What do?
Hear a knock at your door
Other urls found in this thread:
Last time a copper showed up, it's because the neighbor's blind goat was wandering up and down the highway, bleating loudly, and nobody else was around to take responsibility for the doe before she became a grease stain.
hope my twister training will prove useful
Ask him what ethnicity he is, because I'm still not sure.
Fucking checked
Kill or be killed nigga
Wonder where society went wrong that we're at the point that somebody with those nigger-tier tattoos is allowed to not just be a cop, but a SWAT cop.
Then remember the wheels were in motion to make shit get this bad well before my 96 year old grandfather was born
The guy obviously has something for twister, so why not up the ante? I bet if I do some sort of mexican dance where you twirl around and shit it would make him cream his pants
Screaming at an unarmed guy for 5 minutes before shooting him is my favorite police tactic.
Shoot him.
Rape him
Was the officer fucking autistic or something? It's almost like he can't understand how people would react at getting a gun pointed at your face while being yelled at by a poof looking officer.
(while the whole city deals with tinnitus i escape)
He probably had an erection telling that guy what to do
The whole city deals with homelessness, I escape.
They really need a gun put in their face way more.
Through out all these videos, I'm seeing a pattern where the cops all sound like faggots. Why is it so?
amerimutts, not even once
Wonder if I have enough pastis left in the bar.
That was nice.
that guy went full Zig Forums on his ass, they found him sleeping under a camouflage tarp
Shoot it in the face literally in self defense before I die from laughter.
I'm not sure how that's supposed to be the officer's fault.
What do you expect him to do? Lie down and not return fire?
Speeding is a bullshit charge and you're a bootlicker.
Tell him the guns are buried under my bird bath, take him there and detonate the mine I have hidden there. If he has back up, do what the queer says and show him the 3 high points I have as a decoys. If he asks where the rest are, tell him I lost them on a airboat while gator hunting. Once he leaves, I’ll hit my cache I have nearby and bug out innawoods. Then I’ll contact my trustworthy friends and tell them the gun grab has gotten hot. They will hopefully contact their trustworthy friends and they’ll to meet up at the spot.
Yeah, because having people driving 100+ miles an hour endangering everyone else's lives makes a whole lot of fucking sense
For what? Suggesting that a police officer who is fired upon has the right to shoot back?
Buddy up on a trip to the philippines to find that fuckface Langley that gave those retarded orders.
t. 21 year old jobless acne-ridden failed college student who believes in anarchy and fights the system by kicking trashcans and throwing bottles
One of your friend's, friends will be an alphabet in disguise. Be careful, friendo.
Regardless, still one less zogbot.
For existing and for being a squealing beta.
Here is the best thing, that soy boy cop wasn't the guy giving the commands. It was his sergeant.
not become a (((cop))) in the first place
you do realize that when the jews ban guns it's cops that are going to be breaking down people's doors and shooting their doggos right?
They are mercenaries of the establishment. If the establishment were a nationalist regime, then they would be good because they would be enforcing the benevolent laws of a government that represents the best interests of the people. They are not. They are the boots on the ground of genocidal socialist regimes that protect race traitors and child rapists. They are just as guilty as every other cell in the body of the system, regardless of their individual beliefs.
And then they didn't even show the footage to the court. That's the dumbest shit of all, in my opinion. How is the jury supposed to make an informed decision on what happened when they didn't even see it? When the footage existed and they could have seen it from the perspective of the defendant?
I'll start to cry for pigs when they start to die for their people instead of for (((their masters))).
Okay, but what does this have to do with the situation at hand? This guy just gave him a speeding ticket. I'm no cop defender but I don't think a traffic citation is worthy of shooting someone to death.
This isn't a good site for children, go get your parents lads.
If you're going to be an edgelord, at least be consistent.
Your life is only in danger if you don't know how to drive defensively. Git gud.
Except traffic cops chose to be traffic cops. Vietnam vets were most likely forced by the government to fight in a losing war.
The shooter wasn't a draftee, he volunteered.
From info in the thread I saw the link for that video posted in, that pig was already getting brutality violations left and right despite only being on the police force for a few years.
It's good he ran into someone who could put him down before he killed someone like the jackasses in Mesa.
Most people that die in accidents are from falling asleep at the wheel, distracted/drunk driving.
Speeding is low single digit percents when I last looked.
That's a bunch of hippie propaganda. Most people who served in nam were enlisted. only a small percentage were drafted. I remember we had a thread on this a while back.
Honestly there is only one way.
speed limits.
Flawless logic
Until you damage someone's vehicle or injure someone, at which point it becomes their business and you deserve to get taken to the fucking cleaners when said person sues you for damages, as well as imprisoned if someone is killed.
