1488/Day of the Rope

High value radios with models to choose from (try to only use genuine units and accessories)
"Lowest bandwidth and power settings possible"
No repeater use, antenna height and length restrictions
US, Good from rural to urbanized locales
US, Better for cities with tall buildings
EU, use sparingly before SHTF as only fully legal in Germany
EU, Basically FRS for Eubros.
HF freq, almost guaranteed daytime long range comms with proper setup.
Getting at least a tech license will remove the aforementioned limitations and allow for some HF, repeater use, and data tx
Everything you need to know for the tech test in video format with pdf in description
Free android test prep app from tech all the way to amateur extra if ya want

Find out what grows where and how, use farmer's markets for income and intel
Grow small crops and herbs in pots
Find someone with land and sharecrop for a share of harvest.
Last longest when stored properly

Dressings, rolled bandage, non stick gauze, petrolatum jelly, nitrile gloves is high value, iodine, metal canteens.
Baby wipes, soap, bleach, iodine, detergent
batteries, solar cells, candles, charcoal, fire starters (dryer lint/sheets work)
Shovels, full tang knives, pocket saws, etc
Coffee, cheap liquor, cigarettes
Dessicant packs, Salt, vinegar, canning gear.

Start the breathing
check for breath, clear airway, seal airway, 2 breaths, 30 pumps
Stop the bleeding
clean, close and apply tourniquet if limb
Protect the wound
jelly, nonstick, dressing, bandage
Treat for shock
evac, legs/wound above heart, prevent sweat/chill, calm victim

A strong mind and body are the only weapons that can't be taken from you
Better one .22LR/NATO/combloc caliber gun, 10 mags and 1000 rounds than 100 meme caliber unicorns
Get sturdy sports equipment, construction tools and improvised firearms.
Legal for weapons cleaning and eventually for wrol surpression.

if the bs "frozen site" jew pops up, just manually make the url match the above to bypass it
Don't say we didn't warn you for custom high value 1:50k (6digit) maps
Ability to save local GZD, 100km^2 grid, and 2/4 digit maps, just set to MGRS/US Grid
aim for #s if can't into guns

Attached: satodayearthtomorrow.webm (1440x1666 1.51 MB, 1.41M)

Other urls found in this thread:

That's cool and all, but how much do I buy, and of each?
I mean, it isn't cheap and wouldn't that money be better spent on guns ammo and gear? At the end of the day, a gun is going to be far more valuable than a chunk of metal in a SHTF scenario in about every respect, even if its a shitty highpoint, isn't it? I mean you can goon some gomer or a nigger out of something good for a shiny rock, but then again, you can also just shoot them, and keep your shiny rock.

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Its to make bartering easier. hauling hundreds of bullets to a trade is cumbersome and makes you a target. But you, a friend, and some ounces of bullion in your pockets is much easier to conceal on the way to a trade or underground bazaar type scenario. I think pawn shops even take bullion for items, I know the one close to me does. It comes from pic related.

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useful supplies > silver, fuck (((gold))), I don't know about copper but it's less valuable per weight than silver and weight is a liability so stick with silver imo

The priority should probably be gun, ammo, water, food, gear, toilet paper, trade supplies and then quality of life improvements How much of each depends on whether you intend to bug in or bug out and your budget.

knowing how to reload ammo could come in handy too

>putting the only thing that put a limit to (((bankers'))) urge to print money in echoes
I'm onto your tricks

silver/copper can kill bacteria so there's a plus.

Which of these should I prioritize more- a kevlar helmet, night vision, or radio equipment?

A better question is do you have your basics down?

Radio. Cheapest of the 3. Kevlars are only really good as IIIA protection, shrapnel (which isn't typical in civilian scenarios) and a mount for nvgs. Modern NVG sets are light enough to work with a headlight style harness. Case in point:

I was wondering when a prepper thread would come up, was worried there wouldn't be one since I couldn't make one myself. Corrupted hard drive and all so no dumps.

Anyone got the outdoor camping prep images? Convinced my friends to take up hiking/camping as a hobby with me so this would be a good chance to start testing gear between the lot of us.

