Xian H-20

So China just unveiled a “stealth bomber” with limited pics actually surfacing. I was intrigued by the design until I saw pic related…

Attached: E4DAEA60-7571-4B81-8910-ACD97E99FD50.png (591x640, 1.98M)

Other urls found in this thread:


So what's the plane that got photoshoped to the fake stealth bomber?

Oh it’s not a photoshop. Just showing design similarities in two separate broadcasts.

The lower aircraft is an H-6 which is a Chinese copy of the Soviet Tu-16 Badger. It’s a 50s design that didn’t age as well as the Bear or B-52.

That landing gear is exactly the same. It's possible they reused the design but even the camera angle is the exact same.
Stinks of a fake.

Attached: superimposed.png (591x320, 740.37K)

The Badger was a fucking beauty. The reason "it did not age well" was because there was no real need for a subsonic medium range non-intercontinental heavy bomber after the 60s.

Disregard that I suck dicks.

I meant to say there was no real need for it in the then developing strategic nuclear bomber MAD dogma. It would be much more cost efficient than the B-52 and probably also the Bear in the jobs they've been used for the last half century (loitering over troops for CAS and bombing goatlovers).

Now that's embarrassing.

This is where I thought you were going, everything from the tire position to the general silhouette is positioned the exact same way, with a green filter over it. Note the water behind the landing wheels, it has the same splash pattern.

Why not something like Project Pluto?

Fake and gay.

Attached: op 33.webm (640x360, 7.34M)

Also this thread is now about the second Type 055 cruiser (Zummwalt/Ticonderoga equivalent) that was put at sea last month (previous being launched only 10 months before that, with 6 building berths occupied).

Attached: 055 1d.jpg (1600x1067 245.24 KB, 271.68K)


Fuck. meant to reply to

Even the puddles on the ground are identical. It's fake.

Breaking news: photos have surfaces of China's latest stealth fighter.

Attached: X-302.jpg (860x624, 186.66K)

Maybe they can cover the plane in toxic waste to absorb the radar.

Attached: china pollution.jpg (700x5188, 741.62K)

Haha holy shit you're right. The water on the ground is exactly the same and there's a green filter over the pic.

Oh man,that's almost as bad as when they showed footage of the J-20 shooting target drones but it turned out to be actual clips from Top Gun.

Political posturing as wel.. It's the seems that is from the CPC conference dates on the top right. So yeah.
Bottom caption reads:
Air force Chief POLITICAL officers personel: (name)
Domestic front equipment capabilities dig shallow (breakthrough I think)

Of course it's a fucking photoshop, why else would it have the same watermarks on both images - one is definitely overlaid on top of another. This I imagine distorts the image a lot - particularly in the landing gear area. I'm pretty sure it's the reason why puddles look so much similar.

Attached: 799302fa389a3bb930b56dc8f3096d62d934b612823dffab3bf97fa8a6dbbe26.gif (736x627, 942.03K)

It's fake.
Look at the high contrast dark lines above the canopy, and the high contrast dark areas that stand out from the noise.
It's the exact same effect present in a film grain overlay on a composted image without the proper color and lighting correction.

Can't one theoretically achieve that with ionizing nuclear waste?

Check out the distribution of water on the runway surface, it's identical in both pictures.

It's kind of like their J-20 being based on a MiG-1.44

You realize the dead fish and the oil slick are being collected to be used in restaurants, right?


Christ that is so fucking disgusting, I thought China was better than India.

Their infrastructure is better, and their IQ is stellar.

But they still have no sense of shame, no sense of culture.

Attached: proof.jpg (249x242, 6.46K)

He probably refers to this, although I highly doubt it's actually representative of the entire population. In this quora page its discussed more in depth: archive.is/83gDf

Attached: hmm.PNG (467x333 18.43 KB, 60.14K)

Yeah No. Southern China is filled with cultured fucks who are retarded as shit. Northern China is filled with smart people with no culture cause of the shitty envioment pre-modernization there.

Why? This thread is about China photoshopping a "stealth bomber" into existence. If you want to talk about China's latest rinky dink boat, you can make a standalone thread for that instead of derailing this one.

tbf communism induced malnutrition would have a non-representative effect on their median IQ.

NE. Asians have slightly larger brains and quite noticeably higher encephalization index to justify their 5 points higher IQ.

Don't they cheat on everything?


Because one shitposter having fun on a chinese forum is not news.