Ok, here is the difference between reasonable law abiding citizens and you:
Think before you post.
There's only one reasonable solution.
If by reckless driving as if by any other means, when someone endangers your life and property you fucking shoot them.
If you're going to assume the person you're arguing with is an idiot, why bother responding to them at all?
vietnam vets fought communism, it was actually a worthwhile cause, they weren't really zogbots.. iraq war vets are zogbots for fighting a nationalist, anti-zionist regime for no benefit to their own country
no, it's because they weren't allowed to attack north vietnam, they just fucked around in south vietnam preventing north vietnamese advance until they were pulled out and then the communists took over and we got stuck with the gook bastard babies for fucking nothing
the problem isn't really that there are speed limits, it's that they're too fucking low so nobody follows them and cops speed trap people at the bottom of hills and shit as a secondary form of taxation
raise most speed limits by 5-10mph and it'd be fine
Cops will gladly grab guns from white people while ignoring the nigger ghettos
Wow they kill one nigger every week so based
The people aren't handing them paychecks. You shouldn't trust and admire a multirace armed force of dudes on government payroll
I look forward to reading your tearful post on a gun subreddit about how based cops came to your house, how you let them take your guns with no resistance, then let them haul you to a (((psychiatric hospital))), all because some random dude overheard you talking about civic nationalism in public, found out your personal info, and signed some papers in a courthouse accusing you of being a crazed neo-Nazi planning to shoot up a Mexican preschool, all allowed under the new (((red flag laws))) your based republican state senators passed and your based cops enforce
Despite this guy being an obvious Zig Forums subversive, he is correct. If LEOs were on our side they would openly refuse to enforce the gun laws already on the books, but instead they just say "well I am not the bad guy here vote to get better laws :^)." Based on this it is very likely that in a scenario where the US goes full bongistan, they would act like bongistani cops.
why do you think he's a leftist? there was nothing wrong with his post at all you faggot
Something about these three words makes me think you're a retarded newfag trying to fit in
When cops and nigs fight, everyone else wins. A sizable plurality of police officers is made up of manlets who were bullied in high school and get off on finally being the big man. The rest are nincompoops who somehow got in after failing at getting a real job, women there to prove a point, and a small number of people who genuinely want to do good, or at least did before being ground down by working as an armed taxman. They will all put their pay before morality.
There's already plenty of leadership that has openly told the public they refuse to enforce any fun grabs.
Everything else itt is cancer. I work for a large sized local pd and yea, theres plenty of zogbois but there's plenty of wokebois. Just like every other single job in the world. You're retarded if you think they'd participate in a gun grab. 99% of them are right wing, maybe not edgy enough right wing for you, but right. Most are fiercely pro gun rights, bc the gun grab will take all of their stuff as well leaving them only with their issued glawk.
I know even bothering with a reply is a waste of finger energy, as cops get shit on from right and left. They're the easiest common enemy. Everyone knows everything about how to keep a ROL society, and have zero awareness of what most cops do at work. Most of the time in my town is spent dealing with heroin, bandaging people up, or solving problems for soyboys who can't handle their own affairs. That leaves little time for muh taxman im not driving im travelling.
>The plenty of Iraq war ((((veterans)))) as well as cops (or both) that lurk Zig Forums, who I'm sure are all government shills or intelligence community employees because of their occupational choice.
Dealing in edgy absolutes makes you no different than the very commies you hate. But hey, I'm not trying to convince anyone. You're all faggots and I'm just here for advice on which ncstar optic to put on my hi-point tbh
I would agree to this if idiots didn't exist.
But they do.
Kill yourself zogbot.
Everything really went downhill when pol decided to shit up every corner of the internet
holy shit based Zig Forums vet.
I wonder where that madman is today
smdh where's the chivalry. Should've challenged him to a dual
fuck, just used basic google-fu. He got sentenced and put down by needle.
Fuck of opchan fago. If you don't take an interest in politics, politics will take an interest in you
No, people would still just drive 5-10mph over the limit. On most city streets, cops only get mad when you go more than 5 over. On higher broadband roads including interstate highways, 10 is the cutoff point.
This, and the saddest part is that many of the faggots that defend pigs are the same ones that sperg out "MUH STATISM""MUH BOOTLICKING" over non-lolberg opinions.
Maybe it's just where I live, but I've hardly seen anyone pulled over for speeding on an interstate. People drive over a hundred and nothing happens. The only places where I ever see people pulled over for speeding are areas where state freeways enter small towns. There's almost always a speed trap there. Which makes sense, to be honest. But anywhere else it's like the highway patrol just doesn't care.
You've got skin in the game, it's in your best interests to try and convince everyone that 'I'm really on your side citizen', even though you know as soon as your paycheck/retirement is in jeopardy you're going to shoot any fucking one the feds tell you to.