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This shit is outdated mind you.

Attached: innawoods3.png (1000x1200 367.86 KB, 347.77K)

Thanks man. Just needed a general guideline to make a gear list from.


What part of This shit is outdated mind you don't you understand?

There's a kukri style machete on the list.

Those ain't that great to be honest, they're fucktarded heavy. Like I said that infograph is heavily outdated, I only have it around because of archival purposes.

The firesteel is one of the most retarded item ever. Literaly no one is using them is poor countries/zone of crysis.
Otherwise you have specific infos regarding use in military, I would never use that. Just buy a big pack of lighters. I bought 50 of them for like 30 bucks. Literaly for a lifetime.

Some people are talking about silver/gold; I'm definitively putting a substantial ammount of my money in these, since the euro currency is very literaly to fall in the next couple of years.

It's not something I'd get personally. Though 21b10f said there were *no* machetes.

Flint and steel is excellent to have when you're out of fuel for those lighters or need to trade them away. Alternatively, you can just get a stick of flint to carry and strike your (hopefully) steel knife against it for a lighter carry weight.

I'm sorry, but in african shit holes, I see bic lighters. No one is using these shits. That's just pure "survivalism" marketing. If you look at the video using firesteels, they're actually using fire enabler, because of how hard it is to use.

NVG head harnesses are awkward, shitty and expensive. You can get a ACH/MICH for $150 or less w/ the NVG mount attached. You can get a NOROTOS or VAS mount for $10-15. Shit, you can get a Protec bump helmet loaded out with all the useless shit for $80 including a VAS mount at that shit is $20 cheaper than the cheapest head harness that isn't proprietary. You can also get a decent Gen-1 without dropping serious coin, the Armasight Spark Core and Vega Mini are both sub-$500 and are Rhino compatible.

post from the QTDDTOT because i realized it fits here better
my country is getting a bit too warm politically(tl;dr the cia fucked us and now the trucks arent taking gas anywhere which means economy is shooty bang dead)
im getting a bit spooked
im 90% sure a civil war could break out, and soon
i have enough food to last a few days (1 week at least)
i have 2 options at hand if the state goes under
i could bug in and try to weather it out
or make a BOB and leg it all the way to uruguay(35 hours of travel(no gas stations have gas anymore so thats why i wouldnt just drive))

Any chance you can make it to Uruguay now in the event civil unrest gets too warm? It would be easier instead of waiting to do it with all the other potential refugees.

Not really
I can't risk getting kicked out of uni over an uncertain concern

Escolha um, caralho.

If you can't get out now, don't bother trying when SHTF, near everyone will try to migrate elsewhere for food alone.

If you bug-in and it's just yourself you have to worry about, it would be easier to bug in a for a good bit and once the main exodus has died off (few weeks/month), then make your way out. If you're only 35 hours to the border it's not that bad of a trek, average person walks about 3 MPH (5 km/h). Just make sure your survival skills are honed and avoid contact with anyone. It'd be better if you had a friend to watch you back.

Friendo, you see Bic's in Ebolaland, because the rest of the world is still intact, meaning there is an importer of Bic's, because as shit as Africa is it is still a market. The difference between Africa and SHTF, is that exterior economic market is gone and no one exists to import Bic's to you.

Yeah, that's called "tinder", it's why pre-industrial revolution explorers, adventures, and military expeditions carried charcloth…hence the term "tinderbox" which contained a flint, firesteel, and tinder.

meme knife
need a real machete

Sinto muito, cara. I wish you paid more attention to my previous threads. If you don't have any friends to help you make the trek, you'd be dead before you made it to be border. You don't have enough supplies to bug in. I hope you have friends and family nearby to help you. A radio is what I would recommend, but I don't think you will be able to get one at this point. I wish you the best of luck.

Because you think that firesteel factories are still gonna work after the armagueddon?
Bic lighters are actually rechargeable.

I'm pretty sure that electricity will still be a thing after. That's what people are gonna try to reenable the sooner possible. So you can count on the fact that most of our tech is not gonna dissapear in the future.

