GTA Belgium

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And this is why your Police officers needs to look like pic related at all times and at every corner of the city. Also putting wymyn in there was a huge mistake.

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The article made it seem that he was Belgian but only later does it admit he was a subhuman shitskin. When will lefties realize that your nationality is based 100% on your parent's DNA and not the country you were born / live in?
A nigger will never be Belgian even if his family lived there for ten thousand years. Why would a Muslim shitskin be considered Belgian for living there for a few years?

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What was the motive?
Lone wolf with mental problems?
We should have more women in the police force and that's not because of a fetish for women in uniform i don't have but for the sake of equality, and letting women fight the patriarchy (^:
Pic unrelated.

Because the line between citizenship
and nationality

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When I fart in Brussel station they will call it "gas attack"

literally video related

Day of the Waffle when?

I'd also like to distance myself from this fetish and want to congratulate upside-down-Indonesia for harboring men of refined taste such as yours.
Pic also unrelated.

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inb4 female police social media accounts reveal pro-immigration stances
inb4 social media accounts 404

They're really expecting grandmothers to enforce the law in any meaningful way?

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Belgium deserved it.


That's nothing, the other guy walks like the virgin meme guy.

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Could it just be because he didn't have time to suit up? The guys in this webm are wearing normal clothes under their gear and they're operator as fuck

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Its pretty common for elite police units in Europe to be free to wear what they want as long as they do their job.
If they are called up, they just put on their gear and start operating regardless of what clothes they are in.

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On terror attacks videos it's very common to see spec ops wearing "Dad on a sunday morning" clothing underneath all their shit. I'm pretty sure they just jump in and change on the way

Or, you know, just don't import a ton of people from Africa and the Middle East so you can enjoy a high-trust society where the police don't need anything more deadly than a pistol. There is literally no reason your police have to be indistinguishable from your military unless you fucked up elsewhere.

Not just female officers, but middle-aged female officers. On the beat, no less. How did they think that was a good idea?

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Holy shit.

I get using them as secretaries or telephone operators, but what the fuck is the point of a woman police officer? Any healthy 14 year old boy can overpower the average adult woman.

they'd be fine as deployed markswomen too, since that doesn't seem to require the same body strength men have obviously while requiring the same standards for women as men without exception

what a pathetic continent


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I love a good greentext story as much as the next strelok, but this is just too unbelievable.

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Culture is a phenotype like any other, it's an expression of genes interacting with environment.

From what I've heard, those guys just carry their operatin' gear in the trunk of their cars, and quickly pop it on in case they're called.

I hope Abu Hajar is shooting MG3s with his 72 virgins in sand heaven right now.

Because Europe is still acting the same as they did when their cities were racially homogenous, which is why they all seem like soft cunts to us. Lady police officers are fine when the only policing being done is writing a traffic ticket occasionally. As time goes on they will either adapt into US cops or actively refuse to do so in fear of looking racist, only time will tell.

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jebo te bog mater

The only alternative to swallowing their pride and changing to suit the situation is death. There'll be plenty more opportunities for them to open their eyes, but ones who steadfastly refuse to adapt will be killed, either by the invaders running rampant, or by their own countrymen retaking their home. The issue isn't going to go away on its own, and anyone who's still got their head in the sand when it all finally boils over is just going to be swept aside.

Putting women in positions of authority is always a mistake. They never stop to think about why a rule exists, and never weigh up the consequences of enforcing it or not enforcing it. They don't understand concepts like respect, or discretion, and are always startlingly fond of handing out collective punishments for individual crimes. They either enforce a rule to its maximum extent with no regard for circumstances, just because the rule exists, or they ignore the rules entirely because they're playing favourites or because they're trying to win some attention. Women are just too capricious, emotional, and vindictive to ever be trusted with the fates of others. Honestly, even letting them control their own lives turns out to be a disaster far too often to keep any hope that they can act like sane adults. I hate that life has led me to believe this, but I've yet to see any compelling evidence suggesting otherwise.

