Shak-12. Russian Bolter

Video of shooting.

Other urls found in this thread:–07)#cite_note-4


What the fuck kind of drugs do they have in Russia that you need this? I thought it was to disable non/lightly armored vehicles quickly.

forgot pic

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Probably methamphetamine derivatives

Dude, it's Russia. The Engineer was born with blood that was 75% alcohol and then started drinking. Having said that, while it's not peak Zig Forums weapon design, a 12.7mm automatic rifle to shoot drugged up criminals is pretty cool. How long before the Russians manufacture a variant chambered in 30mm?

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Opioids from Afghanistan mostly. Apparently, if you take enough drugs you stop having the basic human decency of becoming incapacitated in any reasonable time by normal intermediate rifle bullets to center mass. So, getting your rib-cage torn open by a 12.7mm seems like a decent solution to that, since suicide-belts and other such silly things might be involved.

Something similar to meth or PCP probably, cops in the US sometimes have trouble taking down motherfuckers that are strung out on that shit.
Anecdote incoming (can't seem to find the link to the story), a couple of years back a dude in my area was giving 5 cops a struggle and they started hitting his legs with their batons as hard as they could until his legs gave out (he was still struggling afterwards but they managed to get him in a cruiser).
Turns out they shattered his fucking femurs and he felt absolutely nothing until he came down.

w-why? They could just use ASVAL/VSS rifles that use the already overkill 9x39mm. Why would you make a fucking SMG firing a fucking anti-aircraft sized bullet?

They should probably add a brass deflector right behind the ejection port. You can see where the brass fucks up the finish of the receiver.

I know, but all they have to do is take out the gas system and make the stock wood and it'll fly by our lazy customs and cuntish laws.

When doing silenced weapons, you are stuck having a speed under ~300m/s, since that speed is assured that the bullet won't make a supersonic crack. And since you're stuck with a set max speed, the only way to increase bullet momentum and energy is by increasing mass. The 12.5x55mm has similar energy to a 30.06, which (along with the AP projectile) makes it capable of busting through Interceptor body armor..

This is considered their low penetration round Texan. It also comes in Revolver form.

They also make a 23x75mmR shotgun for "prison guards".

Thats some overkill shit.
Do Russians believe that Jurassic Park is real and the dinos can invade or that Terminator like scenario might happen ?
Now i wonder what prevents a bullpup .50AE from existing

Hope there's videos of it in action.

Oh baby.

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You don't know what's hiding out in Siberia man, you just don't know. They told you that Chernobyl was an accident, they lied. I'm not sure this 12.5mm raifu will be big enough.

To be fair, there are good, non-meme reasons for that. In the event that the gun falls into the prisoner's hands, you want to ensure that it cannot be used against you, and what better way than to chamber it in some oddball proprietary cartridge of which you alone control the manufacturing and distribution? Same logic as the Greener-Martini police shotguns.
And if you're Russia, and you just so happen to have a bunch of quality control reject 23mm antiaircraft barrels lying around, why not put them to good use with a low pressure shotgun shell?


Just because some scientists died a mysterious and brutal death in Siberia near some cursed mountains, with people saying they saw light in the night of the event. Or those

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Rule of thumb for shot is about an inch of spread for every yard travelled on an open choke. So depending on the density of the pellets it's effective at longer ranges than you might think.

I mean Russia makes a suit of armor that'll stop x54r AP multiple times for door kickers. Never know when you're gonna run into a Maxim.

Oooh I think I'm having a heart attack.


So what does this stupid thing do differently/better than a .50 Beowulf AR? Or are we just jizzing our pants over it because the slavophiles need some new meme machine to help dream of their Russia and China spread communism everywhere rape fantasy with?

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Low case capacity and limited loadings
Greater case capacity and a plethora of loadings some of which will fuck armor and turn cover into concealment. Probably get close to some .45-70 loads if it ever commercialized.

You're forgetting the reports from almost every village in Siberia that go back to the beginning of written records in the region. Granted, looking at any individual village they're infrequent enough to be written off as nothing - but when you overlay the results from all of Siberia on the map (preferably one showing known Copper deposits) you start to see a new pattern emerge.

