.950 JDJ
.22 Eargesplitten Loudenboomer
Anyone wanna pitch in?
.950 JDJ
.22 Eargesplitten Loudenboomer
Anyone wanna pitch in?
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120mm HE
I don't know where you are from, but over here we feed cartridges into miniguns, not tee other way around.
While we are at it, why not 800mm GUSTAF firing at 300 rpm? You could have recoil compensators connected to generators, which provide power for the feeding mechanism, so you only need to provide power for loading the first shot and the the rest would take care of itself.
So like the Green Mace but bigger?
Kraut magic can probably achieve this unironically.
.22LR :3
Done nearly a decade ago.
Nice dubs. If we're building a Rotary Barrel GUSTAF though surely we can aim higher than 300 rpm? When you fire that thing off why shouldn't it drive itself 100m into the earth? Is there any particular reason that anyone within a kilometre should have intact eardrums? I think the liner on the GUSTAF was only good for about 200 rounds though. So we'd need to use at least 10 or so barrels to get a reasonable length burst once we've raised the rate of fire up into the thousands of rounds per minute.
Just go to basics and chamber it in 12 gauge. Then have your ammo belt be mixtures of slugs, buck/birdshot, beanbag, incendiary, AP rounds, rubber shot, blanks, flares, pepperspray, flechettes, bolo and seasoning rounds.
The gun in that video is shooting either plastic airsoft pellets or BBs.
.375 H&H. Why? Because fuck you, that's why.
200 rounds of 800mm shells fired and impacting within 20 seconds will be enough to destroy any military or civillian target you want to eradicate. If you really want to go all out you can add GPS to the shells, as well as steering fins for final approach.
Also: a single gustaf shell weight 7.1 tons. The total payload of a minuteman missile is less than 1.5 tons.
You could launch multiple reentry vehicles, each with multiple thermo nuclear warheads in a single shell, and then fire 200 rounds within 20 seconds.
40mm CTA.
I've been thinking about that, and making rotating chambers for the gun would be quite easy. The problem is that they can't be connected to the barrels, because they are push-through type chambers. So you'd have to have the barrels and chambers rotate independently, and synchronize them so that the pushed out cartridges don't hit the barrels. I think the best solution would be reducing the number of barrels and chambers to 3, and rotating the chambers and barrels the opposite direction.
The AP shells were 7100kg in total, if we used modern production (and propellant) to build 80cm shells then that could mean a payload of at least a few tons of incendiary or WP. A ten barrel rotary array firing these things at a total rate of 2000 rpm would give you a 1 minute burst before you needed to cease-fire and reline the barrels. A few thousand tons of WP distributed over a few dozen square kilometres would be enough to wipe out cities, or even smallish islands, without the long term medical and environmental risks of using nuclear warheads, with potentially limited damage to the infrastructure and buildings in the target area (you'd probably want to get a few engineers to check over things before you used them again though). I imagine the political fallout would be at least as bad as it would be if you used nukes though. I imagine the traditional excuse for firing WP at people ("Just a badly aimed smokescreen, we're sorry") would ring a little hollow here. It's going to be outrageously expensive, but for wiping out all potential resistance in a target area I imagine that the cost would be manageable compared to comparable solutions (a few years of occupation and counterinsurgency work for i.e)
Now I know what you're thinking, and it is an obvious question, but how are we going to get this thing into orbit and counteract the unwanted acceleration that much recoil would cause?
I'm sorry, but did your plan not include engraving our world's history all along the device and having it's salvo propel it to the farthest stars to impress upon alien civilizations just how hard they shouldn't fuck with us?
Put the gun on the end of a moment arm, fire in short bursts. When the moment arm comes around 180 degrees an identical cannon, mounted on the other end pointing in the opposite direction, fires a burst precisely twice as long as the first one, which cancels the first recoil impulse but adds just enough to get the contraption rotating again. When it rotates 180 degrees in the other direction the cycle repeats.
Damn, remind me to rewrite my first contact plans.
Eh, rushposting is nothing new.
You could have at least used those trips of trips to atone for your sins and post the video you meant to originally.
OK, just for you, to help with your butthurt.
Much better, bongfriend.
This was clearly made by some butt mad Anglo protestant island creature.
it's a shitpost. don't get too assblasted, mohammad.
Criticizing corruption and repression in the catholic church != heresy
Creating a new religion just so you can fuck another woman = heresy
Keep your "church" of England to you island, Oliver.
