5 clones and things like FAMAE SAF are popular.

In the channel islands, pretty much anything is legal apart from machine guns, the channel islands laws are basically the same as the US ones apart from there's no SBR/SBS/DD/AOW NFA bullshit.
Also, silencers or "sound moderators" as they're called here probably to avoid media shitflinging tbh are perfectly legal everywhere in the UK, you can just walk into a shop and buy one.

Wasn't Turkey neutral in WW2 though?

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Technically more relaxed. It is legal for the NornIron police to issue NI citizens with a permit to own a pistol for personal protection (it is the only part of the UK where that's a recognised reason for legally owning a firearm of any kind, which is something), but that requires that the police accept and recognise you as being at 'verifiable, specific, risk' so it's almost certainly out of reach for the likes of you and I. You also need a different permit to carry it in public. I wonder though, could 'persistent anonymous death threats' be used to verify a specific risk to an NI citizen? If they are then that's pretty easy for anons to arrange for each other.

So you need to be on the payroll of a foreign intelligence agency, like a politician?

The best way that phrase could be interpreted would limit civilian pistols to friends of senior police officers and people who didn't mind paying a few 'personal contributions' to facilitate the paperwork. However I think even for politicians and other people who are fully bought and paid for the NI police hate issuing those permits.

Well, assuming you're a Prussian, your ancestors fought alongside your betters when we crushed Napoleon at Waterloo. :^)

Norn Iron's reputation for lax gun laws is mostly undeserved, they are more lax than the other countries on these two islands but they're still quite strict.

I was alluding to the fact that the only group that can reliably get those permits are politicians that sometimes angry population goes out and murders for treason.

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I know this feeling too well.

Tbh, I keep seeing this thing of "they're only issued to politicians blah blah blah", but there's always random redditors from northern ireland posting their guns on reddit constantly, I think it might be one of those meme laws where it states they should only be issued under certain circumstances, but they get issued a lot anyway. Especially since most of the guns they post are MP5 clones or AR-15s, I don't see how a cop would approve that if it was meant for personal protection only.

I've seen a few of those MP5/AR15s now. From what I can see they're a way to get around the ban on semi-autos. By cutting the barrel down to a length defined as a pistol in NI law. I hope it makes the rest of you laugh as much as me - the only way to get a Semi-auto rifle in NI is to make it a (very) SBR. Shit though, I'd gladly give one of my kidneys and a decent sized chunk of liver to get gun laws like that here on the mainland.

Yeah, you can't have a 20" rifle, but you're allowed a 9" SBR-type thing, makes no sense, but hey.

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Reeeee, fucking immigrants causing me to be born in England and miss out on funs.

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Ulster-jocks? Or Ultra-jocks? Also pic related.

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Oddly enough we have been telling you guys the same thing for 411 years, who is the batshit insane religious kook now?

quiet, burger-lad, don't make the Anglo family look bad in front of the Kraut

It's good to see the anglosphere still alive.
Ironically English is a germanic language

Nice digits

Certainly originally, and more Germanic than Frankish even after the Norman invasion. But we did ditch most of the useless shite the Krauts and Frogs hang on to even today. By the way, can you talk to Canada about Quebec? They always gets pissy and defensive when we try to raise the subject. Maybe you'll have better luck

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We're the best part though

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in my option, anglos are;t humans: my explanation: 1)evil heda;
3. they traitors4.culture of kill.
thats was my exlaining as to why anglos aren't human begins,
exptrapolate your option

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Weren't they cucked into the UDR in the '70s?


Godspeed, anglos. War is coming, you're going to need all the help you can get.

I disagree.

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Could I ask to shoot one at a gun club's range for example?

top kek
but serious tho

thanks my dude

Don't see any reason that they'd stop you. I doubt there are specialised pistol ranges out there, I've only read about these laws online though.

Well people who own 7.1 and 7.3 licenses can own handguns and they can opt to have them stored at the range instead of their home, so if you find a range where a guy is storing a handgun on a 7.1/7.3 license and you get his permission, I assume so, yeah.

Good initiative lads. Don't underestimate bolt-action rifles.

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Shut up and pay Greece's debts.

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*obstrucs your passage*

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Honestly that's probably NZ, followed by Scotland because it's 96% white.