Why do you think the Russians have always conducted their nuclear tests on Novaya Zemlya rather than somewhere more remote and manageable in Sibera? The Kremlin knew what radiation would do to them. The Kremlin know how much worse that would make things. I don't think Russia will be able to contain them for much longer.

Don't be spooking the huehue about Slavic things beyond comprehension. They've migrated into my woods and I am not a very happy strelok. Not the huehues, spoops.

How do you mean spooks? I'd rather a 12 feet cannabalistic monstrosity than a nigger myself.

Come on now, BRs usually aren't that tall.

Like I said, the Russians have been doing heroes work keeping them contained to a few mountain ranges and cave systems in Siberia for centuries now - but it's not going to last forever. They're starting to make their way out through the cordon with worrying regularity, it will happen slowly at first. You'll notice a slight upswing in the number of missing person cases in your local news. After that agriculture specifically and plant life in general will get harder and less reliable/productive. You'll still be able to write it off as 'unconnected weird shit' when the first ravaged bodies show up, you get wild animals and/or psychos almost everywhere after all. It won't stop though.

I'm pretty sure that there's one or a small group settling in the moors a few miles north of my house. The signs are there, no confirmed sightings of course, but I wasn't expecting those. I'm trying to gather photos or some kind of confirmed spoor at the moment. The problem is that the Russians have buried their research under so many levels of classification that it's never coming out to you and me. I can understand not wanting to create a global panic, but at this point I have no way to know if I'm just duplicating their work. My family have instructions to publish my diary and research logs if I disappear - assuming nobody (or nothing) prevents them from fulfilling that promise.

I got both, I got the tree variety of negro though they've learned to stay on their side of the river.

I'll give you a hint at what they don't like, buzzing sounds broadcasted at 4k+ kHz on shortwave. Sadly I don't have a station or the power source for something like that. You'd be amazed at how crafty slavs get when spooks come round. Nothing like turning abandoned radio and other various towers into oddball repeaters. Besides that its only four people within 100-150 miles of me, three of which are me and my slavic lackeys. Me thinks I'll be fine.

You want spooky, found a woman dead in the snow absolutely untouched aside from a 2 1/2" incision above the naval. Turns out she'd been reported missing for almost ten years yet was preserved as if she'd died the day previously.

Now that is curious. Particularly combined with the apparent connection to highly conductive metal ores. I bet fucking Vlad knows what's happening there If the fucking Russians could just release their fucking files!. Does it repel them? Or is there any sign of the broadcast having a more active effect on them? You … you haven't had a sighting, have you? The female corpse you mentioned doesn't fit the wound pattern or the time frame, probably not related, but if you know any more about her dump it here, you never know what might be linked.

Whatever it was it did not take kindly to WW2 surplus 8x57, in regards to Ivan and Ivan they keep their secrets well, I ain't getting shit out of them. I couldn't say anything about the dead lady other than the injun folk have a belief that star people come about once in a blue moon and you shouldn't be wandering outside your home i.e they come and take you away. Odd shit gets dumped into my neck of the woods, I mean I've found towers made of corrugated steel in places no man could have carried all that shit and other junk that makes fucking no sense. Even the neighbor says things are odd and time sometimes passes slow, hell there was a time where my road that leads to the main road decided to turn to forest for three days. The woods were real active then, lots of noise.

That you managed to teach any sort of negro whether through force or other means tells me you are a man of great patience, maybe you can even teach the wendigo to keep to their own places

Sounds like you're in the fun part of Canada there. There does seem to be a correlation between their presence and 'weird shit' but that's fairly standard for cryptids. I think a lot of the reported oddness can be attributed to the human sensing something 'off' due to the presence of the creature/s in question and the brain trying to interpret the odd stimulation in any way it can. I know I've had similar experiences in some parts of the moor, nothing that can be replicated of course, but I've found a few time slips (it's midday *blink* wait, it's 3pm?) and places that any man will want to run from no matter what. The corpse sounds unrelated, can't think of any organs the killer would want to extract from the area under that wound though.

Which is exactly why I said they could just use the 9x39mm round which is massive, especially with SPP or BP armor-piercing rounds which will penetrate pretty much any body armor in existence and still have enough momentum to leave a gold-sized hole in the poor fucker who gets hit.
12.7x55mm is turbo-overkill.