OP pics IS NOT SOMETHING OFFICIAL it's something lifted from a random internet post and presented as official and reposted on countless "military news" outlet so YOU the fucking western public (but also the people that have to actually read specialized outlet for a living) go "ahahah China is pathetic".
Meanwhile China forking out capital ships pretty much every other month is not reported on.

It's a fucking gaslighting op and an obvious one at that.

Do you what the list of what the PLAN has been doing during Obongo presidency?

1x Type 001 (Russian style STOBAR) soviet rebuilt and operational.
1x Type 001A (Russian style STOBAR) chinese variant, built and in testing. 2x Type 002 (US style CATOBAR) are in construction.
2x Type 901 (AOE Supply ships).
6x Type 071 LPD 1 in construction (possibly switch to LHD).
15x Type 072A LST Unknown number in construction (possibly switching type to a stealthy one?).
2x Type 055 (US style cruiser) - 4 more in construction.
12x Type 052D (US style destroyer) - (+4 type 052C). 6 in construction.
30x Type 054A frigate (European style destroyer) - switching to Type 054C and building, unknown number in construction.
But the PLAN is still very much a soviet style point defense fleet with emphasis on small boats.
40+x Type 056 Corvette (Chinese take on LCS, AKA doing it right) 12 in construction, unknown number planed.
XXXx Type 022 (fast attack missile boat) unknow numbers, I'm not kidding. No one knows how many they have. It's anywhere between 75 and 150. Wiki has a sauce saying that from first cuts in 2005 to 2012 they've built 83… They each carries 8 missiles that are some sort of unholy mix of an Exocet (behavior) and Kalibr (range, supersonic terminal boost).

The real lag is the subs with only 2 (type 095) SSN that are on par with their equivalent.
But they've been ammasing a very nice very quiet SSK fleet to compensate (12 improved Kilos, 12 modified Chinese Kilos, Song-class, unknown numbers of Yuan-class that are similar in perf to latest EU SSK with AIP and all).
Note that a Song-class "sunk" the Kitty Hawk in a excercise in 2006 (it surfaced within visual range to say hello and had been shadowing it for god knows how long, slipping past a dozen of US/Tawainese/Japanese ships and 2 subs…). That's the SSK class they considered was obsolete…

Do you want to know what the USN did in the meantime?
6x LPD (thank god for the San Antonio-class, let's not forget they have to replace 35 ships though, with a less wide range of application but about the same weight to move around…).
7x DDG (of a very VERY old design, 1 is a flight IIA IIRC, also they 51 Olivier Hazard Perry-class frigate).
1x CG (I will not call the Zumwalt a destroyer, also let's not forget it replaces 5 Ticon…).
11x LCS gunboat (for the cost of 2 carriers).
1x carrier (that replace 1 carrier).
10x attack subs (that part looks good right? Until you realize they and the 3 seawolf replace 26 Los-Angeles…)

Because the thing that you cunts don't want to see is how many ships the USN is putting to pasture, when the Chinese aren't putting anything out they still have their entire fleet of 1990's and early 2000's of soviet style destroyers and frigates.

Meanwhile the USN is trying to get rid of it's collection of cold war rust buckets and is therefore at a VERY HIGH rate of new ships introduction largely trying to put modern and better ships to replace the old ones (on a 3:1 ratio).
Yet they're dwarfed by China because multiple Chinese yards are working 24/7 on multiple berths.
When was the last time you've heard of a country putting out 1 carrier, 2 amphibious assault ships, 2 cruiser, 6 destroyers, 3 subs, and an assortment of auxiliary/smaller ships within a year? Because for me it's somewhere between Cold War and WWII levels of construction. That's also the thing most of those went from the design board to a dozen of active ships within a few years. Just slightly modifying the Arleigh Burke took 20 years…

So, yes the USN has a lot more ships but at that rhythm not for long, and given it takes the US congress ten year to change the color of the paint gender neutral bathroom of the pentagon, decision to do something about it need to be taken this legislature, because if you listen to the Chinese psy-ops and wake up in 2025 as THEY WANT YOU TO, it will be far far too late.

While it might be better, their economy is essentially a spiderweb built on top of a bubble-bath. It's a scam. They have to keep building new shit because that's the only way they can keep "growth" going and population mostly happy and employed. Almost all major businesses have ended up tying themselves into property business as their exports have been stalling for the last few years.