True, however
Luther didn't write the ninety-five thesis to start a revolution, or bring about the thirty years' war. He wanted to reform the church by "protesting" against unjust practices and the monopoly on interpretation.
The only reason that you can read the bible today is Martin Luther and his "heresy" of translating a holy text into a language anyone could understand. He brought Christ closer to the people, by allowing them to read his word for themselves.
He also ended a literal money-grabbing scheme that goes against anything god ever taught in the entire new testament. Gold can't dissolve sin, only acceptance of guilt and honest regret can.
I understand why people are pissed off about Luther though. He should have simply translated the bible and left it at that. Everything he did afterwards only served to separate the flock. But hindsight is always 20/20, so I don't blame him.
Not even the island, up here in Scotland we have superior Presbyterianism.
and the drunk driver didn't want to run over the three pedestrians.
Speak for yourself, some of us studied Latin.
Because the divisions he caused are still visible in modern Europe? Or because he is responsible for the lack of a solid, unified, Catholic response that would have crushed the Ottomans
A drunk driver knows that it's dangerous to drink and drive. Luther couldn't know what was about to happen. Nobody could have known at the time.
Everyone can use google translate. I doubt you would be able to translate any book in the Nova Vulgata into English in any reasonable time, and certainly not nearly as fast as someone reading it in English.
Yes. People are pissed at him for just that. But he is not responsible for any of it.
He didn't tell the princes of Germany to start pointless power struggles or ignore the Ottomans.
Is a child responsible for burning his hand if he doesn't know that fire is hot yet? Nobody at the time could have known what this would lead to. The people responsible for pointless killings were:
a) those who did the killing (Ottomans and Raubritter)
b) those who used it for their own gain and refused to help (egoistic princes)
Also: This is now a thirty years' war thread.
Post Knights in blood stained armour!
If your church is following the word of god, it does not have to reform.
If your church is not following the word of god, it does not need to exist.
Germany you better fucking make this and sell at least 5 of them to me, including 10 million rounds of HE ammunition
Says the latinniggers who were responsible for spazzing out and burning, raping, and pillaging the Byzantine Empire into a coma letting the roaches become an issue in the first place. You fags love to whine about how the reformation ruined Europe and destroyed thousands of lives while conveniently leaving out that most of this shit wouldn't have escalated in a catastrophic shitstorm if you niggers didn't have an autistic spazzout every time somebody didn't feel like slobbering on the Pope's fucking cockhat.
literally anything since it's electrically powered rather than anything to do with the bullet itself and it's a very scalable design
Has anyone tried 12ga yet?
What a terrible waste of trips.
I am sorry for making you do this, strelok.
What a terrible waste of dubs
Except, even if guided by God, any chance will still be a human made institution ruled by human interpretation of the truth they have received from the old man upstairs. If you can discover failures or misinterpretations in your previous doctrine then it should be very carefully studied, debated, and slowly reformed. Reform is correcting human error, not changing what came from God. Lrn2theology bro.
Quiet down heretic. That unpleasantness during the 4th Crusade was a result of the Byzantine Emperor being a complete fucking retard, nothing else.
Says the guy who wasted dubs trying to cover up how he and his fellow churchgoers follow the almighty word of 'some random German dude who got butthurt a few centuries back'.
Says the guy who wasted dubs trying to cover up how he and his fellow churchgoers follow the almighty word of 'some rich Roman dude who bribed some other rich dudes a few centuries back'.
Also: Just because you are protestant doesn't mean you have to agree with Luther. All it means is that you disagree with some of the shit the catholic church pulled/pulls off.
I suppose that you guys could be worse. At the very least you're not Muzzies, or ((( …
God himself was made flesh, I don't see why you're besmirching that, even though you are a heathen. There is no such thing as "reform", that is a word of Satan.
I've got your "one true faith" right here.
Explain bongcuck.
WTF is Christian Zionist? It doesn't even make sense when I try to read about it.
*Two thumbs up like that picture of borat with two thumbs up, smiling at camera and wearing sunglasses*
Jew golems are made of clay, and jew magicks are powered by blood of innocent white children, and also (((mathematics)))
Basically americans under influence of jewish churches for burgers.
During WWII Jews noticed that most American religious associations sided with Nazis, even though America went to war against them for political reasons.
So after WWII Jews sank ridiculous sums of money (grafted from americans) into brainwashing American preachers into believing Jews were the chosen people, and all Christians should serve them.
This actually worked, and is 100% exact definition of evangelism. It's a slave religion, designed to turn Christians into loyal slaves.
