Ian is antifa

Honestly if any of you guys keep watching his shit, then you belong on reddit, i knew it was weird when you tube harassed all gun channels but his, even tho he directly advertises gun auctions

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Holy fuck, I knew Ian McCuckold was bad, but Jesus Christ

it gets worse

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Funniest part is that Mogadishu is actually safer than SA, the murder rate is literally one 1/7th of SA's murder rate.
Ian tried to be sarky and go "tee hee, it's only SA, not [insert notoriously dangerous place]" and fucked himself over once people pointed out the crime and murder rate difference, kek.

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Forgot to post the figures: Somalia's homicide rate is 5.56 per 100,000. South Africa's is 34.27 per 100,000.
Okay, not exactly one 1/7th, but still. Ian tried to give an example of an notoriously extremely dangerous country, and even the most stereotypical anarchy-filled murderous shithole is a paradise compared to SA

I stopped watching them a long time ago but this is still disappointing.

So this is why he disables comments. He gets tag teamed by at least half a dozen people all telling him he is retarded.


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i knew karl was a lefty but ian coming out shocked me, karl marched with blm when it was still a thing, sadly like lots of Scandinavians he has massive cuck syndrome

This tbh, the old BO used to delete these threads because "rooo, Ian is fine, he just said that he hates Nazis this one time"
Not any more, not any more.
Anyone got the pic of Ian with the JUST hair and face?

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i got this

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Wait till you see th- OH NO NO NO NO NO

Kek, good enough

The last time I have seen a ban on Zig Forums was when some kebab claimed that Yugoslavia was Turkish clay. And even then it appeared to be a 5 minute joke ban.

Well, not banned, but the BO used to delete anti-Ian threads and posts
And tbh, this was months and months ago, back before Ian said shit like "the UK gun laws are better than our own" or "there's no such thing as white genocide, bigot!"

Its not just whites who are being killed in SA, everyone who isn't 100% African is a target.
t. guy who knows quite a few people from SA and a few from Rhodesia

Yeah, the Bantu and Zulu niggers are also genociding the Khoikhoi and San people, who are the actual native people of the region. The niggers claim "muh whitey stole muh land", but the thing is it was never their land, they invaded and conquered it off of the native Khoisan.

He's been a cuck for a long, long time.
I'm shocked he's not anti-gun at this point, honestly.
Though, come to think of it, he did call some things 'scary' a few times…

I hate antifa faggots

Not even close, several central american countries have homicide rates several times that of SA.

Really? Can I get some sauce

This tbh, it's up there, but there's nations with murder rates in the literal hundreds somehow.

Akward to read, but basically El Salvador has a homicide rate of 109 per 100,000, SA's is 34 per 100,000

I don't like just posting a wikipedia link for things like this but here

I wasn't denying it was high, but its barely in the top 10.


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Well, at least we still have TAB.

I was agreeing with you, smh

You were probably thinking of the rape rate, South Africa is the world leader in that.

Wrong my friend, see pic related

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I just wanted to see old funs

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Is this loss

This isn't /v/, loss-friend

I didn't know and I've never heard of any of this. Better late than never I guess.

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I believe you guys it's just I thought south africa was leading the world in random chimp out for some reason


How do you only murder 56% of a person? Are they saying it's 5 people and one American citizen per 100,000?


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watch it chrissy

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Romantic Brazilian breakfast

Lazy niggers who ate their food on the bed should be murdered when they're asleep tbh

But it's not cooked at all!
and why are you posting it

I knew he was a leftist faggot ever since he disabled the comments from the Rhodie FAL video, ahh but a shame too, since he has some genuinely interesting content even if shilling is the main purpose of it.
Maybe we could change him by attempting to slowly reason with him (all backed by facts and all that proofs) like
Oh who am i kidding, it won't fucking happen

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You grandmother and grandfather invented that myth and you support that so you and your family is problem themselves. Kys.

Because fun _and_ uma delica



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Based Ian shadow banning me.

He does it for fees.

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It was obvious that Ian had shadow banned me once I stopped getting any upboats despite often being the 1st or 2nd comment on the video. Every comment I made on his channel suddenly just got ignored as if no-one could see them anymore.

This thread has been seized by the Zig Forumsriegsmarine. Surrender your canned goods, diesel and nugget food and nobody will get torped!


This how you get Q-ship'd.

I don't care about getting upboats tbh, it's just the fact that I used to get them all the time, meaning that other people could see my comments, I call Ian out on his "there's no such thing as white genocide, bigots!" comments or whatever and suddenly all my comments just get ignored, indicating that no-one can see them any more, which was confirmed once I changed accounts and realised that all my comments were gone.
I posted the same question on an alt acount and suddenly I get a bunch of redditor upboats and responses, hmmm

Fucking hell

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This is the Zig Forumsriegsmarine. Nobody from A- over F- to Z-ships the Zig Forumsarrier group or one of it's escorts.

Then why on earth do you care at all? YouTube comment sections have been shit since the moment YouTube went online, and there is nothing you can do about it.

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Should we start urging fellow Strelo/k/s to only post FW hooktube links? Instead of direct youtube links?