Besides, you cannot trust any numbers that come out from China. It's completely normal to lie to higher ups about results, this shit is repeated in all sectors of society, and in all levels of hiearchy. Statistics are fucked to the point that even members of Chinese politburo admits that statistics are a complete mess*. I don't know how this was in pre-communist China, but when communist party rose into power in China, almost constant lying more or less became a prerequisite for survival. Pretty much only one that could say the objective truth in vicinity of a communist cadre-member, without getting completely and utterly fucked with the whole family were village lunatics. During the Mao's reforms, communist leadership in Peking had to send secret agents to do fact finding missions. And then send yet another secret group from another security organization to do the exact same thing in order to verify findings and reports of the first group.

For further reading I recommend Frank Dikotter's books called;
The Tragedy of Liberation: A History of the Chinese Revolution 1945-1957
Mao's Great Famine: The History of China's Most Devastating Catastrophe, 1958-62
The Cultural Revolution: A People's History, 1962―1976

And for a reasonably good overview of macro-economic issues of current China by Dinny McMahon;
China's Great Wall of Debt: Shadow Banks, Ghost Cities, Massive Loans, and the End of the Chinese Miracle
(For some micro-economical issues there were some books, written by jews, that described how they did not have a good time dealing with chinese. I can't remember exact titles or writers, but it basically almost always boiled down to jews getting jewed by yellow jews who were out-jewing jews and getting caught by jews for jewing. To which jews answered by jewing and then getting jewed in return.

*Li Keqiang: All other figures, especially GDP statistics, are ‘for reference only,’ he said smiling,”

And in case anyone wants sources for French-user's claims, here's a rather good publication by US office of naval intelligence. oni.navy.mil/Intelligence-Community/China/

Attached: office of naval intelligence.png (1294x845, 284.29K)

Oh my. I seem to have caused a reaction.

Don't you have some German soldiers to wave through the border or something? Or have you replaced the "always surrender to Germans" tactic with a "always surrender to Somalians Syrians" one?

Please kill yourself

Turn off the VPN and argue like a man, baguette.

Attached: image.jpg (456x280, 96K)

Thats from Stargate SG-1

Okay you weren't pretending to be retarded, you are retarded

If your best response to that detailed rant is "i seem to have caused a reaction" there is something wrong with you.

I at least hope he's not from Zig Forums. If he's a shill I can live with it, we already have a few.

reminds me of this post

Attached: 1473987967739.png (680x4108, 1.31M)

I told you to turn off the VPN, Francois.

I take it you're a proponent of the labor theory of value?

Attached: 20140502.png (684x828, 121.07K)

Have you ever considered that I'm not ? And I'm calling you retarded because OP DID post a completely sourceless photoshop job expecting us to believe that it was the PRCAF showing off a fake stealth bomber concept, even though the Chinese caption in both images is exactly the same. People are calling you retarded because you came into the thread claiming you caused a reaction (despite not making any posts before ) when it was just pointing out OP is a faggot. Also nice reddit spacing.

Attached: I_came_here_to_laugh_at_you.jpg (640x480, 38.75K)

Why do you even bother responding?
Just sage + report and hide, let him argue have fun with himself, that's how you deal with 14 year old, you don't give them more attention.

And? Why is that any reason to derail the thread talking about China's latest tin can boat? You like sucking Wang's two inch cock or something?

Correct, hence the filename.
Then again, the enlightened among us realize that the show was simply a disinfo campaign, so that anyone trying to blow the whistle on the real gate program would be laughed off.

Attached: venezuela stargate.jpg (969x1196, 320.06K)

Because the thread never was on rails in the first place, you tard. There aren't any rails if there's absolutely no topic.

Attached: 87c13383c7408e3baf5032f69ef1ca637482ada5f4f22425a371b95426d2403c.png (511x513, 351.05K)

The topic is about the CIDF doing their version of Rossiya STRONK! by making shitty shoops of fictional aircraft.

Also a secondary topic would be that China is shit at producing stuff they can't copy from someone else.

Attached: 82f3e603da3cac49afa87689ca653304d981eedbe54dfe4c9ff2583b22b86efc.jpg (1021x881, 215.58K)

The Venezuela gate program doesn't have the best training if one of the foot soldiers is holding his p90 upside-down.

How do we even know that's what's happening here considering OP never posted the context or source of the image he posted?

Attached: beefy rig.jpg (953x960, 58.67K)

You do realize that's basically what Europe and America looked like in the 19th and early 20th centuries, right? It's a stage any civilization passes through when industrializing. They're already deindustrializing in some areas.

