Gun control support fades three months after Florida massacre: Reuters/Ipsos poll

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Cold comfort for those of us who lost rights in the interim. Our enemies play the long game. We've got to be more proactive; go on the offensive and get some of our lost rights back.

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Wow incredible coincidences those

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Good fuck those faggots.
We need to regain ground, not reduce loss.

The people have short attention span so they need to be false flagging constantly until the people are desensitised to the mass shootings.

This one is not a false flag. That restoraunt is not a gun free zone, they wouldn't have sent a guy in there.

There was a slew of bump stock bans after parkland, and several magazine limits put into place. SCOTUS really needs to take these states to task and tell them they can't limit firearms more than the federal standard.

MD and NY have declared all AR and AK platforms as "weapons of war" and flat out banned possessing them. This is blatantly unconstitutional, and yet they've been getting away with it for years now.

We have Trump, GOP Senate, GOP House, 5/9 GOP-appointed SCOTUS and there has not been a single Zig Forums-approved piece of legislation since Jan 20, 2017 other than open carrying sword in Texas :

Time for another glow in the dark psyop

Bare in mind its only been nearly a year and a half since he took office

But on the other hand you'd think after how many times a mass shooting has happened they would wise up instead of doing the same thing over and over

They already passed a gun control bill in Florida. Didn't they? Of course the support would be dead, when they've already gotten what they've wanted, for now.

reminder trump deliberately killed reciprocity and signed fix nics without reciprocity when he was given the option of signing a merged bill

Maybe you should try writing a letter to your overseer "representative." I'm sure that'll work this time.

If you're a fellow Florida user, remember the words of our second greatest (behind William Harrison) president

See the tumor that has infested Ohio when the cancer that was Kasich wasn't removed from office (or better) after voting for the AWB? He has broken every one of his campaign promises and has proven even worse at the national stage.

Do not allow Scott to follow him. Vote Nelson. The two will vote the same in the senate, but if Nelson wins there's hope someone who cares about rights will be on the ballot in 2024. If we're lucky Nelson will die sometime before 2024 and we'll have Putnam or DeSantis appoint a replacement.

Some gang is shooting up another gang, or some nut is shooting up his friends, family, coworkers or acquaintances in USA every few days.
America is the 3rd largest country in the world by population, this is going to happen regardless, but especially if the people have any freedom. Even in China where they have no freedom, there are mass stabbing attacks.

The problem isn't that this happens really, the problem is that the media invented the "Mass Shooting" label and sticks it on incidents that have nothing to do with it. They can usually do this every few weeks without a problem. See they fixate on real incidents and just spin them for control, there are very few if any false flags.

The people have to do their part to challenge current legislation, leftists do it all the time which is how they overturn shit. You think that gay couple really wanted a cake? It was a setup.
Gun owners need to do setups like that, you can get MILLIONS of dollars doing it.

Without private citizens challenging laws in courtrooms, SCOTUS can do fuck all. The supreme court can't bring cases in front of itself, someone else has to bring cases in front of them.

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if the letter were to contain anthrax.
It'd be a tragedy.

Problem is, the federal courts refuse to listen to 2A related cases

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The advance in CCW proves its possible, I'm not saying it would be easy.
It doesn't seem that way with the bump-acessory nonsense, but gun rights in america are better than they've been in about 50 years.
I'm saying this as an outside observer, with no dog in this fight.

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Things have gotten even better

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Patiently waiting for Oklahoma to turn green.

Oklahoma has to suck or else Texas will float into the middle of the gulf.

Nebraska and South Dakota need to turn green so we have an entire freedom corridor to cut the lefties in half

Texas does all the sucking, cowboy.

Far as I'm concerned they fellate one another.

I won't say you're wrong.

IL fags need to bitch about Chicago more, we'd be green otherwise.

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I've heard IL fags bitch about Chicago enough

>mfw Missouri only problem is all the niggers in the cities

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If you took niggers and spics out of the equation, the homicide rate in the U.S. would be about the same as any other Western nation.

Just the niggers is enough actually.

No you've only heard me bitch about shitcongo, the rest of IL has yet to join in and finally end the urbanite menace yes chicagoland also counts and they shall perish on DOTR as well

If the abortion is total banned then the crime rate will be even higher. So high enough to turn USA into African shithole like the former white nations in Africa.

You're not the only IL fag I've spoken to; they cross the river and I hear them bitch

And you'll hear more from us until, from sea to shining sea, everyone knows of the evil chicagofags and their retardery. The only way you people from good states can avoid hearing us tell you with tales of our plight is to annex us.

I bitch about it plenty and I'm not even an IL resident. I do not want that shit crossing the state line along with all the human garbage they export.

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I thought about it while I was going to Wisconsin to buy beer the other day, you guys really need to pull some bullshit like 20 dollar toll roads, even more roadwork than we have here (honestly at that point just leave the road half finished all year round, it is the only way to possibly have more roadwork), dry counties all around the border, hogweed all over
Save yourselves, contain the cities at all costs. Let us be a lesson.