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>the only political comments he has ever made is replying when a stormfag posts about "LE WHITE GENOCIDE!!!1!!!! (even though there is no concrete evidence to support this fact, thetempest.co/2018/04/29/news/white-genocide-south-africa/) or other victim complex conspiracy theories

It's nice to know that he's a leftist AKA a functioning human being though so we can get the best information possible for when we need execute reactionary idpol scum at maximum efficiency when the revolution happens. :)


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How does it feel having a moslem dick up your ass?

Niggers didn't have a concept of private property until da whitey came
They didn't have any form of writing, so codified law didn't exist either.
The only meaning of "their" that's applicable is

You may pout, you might even scream, but it can't change the fact that left can't meme
Kill yourself, karl.

And no, he started REEEing at people about "muh white genocide doesn't exist! Only white people are racist! South Africa is a safe haven!" even to just normalfags who were merely wishing him well and hoping that he'd be safe, not just people who talked about the genocide.

Yes, you should hooktube everything
Shame hooktube doesn't have thumbnails for embedded videos yet, hopefully they add them sometime soon.

They've always been shit, but it's nice to know that Ian silences anyone who disagrees with him.

Newfags, the lot of you.

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Did you post a link in your comment?
Posts with certain links to certain sites will get instantly hidden :°°) especially ebil right wing pro gun sites with actual evidenve against gunphobia. Tested it myself.

Literally everyone does that. It's shit behavior, but it's human behavior.

He's a member of a literal antifa organization. How do you feel about video related. By the way how does soy taste I bet it's nasty.

Friendly reminder that the monthly giveaway done by InRange patreon violates federal gambling law because it isn't a certified non-profit entity and you have to pay to get into it.

If you mean this site, they added them a while ago.

You cannot reason with hardcore leftists. Bullet to the head is the only cure.

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wait… what?


Native americans used to nail people to the ground, open their stomachs and set the insides on fire, i don't know which tribe did it

Sweden, i think i already knew that lesson waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back from 1960s.


You'll be a compost soon enough, leaf

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Give me one negative consequence if suddenly every single nigger, muslim and Canadian vanished from planet earth tomorrow:
Protip:You can't

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context for normies

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Would also want to insert this image of cuck squad in somehow but it just looked to retarded to not post.

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I think I saw that exact girl walking in the supermarket.
They all look the same.


What video is that? Link to his reply? I dislike the guy for other reasons and I teared his ass up in the other e-celeb thread but I don't want to get angry about a post that doesn't exist.


If one of those Canucks was holding an SKS at time of disappearance, there's a nonzero chance that it will fall a great distance and that beautiful aged shellac will crack.

I though you were good at hiding your country's historic firearms.

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Looks like this video, but I'm not seeing the comment, so he might've deleted it or I'm just retarded

i hope he gets kidnapped and raped to death by nigger police.

Might be fake, but the video is from a month ago and user's screenshot is cropped/edited so it's impossible to tell. Confirmation bias dictates it's something that was actually said though, so the limp-wristed fags are jerking off to it like it's porn instead of actually doing anything.

He's not in SA anymore.

what vid is this, friends dont believe me so Im looking for sauce

Someone should coax him into going to Somalia for based negro pirate guns (^:
Or notify the authorities about illegal gambling operation (^:

Nobody will do anything, they just want to jerk off to a perceived race-traitor like the turbo cuckolds they are.

I can't find the antifa comment anywhere in the M1919 video

These however

are legit from

Nope, I know about the link thing, my posts were just text. I made a new account and made the exact same post and it magically appeared this time.

Huh, never realised, thanks Hungarybro

He's refering to this

Have some more rage fuel too:

No more Ted Cruz

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We are here for the guns, not the politics. Guns are innocent, without opinion. Just machines with souls, that have to be catered and loved.


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Unironically going to shoot him if I ever get the chance to meet him.

Please don't, but if you really must don't make make it look like nazbolgang did it.

Nahnahnah, I'm British, so I can easily make it out to be killing "a right-wing gun loving nutjob who owns loads of machine guns and peddles pro-gun propaganda on his evil youtube channel" :^)
Oh yeah, and the niggers gutted the family dog with a machete too

The HIV after his pozz parties with other fellow antifas probably will do the job quicker

This nazbol gang is white

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If it's any consolation, the niggers will starve and cannibalize each other after they chase out or murder all whitey that be oppressing them with agricultural voodoo huwhite magic.

Yeah, SA will literally turn into Occupied Rhodesia. They can barely keep the power stations and water supply functioning due to the lack of white workers there.

Fuck anyone that cried wolf on this shit. I was ready to hide this thread as soon as I read the headline because you people love to throw that word around for nothing. Probably should've since I could've just enjoyed the gun autism videos in blissful ignorance. I'll probably still watch them but with my adblocker back on.

This is important, too. Could just be someone making shit up, but it's hard to tell since he's wont to fuck with the comment sections of his videos.

I so wish this what true, even if it were 10% but by my reading of history counters this, white people are so easily convinced to do everything against their own interests for the idea of justice or whatever.

Many white people would wish to die on the corpse pile instead of feel bad that they were selfish in preserving their race when they could have helped every other race under the sun.

The fuck you talking about, Karl? It was always based on fact and from things that he has done and said, it just wasn't as obvious as before other than that guy who kept constantly accusing him of being a leftist for merely having a ponytail, kek

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Which video is this from?