I don't recall Europe ever being so polluted that visibility falls to zero three out of four days. Maybe you'll get to experience how bad it is first hand when you go there to jack off Xi.

Attached: cec4a1de5db049d8a735fbd497a0a777_18.jpg (800x450, 27.27K)

Technology has come a long way since the 19th century. Modern industry is capable of far worse than what the West saw then.

Do you agree with this kind of thinking? Because this is completely wrong, China is already an old civilization. They already had their own equivalent of an industrial revolution a long time ago. What you are witnessing is a civilization that can't deal with the new technologies and different societal structures recently introduced by "barbarians".

Attached: Manchukuo Imperial Army soldiers on a post card.jpg (612x942, 232.81K)

How about a nope? Despite all the meme about pollution, the 19th and 20th centuries were cleaner than nowadays.


Yeah no. Most rivers like the Rhine were ecologically dead, industrial waste was just buried somewhere or pumped into rivers and seas while respiratory diseases were rampant. This pretty much changed only from the 60s onward (in the WEst, the East gave no fucks until the Iron Curtain fell).

Fucking millennials…

Isn't the purpose of the greentext to present gooks in a negative light?

Attached: chad rep vs virgin isles.jpg (507x712, 90.63K)

Maybe if you bend over for Ping a little more eagerly he'll let you stop posting Ministry of State Security-approved talking points.

Though as the Hun of reason said the situation is unjustifiable for China, lethal levels of smog weren't exactly a rarity in pre-hippy era or Eastern Europe up to the end of the Cold War (Greece and both Germanies included). Plus nearly all urban rivers in western cities are in definitely unswimmable condition even if they are not anywhere near being Ganges or Yangtze.

During summers we had smog-related fatalities up to the middle 90s and during the same era my parents were touring around Europe and they were absolutely disgusted by Rhine's, Thames', Danube's and even more so Venice's radiating water odor.

Attached: IMG2087974102.jpg (960x345, 97.09K)

What will be of the chinese in Africa in a 100 years?


Unlike white people with their endless generocity, the zips will stop the gibs and try to discipline the africans like they discipline their illegal extra child.



Ip hopping chink detected.


Just read about people's interactions with the Chinese steel industry, most of the Chinese, if not all, are a bunch of lying thieves who cheat their ways through life, it's why so many of the Chinese kids come to America or other foreign countries and never go back to china.

god i hope the peoples grorious republic never stops paying you bugpeople to shitpost china stronk apologia. top shelf stuff

Attached: 1461113974198.png (367x451, 228.65K)

Man you guys suck at actually and factually denouncing the Chinese. At least put some effort into your racism, you pansy ass faggots.

hope they wont copy X303
then us would be royaly fucked

wrong chan, xi

Attached: mcqueen superb owl.jpg (342x401, 22.21K)

haha get gone and stay gone

Attached: 023bc89b24fd6b84dda98cd54de7ea0c72be2441acdd7254bf72145a275ca9d1.jpg (500x500, 57.43K)

I think you're on the wrong website.

Take the flag off, jew.

with the way things are going with Taiwan hopefully we'll get to see the PLAN kick the shit out of the separatists soon, probably before the mutts can even muster enough naval strength to do a show of force like they did in the 90s


Fucking ants. What's interesting is the retard keeps IP hopping as though we'd lose his trail, like his consistant syntax isn't a tip off already.

In the show the Chinese ended up with a 304.

Who are you even talking about?

>>>Zig Forums

How's the weather at Tiananmen square?

Daily reminder that chinks get what equates to about nine cents in changs for every patriotic post they make.

Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989
just in case you are a chinese faggot enjoy your ba- prison time.


Riterally nothing happened on Tiananmen square.
Don't forget muh nanking (^:

God damnit your all doing it wrong! It's 6/4 if you want maximum MSS cringefest
There also used to be pictures of some soldiers getting murdered cause they had fake guns and had their heads cut off and stuck on a bridge but they've dissapeared

hilarious. This board is shit now.

this is what happens when 80% of your population has autism fueled by inferiority complexes


The best type of population control.

Can we just take a moment to appreciate this sexy sexy thing?

If they had high IQ they wouldn't be fucking communist.

Attached: BO-105.mp4 (320x200, 9.27M)

Attached: lad.png (80x50, 392)

One beef fry rice, one general tsao, one order eggroll. Pickup.