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"effective" might mean "not hitting the guy standing next to the bad guy".

12.5mm is more massiver than 9mm

Let's hope that they will make a 14.5mm version.

Nah on some expo and flyers they had that 12.7 gun run on a belt (w/ backpack ammo).
That's what it need.

I'd like to see the addict who could take that to the chest and keep coming

"A little lower and a lot softer."

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If you're asking us to design a weapon to take down a high Charlie Sheen then we're going to need a bigger budget.

Slav here. Key points:

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It's not needlessly confined to an AR15 magwell because of 'muh stanag' retards and thus has decent case capacity and mag design.

I would say this is another 'never ever', but hell we're actually getting 9x39 now so who knows.

Russia misplaces countless rounds of ammunition and even tanks and men in Siberia each year. Something definitely is going on there. Probably a great war against the skinwalkers

.50 Beowulf uses cucked civilian ammo that can't into armor penetration. Useless for real military fighting real enemies.

It could be modified though, it's not impossible.

Take an AR-15, short barrel it as much as possible, stick a suppressor on it. Fix the .50 Beowulf into a military cartridge, and you've got a western version of this.

It's not bullpup and the cartridge still won't be that great, but it could work.

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Look up how many secret bases there are in Nizhny Tagil, and weird things happen there all the time.

Holy shit that explains a lot

Russian XCOM is real.

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You guys joke around but if you go straight south of Dyatlov Pass and look up the two mountain right after the end of the chain that make the border of the Sverdlosk and Perm oblasts, west of Serov next to a fucking eerie place called Kytlym, there is an actual unmarked military base and you can see classic reinforced concrete tunnels of a underground bunker and airshafts all around the mountain.

A boring man would say that those are just gubmint shelters in case of nuclear war. I would say that we need another fun spook stories thread right the fuck now

Anyone have the caps from when an EastEuro military strelok was talking about odd shit he witnessed around an old soviet lab?

Or maybe they sell that shit to arabs off the books.

I think I found it, is this what you meant?

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Sauce pls.
If only so I may know that 9x39 will not forever be a slavaboo's fantasy of owning.

Many talk about the unknown horrible creatures of Russia without knowing that the most terrifying creatures in there are russians themselves
An AK pattern, even an overpriced Arsenal would make my dick diamonds.

Oh I know exactly why I have this boner.
But also despair for your wallets.

How dare they!? Don't they know that's your job?

No they're not, it's old, it largely look abandoned most air-shafts looks flooded or damaged and the entrance is fenced and old.
The base itself is weird, it has clear a ammo/fuel storage facility but it doesn't seem to have a sizable motor pool despite being quite big (and while it does have ammo storage on par to an infantry brigade it has a relatively small fuel dump), it's in the middle of nowhere (there is a road going there but it literally ends at the base. Yes you have a 50 miles of asphalt road in the middle of Siberia, that only goes there) so it's not a depot or any active military unit (first railway is just too far), an it has no big antennas or radomes, so it's not some C hub, no obvious helipad, it has separated air shelters but no telltale signs of prepared air defense positions and a lot of buildings, there is a logistic pool, there is an infantry training course and just a lot of barracks and normal looking buildings. Meanwhile in the village there is a bunch of brand new civilian building (in the middle of a ghost town… a ghost town with an abandoned mobile CP…), with 3 helipads.
The reasonable explanation is it's either some kind of school/training center for doing spooky things, or a more likely a military research center (which explain the village, rebuilt to host a lot of scientists with ranks of officers and possibly quite a lot of minds on a VIPs list, hence the helipads near to move them to a more secure location if SHTF).
The mountain bunker being some Stalin maybe WWII era, command node or a storage bunker that was prepared in a old mine, but ultimately never used (there was a number of them), the terrain around it being military land, they kept a small base there and today use the remote location for something.

Attached: abandonned mobile command post.jpg (1024x768 1.22 MB, 77.29K)


Didn't the spoo/k/ hunter uncle say something along the lines of "anything below 30-06 is worthless against them"? 12,7x55mm would be appropriate in that case.

You also need a weapon that has seen combat, or saved your life, so they send all of this fancy new equipment to Syria to dunk on some sandniggers while charging the guns with spook killing energy.