Firesteel is a marketing item that is totaly retarded, while being inneficient. That's the perfect exemple of marketing selling useless stuff.

You almost had me, I've give you 1/10.

Outdated? You mean pants-on-head retarded. This shit was obviously written by someone who's never even spent a night at a KOA.

Enjoy this little video from someone who has actually left their house.

I think day hikers who think they have everything figured out for a long term survival situation are the most retarded ones. People who go hiking for fun and camping a few days think that their short term, more short term survival experience, under modern controlled short term conditions, is the best way for every scenario.

In a long term disaster, the smarmy ass day hikers and the kids running around with their light weight survival gear will be in a terrible spot. They are only prepared to survive for a short time WITH THE ENTIRE PURPOSE OF REACHING STEADY AND STABLE CIVILIZATION ONCE AGAIN and not survive in a long term temporary camp style situation they might end up in during a long term major crisis.

During the so called "SHTF" ( I hate that term) its more likely you will see people being displaced and many large areas in turmoil, which means you aren't just going to be hiking through the tame wilderness for a week back to stable safety, your concern ins't having a light backpack for your fun ol journey, you might end up in a camp for displaced people for a long time, meaning your heavy weight, and heavy duty, gear is far more important than keeping a few nice little convenient light weight, and light duty items.

The man who takes a full size wood splitter, full size cast iron dutch oven, full size tent, heavy duty cot, heavy wool blankets, big boi sleeping bag, full size EVERYTHING will be in a great situation to survive and thrive in a long term temporary camp or settlement than Johnny "Fancypants" Backpacker with his light duty garbage that's only meant for his fun excursions. His light duty aluminum cookwear, his light tools, his LACK of tools, all to save weight while he's jerking off in the bush on his weekends, aren't the best, and often times won't hold up, against long term survival use if the situation means others can't help him survive once he finds a place to settle/camp/stay.

The backpacker will mock the cheap Lodge cast iron pan for being "outdated" and "heavy' and stupid, till the backpacker's expensive lightweight spaceage shit isn't the best to live off of in a refugee settlement. Next thing you know authorities and others can't equip you with better more permanent survival equipment.

The minimal backpacker might die, or at best suffer in displacement that lasts more than a week, or may last months or a year. Once he realizes this isn't his usual fit backpacking trip, it may dawn on him the shortages, the weaknesses of his planning and strategy. He prepared for an easy week of hiking, and soon he finds himself for want in a month long, year long camp.

Think long term refugee if you have to move, not your escape from the city week long hike. Think bush craft, think pioneer survival and thriving and not just tide you over for a few days survivalism. Think about not having access to more permanent equipment when you start thinking about a pack or what you will take with you. That thing you left behind for your lightweight setup might be the thing you wished you took with you, you wished you trekked and trudged with that extra X amount of pounds once you got somewhere for a while.

Backpackers think their kool kids hobby is the ONLY and PERFECT method for what might one day be the real thing. Ill prepared nonsense.

Lightweight survival packing is for inconvenience while temporarily leaving a permanent well provisioned home base you'll be returning to.
Fuck yes of course I have a large collection of huge heavy ass cast iron pans, I keep them home and I know they'll be there when I return, nobody can lift them.

A new round of false flags are imminent due to Trump peace talks and IG exposing jew deep state shenanigans. Stay vigilant.

Ausfag /noguns/, would trading alcohol (i have stockpiles of honey (doubles as a basic antibiotic) & yeast for making mead) and kerosene (know how to make crude kerosene from plasic) be able to get me a gun? Or will i just be shot.

Meanwhile, the guy who's carrying a fucking full sized axe, oven, cot, and whatever other stupid heavy crap you think a single person can carry on their back will fall over and either break their neck or wear out their spine after only half a week of hiking in rough terrain, while the minimal backpacker who you look down on, despise, and spit on will still have full mobility and won't be suffering from joint and spinal pain as they continue to hike out. There's a reason why even medieval and napoleonic era soldiers didn't carry so that much heavy shit on them when on long foot marches and instead relied on baggage trains to carry that shit for them.

