I want to get a black power revolver because I'm not old enough to buy a real pistol yet in my state...

I want to get a black power revolver because I'm not old enough to buy a real pistol yet in my state. But I don't know that much about them. Can you shoot other muzzleloader bullets out of them or only round balls? Are there any that fit?

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Just like a real black country, power is constantly revolving due to internal power struggles


Well at least he isn't advertising blackpowderedguns.com


Nor are you old enough to post here.
Just have mommy or daddy buy it for you like everyone else here.

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plenty of states restrict pistol buying to 21 because you cannot private sale a pistol.

in those states i mean

Attached: Goodbye you lil shit.png (800x450 5.52 MB, 3.01M)

Since no can could be assed to answer your simple question, allow me to try with my limited knowledge of muzzle loaders.
General speaking, you can shoot anything that can fit in the barrel.
You should probably stick to the ball/bullet shaped shit for your caliber for the best results.

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Get a steel framed 1858 in 44 with shorter barrel. 1858 is the only one to let you swap clyanders and is the most durable anyways. Brass frames beat themselves to death (and 1858s never had them), the longer barrels are too big to carry. 44 has the best stopping power, plus it's the only one with a conversion cylinder that takes a moderately common round (if you want to upgrade it. You might not want to though because once it's a firearm, it's always a firearm.)

You can save some money if you grab
then buy

Check your state laws. They may exclude "antique firearms" from carry laws.

Alternatively (and more expensivly), make an 80% Glock (maybe P320) and get a reloading setup to load your own ammo (collect spent brass or order some initial stuff). The parts are on sale right now and for about 519.97+ your choice of sights (35 is the lowest I can find, but there may be even lower) you can have a Glock 19.

(You need an upper parts kit and a lower parts kit, but they're not on sale right now)

What? Even 38 barely finds anything.

Oh and for general muzzle loading info, check embed related plus its followup ( youtube.com/watch?v=TgymEGCW0ho ) and the channel Duelist.

Where'd you get that one, reddit?

Oh and this.

Glad i bought uberti's Remington new army the only revolver available that fits comfortably in my bear hands.

I was asking if you could shoot these kind of bullets in a cap and ball revolver

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If they fit the bore, sure, I guess

One of the big problems is fitting it in the cylinder which is designed for a spherical piece of lead.

If you want to shoot jacketed bullets you have to use either hollow base bullets that expand to form a gas seal and grip the rifling, or a wad of some sort for a gas seal. Not sure it would be very accurate since you probably wouldn't get a good twist. Stick to lead, get a mold and cast your own.

Tell me turkike, how does it feel getting your board taken away from you?

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You can buy conversion cylinders.

Attached: serveimage.jpg (1280x600, 42.67K)

As to my experience, no one ever mentions that conversion cylinders are still pain in the ass to reload, albeit less than c&b, especially for shitty cylinders that require removal for reloading.
Shittier one:

For better ones:

technically speaking being underaged isnt bannable offense according to rules

It's a global rule.