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Given how the Belgians didn't smart up when the large muzzie group in Brussels hid that bomber fellow I don't think they'll smarten up at this point. I'll be quite honest, women need a family to focus on in order for them to be anywhere near sane.

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Works every time, entirely viable tactic.

>Herman, a Belgian national, was released from prison on Monday for a few hours but he failed to return.
Why are the Belgians using Family Guy jokes in their prison system?
Why on God's Green Earth would you ever let a prisoner out "for a few hours" with no police escort? Why let him out at all? The only feasible reason I can think of would be to visit a dying family member in the hospital, and that'd only be if he had a fucking spotless prison record and was under armed guard.

More roastie regret.

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This appears to be exacerbated by the fact that she's a poo in loo. I wonder if we should find the bj video.

I like how she involuntarily admits that she was more attracted to the college Chads than her husband. She sucked their cocks but not his. Alpha fux beta bux confirmed

A man attacked another man with a knife on a train close to the German city of Flensburg yesterday evening (30 1900 B MAY 18), and injured him. A female police officer attempted to step in, but got injured herself too.
She then shot the attacker, who died soon after.
According to the police, the attacker was a "24 year old male asylum seeker from Africa".
Source (official police press portal):

Keeping people against their will is a violation of Juche Human rights.

A nigger family living in Belgium for 10 million years will still not be Belgian you triplekike retard nigger faggot.
Nationality is 100% based on where your ancestors came from, where they settled and where they became great. Any foreigner trying to blend in your country will never be part of your people. It all has to do with the DNA of the first peoples who created the country or culture of it. Anyone else will always be a foreigner no matter how long he lives among them.

nation from the latin nationem meaning "breed, stock, race, tribe"
nationality is 100% about your DNA and your forefathers

Is she in charge of communicating with the migrants?

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- From "Max Stirner - His Life and His Works" By Mackay

crocucks LUL

I always said that the 20th century was the greatest shittest in human history and we failed at it.

Women are like a pitiful version of psychopaths living on social approval.

That really is pretty close

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It also helps redpill people on "muh traditional culture". Most women hold no loyalty to culture

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Fucking knife. So THAT'S why it was memory-holed.

Did you know that such an attack was utilized in (((((((((Israel))))))))) not long back? The Muslim didn't stab the female officer, so far as I know, but he stole her gun, killed her and a bunch of other people, at an airport.

life imitates art

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literally why?

From one snackbar to 4 deaths and a gun isn't a bad score though

w-what if they survived and needed help?

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There's no incentive to care for another human being, when you're a perfect homo sovieticus individualist


So how do you think he did it?
They were probably walking next to eachother, and he came up from behind. Did he stab one in the neck and go for the other?

tbh that's pretty cool, sounds fun.
How many starts do you think he got?
Also, what are police officers armed with over there?

i meant stars

2, when male police officers showed up he suddenly lost his advantage (but it's immensely sexist to say that so nobody does) he took a women hostage and still injured 4 more cops (but nothing a man can't survive).

Everything but FN (only Germany is actually allowed to buy nationally in the EU) so something not German to piss them of, Glocks or S&W in 9mm.

< purple-wearing terrorist

This photo is hilarious.

I too think it's confusing. It looks quite difficult to accomplish an actual double kill against armed opponents, even if from behind. My speculation is that he might have picked a loud moment, and gutted one of the ladies' throats. But still, that would require a lot of speed, because, even if you manage to stab the other cop, that cop will probably get some lead into you.

inb4 women can't into incident response

That's retarded but okay.

So fucking sick of this low-effort normalfag-tier meme garbage.
You could make the same non-argument to everything from armchair-generals to people who think the new nu-game is absolute garbage despite the 9/10 ratings.

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Doesn't sound "weak" enough, in regards to himself. If he can afford equipment, that is acknowledgement of financial strength.

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no wonder. a feral nigger would beat and rape that girl in a second in america.

pick one.

She obviously has a vest on, you Stevie Wonder motherfucker.

Serves you right for being a nigger tier subhuman.