Of course, being the armchair kommando that you are, I'm sure you'll call me an "ill-prepared" tenderfoot who's never gone trekking in the wilderness a day in his life and how you'll totally fuck my shit up on the DoTR, despite your own advice blatantly giving away your lack of experience with long-distance foot travel.

Nah, just find a farmer. He will love ya for the kero and grog. Most farmers and a shitload of small town Australians have SKSs and L1A1s buried either on their property or in the bush somewhere. If you are really worried you should be you should try getting cozy with some older blokes now. Obviously avoid any criminal sorts for the blackmarket, avoid bikies, lebs etc.
A pot still would also be useful for distilling shitty grog made from white sugar, the resulting vodka can then be used for sterilizing shit, getting a fire going and can also be used for vodka shots or flavoured to make other spirits . Snobs will tell you it isn't the same as distilling from proper wash (as in making rum from rum wash etc.) but in such a situation no one would care, as the approximation would be close enough. If you snag some molasses for horses/cattle you could make rum proper. Shit stores long term so you could consider it a cheap investment. You could even use it to get friendly with the type mentioned above. The sort to go along with that are generally going to be rather mistrusting of the government and bitch about how all the taxes on grog means it costs a fucking bomb to get pissed etc.
Make sure you pay an arm and a leg to get the still registered of course, be sure to pay excise tax and keep it legal!
Also, coles apple juice (like the homebrand shit that goes for around a dollar a litre) can be made into rather decent grog. Set yourself up with a few of those big blue water containers from bunnings and you can make decent apfelwein for two fifths of bugger all.

Curious on what a good amount of silver would be, and what is the preferred form. I've always been of fan of bars but coins seem easier to divide. What is a good places for silver that dont heck your life up with fees?

Problem with coles apple juice cider is you have to clean anything you're making it in thoroughly. Mead is made from Honey which as i mentioned, is a natural antibiotic. so anything you make it with only really needs a good once-over to get the dirt off

Attached: K Derailer.webm (640x360, 1.81M)

I bought three 1 ounce coins a few years ago. Can’t for the life of me remember where. I haven’t felt compelled to buy more.

With ‘cane season upon us, I think we’re due for another inventory of our shit. Food and water game is weak. Ammo is dipping a bit under what I like. I have about 2k each of 5.56 and 9mm. My preferred minimum is around 2,500-3,000. Medical kit needs restocking. Comms are good to go but I plan on upgrading the Boafengs to better models. And I need to finish my AR build. Lots to do.

I have about a pound of it, in bars and coins. You have to know that the next crash will be a deflationary one, so be sure to trade it all in for stuff or cash, since the revalued currencies will make them less "valuable."

Don't forget to turn those baofengs to ebay and feed the link to us to funnel them to fellow strelo/k/s, 20 burgerbucks is a lot for some of us. I wish I had CB gear, since its a lot more active than vhf/uhf boomercuck hams.

spot on you motherfucking nigger
I only cook with iron
I use a fucking becker bk9 bowie knife to baton wood so the axe doesn't kill me

True but that's why you buy bleach which has a bunch of other uses for such a situation.
Should probably buy some petrol too.


I'm pretty excited. I'm also traveling and being kept up by the two sororities that seemed to have moved into the adjoining hotel rooms, so I've decided to spent time thinking about prepping rather than listen to basic white girls talk.

I have about 100 oz. of silver and an ounce of gold, four gats (Ruger 10/22, AR carbine, .270 Remington 700, and a SKS), and some milsurp camo. That's about it when it comes to prepping. What can I do as a poor college student, particularly when I don't have much space to work with in my apartment? Should I just send the bulk food to my parents and have a BOB here instead?
Commiefornia senator said this: "If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them,"
And the dems immediately go in damage control stating it "not to incite violent"

Be on your watch for fights. Apparently a Florida cabinet member had to be escorted by police out of a theatre too after being threatened.

so you plan accordingly, you know where you live, you can figure out the places where shit will probably be worst, so you figure out the three most likely routes people will take to the places that should be safe or hit less and avoid those.

then you look at what you want to carry, you try it and see what you can carry and what not, find your weight and make sure that has the essentials in it. now go to the store, and purchase a bicycle, preferably a mountain bike, put to extra bags on it to carry shit and there you are; speed, mobility and extra carry weight. now you practice with that and you find your max again, now you pack your essentials and your luxury items and you are not only outpacing anyone else on foot, you even have a solution that can easily be mounted on the back of a truck, doesn't need fuel or food, won't make any noise and can even be upgraded with an electric motor if you want to get even more speed and mileage out of it.