That seems to be bit high. Probably just some statistical fuckery or outright made up statistics or story.–07)#cite_note-4

Oh that estonian user?

I guess this is the base?
59.5355820, 59.1240319

I think that concrete road and concrete pad, coupled with some shacks or buildings directly to south from that base is even more odd, that place being literally bumfuck middle of nowhere. Probably just infrastructure related to logging. Or ad-hoc firing range. They have a monkey course but no proper firing range for what otherwise seems to be a base designed for a few thousand men.

But then again, if it was a research center, they probably wouldn't have need for a normal or big firing range. Or they could be doing their shooting inside the rock.

That is what the boring men say

Its not like finding some rare as fuck surplus fun at a flea market its kinda like bathing in a bath of Tabasco sauce with the broken bottle shoved up your ass fun. Like I said people go missing and just turn up years later, god only knows what happens in the real deep nastier parts of the woods. I've only once went into the areas in the injuns won't go and the best way I can describe it is it felt like being watched from all angles.

Sometimes you just get tired of dealing with shit so you teach people what its like to live without modern amenities in the dead of winter.

Yeah that's the place. But the report is completely wrong because the thing is not from the 90's, the base maybe mainly because all the air-shafts are so old they've been damage by snow/water and rust and the repetition of snowing, melting cycle + wind took all the covers off and they didn't bother to fix them (while the base is well maintained and the village brand new).

Attached: flooded airshaft.PNG (1159x578 1.22 MB, 1.27M)

Nice double dubs. I meant fun as in comparison to the cities. From what I've seen of those they've got places that make the worst parts of the UK look bearable.

Not being able to import them is kind of moot if there's going to be domestic production of similar rifles and parts for already extant domestic firearms designed for the round being made available.

That mountain did have a platinum mine in the past, so that might be why there are air shafts older than the reported age of the base.

I've got too many irons in the fire as it is, stop giving me ideas.

KNS Precision makey an adjustable gas piston, not block though. Runs reaaaally nice on my rifle.

You'll wanna use a Yugo SKS, you can turn its gas off if you want to use a can and only hear the hammer fall. They're easy enough to modify to use AK mags considering the Yugo's did before everything went to shit in the 90's.
t.gunsmith guy

Aren't Yugo SKSs supposed to be prime candidates for rebarreling anyway, due to the lack of chrome lining?
Still, I'd feel worse chopping up a Yugo than I would some chinkshit – maybe if I can find one that's already shot out.

It's an SKS, semi auto. Semi autos don't need chrome barreling as they don't shoot 100 rounds between cleanings, as long as you train your troops to clean the rifle after use you can keep ahead of any corrosion.
In fact most modern primers aren't even corrosive, like hornady x39, so you can put hundreds of rounds through it between cleanings and still not damage the barrel too much.

Before full autos, chrome barrels were just a means to compensate for shit training, like the heavy glock triggers.

Beat to shit guns yes. With commercial ammo it isn't a problem. The reason I recommended a Yugo gun is you've got a gas cut off making the gun a straight pull and with a can the gun is silent as fuck.

I'd like to say you're full of shit on the chrome lining. The japs learned that jungles and humid areas in general will fuck a bore of a rifle up no matter how much you maintain it. Its why Type 99's are all chromelined and many Type 38's look shot to shit. Even the US found out the hard way with Garands in the pacific. No amount of cleaning kept them in good shape.

Chroming makes insides harder, thus resistant to wear and tear of multiple firings. It also makes inside of the barrel more resistant to rust yes, it is basically stainless steel in there.
Now corrosive primer speeds up the rust, because "corrosive primer" is actually just salt. When you mix salt with water, rust comes faster. So obviously rust would be an issue near the sea, regardless of if you even fire a rifle with corrosive primers, because of all the salt water around.

However if you don't live next to the sea, if you don't use corrosive primers, and if your rifle isn't a full auto, then chromed barrels aren't much use.

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That is an incredibly poor understand of the situation.

Is the Frenchanon right, and would using better steel (with more chrome I guess) result in a superthough barrel that is also resistant of rusting from salts?