Putting on a badge doesn't magically stop you from being an american, and americans are raised to worship israel, money, and racial equality, in that order.
The zogbot's handlers are not genetically distinct from the rest of the rapey sandmonkeys in the middle east, and the ashkenazim invented entire volumes of fucked up torture methods to pin on the germans for the crime of separating them from their money. Dead men are a liability when we're losing the numbers game, but goddamn I can't imagine being taken alive by the cocksuckers.
You won't have a problem linking some hundreds of said statements then.
Many cops actually do say things like that. Say. However, they have no problem enforcing the other unconstitutional laws on the books so it is doubtful that their meaningless rhetoric has any weight.
Enjoy being eternally hunted away by leftards like the coward you are.
We'd compare our AR's i guess, but I don't have one of those cool dust cover decals saying "You're Fucked", i should get one.
"What is happening in Colorado right now" for 300 paydebts.
Link since you'll probably start REEEEing that I didn't do a websearch for you.
Nice try, zogbot.
Here's an article showing the ban did almost nothing state-wide.
the reason why everyone goes 5 over is because cops will let it slide because the speed limits are 5 too low you fool
if they raised the speed limits by 5-10 they could strictly enforce it and people couldn't get pulled over for going the appropriate speed because the cop needs to hit his quota or is having a bad day or something
Government work doesn't pay very well, does it?
t. regional government employee
You're badly misunderstanding the nature of humanity. If speed limits were set to 110mph, everyone would drive 114 because the cops won't pull you over for it.
Speed limits should be dropped back to 55, simply because that will reduce our (sic) driving need to buy foreign oil.
t. Bündnis 90
Never trust government agents. Whatever they might say. The only you can trust is yourself and people you have vetted. The police are not among them.
In the end the government pays them and they will obey whatever it orders.
Holy shit nigger you are a stupid motherfucker.
> prices would go up
In response to the false-flag oil crisis (or whatever it was) of the '70s, speed limits were introduced or are you too young to remember those days? to reduce our need for foreign (believed to be non-existent) oil.
LOW AND BEHOLD! we used less gasoline. Like, way less.
We have history to examine, not just your ancap fantasies.
if I hadn't pointed out the pun, I'd've had just as many "downvote" comments pointing out my stupid pun. The pun was stupid, but I make puns to make a point. Get over yourself.
not saging because apparently you all want to discuss this.
That's true of everyone, actually. But we can play follow-the-order because there's a paper trail.
Those voices in your head are a little harder for us to track.
That's because they are Germans.
Yes of course I know why the 55 law was passed you doublenigger. That doesn't change my argument a bit however, because the aforementioned market forces would still come into play whether or not that legislation was passed. Where's your evidence that the speed limit specifically caused us to use less oil, and not market factors? Because, to reiterate,
Consumer automobiles are a tiny percentage of total oil use.
If oil use dropped significantly, it absolutely cannot have been the result of restricting cars.
Also their cops use porches, because how else would you catch up with idiots breaking the law?
and come down on you, they will. Going too slow? GET OFF THE ROAD!! there are minimum speed limits. Get involved with an accident? TOO BAD!!! you're responsible for you, learn to drive better.
Would this actually work in the states? Everybody here looks for someone else to blame instead of taking responsibility for themselves. Speaking of which,
Everyone drives a car. Forcing everyone to take a long, hard look at their car, makes them look at the rest of their life too. Americans are pretty into cars, after all. I'm aware there's a lot of other places oil goes to. But there are a lot of cars on the road right now.
55mph speed limits might be virtue signalling … or it might just be the legal 'out' concerned citizens need to live their entire lives differently.
The native americans had a saying about this … one of the tribes, anyway. We don't inherit the world from our parents, like all the millennials talk about when they supposedly explain why they're pro-2A. We borrow it from our grand-children.
But I wouldn't expect you to consider the future, or your children … you're too busy preening in the mirror.
Blankity, blankety.
So, a guy was hired to paint a rich man's porch. The one in back, specifically.
He finished, found the owner, and told him the job was completed. Collecting his payment, he pointed out "And, it's not a porshe. It was a ferrari."
I hate spelling errors.
… Says the fag too busy signaling how much of a better and more progressive citizen he is for enacting invasive legislation because muh feels, muh chillun, too bother learning basic economics. The problem of scarce resources (insomuch as it is even a problem, change in tech has consistently outpaced consumption and shows no signs of stopping) has always solved itself through rising prices, without central-planner morons like you intervening on their behalf. Your preaching doom and gloom like a leftist politician trying to scare voters into voting for him doesn't change those facts.
Was your point being a spineless fenceshitter?