Buy more ammo then when SHTF just steal shit from retards that didn't prep. Because if you don't have enough space or money to stockpile food and supplies then it's time to become a future bandit.

I got you bro.


The thread dedicated to this leaf masterpiece has been bumped off by all of the shitty slides, so I'll bump my thread to discuss it:


Arm yourselves, leafs, for the coming raking of your chinese/jew/commie traitors.

Buddy, they're doing one in .308 as well now too.

I'm a little envious of you leafs; I want one.

In that thread, a fellow leaf reached out to them and they realized that 300blk made more sense since it would only need a slightly different barrel. However, from what is said, it will take even standard AR barrels. How the hell did they do it?

I wouldn't bother with that shit, why would anyone bother trading their good resources like ammo, food, water for some shiny metal? Get something people would want, tobacco, coffee, more ammo, more food, more water. I think you'd get more out of a carton of cigarettes in terms of trade the equivalent in gold.

Booze too.

Simple, they're using a standard ar15 bolt face, suffice to say I've got the .300 barrel already.

Its a great way to trade without a transaction. I traded some bars of silver for ammo in a gun/pawn shop and no jew or government will ever know it.

The point is that in an emergency situation its better to invest it more immediate things. No one's going to want a bar of metal when they're starving. And if you haven't already got all your other bases covered for years (water, food, ect) then investing in expensive stuff isn't a good idea.

(And you couldn't use money in your specific anecdote why?)))

That's what you get for assuming I haven't already stocked up on essentials. Because I have bills to pay. You can pack bullion more discreetly than ammo or food to a potential trade.

Sounds like this german autist here has Zig Forumsommandos all figured out:

…at least in his head ;^)


I agree. Coffee is used as currency in prisons. Also note, freeze dried coffee is lightweight and will store for 20 years.

Pretty broad brush stuff. Some of it very true, conspiracy people are nuts, there are people who really think every time something happens "this'll be it" and they think catastrophe is certain in the next few years. There are plenty of nutjobs with the hero complex, superiority complex, people who want doomsday, people who think it'll bring opportunity. However, this is simply one part of those who prepare.

I think there are many of those who WANT to paint all preppers as nutjobs, because of the modern idea of thought control and propaganda, which are very real. The kind of mentality that would tell people not to buckle their belts while driving, because accepting the possibility of a car crash is painful, difficult, and might upset people's faith in the driver and the automobile. There is a "no need to worry, no need to prepare for even the most minor emergency, everything is fine, everything will be fine forever, trust us, don't get upset or worried".

To put on a seatbelt is to accept the possibility of a wreck. To buy a first aid kit is to accept the reality of harm and accidents and harm. To keep your fire extinguisher ready and in good condition in the kitchen to accept the reality of kitchen fires. To prepare your rifle by your bed for home defense is to accept self defense and its realities. To prepare for civil war, flood, massacre, volcanoes, niggers, tornadoes, uprisings, rebellions, famine, crop shortfalls, disasters of any type is accept the reality that tragedies occur, sometimes on massive scales beyond the help of other men and the State.

This is discomforting to many who want to pretend everything is great and happy and wonderful forever, and that man has the power to prevent all bad things, and live one giant lie. To accept that preppers have a point somewhere, and aren't all nuts and whackjobs, is to have that image, that lie, hurt, maybe shattered. Too much for many a snowflake.