Yes because by definition better steel is better. The problem is that there is no better steel that is cost effective at the moment. And even if there were chrome lining is a better solution because of its much higher melting point than any steel. It's only problem is with precision rifling. Platinum lined bores would be the absolute best if cost were not a factor

Do you mean that from an economic standpoint you couldn't sell the barrels for a high enough price to make even a single dime, or would it be just a bit pricey? Do we have any idea how much more would they cost? Or is it as he said, and barrel makers just couldn't sell enough barrels if they don't wear out fast enough?

Lining the bore is the better solution because you can use a softer steel that is machinable there is no internal stress caused by hardening and tempering and the hardness inertness and heat resistance of the metals you line the bore with far exceed anything steel can ever approach. So you get the best of both worlds. A barrel that is cost effective to produce is not insanely brittle the bore won't react with fouling and resists throat erosion better than steel could mean in the long run it will keep it's accuracy

I'm still thinking about going through the inferior road, and now some silly thoughts entered my mind. One is to try and make a chrome-lined aluminium barrel, but even I think that's retarded. The other one is to use electrochemical machining and minimize traditional machining. Let the barrel have the same diameter as a common high tolerance bar stock, and fix it to the trunion with just a pin (the same way as in AKs). Now put some fancy muzzle device on the other end that also keeps the gas block in place (just like on the Beretta AR70). This way you just need to put the bar stock into a CNC lathe, drill two holes into it (one for the pin and one for the gas to escape), and put a thread on the end (for the muzzle device), and make a few cuts (to keep the gas block properly aligned). Then cut it down from the rest of the bar stock and use a vertical electrochemical lathe to drill through it. With the later you can also cut the rifling in just one step. Of course it all hinges on the idea that using better steel along with electrochemical machining is not slower or more expensive than drilling the barrel and cuting the rifling the traditional manner, and then chroming the barrel in a separate step.

Attached: bar_stock.jpg (650x650, 69.17K)

Why not just nitride-treat the barrel? It's cheaper, less prone to error, more corrosion resistant, and can be applied to stainless barrels as well as CMV. The only downside is slightly worse heat dissipation over chrome, but not enough to matter even in a select-fire rifle; it's only at LMG levels of sustained automatic fire that you'd run into issues.

I maybe wrong my understanding of nitridings not that great but although the barrel it's self is more corrosion resistant because unlike chrome nitriding affects the whole barrel not just the bore. The bore it's self is not as corrosion resistant. And heat isn't just a problem when the barrel gets too hot. The hot gases erode a bit of the barrel with each shot and chrome resits this better as well which means you can use a hotter powder and get more velocity. Chrome is harder as well but yea nitriding may be a easier solution it's definitely easier to do well but technically I believe chrome is superior especially if you have crazy money and are willing to pay someone to hand Lapp your barrel

Its like you've never been in a humid/moist climate. The sea is one thing, the jungle/rainforest is another thing that will destroy whatever you have.

mfw I dump tins of ammo on the weekend
mfw I don't clean my shit

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I've actually owned Chink (chromed) and Yugo (unchromed) SKS for the longest time, I'm not pulling this out of my ass. It's true that in certain conditions the pure steel barrel wears quicker…. but "quicker" still means like 20 years of use without erosion compared to the others 25-30 years of use without erosion. This in my opinion isn't a huge enough improvement.

The only time a barrel might last less than the duration of the use (war), is if you're shooting automatic, or in a really bad environment.


Because people never see the big picture, they focus on the wrong bits of information they get from fragmentary sources, and fight to exclude anything new.

Nitride barrels outperform chrome lined barrels without a problem, and they can be made more accurate.

Or you use steel core steel jacket ammo.

I'm just imagining you as some extremely large canadian with a massive beard, surplus ammo and guns out the ass and several years worth of food and red diesel for your 7 kilowatt generator who shitposts using a giant satellite dish in the middle of the canadian zone containment area.

No, nitride is better in pure corrosion resistance by a significant margin in testing. Tests with a corrosive substance placed on equivalent steels, one nitrited and one chrome-lined, show the nitrited steel gets eaten away much slower than the chrome.

Yes, but the level of erosion is dependent on the hardness of the barrel, not heat dissipation. And at 80 Rc nitrided steel is just a bit harder than chrome. At extremely high rates of fire chrome starts to edge ahead because it's better at those high temperatures, but in service rifle use the two are more or less at parity.


