Zig Forums shit going down

So Codemonkey posted on Zig Forums warning the roach not to fuck up his board, got banned and then reassigned the board as a global one. Thoughts?

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And yes this obviously isn't directly Zig Forums related but it's obviously a fairly important development.

Going to link >>>Zig Forums11617153 because I'm curious what that image holds. Hopefully the post is still there.


no more donmeh turk-kike bought by (((kushner))) to shill DACA Don the Gun-Grabbing Zionist Neocon

This isn't Zig Forums related.

Also codemonkey is right, Zig Forums mods were repeatedly warned to not blanket ban (it's one of the few rules of 8ch for BO), instead they don't ban actual raiders (it's global mods pool that had to do it, as usual if you don't want to get your ass kicked, don't wake up the hierarchy) but they banned hundreds of the legit users in 3 days with almost no reasons (read the skeletor ban list you will see dozen, if not hundreds, of year long ban for just "no reason" or "shitpost")…

So the turk is dead very nice

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I agree but it's a fairly major thing to go down so I thought we might as well have a thread on it. Also I wanted to make sure that the actual facts were seen first in case someone tried to spread bullshit.
According to Chodemonkey ~350 unique IPs not counting rangebans.

Not Zig Forums related and nobody but retards go on Zig Forums

/lefty/ you can post on Zig Forums now it's global modded.

It's beautiful.

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if he purges /v/ moderation, I'll contribute to the site.

Don't think the fat kike has done anything to warrant codemonkey to do anything.

I want to be like serb supermen

It's going to be absolute shit until the tone of the board is restored by moderators.
Till then it will be shitted up by leftypol/SB/goons or any kind of shill which makes it an unproductive wasteland like halfpol or fuck.. TV.
There has been an effort to never allow a place where interference isn't a constant nuisance.
Then you look at leftist hives like Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr (whatever) they absolutely prevent anything commonly discussed from pol to exist before its removed or disrupted.
Don't think for a second if those dumbfucks are allowed to continue they won't maintain just that.
The goal is preventing an environment where things can be focused on or accomplished, pol was doing that too much.
Now it's total cancer with spam threads and faux revolutionists spouting retarded marxist bullshit.

On the contrary, all of you zealots across the entire spectrum should be shoved into the same board instead of being allowed to jerk each other off the entire time.

I have never understood for all that time that Zig Forums was retardedly moderated, that no one made an alternate board and went there. For as much crying as we heard about the turk, it seemed like the roach, the users were also arthropod-like in being drawn to the flame.

Many people made alternate boards, /polpol/ and /zenpol/ being examples. Truth be told the majority of people are content to sit and complain rather than do something, because the majority of people, even among the "redpilled" are lemmings.

The alternatives ended up being worse because lefties and goons started shitting up the place. Most people would rather put up with pants on head moderation than dealing with the same non-arguments posted on the normalfag sites.

he and his cabal do what Zig Forums does all the time: frivolous bans and thread lockings

nu/tv/ is awesome tbh

8gag Zig Forums does jack fuck tbh, 4chan has been doing the heavy lifting in the memewar. 8gag just sits on it's hands and can't even bantz, just sits and circlejerks and reports