The functionalists in power tell you the same thing as the preppers, "Please keep 3 days of food and water MINIMUM in case of unforseen tragedy" while the lofty tyrant says "Why do you prepare, do you not trust us, is this contempt for our central planning and wonderful utopia? Are you planning for rebellion, because I am paranoid and fear everyone and everything all the time, and is this a sign of uprising?"

Many people simply see the possibility of a problem and also see they have such abundant resource to prepare it would be foolish not to. A months' worth of canned or dried foods would make the difference in survival and even comfort in many disasters, and do not modern western people have the means and the place to store such a thing? If we have money to piss away on useless shit every month, why not invest a little in supplies that can bring comfort, or even survival in a tragedy beyond the control of man and State? Someone with a cold room full of cans and bags of food has his priorities more straight than the dude who borrows big money to buy a jetski he uses on the lake maybe twice a year. Spam is like $2 something a can and how much could one night at the bar, one nice meal out at a fancy resteraunt, a day out at the races or ball game, get you for an emergency stock supply that takes up minimal space and can be eaten one day in a on emergency anyways?

I'm a feudal minded old man. Give me a billion dollars and tell me I can do whatever I want, I would build an army, and a castle, and a navy, because that's who I am. Having an armory is natural, its who I am. Supplies and food stockups, ammunition, an open mind to possibilities ahead, these are simply natural to me, instinct. I'll be ready for war because I am a warrior, even in the garden it is more natural for me to carry a sword than a hoe. I am prepared to fight because that's who I am, not because I forsee endless war. I build armies because that's who I am, not because they are to be used.

Which is a good point because people who are the opposite, hate weapons and war and military principles only stock up on weapons to fight, they would not carry them otherwise.

Which brings us to the people in the middle, between me and them, which are the people who like to theorize and think about these things for entertainment, a hobby. Worrying about zombie appacolypse and world ending is probably a lot of fun, even if they have semi serious means to deal with them. Its fun to theorize, to use conjecture, to hypothesize and enjoy the hobby while still gaining valuable means and skills just in case something bad does happen.

Lastly, ask the folks who've been in real jams before what they think. People who, during war or after war, saw people starve and women prostitute themselves for food, then ask them about how stupid it is to prepare, how foolish extra food around the house is, how worrying is so awful.

Something might never happen to you. Buckle up and prepare anyways.

Not that I disagree with anything in your post, but why write niggers 5 times?

Just be happy you don't have to deal with them, pollack.

But he wrote it 11 times

what the fuck, man

Anyone have the greentext where user talks about the timeline of events when mandatory gun confiscation is passed in America?


fuck off ivan, we're all set around here. worry about your own dilapidated shit hole.

Attached: 0lm0vFp.jpg (940x824 95.99 KB, 635.62K)

Ham radio suggestions?

Welcome to the rest of your life, faggot.

UV-5R V2+

Yaesu FT-2980R and a decent half-wavelength antenna. Stick it in your car or shack, hit repeaters fifty miles away.

That professor is fucking artarded because unless all the cartels and the mexican army unite, there ain't no way they're getting far into Texas, let alone taking over all that.

the entire map is silly to the point of being a parody of itself. If the US balkanizes Canada won't be taking a god damn thing, if anything Canada and the Americas in general will end up being split up by the American successor states.

Tell us, zogbot, how fucking idiotic are you to believe that Russia shit?

Attached: muh russians 2.jpg (749x500, 105.06K)

Canada dies the day any trade to and from America is stepped

I prefer the map from Crimson Skies to be honest.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1536x1038, 235.74K)

Things are looking good for the appalachian or dixie blue collar workers at least.

Kindly fuck off with that shit.

Only flaw, tbh.

It's pretty nice here, but a good purging is required. Basically just drop sarin gas on the entire city and recolonize it. I would welcome death.

Just bought a complete medium camo ALICE pack, did I do good or am I a retard

GVLanon here. I do still exist, just with a lower profile.