I'm an atheist so eehh
Do yourself a favor and keep quiet about that shit. Strictly speaking I'm a nonbeliever myself also, but atheism is cultural fucking cancer; "destroying" spirituality only paves the way for progressive, (((civic))) state institutions to move into its place. If you want proof just look at the vast majority of "new atheists" running around today. They're not actually unbelievers or any less superstitious than normal men, they've just switched from revering God to worshipping feminism and the state. So even if you've got your reasons not to praise le dead kike on a stick, in the name of your family (both present and future), your people, and your culture, pick up a religion all the same and become nominally a member of it. Ideally something that makes sense for you, like the church to which your parents belong, but as long as it isn't Odin-tier LARPing you should be fine.
Nominally II'm a daoist faggot You?
Orthodox, my family is blyat and it's less cucked than Catholicism so it seems a logical choice.
Ahh I see. You're not wrong. Many people in my family are the type that worship the one and only stalin/mao/marx.
I would ratherworship Sun Tzi than with todays idiots who worship muh social equality and muh communisim
tfw don't get any of this christian shit
tfw forced to convert to shinto
That whole everything has a spirit digs with me well.
>thread starts about minigun ammunition
>derails into shitposting about Minigun full auto Gustaf
>derails further into discussion on faith and religion
Never change.
Who the fuck forced you to convert to shinto though?
Shouldn't you get back to huffing fuel? :^)
if all the powder even ignited, wouldn't it just evaporate the projectile?
Fair enough. Dualism has some interesting aspects to it.
Are you getting invaded by Japs as well as chinks now?
Depends on how fast the powder burns, how quickly pressure builds up, etc.
How about one chambered in .000 meme?
nice thread dude
That's been banned in the UK. Here's a challenge for you Zig Forums, what's the closest you can design to a UK legal minigun?
Are manual machine guns (gatlings, nordenfelts, et al) considered haram in britbongistan?
Multi-barrel quran launcher?
I'm not actually sure what the legal status of manual action sustained fire weapons is under Bong law. I know that the MARS action rifles are technically legal (but the police hate them and almost nobody owns them), but to the best of my knowledge nobody has brought a test case. Single-shot, bolt-action, Martini-action, lever-action and revolver rifles/carbines are permitted (with certification) in any calibre. How big of an upper body would you need to get a 30mm ADEN cannon firing at ~1200 rpm with a hand crank? That could, arguably, *just* about be defined as a fuckhueg revolving rifle with a weird trigger.
couldn't you just use alot of pulleys?
It already weighs 82kg, adding more is going to make an already huge thing even huger. Unless we were going to mount it on a technical that would probably be a bad idea. Although, if it's on a vehicle I wonder if it would be legal to attach the crank to the driveshaft and fire it that way.
15.5x106 mm
The subcaliber bullet fired from FN BRG-15 15.5mm round, with a muzzle energy of 40,000 J (more than double that of the M2HB at ~18,000 J of bullet energy at muzzle).
IWS 2000 is wery formidable weapon. It fires 20 gramm (308 grains) tungsten dart (fleschette) with muzzle velocity of 1450 meters per second (4750 fps). At 1000 meters this projectile will penetrate a 40 mm of RHA (rollded homogenous steel armour) and will result in serious secondary fragmentation effect behind the armour.
If all the data are accurate, then the IWS 2000 should have a kinetic energy of 21025 J, so less than half than the BRG-15, while it seems to be better at penetrating armour.
It's quite worrying that both the second link and the second image jewgle brought up was this chink gacha shit.
I've never seen a rapper I've enjoyed this much since Pink Guy, where can I get more of him?
It's called "Summer Gun Jam"
He also did the "kill all the gays and the faggots" song which you can't find the full version of on youtube anymore, I think I have it saved somewhere, I'll see if I can find it tomorrow.
nvm, found it.
It's called "THEM (Kill All The Grays)"
He also did this I believe.
6.5 CM.
All 5.6 and 7.62 guns should be converted to it.
holy shit user, thank you! THEM is such Zig Forums-bait, but damn if this dude isn't entertaining at least.
How about a gun, that fires another gun, that fires another gun?
A rocket that before impact fires shells, that fires rounds, that fires pellets?
It's from his album "The Die 2013 EP"
The wife did, she freaked when she saw my Orthodox cross. Its a sore point between me and my Ivans.
I wouldn't bring my family to this dangerous shithole even if you could pay me with every ounce of gold in the crust of this planet.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Jewgle searches are based on past jewgle searches from your IP address. You should stop being a weeaboo and looking at anime, just in case you get vanned.