Also, should every user who owns a house/property be prioritizing a solar panel installation? A modest solar setup may not be able to provide you with every comfort of modern life (A/C being #1 here) but the ability to maintain refrigeration is like having superpowers in a SHTF scenario. Maintaining a steady caloric intake becomes so much easier wheb one can preserve fresh foods through refrigeration and freezing. Not only can one stock up on perishables well beforehand, one can preserve the fruits of their post-SHTF gardening efforts far longer. It also allows for far more vaiety in one's diet which, as anyone who has tested their SHTF beans n' rice diet can attest, is gold when it comes to maintaining morale and overall mental health.


If you have a creek running through the property, set a hydro-electric dam up.

Only smart if your kit will fit in it. I got one of those cheap 3 day packs and it barely fits my shit.

Hey stranger. I have been thinking about this immensely for reasons and propose the following: If land is limited, a few panels can trickle charge a huge battery backup so much so that it could run a full day at least after a bad storm and power is to return. To conserve, the battery could be hooked to the mains using a generator plug, and only the minimum essentials are run during the day long enough to refreeze the necessary via flipping unneeded breakers. In terms of pallate, fuck that. You're surviving, not taking the family out to a buffet. They can either eat rice/beans ad nauseam or starve. Nip user has a great point, but sadly we all don't live in a little house on a prairie.

I live innmountains. I'll draw my set up when I'm somewhere I can.

It's called a root cellar, and it's much more efficient at preserving things than solar panels and a busted compressor fridge. If you can afford to waste power running a refrigerator, you should honestly look into just building a freezer room ahead of time to keep shit cold/act as insulation.

That'll be great once SHTF, but up until that point it is highly illegal to do that (at least in my state).

Just build a bridge with a throughway. Nothing wrong with that

Just in case anybody doubted OP about things going south (literally in this case),


They're voting for their gibz, now.

We need the wet nurses for the orphaned babies.

Like that other user said, this is generally illegal in the states, or at least it's illegal if done on the scale needed to produce meaningful, consistent power. The problem with relying on a creek is that creeks regularly run dry to the point that you can almost guarantee you'll be out of power for at least a week or two at certain times of year. You could always dam up a reservoir to account for that but a sufficiently large reservoir will require both a large amount of land and is definitely illegal without proper permits and a dam design signed off on by an engineer.

There's been a large crackdown on private dams in my area due to a massive flood a few years back. The state government thought there were only 2-3,000 private dams in the state but after a cascading series of failures that led to a major river taking out 1/5th of the capitol city, they started surveying all the state's waterways and found something like 20,000 previously unknown dams on private land. Now you're basically fucked if you try to build a new one for cheap.

Root cellars are great in regions where the below ground temperature stays at a steady 50-55° F like it does in most of the northern US but they don't work well in the southeast. The average below ground temperature in my area is 64° which gives all the benefits of leaving food out on the counter in what Canadians and other frozen peoples consider to be room remperature. That ans digging a cellad in Piedmont clay requires serious heavy equipment.

As for the reliability of refrigerators and freezers, yes they aren't 100% dependable but bare bones refrigerators are cheap and good drop in freezers are astoundingly cheap. I already have 2 refrigerators and getting a backup chest freezer would only cost me $200. The amount of calories one can pack in all 4 would be enough to live a comparably "luxurious" SHTF lifestyle and there would still be plenty of storage if I lose one of each due to shitty chinesium build quality.

My reasoning is also partially driven by my expectations of how SHTF would play out in my region. At worst, I expect a month of abject chaos after a short buildup period of instability. After the initial "Days of Rage" have calmed down there will be an intermittent and inconsistent availability of fresh foodstuffs from local farms. That local supply will not be enough to support local demand but one will be able to obtain fresh meats and vegetables at a hefty premium during the early aftermath period. Those who have the resources to trade/barter for as much as they can at any one time and also possess the ability to preserve that food indefinitely are going to have a huge advantage. When supply is inconsistent, those who can command more of whatever is available in the moment and have it last through supply droughts win.
If any of you fags are in california, might want to be careful as it seems the dems want to turn this into a cleansing of gunowners.

Colorado, I presume?

How can I find other like minded individuals to prep and make friends with. I can't go look in forums because everyone thinks everyone glows in the dark.